i-speak · 3 years
Online Representations of Gender and Ethnicity
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In the journal titled “The E-mail Order Bride as Postcolonial Other: Romancing the Filipina in Web-based Narratives”, the representation of a Filipina is disempowering and degrading, because they are reduced as a mere commodity for foreigners and other people to buy. People are brainwashed to believing that a Filipina is synonymous to a servant and must be compliant at all times (Rhondina, 2004). Due to misrepresentations on the internet, perceptions of the audience are continuously skewed and plagued by a toxic fairytale of “the obedient and perfect wife.”  Pictures and layouts were reminiscent of a manual and it also exhibits the malignant and imbalanced power dynamics between a wife and a husband. Filipino-American romance is often idealized as a fairytale and observers  may overlook the more negative aspect of the marriage life and underestimate potential domestic abuse.
Shaping the gays space on the internet stemmed from the freedom of communication in real life and online. As a result, they are able to share their essence and become empowered in the process of revealing themselves gradually. People have different reasons for going online, but everyone has a right to the freedom of speech (Austria, 2007). On the other hand, all must also be mindful of the impact words and posts bring to others – every freedom has an attached responsibility. Nevertheless, gays were able to establish themselves to others by utilizing modern technology and somewhat gained acceptance, lessened discrimination, and acquired proper representation in the society.
In the video “Annoying questions about Igorots”, the vlogger talked about how others view Igorots as “aliens” because of how curious these outsiders are. Now, curiosity is good, but it becomes bad if the motive for learning is for the wrong reasons. By regarding minorities or groups of people as “different” from the “dominant” population, alienation and misrepresentation of groups may be the unpleasant  end result. It may be better to shift one’s perspective, be responsible enough to understand, respect, and learn ethnic cultures while discarding ethnocentric notions.
Austria, F. (2007). Gays, the internet, and freedom. Plaridel 4 no. 1, 47-76. http://www.plarideljournal.org/article/gays-the-internet-and-free-dom/
Dr. Kiliminaguru. (2017). Annoying questions about Igorots. (Video). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZsD8fz9jl4
Marin, F. (2018). Gender Equality. [Online Image]. UNDP Eurasia. https://undpeurasia.medium.com/speaking-gender-10-communications-principles-to-show-you-care-about-gender-equality-15e87df71dd8
Rhondina, J. (2004). The e-mail order bride as postcolonial other: Romancing the Filipina in web-based narratives. Plaridel 1, no.1, 47-56 http://www.plarideljournal.org/article/the-e-mail-order-bride-as-postcolonial-other-romancing-the-filipina-in-web-based-narratives/
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i-speak · 3 years
Underlying Representations in Black Manila and All for Juan, Juan for All
In the documentary of Howie Severino, poor people in Tondo were represented in a way that the audience sees them as wrestling against the claws of life. Their ways, their daily routine, and current situation were documented by the reporter – the latter personally going to the poverty stricken environment to acquire all the details necessary to capture the the struggles of the poor. The place called “smokey mountain” was also associated with destitution. The audience questions their perception of the social class divide, wherein they may begin to check their privilege and enter a deep introspection. The documentary’s title was also appropriate to the picture that the producers wanted to capture and describe – black Manila was black because of people were trying to survive in the world with unequal opportunities by making a living out of charcoals and compromising their health.
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On the other side of the coin, poverty was defined as an “eye-opener”  for others, and development as at odds with the poor. Demolition of homes were a part of the development plan of the upper class without consideration to those who are impoverished. The music, script, and sound were appropriate for each frame of the documentary giving the viewer more than a glimpse of what was being illuminated about the societal issue.
In the September 19, 2019 episode of All for Juan, Juan for all, the ideal family is the family that eats, laughs, and stays together despite hardships. It is the family that remains hopeful every passing day, and grateful for the blessing that comes their way when fate allows it, however, complete families are not always the case for all households in the Philippines – some make a family of themselves and be independent due to other circumstances.
