iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
“I guess I could have saved you a heck of a lot of trouble if I had, huh? Sorry Suzie Q you aren’t getting rid of me that easily.”
"I tried, didn’t I?"
“Shut up, you nearly got yourself killed.” she mumbled coldly, not even bothering to look at her.
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
Send ※ for my muse to push yours against the wall, Send ⁂ for my muse to react to yours shoving them against a wall.
Perfect for characters with sexual tension or hateships!
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
“I am not the Doctor, as you well know. I’ve actually taken the time to figure out how to pilot my TARDIS properly, thank you very much.“ With the twist of a few knobs and the flick of a switch she sent them into the vortex, programming in a holding pattern that would keep them in the same little area of time and space until Susan decided otherwise. Satisfied that they weren’t going to go anywhere until they were ready, she headed off to find Ace, quickly locating her in one of the larger labs.
“Good choice, I’ve made sure to keep all of my rooms well stocked just in case I ever need anything, but this one is one of the better maintained labs in here.” Susan wandered over to the massive fume hood built into one corner. “You shouldn’t have any trouble finding anything you need, there’s not many chemicals out there that I don’t have.” She continued her circuit of the room, fingers trailing over cabinets and counters, tapping against gas valves and nozzels as she made her slow way towards where Ace was setting up. “Need any help? I don’t mind lending a hand if it means helping out those kids as soon as possible, and I’m sure you’re eager to get out of here and away from me as fast as you can.”
“You always are after all.”
Ace glared daggers at the wardrobe.  God, she hated it when Susan made sense.  She’d get much more done if she just sucked it up and put aside her personal misgivings for the children.  It was definitely entirely for the children.
"Are you sure you can drive this thing?" Ace called as she stepped into the TARDIS, pulling the doors shut behind her.  In her defense, every time she’d heard something along the lines of ‘oh yeah, I can drive this thing,’ the Doctor had promptly managed to land them into trouble.  Maybe it ran in the family.  
Anyway.  Lab.  She needed a lab.  Ace carefully made her way deeper into the ship, opening every single door she came across and poking her head into it.  She didn’t care much about the room itself (she’d be happy if it had a table, anything else was a bonus), but she really needed the right chemicals.  She finally came across a room that looked like it would probably suit her needs and she went about setting herself up.  She hoped Susan could make good on her claims about her driving ability, because she had a feeling she was going to be working for a while.
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
“I- ah....” Susan looked down at her hands, clasping them together tightly. “It’s just been a long time since I’ve seen you, and I guess you really wouldn’t recognize me like this.... I’m not even wearing the face you knew anymore am I?” Her voice had been slowly fading this whole time to little more than a whisper. “Um... It’s me, it’s Susan...”
"Ms. Wright? Is— is that you?" Susan stared at her like she was looking at a ghost
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
"Really? Susan, you'll never be done with me. Just like I'll never be done with you! I love you after all!"
"Oh it's you again! What did the universe do to deserve this?"
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"… Go away."
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
"Wow. Rude. Don't you like me at all anymore?" She grinned, reaching out to pull Susan into a tight hug. "I have to admit, I did miss this face of yours. the other one can be just as unpleasant but you're much cuter."
"Oh it's you again! What did the universe do to deserve this?"
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"… Go away."
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
"Nnnnnnnnope!" Susan leaned forward, poking the other woman in the nose. "Goodness it's been a while since I've seen you like this, can't say I missed it all that much but it does have some nostalgia value I suppose. I do remember this face of yours had a lovely smile, but I doubt I'll get to see it anytime soon, huh."
"Oh it's you again! What did the universe do to deserve this?"
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"… Go away."
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
So what's up with you and that other Susan. I'm not getting any straight answers out of her so what is the deal between you two? Are you enemies? Friends? Do you like each other? Hate each other? What?
"Oh nonnie, she's terrible at giving proper answers or getting straight to the point. She likes to dance around an issue and be as ague as possible unless she's trying to hurt or kill someone."
"As to our relationship.... well I don't hate her, at least not as much as I used to. It really varies from day to day. We have a very vitriolic relationship, although that certainly wasn't the case when we first met back in my very first body. Things went south after I got attached to her and she vanished after my husband David died. Then I regenerated, which led to me becoming a really rather nasty person."
She was one of the first people I ran into after  I regenerated, and back then I hated her, I really really did. But I also loved her and I still do, in a way. It's all very messy and unhealthy because I want to murder her with my two bare hands and watch her regenerate over and over until she has no more lives left. But at the same time the idea of living without her is so incredibly painful and it's not something I want to have to face again. Not when I'd already thought I had lost her back when she disappeared on me so many years ago."
"I've mellowed out a bit, gotten my mind in order and stopped being as murderous as I once was. She's gotten much worse. At least her awful holier than thou attitude has pretty much disappeared with most of her morals!"
"So what is out relationship? It's a twisted, messy, awful thing. Just like the two of us, I suppose."
