i-eight-sigma-pi · 1 year
did i cry at that song because it really was that good or did i hear it
a) at 2 am
b) using the good earbuds
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
I think the next Metroid game to be positioned chronologically after Dread should reverse the trend of making Samus smaller and more delicate-looking with every successive instalment and put her right back where she was circa Super Metroid (i.e., six-foot-whatever and two hundred pounds). I think this discrepancy should be diegetically acknowledged exactly once, entirely in passing, as part of a long, technobabble-laden sentence containing the phrase "metroid DNA", then never come up again.
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
ok but really i think i forgot JUST how good prime 1 was cause i hadn’t played it in eons.
incredibly well designed with a map that feels big and real but is quick to navigate, beeeeyooootiful graphikz n music, and it makes fps stuff simple for sillies like me who havent played any.
(I just wish there was like a checklist or an indicator of what rooms had items and whether youve gotten em or not (and NO this ISN’T just because i’m salty that i got everything but one missle 😤😤😤) also missable logbook stuff is wack)
buts its like awesome n stuff. go buy it on nintendo switch. if udont wanna pay money go emulate trilogy. please just find any way to play it ohemgee
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
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ok great job guys. now do 2
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
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I love Waddle Dees! I just wish they were a bit crunchier.
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Name: Sectra Dee
Debut: Kirby: Triple Deluxe
Sectra Dee is exactly like a Waddle Dee… but it’s a bug! Isn’t that grand? Yes! It is! And you agree. For a little while, I was disappointed these were not called Waddle Bees, but I’m over it now! Sectra Dee is, thematically, a good name, especially since it facilitates the naming of variants, as well! And there are so many variants!
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The most straightforward is Parasol Sectra Dee! Parasol Sectra Dee is exactly like a Parasol Waddle Dee… but it’s a bug! Isn’t that grand? Yes! It is! And you agree. Parasol is one of my favorite abilities for how whimsical it is, and it’s even more fun to see a bug using it! This insect can’t fly, but at least it can glide jovially.
But these variants are not all merely Sectra Dees with different props! They are so much more. Kirby is not in Dream Land anymore, no no. He is in Bug World! “Buzz buzz!” -the bugs
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Sectra Burt is the one Sectra variant blessed with the miracle of flight! Bronto Burt is already vaaaguely bug-like with its particular style of wings, but this one goes above the ambiguity and is oh so bug. It even has a pointy stylet on its face! I know it will slurp some liquids! I hope not yours or mine!
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Then there is Sectra Knight, a bug redesign of Lanzer, a spear knight enemy! This one is especially funny to me. It looks like it’s wearing a mask with a bug face on it! Is it a fraud? Is that a non-bug under there? Or is that its real face, and its cuticle is just shaped in such a way it looks like a mask? I will assume that it IS a mask, and it has the exact bug face underneath. I’m a silly one!
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Sectra Shooter is a bug who will shoot you! Imagine being stung by a bug, only to notice the bug is feet away from you, and just shooting you with arrows out of spite. I’m glad that doesn’t happen in real life, both because it would hurt, and because people would use it to hate bugs even more. But Sectra Shooter is a cool creature! Very cool compound eye shades, and I like how the top of its head kind of evokes a hat, with its antennae like feathers!
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Finally there is Sectra Gordo, who we have talked about before! The most different in style of all of these, and also one of the funniest. Just a levitating and indestructible beetle. Magical beetle!
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But this post is about Sectra Dee, and I got sidetracked! They have only appeared in Triple Deluxe and Blowout Blast, only having story significance in Triple Deluxe. But it’s kind of vague! All we really know is they inhabit Royal Road, the realm of Queen Sectonia, and probably serve her. But that’s all we get! I like to think they really are just like Waddle Dees, little guys just living their lives, not truly meaning any harm but maybe sometimes getting roped into bad crowds.
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At least, we get some Sectra Dee Content in one of the manga, where they are serving Taranza just like Waddle Dees serve Dedede! Cinematic parallels. Are those eyelashes on the one in the back? Awesome! a Girl Bug.
Keep reading
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog (sustained speed of 767 MPH) could have made the journey from the Shire to Mount Doom (1718.5 miles) in just over two hours. But also he famously loves rings, so he almost assuredly would have found the thrall of the Ring far too powerful to resist. Tails would have had to shoot him
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
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was on a big kingdom hearts kick for a second
want more kingdom hearts comics?
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
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first takes on the octopath 2 cast.. excited to get to know everyone hehe
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
this fucking paper is gonna kill me
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
octopath traveler omg omg wowee crazy
i just beat it for the first* time so let's discuss. *(i have done four playthrus of this game, 2 of which finished all stories and only this recent one beating the final boss.)
I deeply love this game.. here are my thoughts.
My favourite soundtrack of any video game ever. It's like 80 tracks and every one is one I enjoy listening to. i can't even list my favourites because it would be like... well all the character themes are great.. same with the battle/boss themes.. and most of the town themes are good too!!
boost/break system is genius and makes no battle feel like a slog or a mashfest because the optimal way to get through fights isn't to mash a, it's to be actually strategic and plan out turns. so much customization with the jobs and support skills, and there's a ton of ways to become really overpowered which is fun too.
all the protags are great and interesting!! even for the stories that I felt were weaker the characters are enjoyable to watch. even though there is barely any character interaction between the main 8 (which is THE biggest problem with the game, btw.. so much wasted potential.. :/), when it does happen in the travel/tavern banter it's always great.
it looks beautiful.. even in hindsight, after seeing the octopath 2 trailers and comparing them, n realizing that every cutscene is static camera movements.. the sprites are still detailed, locations varied... and goshdarn i love the bloom filter
yes the final boss is weirdly structured and the way you unlock it is very dumb. the fact that there is an 8-fight boss rush followed by a two phase final boss that is exponentially more difficult than anything else in the game that you have to fight using every party member and also you can't save is incredibly stupid. the fight itself is fine and stressful in a fun way, but also not a fun way because you know that if you lose you have to redo the stupid gauntlet again.
tip for playing this video game: if you want everyone to be evenly leveled by endgame: instead of everyones ch1, ch2, etc... have two completely separate teams. do 4 party members entire plots before getting the rest. this is how i did it on this playthrough and it helped spread exp and shook up the gameplay at the halfway point. makes the chapter structure of the game a little less formulaic too.
but...... theres just this indescribable charm and heart to it in the small details... being able to learn information about every npc, the character-specific transitions into the boss themes, the surprisingly detailed worldbuilding/lore, having a ton of battle voicelines where everyone says the name of their attack or says cheesy ice puns or whatever.. even though this game has many problems i can't hate it because i know there'll be something moments later that puts a big grin on my face.
so yeah. play this game or at least listen to the ost please. there is also a sequel releasing feb 24 that will probably fix most problems with this game. i'm typing this on my computer so i can't use heart emojis but pretend that there are a bunch right now. video games !!!!!
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
the most iconic polycule of all time…a, e, i, o, u, & sometimes y…
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i-eight-sigma-pi · 2 years
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