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Smokey Mountain. (2015). [Online Image]. Mio Cade. https://www.adventureinyou.com/philippines/the-wandergive-project-feed-a-child-campaign/
Eat Bulaga title card. (2014). [Online Image]. Jemboy2016. https://makeagif.com/gif/eat-bulaga-2005-titlecard-rfJYgp
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i-speak · 3 years
Talking Politics: The Komentaryo on Cebu Radio & Pagsasahimpapawid ng lokal na musikang country ng mga Kankana-ey, Ibaloi, at Ilokano sa mga istasyon ng radyo sa lunsod ng Baguio
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Media representation of groups is very critical because it dictates how the world views that particular group. If media depiction fails to represent a group of people, especially those who had a history of discrimination in a manner that is appropriate, lives of these people will be jeopardized. For instance, if the media labels  certain religions as terrorist religions, people who belong to that social organization may experience discrimination in the workplace and in the society.
Representation has visual and audio elements to communicate and form meaning for the general audience. Analysis of media forms leads to exploration of their visual elements. Speaking, attitude, appearance, and many more assume an important role in representation.
Country music, or music in general of the Cordillera are often depicted in a traditional manner. The paper of Telles illuminates the more modern aspects of its music, and how it can reach a wider scope of audience in the radio station of Baguio (Telles, 2017).
Radio stations accomodate the needs of rural areas when it comes to information and news, for the reason that these areas often have no stable supply of electricity and few households can afford other media channels such as a television.
The form of talk on radio influences its listeners, so it is a principal agent of change in the political, economic, and social scene not just in Cebu, but in the country (Mojares, 1998).
Mojares, R. (1998). Talking politics: The komentaryo on Cebu radio. Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society 26, no. 3/4. 337-362 from https://www.jstor.org/stable/29792426
Radio Stereo. [Online Image.]. Tenor. https://tenor.com/view/radio-stereo-boombox-national-radio-day-radio-day-gif-18123213
Telles, J. (2017). Pagsasahimpapawid ng lokal na musikang country ng mga Kankana-ey, Ibaloi, at Ilokano sa mga istasyon ng rayo sa lunsod ng Baguio (1960-2015). Saliksik E-Journal. 6(1). 140-164. from https://ejournals.ph/article.php?id=11804
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i-speak · 3 years
Textbooks and Advertisment
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A textbook in Hongkong illustrated people introducing themselves. To some, it is normal text, but for those who take time to look and analyze, both the description and physical illustrations of British, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, and Indian people are stereotypes. The connotative level  of these descriptions not only generalize a population, some terms are offensive and unjust. In a denotative level, the textbook illustrated British people as English teachers, Chinese as living in Shanghai, Filipino as domestic workers, Japanese as owners of a restaurant in Hongkong, and Indians as students of international schools. While the intention is not purely evil, it still has an implicit motive to degrade.
These are the problems in our textbooks – incorrect information and underlying biases. The perception of racial harmony under these given representations is not entirely realized due to limitations, generalizations, and biases.
 In the Bayo advertisement, the woman is portrayed 40% British and 60% Filipino and wearing a suit  on a denotative level. In a connotative level based on my opinion, it is more anchored to foreign aspects rather than Filipino aspects. The representation contradicts my notion of Filipino women given the physical elements of the advertisement, because it is very different from what I see in my everyday life as a part of the Philippine population. 
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Cayabyab, M. (2014). Hongkong textbook. [Online Image]. Word Press. https://macoycayabyab.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/hong-kong-texbook.png
Hands up. [Online Image]. Times Higher Education. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/race-equality-plan-signs-up-universities/2013683.article
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i-speak · 3 years
Distorting Reality
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The seventh activity required us to read three articles about media representation and colonization. With that being stated, the following are my takeaways from the journal articles:
Bodies are often portrayed a certain way in media. From what I read, this is to appeal more to the audiences of advertisements and consumers of products. This does not end there, because the residual effects of patriarchy continue to cloud representations of bodies and dictate its standard in a very unrealistic and rigid manner.  The billboards of Bench from 2003-2004 is a manifestation of the industrialized mode of image consumption derived from the capitalist fashion industry (Canete, 2005). The mentioned advertisement failed to empower its audiences due to its somewhat problematic and simplistic representation of the male body.
