iamapearlzine · 3 years
Just a last reminder that the store is closing for good at the end of this week. Thanks for the support, everybody!! 💖
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Closing time!
Hey everyone! Huge thanks to those of you who have been following this project since the start, and all along the way! Now that the momentum has slowed, it’s time for me to close down our store. Overstock orders will close on Friday, March 11, 2022!
Shopify, which hosts our store, costs money to upkeep, and we’ve reached a point where orders can’t cover that cost; I’ve also personally reached a point where it’s time to have this project off my plate as an ongoing responsibility. We had a fantastic run, and I’m very pleased with how it all went! 
Whatever overstock is left after the store closes down will live with me ad infinitum, and perhaps in the future will be available at cons when that’s safe to do again; any future money made from overstock sales will go to the three charities the IAAP team identified. 
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to my fellow organizers, to our contributors, and to everyone who ordered or followed or reblogged or otherwise supported us along the way. Pearl fans are the best!! <3
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
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Closing time!
Hey everyone! Huge thanks to those of you who have been following this project since the start, and all along the way! Now that the momentum has slowed, it’s time for me to close down our store. Overstock orders will close on Friday, March 11, 2022!
Shopify, which hosts our store, costs money to upkeep, and we’ve reached a point where orders can’t cover that cost; I’ve also personally reached a point where it’s time to have this project off my plate as an ongoing responsibility. We had a fantastic run, and I’m very pleased with how it all went! 
Whatever overstock is left after the store closes down will live with me ad infinitum, and perhaps in the future will be available at cons when that’s safe to do again; any future money made from overstock sales will go to the three charities the IAAP team identified. 
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to my fellow organizers, to our contributors, and to everyone who ordered or followed or reblogged or otherwise supported us along the way. Pearl fans are the best!! <3
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
A quick signal boost! FTH is a fantastic event, go check it out!
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Less than two weeks until signups for the 2022 @fandomtrumpshate auction!!!
Support progressive causes by creating and receiving amazing fanwork! 
I saw some folks in the tags of my last post saying they were nervous about offering fanwork, but i think everyone who wants to should go for it!! It’s VERY fun and the timeline is nice and long! Whether you’re a beginning creator or a seasoned elder, there’s somebody out there who will be excited to bid on you.
Want to know more? This year’s details are all here!
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
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In case you missed it, the store is back open!! Orders from last week have been sent out, and there's still some of everything left for the taking! o:^D 
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
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Get your piping hot overstock items here!
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
hi is there any chance you would be selling the charms individually?
Actually there are currently individual Mega Pearl charms, because we got a lot of extra of her from the vendor for some reason! Other than that I'm hoping to keep them as sets, just because there's a not-insignificant amount of work that goes into creating a new item listing in the store.
That said, if having the charms be individual makes the difference between ordering and not ordering for anybody, I'd appreciate that feedback! If there seems to be significant interest, that might make it worth the extra work.
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
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Get your piping hot overstock items here!
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
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Targeted sketch share: Process work for I Am A Pearl! mini-zine postcard. Thumbnails first to find a direction, then a clarifying sketch with compositions and posing, and then the final drawings. I picked this idea to go forward that had Volley taking everyone’s picture with the “snapshots” shown together, since the zine was about featuring each of the pearls individually and in combination. I really wanted to include Holo-Pearl!!
The overstock store is opening January 10! You can get this or something even cooler. Find everything at @iamapearlzine!
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
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Missed out on preorders? Now is your chance to snatch up overstock items! We have limited quantities of everything up for grabs, and I will be shipping as orders are received. 
We just about broke even on the preorders, so every overstock order is icing on the cake! All the proceeds (after paying fees for online store hosting and getting some more shipping supplies) will be split among three charities selected by our organizers and contributors:  The Trevor Project, Doctors Without Borders, and The Asian and Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project. 
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
Hello - got most of my merch a short while ago (thank you!) but I’m curious where I should expect to get the PDF version of the zine
The PDFs went out by email the second week of August! They hit a lot of folks' spam because the file was so large though. So take a look through whatever email you gave as your contact when you preordered, sometime around 8/7 - 8/11, for an email from iamapearlzine at gmail, and especially check your spam folder! If you don't find it, message again and I'll re-send.
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
Packages are all on their way!!!!!
The rest of the zine shipments have been dropped at the post office and will go out tomorrow! Thanks again for your patience, everybody!
Next steps will be for me to count up all the overstock and open overstock orders. I can't predict how soon that will actually happen, but I'll announce here ahead of the store reopening!
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
Shipping has started!
Hi all, just wanted to give a quick update! Almost all international orders went out today (just waiting on a response to a technical question on the remaining three), and more than half of domestic orders are packed! Life and work are kicking my behind but progress is being made, thanks for your patience <3
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
Just want to let you all know that after some delays at the printer because of mechanical problems, ALL THE ZINES AND MERCH ARE FINALLY HERE!!! So for the next little while my living room will be shipping central.
I'll keep updating throughout this process, so keep watching this space.
If you missed your chance to preorder, don't worry! The preorder site will reopen with limited numbers of overstock once shipping is complete.
Thanks again to everyone who ordered for your support, your enthusiasm, and your patience!
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
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Another Update!
Merch from two of our three vendors has come in, and it all looks amazing!! I've also received proofs from the third vendor, our printer for the zines and other paper items! We're doing one more round of proofs to fix a few issues with file setup, and then printing of the actual zines will be underway.
In a few weeks I should be ready to package everything up and ship it out, woohooooo!!
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
Updates on IAAP progress coming soon, but in the mean time check out this one getting underway!
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Hello everyone! Friendly Reminder that there is One More Week to submit applications to be a Writer or Artist for the zine! These applications will close Sunday, September 12 at 11:59 CST
Apply as a Writer
Apply as an Artist
As you can tell by the image attached, all the mods have been chosen and have accepted, expect a post detailing this in the coming days once everyone enters the server!
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
Rating: G Characters: Volleyball & Pearl Word Count: 1,999 Summary:
The words fall from her lips. “Will you teach me?”
Pearl halts in her tracks. “Hmm?”
“To fight, silly!”
My contribution to the @iamapearlzine. It was fun to work on this alongside so many amazing creators! Thank you to all the organizers, artists, and writers who helped make this zine a reality. 
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iamapearlzine · 3 years
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An Update!
Just popping in to let you all know that preorder totals have been tallied, art file setup has been finalized, and the zines and merch have been ordered from our various vendors! Some proofs have come in and look fantastic and more proofs are expected next week, so production is well underway.
I'm also excited to announce that we made enough money to order some (5 to 10) extras of everything! So if you missed your chance to place an order, you'll have another shot. That will start after I've shipped out the preorders, so keep watching this space for future updates. <3
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