iamlailanie · 11 months
Hi Laiii from way back July HAHAHA. Well congrats for being here. we have been getting closer i guess??? im not really sure jk. anyway today is Nov 2. 2:41 am. We're going back tomorrow at our dorm, we have plenty things to do. Yes. we're already clinician. We're handling patients Nanay Lionila and Loi. tbh i mean idk if i can finish these bunch of clinical requirements..... u know these past few days, months i always overthinking... i ask myself so many times.. to be frank i felt scared.. for disappointments on myself. i don't know... its just hard. you know i envy u, u seems so happy, excited, full of life i guess at that time?? but once u step up here, you'll get tired. i mean im always tired of this course haha nothing new.. but what can i do right? i have to finish this fight... Lord please be with me. And alsoooo Lord, ill pray for the people and peace in Israel. your will be done. Amen. hope to write soon. I ALMOST FORGOT pearl and ate will be coming back here in ph... i think 27 days left??? i have to buy something for them,,, like bunch especially for Pearl. that's what I've been looking for this month. byee
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iamlailanie · 1 year
Hi laii. kinda nice back again. today is JULY 30. and guess whaaat? you passed all your subjects and you are now a CLINICIAN. even myself can't believe it. like for real? im kinda scared and nervous coz we are now handling live patients from now on. i haven't practice as well unfortunately, and haven't read anything at all. but we have 1 week preparation for that. Actually our class starts should be August 2 but it was rescheduled to august 7 because of the bad weather i mean typhoon egay. sooo okay let's focus from now on. no more games i guess??? can't help it huhu. okayyy that would be all for now. its 2 am already.
I almost forgot to tell youuuu. we moved dormitory. we been kicked out literally hahahaha. but we moved to much betterr. studio type big space. we got our own sink and bathroom. kinda sucks. theres no bidet. also you have even your own doorbell. the problem is... ITS TOO EXPENSIVE. but much closer to school than before. laundry shops are everywhere. and cheap foods. sooo i hope I'll write soon. see ya
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iamlailanie · 2 years
Hi lai it's me again! its March 23,2023! I'm so proud of you. you passed all your subjects last sem. We are now in 2nd sem. Look at you. you're still fighting. Well you fail prelim endo. but dont worry midterm finals got you baaaaack!! God will help us. He can do impossible to possible. Miracles do happen. I'm just tired today, just laying in my bed, thinking and regaining my energy. just got out from the shower. it feels good! tomorrow I got laboratory. You got it girl! tho i haven't review yet still you can do it. step by step we're getting there. i can feel it. hope to write soon!!! wish you all the very best.
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iamlailanie · 2 years
Helloooo!! its me again. Today's January 10, 2023. OMG!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE IT'S ALREADY 2023. another year to survive dentistry... and of course LIFE. hmmm. i didn't expect that my last diary i wrote here was july 2022 last year hahahahaha. ive been so busy these few months.. 2022 is a hella rollercoaster ride. ups and down... struggles and challenges. but guess what???? I PASSED ALL THE SUBJECTS THIS SEM. im cryin you know when u realized all your hardworks pays off. all those sleepless nights. thank u Lord. 2nd sem is coming i kennat. ENDO im so scared. like really. I really hope and pray i passed all these subs pls. this sem. ahhhh and i hope i can get good schedule plss hoping i have somebody i know. i will write soon. not just about problems cause i realized everything iwrote here were negative. its just burden for me to read. but also it makes me proud that im still here. still fighting and reaching the goal. i hope i can write more story about my achievements lately. see ya
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iamlailanie · 2 years
Hi. It's me again. Uhm. It's July 9, 2022. It's been so long isn't it? Well, as I read my previews diaries that I've wrote here. It's kinda depressing. But life goes on. It is what it is. I have a lil business here if yall wanna know. I sell diff stuff mostly baby stuffz. It's all pre loved. I don't want to invest some money. I just wanna sell something here at our home that can lessen the space here. We have a lot of stuff here that isn't valuable. So I have an extra income which is really nice. Uhmmm. It's our vacation it's quite long but it feels so SHOOOORT. I mean it's just not enough. I need one more month to fully rest and healed by these problems and trials that I've been facing on. But as I said. It is what it is. It's kind a sad to think that some of my friendz are..... to make this story short. They are also struggling on their own. Things aren't same anymore. I don't know if I still have friendz there when we're back at school. And Im kind of worried about the required jab which obv I still don't have, due to sort some of belief. so I don't know what will happen. Life goes on
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iamlailanie · 2 years
Hi it's me again. It's our vacation finally. We'll I did see the result. I did failed. One sub. A VERY IMPORTANT SUBJECT. Well I don't know what my future holds. I'm scared. But I know I can get thru this. With the help of the Lord. I know I can. I believe.