On the other side of the coin, female bodies are not exempted to the problematic representation of media. Dominant influences of America can be found in the representations of female bodies. Skin color, nose, hair, body shape acquire toxic standards to conform to the holly wood standard of foreigners . It is not just limited to their bodies, but their acceptance of the American colonial rule, patriarchy, and capitalist ideologies was enforced by magazines published in the English language (Encanto, 2004). This phenomena impinges on the proper and fair representation and treatment of women and disrespects the diversity of each culture.
Finally, the third article showed how postcards are powerful tools of analysis in the context of historical colonialism and tourism. Such postcards are a site of power – it is a vessel for ideology. Furthermore, it documents colonial and capitalist encounters in the country – framing the subject to unpleasant boundaries of display (Torres, 2006).
It will be shallow to say that media consumption and creation are not affected by other factors such as history and colonialism. Media is not a representation of reality, yes, but it may reshape reality if one is not careful.
Canete, R. (2005, August). Bench underwear ads and the male body. Plaridel Journal: A Philippine Journal of Communication, Media and Society. 69-92 2(2). http://www.plarideljournal.org/article/bench-underwear-ads-and-the-male-body/
Encanto, G. (2004). Women’s magazines in english from 1920 – 1972. Plaridel Journal: A Philippine Journal of Communication, Media, and Society. 15-30. 1(1). http://www.plarideljournal.org/article/womens-magazines-in-english-from-1920-to-1972-instruments-of-american-hegemony/
Nylon magazine. [Online Image]. Gifer. https://gifer.com/en/Gyb0
Torres, A. (2006). Igorot representation in Cordillera postcards. Plaridel Journal: A Philippine Journal of Communication, Media, and Society. 123-146. 3(1).
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i-speak · 3 years
Mainstream Media: Then Vs. Now
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As a visual learner, I can say that seeing information may temporarily or permanently affect my perception of things. The media I consume contains texts and images which may help or destroy me. In the previous lessons, we discussed how media is a powerful tool for advancement because it is a way to maximize one’s reach and spread information across the globe in a fast manner. On the other side of the coin, too much exposure to it can lead to misinformation, health problems, and poor real-life social connections.
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These are not the only effects media has on our society. In a broader sense, it may also disseminate messages involving racial, ethnic, gender-based, and class inequalities.  In the past, specifically, 1960’s, the mainstream media used to contain traditional stereotypes which are forms of discrimination and prejudice against people of color, women, the poor, or those who are traditionally marginalized in our society. Dominant ideologies pervaded the mainstream media – contributing to the misinterpretation and discrimination towards the neglected members of our society. In the present, thanks to social movements, a significant change when it comes to representing marginalized people in the media occured, although we cannot say that discrimination, prejudice, and inequalities are completely eliminated from the picture  (Croteau & Hoynes, 1997).  
The unique diversity of our world is not a reflection of the mainstream media. The latter does not represent the absolute reality of our experiences. While media takes a role in scattering information, it may also negatively affect our perception if the messages are biased and false.
Croteau, D. & Hoynes, W. (1997). Social inequality and media representation. Media/Society: Industries, Images, and Audiences. 195-227. http://hdl.handle.net/1814/19235
Diversity and inclusion. [Online Image]. Join Continued. Giphy. https://giphy.com/gifs/a11y-continuedgif-joincontinued-v8kwcTWuwk2ayfVfKO
Diversity and inclusion. [Online Image]. Invest In Access.  Giphy. https://giphy.com/gifs/Invest-In-Access-aac-iia-invest-in-access-flPl7XXzpEdDgYxMEt
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i-speak · 3 years
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We live in a world of symbols and signs, thus, semiotics is very important. Semiotics is the science of signs, and it helps us extract messages from the elements around us. In Switzerland, Ferdinand de Saussure started working on the study of signs as a linguist, which he called Semiology. The theory of signs was developed in USA by Charles Sanders Peirce, a logician. The latter referred to it as semiotics. Both terms originated from the Greek word of sign, semeion.
