i-try-writing · 4 years
my first actual post lmaoo
its my shitty attempt at a gothic style short story but im somewhat proud so...
It’s a well known fact of life (especially in my household) that humans, despite their lacking in other areas, have an exceptional ability to pick up on atmosphere and mood. Therefore, I am very careful with moods and atmospheres, as what you dismiss as nonsense will often come back to haunt you.
It was a dismal and white afternoon, with an unappeasably electric atmosphere. Everyone was restless, tired of the dusty rain, floating about elegantly like some sorrowful ballerinas, refusing to touch the ground. The long summer day was causing the blinding white sky to seem never ending, and we only got more restless and impatient with the weather, and in what dad dubbed ‘an act against god’ (to make it sound more enticing) I was forced outside to get some exercise. I made my way down to the grass of our garden, and further along into the woods, one of my favourite places to take shelter.
I was new to the sense of woods in the rain, I had never gone into our woods when it was overcast and sodden. Slimy Dark twisted trees cast fear into my mind, and the restless energy that was so potent in the house was only intensified out here. Restless is not threatening, so despite my wish to go inside, I stayed out in the rain.
However, as I said earlier, atmosphere is a crucial thing to be aware of. So when I passed the old Victorian angel statue, covered by moss and trees - no longer its own object, and the most malevolent feeling came over me, I knew I had to get out. I could feel adrenaline in my throat, energy gathering inside of me, static energy on a balloon and yet I could not move a muscle. As the energy got more intense within me, I started marching towards the open space of our garden. Every step only charged me up more, filling me more and more with the most ominous and evil feeling I will ever feel. I did not look back to see what I was scared of, I was far too terrified by whatever was in the forest that made me feel like that. With every step I got faster and faster, until soon I was sprinting back up through the forest, as if every step gave me a shock from the ground that shoved me forward.
I reached the clear of the garden, and collapsed on the grass.
The rest of the day continued as it had begun, restless, electric, stale. I continued as I had begun, sleepily and bored, however there was a new feeling, taking up a small space in the back of my head that gave a low hum. It was the kind of feeling that needlessly activated fight-or-flight instincts and therefore left you needing to move spontaneously, explosively. It was a lukewarm feeling. It makes you feel ill.
When the sun finally made the trees its grave and it became acceptable for me to finally sleep was when the object that had forced me out of the forest finally revealed itself.
I was back in the forest by the statue, just as I had been, but I was viewing myself. I was not in my own body. I once again was hit with the overwhelmingly malevolent feeling, but this time I really did not have an ability to run. My conscience was glued to where I was, being forced to deal with the situation. I watched my earlier self, about to be hit with this same feeling, and I watched another creature approach her. This creature was like nothing I had seen before. It was a creation worse than hell. It had every body part necessary to be human, and it looked nearly human too. It had arms, legs a torso, a head, but each part had a quality that made it uncanny, and terrifying to look at. It seemed to be emitting light, a small grey light, the kind of light that would infiltrate your mind and shine light on the darkest places. It moved too humanly to be human. The movements were jarringly smooth, and every step towards my earlier self was not a step but a slither of its foot along the ground. As it reached her, it extended its translucent paw-hand to her, each of its silky long fingers gliding through an invisible maze in front of it. It reached my face, a solid material that was suddenly easily permeable, seeing as the hand seemed to go through the face and wrap around my brain. I felt that in my dream-conscience. I felt the hand squeeze around my brain. The creature must have sensed this and was alerted to my presence, as it moved without moving, to stare my conscience dead into whatever I was seeing out of. And then I was back in my body, but in the woods, at night-time, with only the memory of this creature. And the need to run. So I ran again. But this time I didn’t stop at the grass, no, I hurtled up through whatever door I can find, even if it wasn’t open, it doesn’t need to be. I sprint up my stairs and stopped outside my bedroom door. The intense need to feel safe again pushed me straight through that door, into the room. In front of me was the creature again, on top of my comatose body with its hand around my brain. This time it knew I was here. It let out a thousand tiny screams in one second, a cacophony only fit for the ears of a demon, laughing but in pain at the same time. And then I was truly back in my body, eyes closed but there. I could feel everything again, my legs and arms and fingers and toes, there was life in every section, and I was alive again. I could feel the random pain in my gut, the scrapes on my elbow, the bruises on my knees, the scar on my forehead, and a cold, soft hand wrapped strongly around my brain.
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i-try-writing · 4 years
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The sign of high quality is the fact the book was banned by the government. Trash literature NEVER EVER had any troubles with the law.
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i-try-writing · 4 years
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About a week ago I posted this.
I’ve been getting horrible messages like this in my ask for months, including:
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and my personal favorite
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After getting the message saying “Just go kill yourself” I was completely done dealing with this person’s horrible messages and replied with just an “Okay.” and logged off tumblr.
About a week later I logged back on with 17 messages in my ask, most of them from the anon. I scrolled down and at first when I logged off, the anon messaged me things like
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I scrolled up more and all of a sudden they started sending me more and more messages like
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This was extremely surprising to me. I thought “After all those horrible messages you sent to me for MONTHS about hating me and wanting me dead, you say ‘sorry’ and that you ‘cant be responsible for someone’s suicide’?”
But I guess the lesson goes like this:
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i-try-writing · 5 years
i wonder what evolutionary niche clowns evolved to fill
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i-try-writing · 5 years
So I just had a thought
What if supernatural creatures don’t exist anymore? What if they did once, but through the years, they slowly mixed in with humans?