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iamlailanie · 2 years
Why do I felt uneasy. Why is my heart like this. Please. Lord let all be good result.
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iamlailanie · 2 years
Hi. It's been a while. It's May 19. One more week to go before this sem is finally over. There's a lot of stuffz happened lately. It's almost 3 am in the morning yet I'm still awake with a heavy heart. Uhmmm. I wanna cry so badly tbh. But no rooms and time for that. I've been exhausted by all these requirements. Tomorrow we have practical I still don't know if I can do it. I'm not in a mood to learn. I mean everyday. I felt tired even if I'm just sitting all day. I felt disappointed especially when I see my scores. It's bad. It's my first time to be these lowest of my class. Its hard to take in. I don't know and I have no one to talk to. All my friendz have diff burdens to take. My friend got pregnant and the rest are behind. So I just felt like.... I just really don't know what to felt. I want to rest. So bad. Rest from these expectation. Rest from these heavy heart. I've been on my phone all day. I've been cheating. But it's not enough to make me pass. I know. It's not the way yall expected. Even from me. I think I deserve a break. A very looooooong break. I mean a year. Can I? Ofc not gonna happen. Well what can I do? I chose this path. I chose the hard way. Regrets are there. But we'll just accept they way it is. It is what it is.
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iamlailanie · 3 years
Hi, it's me again. It's March 21. of 2022. and I just felt that I'm loosing my enthusiasm in my study. I don't read books, I don't study, I go to class just for the sake of attendance. I didn't listen in every lectures, I don't read PowerPoints. I feel uninterested. I'm always on my phone, day by day, night by night scrolling, reading some manhwa, webtoon. Uhmmmm. How do I say this? I'm studying dentistry because Ive invested my time, money so much that I can't go back or choose what I love. Wait? what do I love? Nothing.
Although I'm kinda inspired by the words of the newest board passers, 3 of UE alumni got on the topnotchers. It's just inspiring. But the feeling ( no enthusiasm, procrastination, uinterested are still there ). No matter what I do, I felt lazy. No matter how I think my tuition fee, I'm still lazy. I still. don't know if this is still for me. I really don't know.
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iamlailanie · 3 years
Driver License
Hey, It's been a while. I wasn't able to update much about my life these past few days because I don't have the energy to write stuffs. Since I have a little time to share, this is my story.
Getting driver license seem so easy. I thought it just something that you can get for a minute. But the funny thing, is IT IS NOT.
I will recall everything I experienced. I wanna be detailed as much as possible.
Well, actually I already have a student permit. I got student license back way 2019. But I wasn't able to proceed because my mom doesn't want me to take the license, just bcoz Im too young for them, and I wasn't mature as they said. But nah. I think I can. But I understand, they are parents. They obviously worried because driving is not a joke. So fast forward.
2021, December, my brother and my cousin wanted to take a license and they went to LTO to inquire what process, how the y will get the license ofc. My cousin wants to upgrade his license to professional since his present license is for only motorcycle. He wanted to drive car. So the LTO said that he needs to enroll PDC (PRACTICAL Driving Course) to any driving school. While my brother, doesnt have any background about driving, same as I do. So the LTO wants him to enroll two courses. First is the TDC (theoretical driving course) and PDC (Practical driving course). It was their new curriculum. So hassle I know we got no choice but to follow.
I'm just here at my doing some errands, my bro is calling me ask me what year did I get student permit. I said 2019. And they ask the LTO if I can still renew the license. They said YES.
After I got that news, I was happy. My hopes are getting high. There are some negotiation with parents, eventually they agreed. So I went to LTO immediately with my paper.