The introspection of language is the heart of semiotic inquiry, but it is now extending to other codes like the Image Analysis. For Saussure, language is the most fundamental system. As a result, the definition of terms is partially anchored to Saussure’s concept. Sign is made up of two counterparts, the signifier and signified. Combining the two, we get a sign. The physical forms existing in the real world are the signifiers – written or verbal codes with anchored interpretations. The extracted meaning is the signified. It is the mental concepts evoked by the mind. The material to which the meaning refers to is the referent. Lacey also wrote Barthesian concepts of  signification, the connection between the sign and its referent, denotation,  the literal aspect of meanings, and connotation, the implied aspect of meanings generated by texts.
After Saussurian concepts, Lacey moves to the tripartite categorization of signs by Peirce – Iconic, Indexical, symbolic. Iconic exhibits resemblance to what it represents. A  direct relationship is characterized by indexical signs. Arbitral relationship between the a sign and a concept  is characterized by symbolic signs.
Notions of Semiology include mythical and binary oppositions. Any myth starts with binary opposition, and the basis of myth is opposition (Lacey, 1998).
As a conclusion, I made the glossary of terms from what I understood from the readings.
·         Binary Opposition – two representations are found at the opposite ends of a spectrum of meanings, thus, gain rigid definitions and contradict one another
·         Iconic signs – a degree of commonality between the representation and the represented
·         Index signs – the represented is an enabling factor in representation
·         Myths – regulated by culture and is  also a vessel of orders in cultural signification
·         Paradigm – a cluster of signs where a syntagm may arise
·         Signified – the intangible aspect of signs
·         Signifier – the tangible aspect of signs
·         Symbolic signs – characterized by the subjective connection between a sign and its associated meaning
·         Syntagm – a succession of linking signifiers that constitute an entire meaning  of something
Cherry, K. (2021). A group of people. [Online Image]. Very Well Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/the-big-five-personality-dimensions-2795422
Lacey, N. (1998). Semiotics: Images and representation. Image and Representation: Key Concepts in Media Studies. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-26712-5
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i-speak · 3 years
Just Muggle Things
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I decided to combine my answers for activity 3 and 4, because I think they are related and I also wanted to discuss one subject only. Harry Potter is very popular because people found magic interesting. Some also can relate to the struggles of the protagonist, being highlighted by the fantastic writing of scriptwriters and the author. 
With that being said, I used to love reading Harry Potter books made by JK Rowling. That is, until the author started giving out many interpretations of the work, even after the series has ended. In my opinion, giving out too many details suffocates the viewers and leaves their imagination dry.
What disturbed me the most was revealing Dumbledore’s sexuality after the canonical publication of the books and film showings. While I wholeheartedly agree that the LGBTQ+ community should get representation, I can’t help but question the author, why just now? It would have been beautiful and more empowering if it was revealed in the duration of all the movies and books.
I would personally recast the character of Hermione Granger, because I always thought she was a black woman due to her descriptions found in the canonical text. It was also confirmed by JK Rowling herself, albeit only at the end of the series like Dumbledore’s sexuality.  Some changes made by the directors were helpful, some were not. It was also phenomenal to watch Alan Rickman portray Snape. 
It is very necessary to hold space for other interpretations for any movie, ad, or songs to have a wider understanding of the issues it tries to portray or represent. If one only accounts for the author’s lenses, it may lessen misinterpretations but limits the pool of information one can use as a reference. It sucks the fun out of these forms of art. Finally, there may be subconscious interpretations the author is not aware of, and it may be helpful if they consider other external points from their perspective to improve their craft and cater to their audience.