You can see the blood of fairies in the way a ballet dancer hovers in mid air before he or she hits the ground. You can see it in the way that middle school girl never forgets when someone makes her a promise. You can see it in how that one little boy in the kindergarten class seems more comfortable in the forest on that field trip than the others.
You can see the blood of dryads in hikers who never trip over roots. You can see it in that suburban grandmother never lets any of her garden die. You can see it in that one kid who climbs a tree faster than his friends, barely looking at the branches as he goes.
You can see the blood of naiads in the way a professional swimmer seems to command the water to help them. You can see it in how a cross country runner needs a water break more often than his teammates. You can see it in the way that one girl in your class always has a water bottle on her desk.
You can see the blood of mermaids in a surfer who can be tossed around underwater for a long time without drowning. You can see it in a teenage boy who doesn’t have to pretend to be unbothered by the pressure when he races his friends to the bottom of a swimming pool. You can see it in the little girl who wades into every stream she sees on a hike without quite knowing why.
You can see the blood of sirens in people who never have a problem with getting people to date them. You can see it in that soprano who can hit notes most of her fellows can only dream of. You can see it in the camp counselor who all the straight girls have a crush on, who can play guitar and sing better than any of the others.
You can see the blood of shapeshifters in the way an actor adjusts their personality to become their character with scary accuracy. You can see it in the subconscious, barely noticeable changes a tween girl’s eyes make to match her outfit better. You can see it in the way you always lose that one friend in a crowd if you’re not careful, because he’s just too good at blending in.
People who carry the blood of werewolves don’t change with the full moon anymore, but you can still see it in the way your best friend always knows something is wrong, though even they don’t know they’re smelling the changes in your body chemistry. You can see it in the way that one guy always seems to eat more than the reasonable amount of red meat at an all-you-can-eat buffet. You can see it in the way that one werido never has a problem when the teacher turns off the lights before a PowerPoint presentation because her eyes adjust quicker and better than yours.
The blood of supernatural creatures may have mostly faded away. But if you look closely, you can still see it.
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i-try-writing · 5 years
hades explaining that he’s the god of the dead, not the god of death
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i-try-writing · 5 years
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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i-try-writing · 5 years
#Get Aromantic Trending - Feb. 16-17, 2020
Many of you may remember that in 2019 the hashtag #asexual was trending on Tumblr. So far in April and September I have tried to get “Aromantic” trending. Unfortunately, these two efforts did not work. People didn’t have a chance to prepare or know about it. I’d really like to get #aromantic trending so here’s round 3!
There were also people concerned that there isn’t a lot of notice, but to a certain extent that’s the intent. Think of this kinda like a flash-mob. This should be aided by the fact that it’s also aromantic awareness week!
Who: Everyone! It doesn’t matter if you are aromantic, a positivity blog, LGBTQ+, or anything. All are welcome to participate!
What: This is an effort to get #aromantic trending. You can contribute by creating posts and using #aromantic as well as reblogging other posts, especially from aro people!
These post can be a wide range of things, they can be positivity, art, pride edits, informative, memes, or other various things. As long as they are relevant to aromanticism and have the #aromantic, you’re good!
*Please be sure all posts are relevant to aromanticism or the aro spectrum.
Where: Tumblr, but I’m sure posting stuff on other sites wouldn’t hurt.
When: February 16-17th, 2020 (You can start scheduling posts now though!)
Why: There’s a lot of reasons why, but one of the biggest is that quite honestly, we leave out aromantic people. They are spoken over, they do not receive the same recognition that asexual people do, I’ve seen both through my experiences and surveys that they are less likely to be included in the community. They have different stigmas attached to them.
There’s also an issue of people posting things that are said to be “aspec” but only apply to aces or things tagged as #aromantic that only apply to ace people. We need to start giving recognition to aromantic people.
In addition to this visibility is extremely important. You might assume that this hashtag trending is a worthless endeavor. But in many ways it’s not - it opens the door to learn about a term and learn about themselves. Just the other day I mentioned aromantic to someone, and after explaining it to them, they said “hey, that sounds like me.” It starts a conversation that could be eye-opening for many people.
*This is by no means all that should be done for the aro community, but positivity never hurts.
So please, join me in posting on Feb. 16-17th, and please reblog!
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i-try-writing · 5 years
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Apparently people have been adopting dogs and either killing them themselves or dropping them to a kill shelter (and one even said they were flying them to poor Asian areas to be eaten) under the Twitter hashtag #pitbulldropoff
This is completely cruel and evil and word needs to get around about these demons so everyone knows what these demons are planning to do to dogs once they get ahold of them.
If you know someone or if you yourself is planning to give away a pitty by craigslist soon, DONT and wait for awhile!!!! They act like they’re going to adopt them and act all nice then they get rid of them, don’t be fooled!!
DM me for uncensored names!!!!!!!!
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i-try-writing · 5 years
I’m bored
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Reblog this picture of a duck and I’ll draw your URL
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i-try-writing · 5 years
Every single odd number has an “e” in it.
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i-try-writing · 5 years
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i-try-writing · 5 years
its weird to think horses were ever ‘prey animals’ because what fucking predator looks at a 8 foot tall ENORMOUS beast with pitch black devils eyes, terrifying teeth and extremely powerful legs and think ‘yeah lets go attack that one’
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i-try-writing · 5 years
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i-try-writing · 5 years
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the clouds were so pretty this evening
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i-try-writing · 5 years
early to bed early to rise
burger king meal with burger king fries
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i-try-writing · 5 years
the person reading this is going to survive the rough patch they’re going through
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