iaintnoputa · 5 years
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iaintnoputa · 5 years
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Me: have you ever considered that maybe you are the cause of your problems sometimes
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iaintnoputa · 5 years
Me, everyday.
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iaintnoputa · 5 years
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iaintnoputa · 5 years
If someone knocks on my front door unexpectedly, I just yell “No!” through my window.
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iaintnoputa · 6 years
My inner monologue when I see a hot guy!
As the holiday season once more approaches, I feel it appropriate to bring this back around.  
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iaintnoputa · 6 years
Fall ‘18 Lookbook moods
September 30th
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October 1st
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November 1st
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December 1st
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iaintnoputa · 6 years
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Tag yourself
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iaintnoputa · 7 years
Where is the lie? I’m so over it. 🤷‍♂️
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iaintnoputa · 7 years
The belief that men are biologically inclined to be more aggressive and oppressive is false.
Men do not need to repress a instinct to be aggressive because it doesn’t exist.
They are taught from an early age to repress all emotions except for anger which leads to violent outbursts.
Toxic masculinity upholds this repression leading to many men not knowing how to communicate clearly and to associate women with emotions they deem “inferior”.
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iaintnoputa · 7 years
:buys orange hat:
A hummingbird thought a man’s orange hat was a flower [x]
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iaintnoputa · 7 years
i can’t tell you my memories but i can act them out the safety of home with my arms. the betrayals i felt of my mother when i withdraw and shut you out of inside me the wounds my father left they erupt in my suspicions the way i expose my vulnerabilities i wish i could feel simply i am the essence of everything that has happened to me every word you have spoken and every moment we made together be careful when you touch me it will burn forever
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iaintnoputa · 7 years
What's it's like when your bday is 4th of July. 😭
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iaintnoputa · 8 years
Me after spending the weekend in Tahoe, in a cabin with 11 of my coworkers.
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We have a twitter here too: https://twitter.com/IntrovertUnite. See some of you there?
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iaintnoputa · 8 years
My life.
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iaintnoputa · 8 years
zodiac common thoughts
Aries: hurry up
Taurus: how long til dinner
Gemini: lol
Cancer: why would they do that!?
Leo: my hair looks good
Virgo: that doesnt look clean
Libra: im so tired rn
Scorpio: bitch
Sagittarius: this doesnt look too hard
Capricorn: 5 second rule is real
Aquarius: i wonder if im dreaming rn
Pisces: thats mean
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iaintnoputa · 8 years
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Join the Introvert Nation
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