Taylor, R. (2021). Harry Potter poster . [Online Image]. Collider. https://collider.com/how-to-watch-harry-potter-movies-in-order/
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i-speak · 3 years
The Subjective Reality of Photography
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Existing in a society, a portion of the population want to preserve memories – because we cannot turn back time. How do we keep memories? For one, I write about my significant experiences, record sounds/videos, and take photographs.
Pictures can mirror reality by presenting the appearance of certain objects, places, people, or events in a tangible manner. As a result, it can stand in to represent something. Photographs are an important part of communication. Some viewers prefer to look at figures instead of reading very long textual information. Moreover, photographs can also convey emotion and capture pertinent  information that are too swift for writers to note.
On the other side of the coin, photographs cannot be absolute representations of objective truth because of digital manipulation. Furthermore, the photographer may only capture a part of the scenario, not the whole story. I like to think that pictures present a subjective reality instead.
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Observing my selfies, I can say that it does not mirror who I really am, because I choose to present the best picture I have. I change clothes to be more attractive. I use filters to feel more confident. My selfies do not contain my hardships, sacrifices, and physical flaws – the pimples, skin discoloration, and stretchmarks which I am insecure about.
Pictures are unique forms of art, and must be appreciated but not be regarded as the absolute mirror of objective reality, rather, we must look beyond what is presented as critical thinkers of the modern world.
Taking pictures. (2020, June).  [Online Image]. Tenor.  https://tenor.com/view/taking-pictures-photography-picture-take-picture-take-photos-gif-14161533341791891856
Prince William Gives the Middle finger. (2018). [Online Image]. Reuters. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/prince-william-kate-middleton-louis-17133299
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i-speak · 3 years
This way or that way?
Ideas and feelings are very difficult to explain, because these are abstract concepts. Whenever I feel emotions, I often use art as an outlet to release pent up baggage within me. My art can sometimes be in the form of poems, songs, or stories. In writing, I use symbols and signs to better express what I want my readers to picture.
Signs and symbols are very important when it comes to communication. It is not just involved in writing just like how I use it, it is also involved in the topic of our safety. Without traffic lights, roads would have been in constant chaos. Without slippery signs, many people would have been in accidents. Signs and symbols are used in representation of concepts – using something to constitute our message. However, we must not forget that these symbols and signs may mean different things to different people due to their own cultures.
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In representation, we have three theories: Reflexive, intentional, and constructive. Reflexive reality touches on the media as a true reflection of life. In the second theory, meanings come from the creator of the message – the author themselves. Finally, in the constructive theory, the reader has the limelight when it comes to interpretation of meaning.
Ferdinand de Saussure immensely influenced the concept of semiotics, while the discursive approach is associated with French philosopher and historian, Michel Foucault (Hall, 2013). Semiotics is the study of signs, while the discursive approach talks about how power and knowledge connect to construct identities and dictate definitions of symbols and signs.
Out of the three theories of representation, the most relevant for me is the constructive theory, because as an artist, I create not just for myself, but to also share it with the world. It beautiful to gift the readers and viewers  the freedom to see something with their own eyes, granted they do not lose respect towards the artist and their art.
Aseem, Y. (n.d.). Caution road slippery sign board. [Online Image]. https://www.postermywall.com/index.php/art/template/2ac25a9a6a694dbafcf39244ec228f3b/caution-road-slippery-sign-board-template-design#.YW3DGBrMLIU
Traffic light. [Online Image]. https://gfycat.com/stickers/search/traffic+light
Hall, S. (2013). Representation, meaning , and language. The Work of Representation. 1-26. https://uk.sagepub.com/sites/default/files/upm-binaries/66880_The_Work_of_Representation.pdf
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i-speak · 3 years
Synthesis for the First Module
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I swear, the quality of the photo of my timeline about the evolution of mass communication is normal when viewed on my laptop, I just don’t know why the quality of the photo above is not really as good, but I guess the quality gets affected when uploaded on Tumblr. Anyway, I will just discuss the evolution of mass communication on the following paragraphs. 