Inside the building, Theres a lot of people waiting and sitting in every corner. We went directly to Help Desk to ask some question about my license status. They write something on my paper it says "Is this still valid?" and I pass it on to Window 3. And wait to be called for a while. Then after 30 to 45 minutes? I got called. Then I saw my paper, It says "Yes up to February 30, 2022" okay so after this? Whats next? I ask some worker there, I have to get medical certificate. So I went to the optha in front of the LTO. they checked my eyes, weight and height. So it was all good 20/20 vision. After I got the med cert. They said I have to enroll PDC only. So we went to A1 Driving school to inquire how much and how many hours to practice?
They said.. 8 hours 4 session, for almost 5k. So we immediately enrolled. And after that. Funny thing is, we got sick. I don't know if we are infected or just simply cold. Yes. My brother and I got symptoms. By tomorrow
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iamlailanie · 3 years
Another year.
2021 is not so good year for me. There were a lot of struggles, tears, downfall and prayers. I do not know what will happen to this year. But I only know, I will and always be standing. Not to be strong but simply just standing.
"Standing" by definition, you are using your both legs and feet to be able to stand up and walk. By the help of the gravity.
By simply standing, you can move forward. It doesn't mean you have to be strong, you don't have to run. Also, you don't have to rush things what you knew that it will always come after you.
You just have to stand. It is okay NOT to be strong. It is okay to be weak. It is okay to be fragile. This is what makes us a human. We shed tears, we get sad, we get frustrated by small things, we get worried, we get envy by petty things. We orverthink. And it's understandable. Because we know we function. But dont let those things hinder you and your heart. Know you are weak, know you are vulnerable. Know you need God.
2021 is not so good year. At least we are able to stand.
We did celebrate new year eve with my family. We ate, we did fireworks, (not really). It's just simple yet memorable get together despite all these trials, we are still here. And I think that is most important one.
No another new year resolutions just doing the things that I still doing last year but this year. I change for the better. We all do hope that. Every year I heard those lines saying that. But it's okay at least you are trying the best that you can.
Lastly, I hope this year will be the year that somebody will finally meet those standards. In God's will.
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iamlailanie · 3 years
Hey, I'm back. Its a first day on our Midterm. Tbh, I did failed. I don't know, I made my best. I even did some other thing but in the end, I still failed. I even slept 4am. The exam was just really hard. For me? Especially the lab part. I dont know anymore. After I took the exam, I slept soooo much. I haven't been done anything rn. I was just tired all day. I want to forget all the pressure and disappointment on myself. This was really hard to take in. I want to pass this sem. Badly. So much. Lord please, let me. help me. you're my strength, comfort and my refuge.
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iamlailanie · 3 years
Hey, it's been a while. I just wanna share something... For the past months, I've been mentally and physically drained. I've been thinking a lot. Especially these few days. Recently, my school announced that, the govt approved f to f class next semester, but we're not yet belong to that. Only the graduating ones, they're requirement to be able to go to face to face is to be vaccinated. And that's the problem. I don't know if I can ever finish this degree. I don't have any back up plan to be honest. I've been thinking of my future. Like a lot.
You know, I havent been able to sleep good every night just to finish all the assignment, due dates, projects but you know in the end, it will not be worth it. It's just sad and kind of frustrating tho. When will ever this end? Can we really go back to the way it was?..... I'm hoping.. But it's just you have a dream, a goal, a step. But it's just like for nothing....
I dont wanna be sad, but I cant help it. I know God will make a way. A way that He only knows what's the best for you. God help us especially in this time of difficulties, persecution, and crisis. I know that YOU will give us hope, and to trust you more. Thank you for being with us always..help my heart to feel your presence, seek peace. Seek YOU. be my comfort and strength. Help us thru all the way acc to your plan. Thank u Jesus.
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iamlailanie · 3 years
Hey, it's me again. As of the moment, I'm laying in bed preparing to get some sleep but overthinking hits hard right now. I've been exhausted these past few weeks. Sometimes I doubt myself, felt like my enthusiasm was gone. Is it only me when you feel like even if you work yourself hard, in the end it wouldn't matter? That's how I felt. I don't know, maybe the pressure is bothering my peace. I have been so passionate in everything I do in the past, however, the effect of Pandemic on me, is worst especially when it comes to emotionally. To be honest, I'm mentally drained. I have been studying all day and night, been pressuring myself to pass. But that pressure won't make me sleep well at night. I can't even sleep 6 or 4 hours a day. Sometimes, I wish not to take this course. But in the end, you realize, you made it here so far. I'm already in my 4th year, an irregular student. I have no choice but to continue and pursue dentistry. I HAVE to make my family proud. And ofourse, it's for myself too. I need to have something to vent out what I'm been feeling these few weeks. I ask myself too, can I still do it? Do I have what it takes?. But whether you like it or not. I have to make a step. Do my best.
