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i drew my oc for an rp server im tryna run
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psychics are able to get energy from around them and can get it in any form, but demons have to get theirs directly from someone else for unknown reasons.
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i’m planning on only having will swear once through the whole series, and this is telling the dude that killed fred “fuck you” and entering into a rage-induced battle between the two
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you know how when i draw jack his mouth goes all the way up next to his eyes?
yeah, that’s not a stylistic choice. like demons can actually do that and it’s creepy as hell (which was the point)
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i made some of the characters in this cool thing
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and some that won’t appear for chat posts cause they’re not in the thing yet
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will is actually fairly tall despite looking short this means that the rest of the people in the house are incredibly tall, perhaps over 6 feet tall
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ghosts totally exist in this universe and they’re totally rad as hell
they’re all see-through and desaturated, but then there’s a bunch of color from their eyes, which can be anywhere from purple to gold. i’m debating if i should make it based on morale or if they just have the purple.
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will is the only member of the original main cast to come back as a ghost. the others move on to the afterlife, whatever that may be.
he’s kept himself as how he appeared when he was 22 because to him, that was when he looked the best. his skeletal remains are one of the ones to show up afterwards, too. the only individual who is still alive after will is discovered by a new generation of characters is satan
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satan’s actually a pretty chill guy here
though, he USED to be a huge asshole like how he is portrayed in such things as the bible, but he’s grown since then and just wants to be a good king to the citizens of hell. his methods of punishment, however, can be a bit extreme. the highest possible punishment is to have your soul trapped within the gemstone in his staff. if you just don’t break any laws he’s a pretty cool guy. pretty good at smash bros, too, but he mains ganon and almost exclusively baits and punishes.
bonus here: he knows the true religion but he doesn’t want to tell anyone because he doesn’t want to cause mass violence
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here’s a height chart.
the top lines are a pixel above the highest point on the sprite and go off of each character’s “signature color” or whatever
the bottom thicker lines show the eye level of each character based on the lightest definable part of their shoes (fred’s eye level is based off his glasses-less version)
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fred dies before everyone else due to a gunshot from jack.
you may expect it to be caused by blood loss, but it is actually suffocation because he was shot in the lung and then could not breathe.
will, obviously, as he is fred’s younger brother, is effected the most, and even starts combing his hair as he reaches around 23 years old because of the event
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been thinkin of makin some spoilers so i guess the spoiler tag is gonna be
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been thinkin of makin some spoilers so i guess the spoiler tag is gonna be
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im thinkin of doing some random trivia once a month with a drawing to accompany it. might happen might not who knows
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i would but i don’t know how to write one. also i have preset characters already so i wait actually ive been thinking of sequels for a while now and that could work
really wanna make this into like a movie or a dnd campaign or somethin
something that’s really easy to draw people into and get feedback
if a movie sucks, you get feedback. if it doesn’t, you get feedback.
dnd campaign? players HAVE to learn about the story and you can ask them how good it was or whatever and stuff
but you know i can’t do that yet and whatever
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really wanna make this into like a movie or a dnd campaign or somethin
something that’s really easy to draw people into and get feedback
if a movie sucks, you get feedback. if it doesn’t, you get feedback.
dnd campaign? players HAVE to learn about the story and you can ask them how good it was or whatever and stuff
but you know i can’t do that yet and whatever
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