The first is oral culture, where people relied on hand gestures and voices to convey information. Literacy culture followed, giving birth to carvings, paintings, and drawings. During this period, alphabet was used by people to form words and sentences. 
Traditional media from 15th to 17th century involved print media (newspapers, books, magazines). From 1920 to 1940, television became a popular contraption to gain information.
In convergent media, from 1880s to 1940s, computer and binary code were developed. From 1970s to 1990s, E-mail, the internet, and smartphones were utilized to deliver and acquire messages as well as pertinent information about education, business, and many more. Changes to media have a significant impact on society and culture, because actors of the society engage with the media - in turn, actors of the society can be influenced by what they consume. In politics, for example, when election time is near, prospective candidates use media to promote their platforms. However, as individuals of the society, one must scrutinize what is being given and filter the truth from false information to form a smart decision. 
What causes the transitions from one media to another? Based on observation, media changes in accordance to technological advancements. For example, sending handwritten letters was replaced with sending e-mails, because the computer was developed, paving the way for a more convenient flow of messages. Technological advancements also play a role in shaping the landscape of communication - as time passes, more inventions are manufactured for humans to maneuver in order to attain their future.
Nevertheless, old and new media are both very powerful tools for communication. Cultural works formed under the two media are continuously being utilized and passed to the next generation, establishing their dialogic relationship. In the current times, media combines all demonstrations of past, present, and future cultures in one digital cosmos. 
At this point, I’ll guess what communication will be like 50 years from now. I think the people will be able to view reality in a different way using their gadgets. One can possibly visit another place without personal travel and view real-time digital information through their devices only. 
Paintbrush icon. [Online image]. PNGWing. https://www.pngwing.com/en/free-png-shdiq
Maroon book icon. [Online image].  IconSDB. https://www.iconsdb.com/maroon-icons/book-icon.html
Red hand icon. [Online image].  DLPng. https://dlpng.com/png/6971563
Red letter icon. [Online image]. IconSDB. https://www.iconsdb.com/red-icons/letter-a-icon.html
Red newspaper icon. [Online image].  IconSDB. https://www.iconsdb.com/red-icons/newspaper-icon.html
Smartphone. [Online image]. Creative Market. https://creativemarket.com/TeaGraphicDesign/758516-Smartphone-icon-with-wifi-red
Talking mouth flat. [Online image]. Vexels. https://www.vexels.com/png-svg/preview/201212/talking-mouth-flat
Talking red. [Online image]. IconSDB. https://www.iconsdb.com/red-icons/talk-icon.html
Television icon. [Online image]. KindPNG. https://www.kindpng.com/imgv/imJxwiR_transparent-circle-clip-art-television-icon-png-png/
Web browser. [Online image]. PNGWing. https://www.pngwing.com/en/free-png-yulof
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i-speak · 3 years
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Viewing society as Goliath, it can be big and sometimes unforgiving. As I grew older, I came to realize that I still have a lot to learn and more obstacles to conquer. My existence is a grain of sand by the shore, so I can’t help but feel intimidated sometimes.
In this big world, diverse information can be found. As humans, at some point in our lives, we tend to learn new details that could help us survive and take one step forward to our future. Processing information can be strenuous, but with the aid of convergent media, it can be workable.
Convergent media unifies other forms of media such traditional Media, print media, broadcast Media, New Media and the internet as well as portable and highly interactive technologies into a dimension. For example, a person can access the news, watch television, research, and talk with others in real time using just one device – a smartphone. In a way, it shortens the time consumed in gathering and sending information, and it promotes the concept of multi-tasking. Convergent media empowers the “Davids” or the individuals of the society by helping them navigate through several, sometimes murky data.
