i-sneeze-books · 2 years
Hello There
Hey y'all! I'm surprised to see some followers after forgetting about this account.
Unfortunately, I didn't finish 10 Stephen King books by the end of the year. I got King-fatigue and also college burnout so I had to er on the side of happier books for awhile.
I did finish a couple of other books since that post, though, which I hope to post reviews about soon! Reading is something my ADHD brain is flipping off and on about, so I'm trying to keep a consistent schedule and not overwhelm myself too much.
Currently I'm reading The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. Unsurprisingly, I love it so much. I never watched the show, but bought the graphic novel a few years ago so I have some vague semblance of some story points. In the beginning, I thought I was going to DNF it, the writing was too flouncy for me. I'm not sure why I felt that way, but I thought about the themes and the necessity of the tone with which it was written and decided to be a little less critical. After that, I've really been enjoying it!
I've also been writing a bit more so maybe I'll post my happenings here more!
Ciao! Thank you for reading!
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i-sneeze-books · 2 years
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The Tech Sage | Character splash art for the game Vactics.
350x350 Canvas
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i-sneeze-books · 2 years
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3am study of roberto ferri
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i-sneeze-books · 2 years
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a tiny world captured.
twitter | ko-fi
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i-sneeze-books · 2 years
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緑: Hikari, Yamaguchi.
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i-sneeze-books · 2 years
2022 Books and Reading progress
Rose Madder by Stephen King- ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Misery by Stephen King- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Currently Reading:
Hunger Games (readathon) by Suzanne Collins
Note Worthy by Riley Redgate
The Program by Suzanne Young
Needful Things by Stephen King
Reading Progress:
Average WPM (10/10/2022): 236
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i-sneeze-books · 2 years
Rose Madder - Stephen King (⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Okay, this will always be a memorable book as my first Stephen King book and the book that got me back into reading- however, the book does have some problems despite my love for it.
Firstly, I must praise it for how well it's written (obviously) and how real and well rounded the characters seem to be (except the climax). Norman's segments were genuinely terrifying and hard to read, his villainy is something that is feasibly happening in real life.
The part that saves this book for me is the big fight at the pier, when Norman is trying to find Rose. I LOVE GERTIE. She is the best character and I love her so much. Despite the disgustingness of pissing on someone, she's the best, I don't even care what she did to Norman or how disgusting it was because it was deserved. The catharsis of that fight was too strong to say. Absolutely my favorite part of the book 10/10 wish there was more gert.
Also the first dream sequence in the painting was absolutely gorgeous. The writing was so vivid and beautiful, the feelings and essence of everything was captured perfectly.
On to the ending which was kind of a train wreck. This is where Norman becomes less scary, weirdly enough, even though he's murdering dozens of people. It just seems so out of place for how careful he's been. I understand that now he's on a rampage and he doesn't care as long as he kills Rose, it just annoyed me for some reason. You die and you die and you die. Everyone dies!
I SO WISH that Rose got to fight Norman herself. So the ending is that the painting lady turns into a spider??? And then eats him??? Why couldn't have Rose just gotten some supernatural power and taken him down? Why this whole complicated mess of her running to the tree only for it to be the most anticlimactic part of the book?
And her baby should've been named Caroline. You've been building it up for the whole book, man!
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i-sneeze-books · 2 years
An illiterate girl's quest to read 10 Stephen King books by the end of the year.
Hey there Tumblr, I wanted to document my getting back into reading with a blog because I’m better in writing than in speech (I tried vlogging but it just isn’t for me)
So hello, I’m Catherine (she/they), and I’ve always hated books. But now that I’m in college I’ve developed a new appreciation for reading I previously didn't have. Really, once you start reading what you like instead of what you're forced to read- reading becomes a lot more fun.
Anyway, as the title states, I am trying to read 10 Stephen King books by the end of the year (happy late birthday btw). Why Stephen King? Well, there's something in my soul that deeply regrets that I didn't get into reading sooner. I missed all the great book series of my childhood (Hunger Games, Twilight, Harry Potter, Lunar Chronicles, Divergent, Maze Runner, Goosebumps) and there just doesn't seem to be big blow up series like there used to be. I want to make it up to my inner child, all the lost years of reading.
So I renewed my library card, got my life together and decided to read Stephen King books. Stephen King was a staple in my childhood, but really only for the smart kids. If you were a smart-ass you read Stephen King, and I want to be that smart-ass. Also, he is the author that re-invigorated my desire to read so I feel like it is just right to start my reading journey back up with his books.
I will try to read some of his longer books, not necessarily IT or The Stand long, but long. Though I feel 8 out of my 10 books will be sub-400 page reads (which is still pretty long, imo).
Here's the current lineup:
Rose Madder (Read)
Misery (Currently Reading)
Needful Things
Night Shift
Salem's Lot
Here's some potentials:
The Institute
The Dead Zone
Cycle of the Werewolf
If It Bleeds
Mr. Mercedes trilogy
I would like to try to read more current works, The Institute is shelved for now because the beginning is kind of slow. Overall I would like to strive to read more but 10 is a good starting point. I'll post reviews as I finish each book.
I hope you will join me on this journey of reclamation! Thank you for reading :)
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