iamladylightning · 6 years
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iamladylightning · 6 years
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i love her
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iamladylightning · 6 years
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Isn’t this how the Venom movie went
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iamladylightning · 6 years
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iamladylightning · 6 years
A porcupine’s Halloween present (+ original sound effects)
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iamladylightning · 6 years
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iamladylightning · 6 years
Aw, this is cute.
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iamladylightning · 6 years
If you’ve seen me in real life recently, you may have seen a large mark on my arm. That’s because on the morning of Friday 18th Sep 2015, I was assaulted by someone I thought cared about me.
My now ex-boyfriend Ian Mooney (AKA Eikelmann - in the Melee Smash Community) had been cheating on me the entire time we were together. I couldn’t bring it upon myself to break up with him because he was staying with me, and I didn’t want him to be a homeless American in a country he didn’t know. He was never an angry person, though. Frankly, I didn’t see it coming.
Even when I tried to kill myself around the 23rd of August (this is probably news to most of you too), and him telling me how important I was to him, just half a week later he was still saving nudes off girls from snapchat. Seemingly past then he had stopped, but after a while he made me promise not to go through his phone. I promised because I didn’t want him to leave, I was scared of being alone while this mentally vulnerable.
On the night of the Thursday 17th, I broke that promise in the middle of the night, when my paranoia is the worst. I found folders upon folders of nudes on his Google Drive, including some from girls who didn’t even like him anymore, like his most recent ex. I was disgusted. I deleted all of them and went to bed.
In the morning, around 7am, I guess he found out because he started packing up his things and refusing to talk to me. To try and get him to speak, I picked up his phone and sat down on the bed. He lunged at me, and started trying to wrestle his phone off me, breaking a few glasses on my side table and then ramming my face into the metal post at the foot of the bed.
I got up as fast as I could and screamed for my sister to come down, and he resumed packing. I shouted at him for 5 minutes asking why, just pointless yelling in the end. I grabbed his phone again, ran downstairs, and in anger, smashed his phone and threw it in the bin outside. (Something I can pay for, btw). When he heard it being hit against the wall he ran downstairs, I walked back into the house, and he shoved me hard into a doorframe, leaving a large mark and graze on my arm, then just ran upstairs to keep packing.
At this time, I decided to call the police, and my sister blocked the stairs so he couldn’t get to me. As he heard me doing that, he began shouting sarcastic comments and telling me to “let him talk to them”. He was eventually taken away.
I didn’t give a witness statement because of my mental state, I wouldn’t be able to handle going to court and reliving it again and again. My sister did, however, since she saw the 2nd half, and there was enough evidence to take it through.
To my dismay, just 10-11 hours later, at 6pm, I received a call that he was being released on a caution since he admitted to it and it was a first offence. He was to come by the house later to retrieve his belongings with an officer.
Only, he didn’t come by with an officer, and demanded to be let in when he couldn’t find something (some cable he had lost) because he “knew” I had hidden it. I hadn’t, and told him that if I found it I would mail it to someone who could give it to him. After some drama, and me not unlocking the door, he eventually left, to Derby, and then to London.
Frankly all I want after this is some form of justice. A mere caution after what he did to me is not justice. I am incredibly mentally unwell and this has brought an incredible amount of distress into my life. It’s not fair that he can do this to me and waltz around going to Super Smash Bros tournaments in this country as if nothing has happened. As if he’s not a physical abuser, as if he didn’t assault me, as if everything is fine.
I wasn’t going to make a post but I am sick of this. He deserves consequences for his actions. Please let people know. Link people to this post, reblog it, anything. Don’t let him run away from this.
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iamladylightning · 6 years
By all means, talk and raise awareness about depression. But please mention:
•Not showering or brushing your teeth for two weeks •Getting sick from a vitamin D deficiency because you haven’t been outside in a solid month •Getting lightheaded when you stand up from bed because you’ve been laying down for days •The body pains •Shampoo not bubbling because this is the first time you washed your hair in three weeks •Over stimulation •Pity from a distance •'Get over yourself, there’s people *in Africa starving, with cancer, homeless, living in poverty, dying, ect.’ •Massive weight gain •Massive weight loss •Both •Your body literally changing how it looks and deposits fat based on frequent weight gain and loss •Hair loss •Zero self esteem •Breaking out in acne so bad you can’t put your head on a pillow from pain •Being too depressed to commit suicide •Self imposed isolation •Stomach cramps •Nausea •Vomiting •'You’re so dramatic, it can’t be that bad’
If you don’t, I’m not saying you’re not raising awareness, but you definitely need to reevaluate your platform
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iamladylightning · 6 years
i’m so here for bi women who are in love with with themselves, who are openly and unapogetically bisexual, who love themselves and other bi women fearlessly, and if you aren’t there yet, that’s ok! you’ll get there one day <3
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iamladylightning · 6 years
women wear suits better than men and thats just a cold hard fact
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iamladylightning · 6 years
my weirdest hobby is re-creating memes in html so i have a crisp, HQ version of them to use and edit whenever i need
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378K notes · View notes
iamladylightning · 6 years
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iamladylightning · 6 years
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iamladylightning · 6 years
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Honestly there probably saying “nice suit” to each other
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iamladylightning · 6 years
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828K notes · View notes
iamladylightning · 6 years
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