While convergent media somewhat amalgamates other forms of media, for me, it is not considered new media – the latter is one of the forms which is being encompassed by convergent media (Leeverage Edu, 2021). New media consists of data which is conveyed in a digital manner, while media convergence is a phenomenon of mass media.
The evolution of media, whether it be in the context of orality and literacy or traditional and convergent, is very significant when it comes to understanding how communication helps build or destroy society (Baran, 2013).  The similarity between the two evolutions is the integration of something new paper to literacy and devices to convergence of media to deliver information. In contrast, the transition from orality to literacy took a lot longer than in traditional and convergent evolution.
We, as individuals and actors of the world, can benefit in the study of the evolution of one of our tools to our modern tomorrow – but the power lies within us. We decide if we build or destroy. As a song lyric says “we run things things don’t run we.”
Baran, S.J. (2013), "Chapter Ten: The Internet and the World Wide Web" in Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture. New York, NY: McGrawHil
Bolinger, H. (2019). Who was Goliath in the Bible? What's the story of this giant philistine? [Online Image]. https://www.christianity.com/wiki/people/who-was-goliath-in-the-bible-what-s-the-story-of-this-giant-philistine.html
Leverage Edu (2021). Media convergence. Leverage Edu. https://leverageedu.com/blog/media-convergence/
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i-speak · 3 years
Changing Times, Trying Times
You know, my current college program is not the first field  I immersed myself in. I was a psychology major, but I transferred to attain anthropology as the focus of my study. I am still adjusting and still in the process of accepting that I may not graduate on time, but certain changes such as a shift in perspective and dreams happen to align us for our desired future.
The sky above our heads also changes. In some days, there are less clouds - we only have the scorching sun that burns our skin and makes us stay within the shade of our houses. In other days, the sky is dominated by angry thunders and rain. The mass media system that we have is the same – it can change like the weather or a career path through time. With change comes different stories to tell.
As technology evolves, so does our mechanism when it comes to communicating and receiving information.  Shifting from newspapers to radio implied the lesser use of newspapers. Shifting from newspapers to television implied using the latter more often to acquire the latest news.
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Digitization opens the possibility for data transmission. This information or data can be processed by modern devices such as computers. Digitization of videos, therefore, meant that producers have to adopt foreign ways of manufacturing videos for their consumers. In turn, consumers will have to obtain a device and learn to navigate it – adopt to a new way ingesting information.
Such changes do not come without consequences to some sectors. The industries experienced turmoil because of a change in movie demands. Warner Brothers entertainment was unsure of which path to take – movie attendance was low, total album sales plunged, DVD’s declined in sales,  the video-game industry failed to show increase in demand, newspapers and magazines dropped in its circulation revenues, and radio listening became more and more sporadic. The rules of old media consumption were modified, but the high demand for media consumption remained constant (Bing, 2006, as cited in Baran, 2010).
The transformations of mass media system did not end on that note. The internet and world wide web became popular due to its speed and convenience in terms of accessing, disseminating, and storing information. To keep up with trends,  all the media systems  were compelled to make alterations in their business environment and machinations as the net rose to fame.
Nowadays, the net provides thousands of information which are accessible almost to anyone. The business industry can utilize this to maximize their reach. Potential costumers may increase if they promote products well. Art can also be shared and appreciated across the globe. Advocacies have the chance to be seen and elaborated for the knowledge of all. Education sectors benefited from it – having the ability to retrieve information without physically going to the library seemed convenient.
In contrast, media accessibility may be manipulated in favor of the powerful. Access to media is a privilege, and not everyone has the chance to be informed of the truth. Thus, those who don’t have the capacity to obtain information may make wrong judgments about themselves and others. Currently, there are various pages spreading misinformation to the public which alters their perception and decision making.
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The sector of education gained something, but it may also face consequences like hindrances in the development of skills within a learner such as reading comprehension. Moreover, it opens doors to intellectual theft due to easy accessibility. Finally, children in the present times  can operate devices to entertain themselves, but they might come across media content not appropriate for their age.