It's exactly 3:00 am in the morning, and still wide awake. I probably buy melatonin or any drugs to make me sleep well. Tumblr helps me to voice out my frustration, especially to myself, to speak up, to share what I'm doing and ofcouse to inspire. I mean it, I feel unmotivated most of the time, everyday that I almost forgot I got it here. If you want to inspire other and be a good inspiration towards the people, you YOURSELF should be inspired by your own experiences. You have to believe that You can do it because God supports your back. I will make it. Just Few years,, and I'll come back as stronger, wiser and bolder. Wait till I succeed. In God's Time.
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iamlailanie · 3 years
It's been a year but still...
Hi! It's been a while :) I guess It's been 2 years since I wrote my first blog. A lot of things have happened these past few years. There have been ups and MANY downs but it has taught us a lot in life especially we're in the middle of a worldwide global pandemic.
In terms of Pandemic:
It's already been a year when the quarantine imposed in Philippines. I never thought that these things will last longer than much as I expected. Covid-19 is surely a no joke. I remembered when we're still in the middle of reporting in our class, I am the last reporter which I am preparing my lines, practicing my tone and how should I deliver it. Then someone knocks the door, It was the guard reminding us that our class is dismissed due to circulating virus as Mayor Isko stated. Our professor agreed but after we finish the report. So I start reporting (which I know no one's listening) preparing their bags to leave lol. I'm a bit relief because I don't get questioned since our mind (our prof included) focuses on 1 week vacation. SIKE!
After we leave the class, We're actually excited obviously it's a 1 week suspension, We even plan to go somewhere, We even plan to go outing, swim and hike. But it never happened obviously, since the virus is circulating all over the news. We got scared ofc. After I went to dorm, I packed some of my things which we thought that it's just 1 week suspension. When I got home, the news said that the govt will continue the lockdown for another 1 month. Then goes another month, so on & so forth. GCQ, ECQ, MECQ, MGCQ, BBQ lmao. Unfortunately, a year had passed, Philippines is still not covid-free and still in ECQ.
I know all of us are struggling hard in different ways, Covid-19 isn't something that we should underestimate. It not just attacking our physical health but it attacks our mental health, emotional even financial either. Companies, food restaurants, schools, businesses, economy are also struggling and most of them are still haven't recovered from the bankruptcy. It's heartbreaking to see when people lost their jobs especially jeepney drivers begging for foods. Sometimes, I get really sad whenever I sleep comfortably and realizing that someone out there, begging and asking for help, dying, depressed, even some committing suicide. Some lost their love-ones, some are praying they can live more, some are wishing they could go back home, some are grasping for air.
However, despite of these circumstances , I hope that we don't stop having faith in God. He makes miracles everyday. We may not see the way how He moves, but you see, we're still living and fighting. Isn't that a blessing itself? God will give you the strength you need to hold on. Repeat after me:
At my lowest: God is my hope.
At my darkest: God is my light.
At my weakest: God is my strength.
At my saddest: God is my comforter.
Verses you can hold on:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
In terms of my dental course: (update)
Currently, I am now in 3rd year, 2nd semester and still struggling as usual. I may say every subject is a challenge. It's quite difficult especially we're in online class. There's PROs and CONs regarding bout having online class as a student. Since I'm not yet a clinician, there would be a lot of pro's here.
Let's start with a Cons, As a dental student, Face to face is clearly a must but since Covid, we have to prioritize first our health safety.
1. There's a lot of distractions. You can't focus that much. It's either you have unstable connection or you use too much gadgets since you're not in the room. No one's watching. No one can stop you using your phones even you're in the middle of discussion. It's either you are in Tiktok, scrolling your newsfeed, playing games even watching movies, etc. Yes. You're listening but your presence of mind aren't there. (I'm attacking myself too)
2. As a dentistry student, ofc we have to bought dental materials, since I'm in Taguig, there's no dental shop near here, it's either we have to travel to Maynila, or order online which is really hella expensive. Two things test you there, Budget and Patience.
