iamthepandaprince · 4 years
I’m from Nebraska and can confirm. I didn’t get my DL until I was 20 because of it. Right pain the a** it was. 
I spent the morning at the archery range with my coworker and somehow I consistently struck my target—every single time—in the groin. My arrows were snugly nestled side-by side, right in the crotch. It is my specialty.
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
Stuck at home? Here’s an isolation survival post:
(Everything here is free to use! Feel free to add on. Links were purposefully broken to avoid Tumblr’s spam prevention.)
discordapp.com/ - Like Skype but better, more accessible, smoother, and with more features. Call, play games, and chat with friends.
twitch.tv/ - Watch and chat with people doing everything from gaming to cooking to teaching.
whichbook.net/ - helps you find what book to read
overdrive.com/ - Free audiobooks through your public library
standardebooks.org/ebooks/ - Free ebooks
rbdigital.com/ - Free audiobooks and ebooks through your public library
www.kanopy.com/ - Free movies through your public library
www.ted.com/ - Watch lots of educational and inspiring talks
join.skillshare.com/ - Learn how to do virtually anything with 2 free months of premium
scratch.mit.edu/ - Make a game or movie, super easy to use, good introductory programming “language”
gimp.org/downloads/ - Free photoshop-like program.
twinery.org/ - Make a text-based game
pixologic.com/sculptris/ - make 3D models
unity.com/ - Make a 3D game
yoyogames.com/gamemaker - make a 2D game
spotify.com/us/ - Listen to music
travelandleisure.com/attractions/museums-galleries/museums-with-virtual-tours - Museums with virtual tours
Dungeons and Dragons: (play over Discord!) (DM me if you want PDFs of the Handbooks)
probablybadrpgideas.tumblr.com/post/612459866001391616/basic-rules-for-dungeons-dragons-dungeons - The Basics
entertainment.howstuffworks.com/leisure/brain-games/beginners-guide-dungeons-and-dragons.htm - Learn to play
roll20.net/ - Make maps/play online
Video Games:
itch.io/ - play hundreds of games
freegameplanet.com/ - Even more free games!
dolphin-emu.org/ - Play Gamecube and Wii games
Phone Apps:
sourceforge.net/projects/gameboid/ - Play gameboy games
smartphones.gadgethacks.com/how-to/10-must-play-free-puzzle-games-for-iphone-android-0178848/ - list of puzzle games
fridgetotable.com/ - Input ingredients you have and get recipes you can make.
youtube.com/user/DepressionCooking - Learn how to cook with limited ingredients from a lovely old woman who lived during the Great Depression
butterwithasideofbread.com/homemade-bread/ - Make bread with yeast
letsdishrecipes.com/traditional-irish-soda-bread/ - Make bread without yeast
Other tips:
Take care of yourself (eat well, shower often, wear clean clothes, exercise, clean your space)
Talk with people
Do what makes you happy
Take time away from screens
Play – with your pets, your kids, your friends. Keep yourself active and busy and happy.
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
Sander Side Bloopers
All I’ve taken from this episode:
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
Reblog and put in the tags what you like/hate about your job
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
vine compilations have helped me for like over a year now when I have panic attacks so I guess it’s only fitting that I make my own! (Warning for shouting in some of them!)
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
LGBT kids coming out to their parents is literally one of the most heartbreaking things re: heteronormativity. Like it’s considered 100% normal for LGBT *children* to beg their parents to support and love them. The fact that most people will say stuff like “I’m still the same person” and “I hope you still love me” is… disgusting, because the lack of love and support is the assumed outcome. & then you have parents who will cry, ask their child “where did I go wrong?” or even saying things like “I’ll support you no matter what” because it’s the norm (and socially acceptable thing to do) to not support your child if/when you find out they’re LGBT… That said, parents accepting their child for being LGBT does not automatically make them a good parent and not accepting/loving your child for being LGBT is straight up child abuse.
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
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@roserocks01​ This is their design inspired by my roleplay of Marvin! He has a danger noodle familiar named Valik. He’s cute as hell. I love him to pieces.
Although we don’t know much about him yet, it kinda warms my heart that this boy:
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has inspired so many various and unique designs and concepts from the community.  :)
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
I went to my first concert at 21. I was told explicitly I was not to go into the mosh pit. You see I am 5 foot, smol and have no sense of self preservation. Once I noticed that a mosh pit was starting to form I handed my glasses to my boyfriend, who was the one to say no mosh pits. He didn’t think anything of it took them, and then had the realization and when he turned around I was gone. Sure enough he looked over the railing and there my little ass was running to this mosh pit.  There was a couple of b i g dudes and I mean big. Like 6′4 musclear, tattooed and they just look at me the tiny metalhead. “You sure about this?” They ask skeptically like they were gonna help me back out before it really started. “Fuck yeah I am.” And I guess the absolute determination my voice convinced them that I was in fact about to run head first into this mosh pit. So they like herded around me, make me sure I didn’t fall and once it was over and I was significantly bruised they guided me back to my boyfriend who was p i s s e d. 
