iamcactus · 6 years
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iamcactus · 6 years
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iamcactus · 6 years
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New growth on my orchids 
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iamcactus · 6 years
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I have some seedlings growing! I don’t normally have much luck with seeds but that doesn’t stop me trying. I’ve got cat mint, micro greens, tomatoes, and carrots. 
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iamcactus · 7 years
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I did some weeding in amongst the spider lilies at the back of the house and picked up a few clusters of seeds. I’m wondering what to do with them, because I already have heaps of lilies but I also just love growing stuff. 
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iamcactus · 7 years
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Today the council chopped down the tabebuia tree growing in front of my house because it was falling over. I know it had to be done, I was still sad to see it go though. 
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iamcactus · 7 years
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I dismantled an old planter box and dumped the soil out onto my compost about two weeks ago, not realising that it was full of dormant rain lily bulbs. After a week of monsoonal rain I noticed them all sprouting in the compost, so I dug them out and put most of them into this pot. There were so many that I had to stick the rest randomly into other pots that already have plants in them. 
I’m really surprised at how hardy they are. I thought that they had all died over the dry summer and the recent heatwave, and there are more bulbs than there were ever lilies growing in that spot. Looking forward to some cute little pink flowers. 
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iamcactus · 7 years
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This haworthia has taken the idea of a flower stem to a whole new level. It has a few seed pods on it too, which I was not expecting at all. 
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iamcactus · 7 years
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First flowers on my little adenium, and I love the colour
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iamcactus · 7 years
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Rain = long grass and mushrooms!
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iamcactus · 7 years
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I forgot to post a photo of this succulent arrangement I gave to my mum for Christmas. She loved it :) 
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iamcactus · 7 years
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iamcactus · 7 years
I hate having a lawn. My town has been on water restrictions for, like, years, so my yard is always sad and ugly. If I wasn't in a rental property I'd get rid of it.
i was about to joke about how my political stance is “end lawnmower culture” but then it occurred to me that i actually Am against lawns as suburban status symbols and wastes of land that Could be used to sustain native flora & fauna and grow food for people, but no, instead they are these huge useless swaths of land that need Constant maintenance, the process of which is not only destructive, but Incredibly Loud
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iamcactus · 7 years
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When you haven’t ridden your bike for a while and nature starts to take over
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iamcactus · 7 years
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iamcactus · 7 years
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Haworthia flowers
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iamcactus · 7 years
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