iam-da-vinci · 3 months
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About Gaza Funds
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iam-da-vinci · 3 months
Thinking about the 141 attending a formal military event—some high ranking officer getting a medal or retiring or some such; Johnny isn’t paying much attention—but their attendance is required (normally when shit like this happens, the 141 either is already out of the country on assignment or can quickly arrange to be).
Unfortunately, formal attendance means that regulations suddenly matter a bit more: dress uniforms, hair cuts, the whole nine yards. For Gaz, none of it is an issue; his default state is well within regs. For Ghost it just means taking his mask off, which he submits to with little fuss or fanfare. He doesn’t even really need to shave or cut his hair because he keeps both pretty short under his mask anyway. Price refuses to cut his sideburns or moustache and somehow gets away with it because
 he’s Price and even the higher-ups who care about that kind of thing are willing to make an exception for Price.
Soap, though
 Soap has to shave. He might be the youngest candidate to pass SAS selection, but that’s not enough to make the brass turn a blind eye to his carefully curated hairstyle and stubble, both horrendously out of regulation. His mohawk gets cut short, not short enough to stop being a mohawk altogether, but short enough to pass it off as a less conspicuous styling. His face, though, gets shaved completely clean. He complains about it the entire time, even though he’s alone in his bathroom, ranting to his own reflection in the mirror, and the moment he steps out, Ghost and Gaz absolutely lose it laughing, having to hold on to each other for support.
They petition Price to change Johnny’s callsign to “Babyface” and maintain for months that Price was this close to agreeing (the only reason he refused is because he knew that it would get shortened to “Baby” and he didn’t want to give Ghost an official way to flirt with his boyfriend over comms)
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iam-da-vinci · 3 months
Opinions on Phillip Graves?
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Wtf is a kilometer???
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iam-da-vinci · 3 months
streamer! soap: *minding his business*
ghost: walking by in the background
streamer! soap: oh it’s mine. he’s supposed to stay in his cage but he learnt to pick the lock.
ghost: what the hell did you just say?
soap: he’s getting smarter, guys
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iam-da-vinci · 6 months
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look me dead in the eyes and tell me mr obi-wan “do you think it’ll go in the nose or the ear” kenobi wouldn’t immediately touch something he absolutely shouldn’t for the sake of curiosity
more ‘possessed by sith artifact’ au art can be found here and here EDIT: here also
(if anyone wants any more of this au, do tell. and if you have any ideas for it, i’m all ears)
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iam-da-vinci · 6 months
This is canon now.
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iam-da-vinci · 1 year
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Intruducing Obi-wan’s half-form and gay panic Cody
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iam-da-vinci · 1 year
fives: captain, fuck marry kill: skywalker, secura, kenobi
rex: first, kill skywalker because he annoys the shit out of me
rex: second, uh
cody in the corner, polishing his blaster, without looking up: i know you don't do it often, but i want you to think very hard about what you're going to say next
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iam-da-vinci · 1 year
Anakin tells Cody about the amulet he Made for padme and Cody thinks it's fab so he makes one for obi wan, tells him it's for good luck and protection. Obi wan loves it and wears it all the time and shows it to everyone, like look at this fine piece of craftmanship, it's a symbol of devotion and friendship. It looks a bit like an engagement ring, says Mace, but everyone ignores him. Then one day obi gets kidnapped and thinks he's going to die and he's holding the amulet and prays to it, and our of nowhere Cody comes and Shanks some fuckers and saves the day. Obi wan is amazed, asks Cody how he managed to find him, he was undercover and sure he was a goner, and Cody looks him dead in the eye and tells him he used the tracker in the amulet. Obi wan is like what do You mean there's a tracker in My engagement ring. Cody is like sure what did You think it was.
Obi wan, flabberstagged: You said it was for good luck and protection!
Cody, blank faced: thats me, i'm good luck. You've been protected.
Anakin is awed and annoyed he did not think of that but when he asks padme She's like don't even think about it.
