iamasaltcracker · 1 year
My Masterlist:
im more active since 14/6. I’m cr trying to get my homelander and butcher fics out.
The Boys
đź’™wait? - coming soon<3
Until Dawn
Josh Washington:
🤍without me? - coming soon<3
Stiles Stilinski:
❤️Fluff - The Pilot
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iamasaltcracker · 1 year
The pilot - Stiles Stilinski x reader
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pronouns: she/her
characters: reader/Stiles Stilinski
tw: descriptions of dead bodies, language?
It was late at night. I was lying in my bed and listening to music while thinking of all sorts of things. This was the time in the day when I could completely relax and not be overwhelmed with life stuff.
At first, I didn't hear it but as the noise got louder I took out an earbud paying close attention. I was not going to get killed today I had things to do tomorrow.
The shadows on my wall were moving and shaped a human shadow. Woah. Moving my head slowly and trying to find my mp3 player with my hand was stressful. But after turning to my bedroom window I let out a breath of relief.
It wasn't an intruder or a creep, it was Stiles.
"Stiles mf Stilinski! Wha- Why are you here, at literally 2 in the fucking morning!" I whisper shout as I open the window and let him in.
He had a grin on his face when he looked at me and said: "There's a dead body I'm in the woods! I picked it up on the police radio frequency. They are saying that half of it is missing and they are putting together a search to find the other half!" he talked really fast with excitement and he was just so... perfect.
Once I stopped admiring him and his words sank in, I blew up. "What the hell? Really? Which forest? Are we going? Wh-" I was muttering off when Stiles silenced me with a kiss. It worked. He then looked at me, the way he does with soo much admiration, and said: " I love you".
My face flashed him a big smile: "I love you too babe. Now... where are we going". I wasn't just going to let him go off all by himself though I doubt that would happen since Scotty was probably already waiting in the jeep.
"Off to the reserve. There is a big search so will need to lay low" he says and grabs my hand to leave but then realizes I'm still in my pajamas. So I quickly and as quietly as I can turn around take them off and reach for the clothes I had ready for the morning.
"Done," I say and pull him out the window with me. And there parked under the neighbor's tree is the jeep and by the looks of it Scott is already waving me over. Ugh. Andddd he is sitting in the passenger's seat, which means I am going to have to be the one in the back. He always beats me to it. I slowly dash to the seats and wait till we're out of the view of my house to ask the details.
Stiles explains that his father the Sheriff and the entire Beacon County Department along with the State Police are in the woods looking for a body that two joggers found only half of -a girl in her twenties and the officers are currently searching for the other half.
"Did anyone of you think to bring a weapon?" I say as we all exit the vehicle that Stiles parked near the entrance of the preserve where it could go unnoticed. "I didn't even think about that, yikes." "What if the killer is still out there?!"
As we are walking through the wood we talk and look around with the flashlight Stiles brought with us.
Scott starts saying how he wanted to get a full night's rest 'cause lacrosse tryouts are tomorrow. "-I'm playing this year! in fact, I'm going to play first-line". he says confidently. But then my Stiles starts saying it's unrealistic when I remember: "Hey guys?" "Hmmm?" "What" "I was just wondering which part of the body are we looking for..." Silence.
"Huhh I don't know. I haven't even thought about it" Stiles says as Scott starts to breathe a little harder. "Hey, you okay there?" I ask him with concern. "Yeah I'm good but maybe the asthmatic one should hold the flashlight eh?" he responds as he takes his inhaler. I do have to admit we are I think running very high on adrenaline and are kind of out of breath.
"Get down," says Stiles as he gestures to the officers right in front of us. Oh Oh. "Run. Stay behind me"
And there we go Scott right behind Stiles and me with my great form trying not to hit a tree. At some point, we all get separated but then I hear someone has run into an officer and the next voice I hear belongs to Sheriff Stilinski so I duck the hell down.
"-so where are your usual partners in crimes?" the sheriff says clearly addressing me and Scott while he flashes his flashlight around the near trees. I get the chance to see Scott on the other side hiding behind a tree. None of us answer so he takes Stiles by the neck and tells him that they're gonna have a long talk about the invasion of privacy. Funny how close I was and he didn't see me... Yelp I was relieved too quickly cause I must have put more pressure on a twig and it made it snap. craps. Now there was a flashlight in my face and I was suddenly walking with them. Funny how that happened. Damn me and my stealth.
"I- Ok let's just get you two home. We'll talk about this. Why do I even try." he lets out an exasperated sigh and opens the driver's door of the jeep to let Stiles in. I give the sheriff an apologetic look that says sorry but also not I don't know I think he knows me well enough to tell.
In the car, once we're alone, I say: "... and we didn't even find it."Ugh, I know, right!" he says as he starts the engine. "Do you wanna stay at my house tonight? Dad's probably not going to be home for a while while they search." I'm looking out the window when I reply: "Sure. My parents aren't going to notice since they leave for work early and don't check on me to not wake me. "
*next day in school* (A/n: idk how to write the bit where we both just forget about scott sad ik but like hmmmm)
It's now the next morning after our adventure in the woods, and we have just built a human wall so that Scott could show us the bite he sustained last night. He says a wolf bit him- but that is littery impossible because there haven't been wolves in California for a long while now.
And guess what he also found the other half. of the body. That must have been a cray night for him I couldn't imagine since I just left him there with no help.
*at the end of the school day*
Scott is something else. He's different somehow. I don't know how yet but I am about to find out.
I OVERCOMPLICATED IT. LIKE I AM NOT WRITING A WHOLE STORY (did I tho- idk my first one so like:// )*insert crying emoji*. SORRYYYYYYY. but this is like practice to cringe sooooooooo.
This was soo fun to write cause I love reader inserts. Leave any corrections and suggestions in the comments, please.
written:11/03/2022 (ik lmao)
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