iammdmasudgazi · 8 months
Can AI completely change the use of computers?
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Human beings have passed several precious decades or centuries’ — industrial revolution (1760–1830), and in 20s century has been passed by the technological revolution in human history. It is inevitable that human beings are going to at the peak of their revolution very near. The upcoming revolution is coming by the inventing of the unimaginable power, artificial intelligence (Al). One upon a time, it was a dream, but now it’s time to change the world.
The new world is going to open very soon. To complete any task on a computer, you have just to tell your gadget which app you want use. Now, to do Microsoft word and Google Docs to draft a business proposal, you have to do by your own. And even your device cannot understand what to do without help of yours, but time has changed. What is your feeling, what is your works you have to do will be done by another human being — it might be your close friend or personal assistant.
It is going to happen within half of decade. Your work will be done by just telling to your device like you tell to a human. Sounds crazy, isn’t it? The technology will understand and respond personally as it will have a deep understanding of your feelings, which will be accomplished by artificial intelligence which is far beyond what we have now.
Bill Gates wrote about this kind of advancement in this book called The Read Ahead in 1995. He has shared his knowledge and given the name, agents. In this book, he has been thinking about this type of software.
The most remarkable changes will be happed in education, health care, productivity, and entertainment and shopping.
The ways software is making teachers’ jobs easier and helps students is remarkable. It will not replace teachers’ profession at all, but it is predicted that it will change the picture of traditional educational journey. For example, OpenAl has been discovered, which makes easier to get information a lot, and even it can also write code.
A person with zero knowledge of coding can build a basic website. Another example is that the cutting-edge technology in education now includes Khanmigo, a sophisticated text-based bot developed by Khan Academy. This innovative tool is capable of tutoring students across a range of subjects, including math, science, and the humanities. For instance, it can elucidate complex concepts like the quadratic formula and generate practice problems for students. Additionally, Khanmigo assists teachers by aiding in tasks such as crafting lesson plans. I’ve been a longtime admirer and supporter of Sal Khan’s contributions to education, and I had the privilege of hosting him on my podcast recently to discuss the intersection of education and artificial intelligence.
The ways software is making teachers’ jobs easier and helps students is remarkable. It will not replace teachers’ profession at all, but it is predicted that it will change the picture of traditional educational journey. For example, OpenAl has been discovered, which makes easier to get information a lot, and even it can also write code.
A person with zero knowledge of coding can build a basic website. Another example is that the cutting-edge technology in education now includes Khanmigo, a sophisticated text-based bot developed by Khan Academy. This innovative tool is capable of tutoring students across a range of subjects, including math, science, and the humanities. For instance, it can elucidate complex concepts like the quadratic formula and generate practice problems for students. Additionally, Khanmigo assists teachers by aiding in tasks such as crafting lesson plans. I’ve been a longtime admirer and supporter of Sal Khan’s contributions to education, and I had the privilege of hosting him on my podcast recently to discuss the intersection of education and artificial intelligence.
The ways software is making teachers’ jobs easier and helps students is remarkable. It will not replace teachers’ profession at all, but it is predicted that it will change the picture of traditional educational journey. For example, OpenAl has been discovered, which makes easier to get information a lot, and even it can also write code.
A person with zero knowledge of coding can build a basic website. Another example is that the cutting-edge technology in education now includes Khanmigo, a sophisticated text-based bot developed by Khan Academy. This innovative tool is capable of tutoring students across a range of subjects, including math, science, and the humanities. For instance, it can elucidate complex concepts like the quadratic formula and generate practice problems for students. Additionally, Khanmigo assists teachers by aiding in tasks such as crafting lesson plans. I’ve been a longtime admirer and supporter of Sal Khan’s contributions to education, and I had the privilege of hosting him on my podcast recently to discuss the intersection of education and artificial intelligence.
The education technology landscape is highly competitive, with major players like Microsoft and Google integrating advanced features into their services. Microsoft has incorporated Copilot into applications such as Word, Excel, and Outlook, while Google is leveraging Assistant with Bard across its productivity tools. These copilots boast impressive capabilities, such as transforming a written document into a presentation, responding to natural language queries about spreadsheets, and summarizing email threads by capturing individual perspectives.
The technology is coming will do even more. For example, the device will be able to be helping you with a lot of work and accomplish them independently. If you have an idea for your business, the gadget will help you out to write up a business plan.
Whether you’re based in an office or not, your AI assistant is poised to provide assistance akin to the support executives receive from personal assistants today. For example, if your friend undergoes surgery, your agent can suggest sending flowers and even take care of the order for you. If you express a desire to reconnect with an old college roommate, the agent will coordinate with their AI counterpart to schedule a meeting. Furthermore, it can offer timely reminders, such as notifying you about significant events like your friend’s eldest child starting college at the nearby university just as you’re about to meet up.
Entertainment and Shopping
Presently, AI has the capability to assist in selecting a new TV and provide recommendations for movies, books, shows, and podcasts. A company I’ve invested in recently introduced Pix, allowing users to pose questions like, “Which Robert Redford movies would I like and where can I watch them?” and then offering personalized recommendations based on past preferences. Spotify features an AI-powered DJ that not only plays songs tailored to your tastes but engages in conversation, even addressing you by name.
These AI agents are evolving beyond mere suggestions; they’re becoming proactive in helping you take action. For instance, if you express interest in buying a camera, your agent can read and summarize reviews, make a recommendation, and place an order upon your decision. If you mention wanting to watch Star Wars, it will check your subscriptions and offer to sign you up if necessary. Even if you’re unsure about your mood, the agent can provide customized suggestions and facilitate the playback of your chosen movie or show.
Furthermore, AI will curate news and entertainment specifically tailored to your interests. CurioAI, which creates personalized podcasts on any topic, offers a glimpse into the future possibilities of this trend.
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