3. Practicals. Hands on. I don't need to further explain. No doctors, professors, friends can help you. You only have yourself. They can only guide you. (except if you have your parents/relatives that can teach and help you with the techniques which sadly I don't have). My parents help me in diff way, they're just there supporting me emotional and financial but not in practicals. There's only me, myself and I. Google, YouTube, Ebooks, Recorded lessons, even ppt slides will be your best friend.
4. You can't see your classmates and friends. I remembered every after exam, we hangout. We ate, sharing how hard our exam is. You have the peer support system.
5. Radiation. Always in your computer can give an headache so I bought an Eyewear to protect my eyes atleast from these radiation.
6. Teaches you to be lazy. IF only you are not taking seriously your studies. But in my case, In face to face, back then, I am diligently taking notes every discussion but now, just taking screenshot and printing the slides in one click.
7. And of course, You have no money.
On the other hand, Pros are:
1. You can sleep anytime. Just turn off your cam, then get your pillow, Zzzzz. Unless, your prof calls you for recitation.
2. You don't have to ligo. You can save water. Just brush your hair and then you can go to class. Walang makakaamoy. Tipid din sa damit lol.
3. You can procrastinate. I hate to admit but it's me.
4. You don't have to walk. After you wake up, you just have to sit and then open your computer or phone then you're in.
5. You can cheat. Not advisable but yes. If you want to pass without learning, you cheat. But if you wanna learn, you shouldn't.
7. You always have your "me time".
8. You can eat anytime.
9. You don't have to go to dorm, more quality time in your family.
10. You can leave class easily.
Therefore, I firmly believe that you never stop learning. You learn something new everyday. It's funny we never noticed. It's funny to think that the world is having problem with these pandemic while my problem is how to pass my subject. Haha
I may say, Dentistry is really really hard than much as I expected. Each steps are hard, sometimes, out of nowhere, I ask myself why am I even here? Why did I chose this again? Why do I keep trying? Is this really my calling? Ofc I admit all of that, There's a lot of what ifs. But to think in diff point of view, What if I never give up? What if I'll make it? What if I can? You see. It's the way you think. You're perception in life is what molds you. You can be a dentist if you think you can. You can be an engineer if you think you can. You can even be the next president if you want to. Everybody starts in having perception then next, execution.
I may not be smartest one, but no matter how smart or how beautiful you are, those things aren't valuable if you don't let God use you. Remember, when you feel inferiority, insecurity and self doubts creep into your heart, Ask God helps you to see yourselves the way He does.
Let our Delays, disappointments, fear, anger turns to breakthrough, patience, willingness and love. Repeat after me:
In God's Time. I will be.
We never know when will this end, God only knows. We just have to be strong and ask God to have MORE faith on Him.
Verse to hold on:
“If you can believe, all things are possible to HIM who believes.” Mark 9:23
More of Him, Less of Me.
I know it's been a year but still... God is by my side.
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iamlailanie · 5 years
Why I Chose Dentistry?
Let me begin by saying "Do the things you're scared of." Probably, You have some idea or thought going on through your mind, isn't that right?
But here's my story.
Back when I was a kid, I never dreamt to be dentist in the future, being a dental student has never (even) crossed my mind at all. Dentistry has never been my option. But here I am now, still can't believed that I'm taking this path for the rest of my life. As a young kid, I have a lot of dreams in life. We all do. I always wanted to be a teacher, stewardess, lawyer, bank teller, engineer and even school canteen vendor. Each of those, has a story behind.
Let me tell you the reasons why
Teacher. As a kid, homeworks and quizzes are just torture for me, whenever there's an assignments, I can't play with my things (lutu-lutuan) or even play with my friends outdoors. Basically, I just wanted to be a teacher to remove that stuffs. (funny to think though)
Bank Teller. This is my unforgettable and baddest dream I ever had as a kid. I thought working as a bank teller, I can go through into the vault and steal the money. (is it just me who hears Mr. Krabs laugh?) "aye aye aye"
Flight attendant/stewardess. Simply, I just wanted to see up close how beautiful is the sky. And of course, to ride an airplane. My dream until now.
Lawyer. Nothing in particular. I just love to be called Atty.
