another rant lol:)
Guys..i just wrote like a whole essay left to grabs some photos of my drawing s to share and its gone:( so i like this guy he’s like a total piece of shit, he says some slurs(?) but doesn’t say the n-word(he not black so…) unlike how other guys in my age group do. This generation is fucked… I feel like I could do better😑 even though im a total fatass( and not the skinny girl”I eat too much, hehe😜” type of way im like a 33 or 31 idrk bmi, the normal is like 25 or something like that) other than my weird crush who, besides for being morally question-able is pretty nice despite the fact he bullys me for being a fatass. I have good things going on like in august im going to be doing a college abridge program(which is so fun I think im going to be doing things like dance, music or psycholinguistic which i would ☺️) anyway the art i mentioned earlier
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Some is unfinished but you know *shrugs*
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Probably not gonna finish this but i though it was sooo cute :)) her dress and shoulders could use some work but.. im never gonna do that Lol
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Rants, like a nothing rant, i just want to write
So anyway, the other day at school we had a sub, and she was like cursing, and saying crude things like “im going to beat your asses” or something like that, I behaved well, I’m a bit of a teachers pet, my average was pretty high compared to the rest of my class, a 90% like overall average, anyway the sub was also sooooo annoying cause we had a project to due in like two days, it was a short project so don’t worry or something like that, but she was assigning us work to do toooo???? Like tf thats soo annoying like if a kid isn’t going to do work don’t make them. Anywho, that was weird
Another story, I had a trip this Monday(Dec.11) if the date matters> But this Thursday, turned to Friday I was supposed to go out with friends, but they weren’t able to so you know thats sad.
Ive been listening to mitski more cause my most listened to song in my Spotify wrapped way vending machine of love??? I did listen to it often, but I didn’t;t think that often. So im trying to get mitski, cause 1) she’s a good singer, 2) she’s nice to her fans and I want her video message or whatever. 3) I love the song my love mine all mine, and the song I don’t smoke, and an older song that, if you like mitski and haven’t listen to is real men its like sooooo good you have to understand I love it sooooo much, and another song that I absolutely love from the same album is brand new city oh and liquid smooth, so if you like both of thoughs songs id listen to real men, its so gooood.
What else is going on in my life? I’ve been real tired, but also my sleep schedule is finally changing, like im starting to go to sleep at 10pm-ish/11pm-ish instead of like 12am-2am and then wake up at 6am-ish. But it’s all fun and games. Oh I’ve been reading this fic, 28 chapters incomplete and 123 almost 124 thousand words and im up to chapter 17 yayyyy.
Well it was fun typing out my feelings, bye, ily *kissing face emoji*(seriously, how do you add emojis?)
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so this is the redraw of my profile, which is 100% a random girl, no, not me, not me at all, doesn’t look like me anyway. I like the redraw so much more ‘cause of the star eyes, like they are sooooo cute, I love them!!! :)))))
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ik, ik is been(bin???) a WHILE since I last posted but here is some juicy art, made this a while ago( like a week or more, I think??) it could be better, I do like it, its nice you know, like there could be more but there isn’t so (HOW DO YOU ADD EMOJIS, also my dog just sat next to me, I love him).
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Damn last night i went on some tangents (is that how you spell it???) and i think its cuz im slowly going insane but whatever.
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Okay so i changed my profile and I drew it and jizz(ing what im doing rn) cuz its so good
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Just feeling bored
Okay im bored but omg uhhh, i literally got a patriot playlist add on Spotify??? (Okay i know its July and shit but i did not expect that) Spotify you need to learn how to target people like i listen to theatre music no matter hat gender i am im sure that means I don’t wanna listen to patriotic music
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Okay so the movie element is or has been pushing Clod, the classical straight young guy who’s crushing on an adult woman or just some girl who’s multiple years older than themselves. And this is a common trope, like growing up it was such a common thing for me(a 2010’s kid) to grow up seeing. For multiple reasons,1. Straight people do in fact indoctrinate kids so they feel like being straight is the only normal thing to be( or only thing you can be, so now that children shows have queer representation adults are quite upset) 2. This is another form of, you might have guessed it toxic masculinity, yes, yes I know “how?” You must be thinking and I’m here to tell you that, this is just another way to say that men cannot express their emotions properly(or should express it to kids their age or their parents or well I think you get it). 3.The movie elemental is probably some nostalgia rehash that adult can recognize familiar ideas from while kids can get a new movie experience. However if Clod isn’t some big part of the movie and the people they are trying to excite with their TikTok ads are going to the movie for nothing. But props to them for promoting a healthy relationship with fire boy and water girl but a gender swap au, because from the ads im seeing with just them is cute and nice they do seem to like(or love) each other a lot.
Anyway thanks for reading my rants:D
So in my earlier way that i wrote this it mentioned that (conservative) straight ppl say that gay ppl are indoctrinating kids when through history AND MEDIA representation they’ve been the one “indoctrinating “
Also i saw someone say that water boy is white and fire girl and her family is basically ment to represent Asian immigrants. And I haven’t watch the movie but some have said it is a very good racism allegory so i mean props to them and i really just think that they should show more of that in their trailers instead of the classic character of Clod.
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