The way information is given and accepted is not set in stone. It undergoes critical changes and so are we.
Baran, J. (2010). Chapter 2: The evolving mass communication process. Introduction to Mass communication: Media Literacy and Culture. 33-49.
Smith, J. (2017). Hero-misinformation [Online Image]. Data & Society. https://datasociety.net/library/media-manipulation-and-disinfo-online/
Freepik. (2017). Mass media and its impact on mankind’s evolution [Online Image].  Linked In. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mass-media-its-impact-mankinds-evolution-mubarak-bamatraf
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i-speak · 3 years
Orality and Literacy not Orality vs. Literacy
In our current learning modality, I can’t imagine learning without texts to read. I have a short attention span, and I am more comfortable in writing or typing my lessons. My philosophy is, once something is put on paper, it is solidified and can be perceived visually, so one’s brain can grasp the information.
It does not automatically mean that I abhor speaking – in fact, I hold people who can comprehend information after hearing it once to a high regard. Plus, reading a book aloud counts as a demonstration of orality. My skill in oral communication is one of the things I aim to enhance during my stay in the university. 
Human communication is different from media in such a way that media or the ‘medium’ is not quite the message. In Ong’s interpretation, human communication needs anticipated feedback to repeat its cycle and sustain itself. In models, the message flows from sender to receiver position. In human to human communication, a sender also expects to become the receiver and vice versa to complete the chain of exchanging messages (Ong, 1982). Basically, one cannot talk to themselves and call it true human communication. Furthermore, ‘media’ model of communication comprises printed or written texts, therefore, it exhibits chirographic conditioning. 
In analyzing orality and literacy, it is more productive to scrutinize how the two coexist to uphold human interaction and consciousness for thousands of years, rather than to drive a wedge between the notions. Walter Ong in his book Orality and literacy: technologizing of the word raised important statements to supplement facts about the information, dissemination, consumption as well as critical perspectives on the role of orality in media and communication. He shed light to the similarities between oral and literate cultures – the use of mnemonics and formulas, concrete real-life examples, and somatics. Mnemonics and concrete examples help retain information in the brain, while somatics engages parts of the body while communicating (Ong, 1982, as cited in Jkendell, 2012). On the other side of the coin, oral and literate cultures differ because oral culture tends to be additive rather than subordinate, aggregative rather than analytic, redundant or ‘copious’, conservative or traditionalist, close to the human lifeworld, agonistically toned, Empathetic and participatory rather than objectively distanced, homeostatic, and situational rather than abstract (Ong, 1982, p.31).
For example, oral cultures lean towards redundancy because to preserve it and successfully pass it to the next generation, the old communicator must repeat the information through word of the mouth, and so on. It is also  characterized by word baggage which is why oral cultures are aggregative rather than analytic.
Moving on to the brief history of orality, writing, and being human, in the past, people who identified themselves as ‘civilized’ or literate people held a prejudice against those who they deemed ‘primitive’ or those who didn’t identify with literacy. The term, along with ‘illiterate’  were offensive, and in the present, kinder and positive terms are associated with understanding the earlier states of consciousness (Ong, 1982).
Orality and literacy both propel our human experience and bridge our past and future. Thus, it is important to remain open to it and other critical perspectives of communication to understand society.
Blanche (2020). In their own words [Online Image]. Atlassian. https://www.atlassian.com/blog/inside-atlassian/how-to-navigate-diverse-communication-styles-at-work
Jkendell (2012). Orality and literacy – In what ways are oral and literate cultures similar? ETEC540: Text, Technologies – Community Weblog. https://blogs.ubc.ca/etec540sept12/
Ong, W. J. (1982). Orality and literacy : The technologizing of the word. ProQuest Ebook Central https://ebookcentral.proquest.com
Roy, B. (2021). Communication skills in the workplace [Online Image]. Vantage Circle. https://blog.vantagecircle.com/good-communication-skills-in-the-workplace/
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