iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
Okay I’m so sorry I haven’t been on at all and probably won’t be for a while yet. I don’t have any wifi seeing as we have recently suffered from a huge ice storm and the internet cables have not been repaired.
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
I'm sorry I've been gone but some stuffs been happening and I just haven't felt up to rping. However, I'd like to get back to this blog very soon, so if I owe you a reply please like this post?
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
"Right." She spat out, her fingers clenching into the fabric of her pants. "Stronger because I don't rely on magic, stronger because I can move through both worlds without having to be afraid of being caught doing magic by muggles, stronger because I'm little more than a-" She cut herself off, turning to look at her mother. "I've heard it all before."
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  In that moment she could feel her heart breaking in two. “Hey,” her tone was a bit harsh but she quickly corrected it. “Whether or not you can do magic has nothing to do with how strong a person you are. In fact I think that it makes you even stronger.”
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
"Then, I say I'm right, and it's time for a celebratory lunch. "
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  "I imagine you’re probably right."
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
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"I- Yeah James. That's fine I guess." She just wouldn't tell him when such things happened. He didn't need to bother himself with her or get himself in any more trouble because of her.
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    “Well…      how    about    this?    They   make   you  cry  or  mad    or  uncomfortable    in  anyway,    I’ll have a few words with them.”
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
Lily's nose crinkled at the sight of his teeth. They didn't look healthy at all, rather disgusting to her in fact. They would have surely thrown Aunt Hermione's parents into a fit if they ever saw them, strange muggles that they were. However, she didn't turn away from him, almost sensing a danger at the thought of turning her back on him.
Her parents hadn't wasted any time in teaching her and her brothers about not only the good in the world, but the bad as well. 
She did flinch back at the tap of his finger on her nose, her eyes narrowing as she continued to pointedly stare at him now. "So do a lot'a people." She muttered, rubbing her nose as she gazed up at him with a look somewhere between a glare and curiosity. She had never really ran across anyone who gave her the vibe of not being good at all, and while part of her wished to run, there was a part of her that also desired to learn what people like him were like, to learn all she could of the variety of people in life.
"I...I am lost." She admitted, again uncertain as she looked away from him and glanced around at the buildings around them. She didn't think she'd ever seen this part of Diagon Alley. Usually they just stayed near Uncle George's shop and the school supplies. 
  He tilts his head, and a his lips peel back over a yellowing smile that’s all sharp teeth and the promise of sharper words. For a long moment he stays silent, regarding the child in front of him.
"Sounds like mum needs learnin’ some manners," he says to break his silence, and his tone is amicable and smooth and entirely false. You might miss it altogether, if not for the truth of it behind his eyes. "See, kiddies ought to respect their elders. An’ that includes not — staring — when they — walk by."
He’s bent down, and each couple of words is punctuated with a tap on her nose, as though he’s playing some kind of game. When he straightens, it’s with a careless laugh.
"Lost, are we?" He tuts, shakes his head. He ought to move on, to get what he needs and leave, but it’s been so long since he toyed with anyone, since he felt that power. Out in the forest, it’s just him and his idiot Snatchers, and they ain’t much for conversation.
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
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"Maybe you shouldn't sleep in the library and people wouldn't bother you."
[ iamnotaprize ]
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   ”Leave me alone.     I’m sleeping here.”
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
"I could have enjoyed Care of Magical Creatures!" Lily's words had lost a bit of their upset tone though, and she looked uncertain about her own motives for the outburst.
  "You are happy for that boy that the place and then you do the things you are good at and that you enjoy."
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
"That doesn't sound so bad." She replied softly. In fact, it almost sounded nice. She could do that without many problems, and it would be helping people. But it also seemed to lack a factor she wanted, but she could't place it. "What floor do you usually do rounds on?"
iamnotaprize || Rose and Lily in Training
  "Adminestering potions or small pills of the patients need them.  Even some charms.  Basically, making sure that they’re comfortable whilst they’re in here."
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
So sorry I haven't been on! School's been rough >.>. However! I plan on answering all my drafts today because snow happened!))
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
send me a “☁” and i will put my itunes on shuffle, pick my favorite line from the first song that comes up and use it for a starter.
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
{text Evelyna Goyle} Yes the Potter kid. Sorry about ur emotions? {text Evelyna Goyle} No Im working on a potion don't worry.
  [text → ???]; ohhh oh ohhhhh the potter kid! [text → ???]; I’m pissed drunk. crying about this weird immortality. [text → ???]; did I wake you?
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
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"I think this conversations gone full circle Albus."
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  "Unreasonable? I’d like to say I’m fairly reasonable.”
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
"I-I don't know. But I don't know what else to do!"
  "And what use is it to complain about?"
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
text → ???]; so trying to find out whose number this is. [text → ???]; have you ever been locked in a room with ten hyacinth blossoming, trying not to get headaches?
{text Evelyna Goyle} Lily Potter's.
{text Evelyna Golye} I cant say I have & y r u at 2 am?
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
Lily hadn't meant to get separated from her family during their outing to Diagon Alley, and she certainly hadn't meant to get lost. She simply had the misfortune of getting caught up in the sights around her, and misreading signs, and taking right turns instead of lefts.
She also, it seemed, had a talent for drawing unwanted attention to herself simply by looking for faces she may know, for spending just a bit too much time trying to place a certain face only to discover she had never met the man before when he talked.
Still, she was a Potter and a Weasley, and keeping her mouth shut had never been something anyone in her family was talented for. She tilted her chin up slightly, hiding the trembling she was experiencing by being confronted so.
"Mum says if people stare to stare right back at 'em. It makes them unc-c-com- unhappy and they stop." She'd had to deal with a lot of staring. Her mother said it had to do with being her dad's daughter. 
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He doesn’t venture into what’s loosely referred to as civilisation much, these days. There was a time when they’d make for him on the streets, when the tide of fear parted the sea of people before him like he was some kind of prophet.
Now, he’s on the wrong side of the people in charge, and he doesn’t doubt they’d throw him in prison with half a chance.
Still,  he has to survive somehow.  Only so long he  can bear to spend in the forests with the idiots that called themselves Snatchers.
And so, today, he ventures. There’s not many who’d remember his face, anyway. They remember his role, they remember the way they clutched their kiddies a little tighter as he went by. No one ever much recalls his face.
"Ain’t no call for starin’, sweetheart. Didn’t mummy ever tell you it’s rude?”
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iamnotaprize-blog · 9 years
Okay, I'm horribly sorry for this but my memory with who prefers their asks to be changed into text posts if they're to be continued as a thread and those who don't mind either way is horrible!
So, if you'd prefer an ask to be changed into a textpost for a thread please give me a little nudge with your tags if possible? I'm really sorry for this again.
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