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iam-da-vinci · 1 year
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Then, gripping the handhold, Obi-Wan leaned out the open door as the gunship rose, eyes sparkling even across the growing distance, and with a warm smile he pressed his fingers to his lips, holding his hand out to Cody and blowing the kiss his way. “Wait for me,” he called. “Wait for me and I’ll come home to you! I swear I’ll come home!” From time is not alone by Redminibike1
I drew this lovely, adorable scene from @redminibike1's fic time is not alone. I just... couldn't not after reading it, it's so good, so thank you for a) writing it, and b) giving me permission to draw it! 🧡
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iam-da-vinci · 1 year
I have this headcanon that the only reason why Yoda gave Anakin so much shit about his attachments was because he couldn't get through to any of the masters and needed someone to bitch around.
Obi-Wan going starry-eyed whenever Cody is mentioned. Plo tearfully talking about how his men called him 'dad' in the middle of battle. Aayla scrolling through honeymoon options on the holonet. Mace trying to argue why the clones need better armor and also holidays. Shaak Ti showing around the newest pictures the cadets drew for her.
Yoda: Forbidden, attachments are-
Obi-Wan: Attachments?
Plo: Surely, you must be joking.
Aayla: What even are attachments, anyway.
Mace: Master Yoda, to even imply such a thing ... honestly, I thought you were better than this.
Shaak Ti: Master, I am truly wounded by your distrust.
Yoda: ...
Yoda, shaking: Go bully the bitch boy, I must.
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iam-da-vinci · 1 year
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these were all drawn as silly lil gags that i’d never intended to see the light of day but the amazing whitchry9; @ijustreallylovedaredevil wrote them into their epilepsy verse in the fic  Ner Be’vod Tayl  and i’m absolutely cackling
thank you so much for helping me bring life to my absolute wreck of an anomaly, head engineer on the hyperdrive engine, medtrack drop-out, and younger brother to the ever-suffering stim, kolto
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iam-da-vinci · 1 year
Silly au idea
During Melida/Daan Obi-wan learned how to use the force to disassemble the blasters in people hands in almost an instant.
This becomes his MO as he grows. He gets into much less firefights because no one has a blaster anymore. They're all in pieces on the ground.
During Naboo and the Theed fight with Maul he tries the same trick on Mauls saber while behind the shields. Before Maul can kill Qui-gon Mauls saber just... Falls apart. He still injures Qui-gon and Obi-wan still fights him and "kills" him.
Fast forward to the Clone wars, during Geonosis less jedi die because he starts just dismantling droid blasters. Obi-wan becomes a General. His first battle with the 212th and he gets on the field. He manages to dismantle whole squads blasters.
He meet Grievous. He dismantles the sabers in his hands and steals back the Kyber.
Idk how this saves the galaxy but its just something funny (at least to me) to imagin Obi-wan just running around dismantling everyones weapons in their hands.
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iam-da-vinci · 2 years
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Got this old sketch of Copia taking Terzo's head with him, he can still be useful
Tip jar
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iam-da-vinci · 2 years
How to watch the AMAs
As you all probably know, Impera is nominated for Favorite Rock Album at this year’s American Music Awards. Ghost is almost sure to win and Tobias just happens to be in LA for the occassion, so if you want to catch him on the small screen, here are a some ways to do it.
The show will air live on ABC at 8pm ET tomorrow, Nov. 20. You can use this timezone converter to see what time that will be for you.
If you’re in the US, you may be able to watch it on TV. If not, then try Hulu, fuboTV or Vidgo - they all stream ABC and offer free trials, if you’re not already subscribed.
If you’re outside of the US, the following streams should work regardless of where you are in the world. They’re free so it may happen that the one you use stops working (also there may be lots of annoying ads) - better have another one ready in a different tab just in case:
Stream 1
Stream 2
Stream 3
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iam-da-vinci · 2 years
I think the Jedi council should have at least considered sending obi-wan over to Dooku to be like “yes hello I am here for sith training” just to see what would happen
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iam-da-vinci · 2 years
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He really does it all huh?
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