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
"I've drank my way through every bar on some of the largest party planets that have ever existed. They'd make Earth's sin city look like a day care facility." Susan leapt upright off the couch and walked out into Kirby's yard to her TARDIS in order to find something strong, but not so strong that it'd likely cause death after three shots. And if she conveniently forgot that the only really effective way to get a Gallifreyan drunk was with Ginger, well, What Kirby didn't know wouldn't hurt her. Probably.
"Them’s fighting words. That’s it, I’m going to dig out the strongest booze I have and we’re settling this."
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
"Them's fighting words. That's it, I'm going to dig out the strongest booze I have and we're settling this."
"I have had years of practice. I’m older than I look, you know."
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
"I have had years of practice. I'm older than I look, you know."
"Nope. Nope you underestimate me and my super saiyan-like metabolism."
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
"Nope. Nope you underestimate me and my super saiyan-like metabolism."
"Y'know, I betcha I could drink you under the table."
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             “You underestimate me, padawan.”
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
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timetakenawayfromus started following you
"Ms. Wright? Is-- is that you?" Susan stared at her like she was looking at a ghost
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
10 things you (probably) didn't know about the muse
Inside The Actor’s Studio Edition.
So the purpose of this meme is to give a little info on your muses without having to rely on others to fill your ask with meme questions. I know how disappointing it can be to come back to an empty ask so I wanted to create a meme that anyone and everyone can do (mun and muse). The rules are simple, you do not need to be tagged to fill out the questions, but once you have you must reblog and tag 10 of your followers to spread the love (as well as add a question of your own to the bonus section). You can fill it out as many times as your heart desires (we all know muses can change with their character development.)
Tagged by: genrexnut
10 Questions:
1. What is your favorite word?: 
2. What is your least favorite word?: "Failure? I think? Or Doctor but that's... well."
3. What turns you on?: "....I suppose it'd be people who take no shit? People who are very secure in who they are and who aren't afraid to call others out on their bullcrap." Kirby, Susan.....
4. What turns you off?: "Weaklings, anyone who lets themselves be walked all over without any real fuss. An inability to acknowledge ones faults and accept them as a part of you."
5. What sound do you love?:  "Rain, wind rustling leaves, the sound of time and space itself as I tumble through it in my TARDIS. I love a lot of sounds."
6. What sound do you hate?: "... Fighting. Anything violent. Goodness knows I hear too much of that anyway."
7. What is your favorite curse word?: 
"It's not translatable into English, but accompany it with the ancient V or Rassilon and you've got an insult that will bring even the most passive Time Lord to physical violence!"
8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?: "Maybe just explorer, so just take away the more violent aspects of my life and it'd be perfect."
9. What profession would you not like to do?:  "Anything that means I'd be stuck in one place for the rest of my lives."
10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God(s) say when you arrive at the pearly gates?: "It's okay, you don't have to worry any more."
Bonus Questions:
1. Something most people don’t know about you?: "I used to be utterly bonkers, but I've gotten it mostly under control now. Most of the people I know only know one version of me or the other."
2. If you were one of the seven sins which would you be?:
"Pride or Wrath"
4. Sexual Preference? "Sentient, kind beings. Generally ones that are better than I am, morally."
5. What position do you sleep in?: "I can never remember. I don't sleep often and when I do I never wake up in the same position I fell asleep in. Unless I'm with Kirby.”
6. What if someone told you… you HAD to lose, just this one time? "I've lost more times that I can count, what's one mre?"
7. Greatest fear? "Actually being a monster, losing whatever scraps of sanity I've managed to cling to. Forgetting my past."
8. Would you prefer to be yelled at or ignored? "I'd rather be yelled at, being ignored is awful."
9. What’s the worst thing about death?  "Sometimes it's not as permanent as you might want it to be. Sometimes you come back."
10. Describe your life in one word. "Interesting."
|| tagged muses || arkytiorforman, sixthoncomingsassystorm, botanyandsarcasm
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
"Step inside and you'll have all the time you need. Time travel, remember? I am a much better driver than the Doctor ever was and probably will be." Susan tried her best not to show how happy it made her that Ace was going along with her plan, but she couldn't keep her grin from getting at least a little bit wider. "Of course if you absolutely refuse to trust me even a little bit, even though I have never once show any intention of harming you at all, you're free to wander back to wherever you're staying and run as many tests as you can in roughly an hour. It's up to you."
With that she stepped through the doors of the Edwardian style wardrobe her TARDIS was currently masquerading as and wandered off into its depths, leaving the doors, and the invitation, open to Ace.
Against her better judgement, Ace found herself following Susan.  She even found herself nodding in agreement with her plan once or twice, something that made her scowl at Susan’s back.  She didn’t want to agree with Susan, but she knew her too well.  She apparently knew all of the right buttons to press with Ace.
"I’ve been working on a new variant of nitro-9," Ace said at last, trying not to sigh too obviously.  "I mean, I’ve got the concept down, but the execution still needs a little tweaking… It should work for what we—" she rushed to correct herself, "—you want, though.  All I need is a little time to run a few tests.  How much time have I got?”
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iamnotthegirlyouknew · 10 years
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