iama-weirdo · 19 days
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My human design for the disaster twins!
I'm still working on the sunset duos designs so just take these two for now.
(Also please ignore the fact that almost every drawing I do has the exact same pose, I rarely draw anything below the shoulders because while I am working on getting better at drawing bodies I find it difficult, especially if I just wanna do a quick doodle)
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iama-weirdo · 25 days
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Printing out low quality stickers, also my new catchphrase
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Colours are slightly off but It's all I could ever want and more
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iama-weirdo · 25 days
Taking the time to Introduce one of the characters from one of my many MANY story ideas (but we're bot gonna get into the actual story idea cause god it is cringy right now and still needs a lot of thought as to what is happening with it lol)
Anyhoo everyone meet Eugene!
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One of my friends actually came up with the idea for his character as a joke (The joke being having this really plot relevant side character that kinda just lurks in the background and has a really normal name compared to all the other characters)
Anyhoo he's sort of like a messenger/mail man of sorts? And he is in a relationship with one of my other characters whose name is Marco (but I'll show him off at a later date I guess)
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iama-weirdo · 26 days
Don't have a dog, but I do have a cat called Zee and 2 rats called Splinter and Shredder!
And for your sake I shall try to up the confidence! It's actually thanks to your encouragement that I don't freak out as much whenever I post :)
Also please don't kidnap me 😅
Sincerely, Your friend since yesterday™
It's drawing time!
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I drew myself out of boredom and the fact i've had this completely unused sketch book laying around. (Also please ignore the subpar colouring the majority of my pencils are like the same size as my finger and I have been told I have very small hands)
(And yes my hair is really like that IRL, no I am not emo it's just comfortable like that!)
Anyhoo I've got to go study now, because life sucks and exams are soon (┳Д┳)
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iama-weirdo · 26 days
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Thank you @acey-waceyy123 and everyone who got me to 5 reblogs!
This may seem like a small number in the grand scheme of things, but honestly? This is a huge boost for my barely existent confidence!
It's drawing time!
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I drew myself out of boredom and the fact i've had this completely unused sketch book laying around. (Also please ignore the subpar colouring the majority of my pencils are like the same size as my finger and I have been told I have very small hands)
(And yes my hair is really like that IRL, no I am not emo it's just comfortable like that!)
Anyhoo I've got to go study now, because life sucks and exams are soon (┳Д┳)
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iama-weirdo · 26 days
It's drawing time!
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I drew myself out of boredom and the fact i've had this completely unused sketch book laying around. (Also please ignore the subpar colouring the majority of my pencils are like the same size as my finger and I have been told I have very small hands)
(And yes my hair is really like that IRL, no I am not emo it's just comfortable like that!)
Anyhoo I've got to go study now, because life sucks and exams are soon (┳Д┳)
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iama-weirdo · 1 month
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Was studying today with some friends and ended up doodling leo on my maths jotter.
I also doodled donnie but I can't be bothered taking a picture of it.
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iama-weirdo · 1 month
Hello! I got bored so I decided to make my very first post on tumblr!
I honestly have no idea what I am doing or gonna post about at all, so uh take this crappy doodle I did of leo on a whim ╮(─▽─)╭
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Debating whether I hate it or not and if I should draw the other turtles.
To anyone who sees this thank you for taking the time to put up with this poor introduction (^v^)
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