School Canteen Vendor. Well, In our school, Canteen is my favorite place, Recess is my favorite subject. Why? My mom is the one who handles the school canteen, I can eat whatever I want without having money, I don't have to cram myself in other students just to buy foods. At that time, hamburger with a cheese is the real deal ma nigga! Anyway, while I'm eating my hamburger and drinking my zesto orange juice. (details are important ma friend) I saw a lot of coins. And I told to my mom, "Nay I wanna be just like you, I want to have a lot of coins too" . And they start laughing at me. Eventually, this dreams has became reality. I ended up being a vendor too, not in the canteen but in our house. My parents built a store in front of our gate to have a little income. All I can say is.... Tiring! Why? Not because I'm just lazy, (I admit it, yes I am) Some kids always ringing our bell just to buy a 1 peso candy. However, it's better than nothing. right? Lol
Engineering. This is my longest dream I had among all the dreams you've just read. I thought Engineering was really the one for me. Aside from it runs from my family, Also, I have loved Math before. (believe it or not). I still remembered when I was a Highschool kid, whenever someone is asking me what course I will take in college? I'm really proud to say. "IM GONNA BE AN ENGINEER mate" . But that dream has been shattered when I entered a Senior Highschool, (Have you ever had to come to the realization that you’re not as smart as you thought you were?) That's how I felt. I got devastated and frustrated at myself for being sucks at Math. But thanks for that, I know choosing Dentistry is really the best option for me, if I forced Engineering onto myself, I know it won't make me happy. Eventually, I accepted that Math and I are just like asymptotes, who could only get closer and closer, but could never be together. Lol
Why do you chose Dentistry? How did it happen?
When I was still on the depression state, It was really a hard time for me. I literally lost interest of anything. My whole life focused too much on being an Engineering. I don't have any back up plan, I don't have second option. I'm going to college soon and I don't have any plans at all. They asked me, what's my plan? I got really pressured. I told my mom, "Can I just rest for a year?" She replied. "Sure! Do wash the dishes, do laundry, there's a lot of things to do here you know." My sister asked me what do you really want? Tell us. I just smiled and saith to them, Anything will do. They suggested me the Medical Technology, it's fine for me I guess. They searched some courses that suits my ability, then they suggested:
Why not Dentistry? My mind reminisces into the days of my childhood where I got in the dental clinic for the very first time. My tooth was really hurt the night before we decided to visit the clinic. I was really crying and jumping due to toothaches. I put some toothpaste, I gargle bactidol, I put some ice on my cute cheek, I did everything just to stop the pain, but sadly, it didn't lessen at all. But there's a lifesaver. (drum rolls....) "Mother knows best" is legit. My mom gave me a pain reliever and gently massaging my tooth until I fall asleep. When we we were in dental clinic, we sat there and wait for my turn, but suddenly, there was a kid screaming inside of the operating area. I'm sure the patient has gone wild inside. I've been so traumatized. Also, I heard some noises of dental materials buzzing. I got frightened at that time especially when I saw the patient was same age as mine. She was crying. Honestly, I also wanted to cry at that moment and run out from the clinic. So whenever I see dental clinics anywhere, I always recall of that moment and it keeps haunting me. I hate blood as well.
However, despite of these past experiences I have, I still chose to be the person who I am now, No regrets, no turning back. I remembered there's someone said unto me that, "do the things that scare you" . I realized that the scariest things in this world can sometimes be the most wonderful. We’re scared of change, is all. But change is good for us. Change is how we learn. I have done something a part of my mind didn’t believe was possible. You should followed your own path too. I've been reading some articles posted online, this statement below makes me decided if I really should pursue the path of what I'm scared of. It states that, "the more you face fear down, the more control you have. Once we understand that, we can systematically expose ourselves to the things that scare us, and in that way, propel ourselves forward." Take risks and overcome your fear.
Dentistry is fun. Yes! It is hard but that was all part of being a student. right? We may not have sleep that much, tired all day long, stressful weeks but I know, we know that these days will not last long, matatamasa din natin ang tamis ng pagsisikap patungo sa pangarap but with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. I can't do this alone if without Him.
Let me share with you some encouraging verses that I always hold on to.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11. Trust God. He has a plan for you.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13. You can't do nothing without Him.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Trust his timing for He knows what's the best for you.
Thank you for reading. May this blog inspires you and helps you to be a better person than you are today. Whatever the circumstances you may face in the future, Always remember that there is a God above always there for you in everything you do.
Lailanie A. Tindoy
Your future DMD
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