Best night of my life.
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
I know no one wants my opinion on this but like, I just rewatched this last night. Milo is a cartographer and linguist. He went to s c h o o l to understand and read dead languages like Atlantian. He knows their culture because he’s studied it, probably his whole damn life. It was his and his grandfathers dream to find Atlantis. Thinking it would be ruins and bones and things they could study for future generations. Wanting to find a piece of pottery to prove to the world that his grandfather was not crazy, that he wasn’t crazy. Instead what he found was a living breathing culture that he just wanted to observe. When he tried to speak Atlantian you could see on his face that he’s trying his best, he never once thought he’d have to sp eak the language he’d been studying simply to read. 
As for saving Atlantis, he never once said well let me try to save your culture instead Kida asked for his help because he could read. Asked him to read what she found so she could know her history that her father decided was better let to rot. Milo Thatch is an amazing Disney character and damn well deserve the proper title of Disney Prince.
Atlantis is a movie that will always hold a dear place in my heart. 
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
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This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
Random mansion generator
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The Procgen Mansion Generator produces large three-dee dwellings to toy with your imagination, offering various architectural styles and other options. Each mansion even comes with floorplans:
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
The first part of her video was literally talking about female to male transmen. She did a “quick google search” and found out that testosterone stops menstrual cycles which hey she is right. But some transmen cannot afford testosterone or don’t have access to it. I am upset because she spreading a dangerous message to young transmen who can’t get T yet. If you a c t u a l l y read my post. I mention nothing about transwomen. The whole point of “All Genders can have a period.” Is for the Transmen who still get periods. As is shown by several pictures she used in the first part of her video. A masculine looking person with a period stain. Some transmen still get their periods. From what I saw of her video it was a direct attack at transmen. 
PSA: Replies like this don’t make you cool they make you transphobic.  ☕
Blaire White
So. I know she’s been getting a lot of hype for calling out Kai/Onision and is a transwoman herself but…her one video “Any Gender Can Get Their Period. GIRL BYE” video? Is super transphobic towards FtM transgenders right? I can’t be the only one who sees this? As a transgender female to male I felt…super uncomfortable and upset by her video. I can’t afford testosterone, I don’t have the insurance or money for top surgery. I’m trying my best but there is only so much I can do. So yes guess what I still get my period and yeah it causes HELLA dysphoria episodes. But that doesn’t give you the right to say that transmen don’t get their period or that this isn’t an issue transmen should talk about.  Another thing, periods should be normalized. It is a human bodily function that happens to every afab female. And while yes you’re right Blaire many afab’s wish they never had to endure this it still happens. It is still apart of them. It shouldn’t be thought about as gross or disgusting. Everyone pees, everyone poops, everyone sweats. And while maybe loudly proclaiming you’ve taken a shit is considered less then polite and a little gross if someone is in a bathroom and asks for more tiolet paper because they ran out you wouldn’t start laughing, or berating them for a normal bodily function and needing to take care of it. So why when a afab person asks someone for a tampon it has to be quiet whispers because gods forbid someone with fragile ego hears it. I got a complaint by a customer once because he overheard me ask a coworker for a tampon and it ‘put him off his coffee’. Like this is a stigma that needs to end and videos like that? Aren’t going to help.   And for those saying “She can’t be transphobic she’s trans!” Maybe not towards mtf she’s not but she certainly has some opinions about ftms that she probably shouldn’t be spewing. Or at least taking the time to think about what she’s saying and the people she’s hurting. If I was a young transman watching her channel and seeing that video I’d feel ashamed because there’s already so much hate going around that I’m not a real man to see a trans ‘icon’ say that well they’re right because you still get periods is…devastating to say the least.
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
Hey So like. Serious question.
Where the absolute f u c k do you find those acrylic letters that you can put on hats? Like I’ve googled it and tried to find it but all that came up was the hats themselves and I don’t want the h a ts I want the letters to make my own h a t without paying 50 bucks. Cosplayers, hat makers who ever of tumblr plz, plz give me answers. 
Preferably online, ya bois got mad social anxiety and if I can get online vs in store I’d very rather get it online. Plz. However!!! If you know a chain store that would sell them please tell me too. These are so worth going outside on days off.
Visual Reference: Remember only the letters not the hat.
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iamthepandaprince · 4 years
Three Scary Games
“It has Zalgo, I’m very fond of Zalgo. It also has glitches and errors and you all know how fond I am of glitches and errors” (:
It’s the second day into 2020 and we’re already on fire. 
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