ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
A student of some sort--and...a musician? Will's eyes rolled upward and he removed his glasses and busy himself with cleaning them. "Ah, cheap talk. That brings a lot of people here..." There was disdain in his tone. It got quite tiring, really, having to prove to every single person he met that he was worthy of wandering about in public with the rest of humanity. That he wasn't completely unstable, no matter what crap Freddie Lounds decided to post about him on TattleCrime.
"If you're here to see me do something crazy or unstable, I'm afraid you're going to be sorely disappointed, Mr.--...." Will left the air open for the young man to introduce himself. Not that he'd likely do much but stare blankly, or find reasons not to look at him for as long as possible. 
The profiler continued to pack away his things. He had other lectures to teach, and crime scenes to look over. Dogs to walk. Plenty of things he could be doing with his time. Being scrutinized by someone that couldn't have been more than 25--a boy, to Will--was very low on that list of things and he frankly hadn't the patience. 
«  He doesn’t expect to actually strike up a conversation with the man, but as Grantaire was scrutinizing his classroom with some level of interest, it isn’t very surprising. Half-standing, half-leaning against the frame of the door, his unkempt mess of curls bounce when he shakes his head.  »
I know who you are, Professor.
«  His lips quirk at the corners into a small smile. He wonders if he should let the other know that he doesn’t even go to the school. The strap to his backpack slips from his shoulder as soon as he shifts on his feet, and he quickly drags it back up, stands up straighter to adjust the other strap resting across his chest as well: his violin case. Both of which he’s quite frankly tired of toting around.  »
I’m not your student, but I’m curious about the class—and you. Mostly you. I’ve heard things. Curiosity got the best of me, and here we are.
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
I've been spending a lot of time on this guy here. He's super fun to write. Offensive as all get out, and pretty weird, but he's charming in his own right. He's the title character of John Dies at the End, if you're familiar with it. Movie-verse for now since I'm not done reading yet (I've been super busy and reading is going slower than it usually does)
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
I ship Will Graham and proper medical care.
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
thezodiackillerxattempted to make eye contact
Will had just finished a lecture. It was not unusual for him to duck out of the Georgetown University lecture hall with his head down, avoiding the eyes of as many students and faculty as he could conceivably get away with. What was unusual, however, was to run into someone. "Oh, I'm--" His throat tightened around the words for a moment, making them difficult to get out. "Sorry. I'm sorry." 
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
theartistvictoria attempted to make eye contact
Will shied away from the girl's gaze, but nodded some to show that he was aware of her presence. "Uhm. Did you need something?--" He shifted his glasses down his nose with his fingers to block eye contact, feeling his muscles relax at once. Easier that way.
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
Their dynamic playing out in front of him drew another chuckle from him. "Don't worry about that. I'd...like to have her back." He glanced at Chicory with something like a half-smile before re-directing his eyes to the dogs. He offered Cordelia and Winston treats and they waited (fairly) patiently. 
"Winston seems to like her. He can be a bit--...shy. Slow to warm up." Whether Will was really talking about Winston anymore wasn't entirely clear, but either way, his invitation stood. "Finding anyone out of our little pack here that he likes is a bit of a rarity." 
Gyspy didn’t waste any time, she leapt up and snagged the treat from his outstretched palm, devouring it with enthusiastic fervor. Once the morsel had disappeared down her gullet, she sat back and licked her chops, waiting expectantly for another. She shuffled her paws anxiously, sighing softly and imploring Will for another with her best sad puppy eyes. Chicory guessed Will would be significantly easier to persuade than herself.  
“Don’t be greedy,” Chicory scolded, ruffling the dog’s ears. “Be a gracious guest or else you won’t be invited back.”
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
theoneandonlyowenharper attempted to make eye contact
Will was unsettled by the man before him, shuffling his glasses to obscure his view of the other's eyes. "Will Graham." He cleared his throat, reaching for his coffee to take a distracting sip of it. "Did you need something?"
0 notes
ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
rraisondetre attempted to make eye contact
The young, disheveled man gave off an air that managed to be both full of exuberance and youth, but far-too-weary all at once and it exhausted Will just to stand near him. If Will looked closely, he was almost sure that he saw splatters of paint. The stale scent of alcohol from evenings past was there, too. He was so young. But the profiler was unsettled by just how old and tired he seemed all the same. 
"Graham. Will Graham. You...aren't one of my students, are you?" He didn't recognize him. Then again, even if he was, there was no promise Will would recall.
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
Humans who held general distaste for humans and preferred canine company? Were the best kind of humans. This Chicory was a girl after his own heart. And even better, she gave him space. Didn't try to invade it, and didn't stare too hard when he spoke. He wondered if she had experience with people on the spectrum, or if she was just intuitive. 
She was so gentle and kind-hearted, he wouldn't be surprised if she'd ever worked with children or something. 
"It's alright." He chuckled, holding a treat on his open palm to Gypsy. Cordelia and Winston immediately stood at attention and sniffed, stepping closer, but Will held his free hand up as if to tell them to wait. They sat obediently, but not without small whines of protestation. 
"Go ahead, Gypsy. That's for you, girl." 
“No, thank you,” she interjected. “I often find myself feeling a bit overwhelmed at times, I know that I can’t do it alone either; even with the others at the shelter, it’s more than just a little devastating how small our impact actually is. I wish there were more who understood, but humans are such fickle things; stubborn in their ways and ignorant to their wrongdoing.”
Cautiously, she took a seat on the opposite end of the step, gauging his reaction carefully.  “By all means; but just be aware that if you give her one, she shan’t be leaving you alone anytime soon.”  
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
Okay no that hurts I'm listening to Chicory's music and the very first song (which is my favorite actually) goes 
We slept like dogs Down by the fireside Awoke to the fog All around us The boom of summertime And I just keep thinking of 
"You don't need protective custody to cozy up to my dogs....or me for that matter." 
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
wildexflower replied to your post: I missed you! I’m happy to see you on my dash again!
outofempath: I also picture him in a white tshirt and his little boxers he sleeps in?? Just kinda laying on the floor. Refusing to do my bidding any longer because of social interaction.
Also I have your blog open right now because your blog music makes me really calm and happy 
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
I missed you! I'm happy to see you on my dash again!
Oh goodness thank you! ujekfnsgjukrtdhnkjk I've missed being around! Truthfully, I was feeling a little lull in Will muse and needed to recharge him. Temperamental muse, he is! Meet too many new people at once and it's kind of like there's a little Will in my head laying face down on the floor saying "nope" But I spent some time away on another RP blog to regroup and now the new episode helped!
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
"I can think of several ways to ensure you sleep better." Hannibal replied nonchalantly, watching Will. "None of which have anything to do with sleep-aid medication."
"Let me guess, tea? I've tried every kind you can think of. Most nights, I end up wired and with a much fuller bladder than if I just decided to lay there wide awake without the tea." He scoffed.
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
His heart thudded hard against his rib cage, feeling his synapses fire, brain burning and begging him to flee at the attempts to force him to meet her eyes. But he swallowed thickly, standing his ground. She'd done nothing but said her name, and running off would seem silly of a grown man. "Uh, alright." He never knew what to say when people introduced themselves to him. Saying "pleasure to meet you" would be a lie. He didn't know if it was a pleasure or not yet, because they'd yet to speak of anything of substance. Typically, he might stare blankly, but his head was running warm and her forceful eye contact was making him feel queasy. 
"Did you--...Did you need something?" 
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“Will. Will Graham.” Bobbing her head around, eyes steady, trying to force eye contact. “Helena.” A smile twitching at her lips.
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
"My...horse is tied to a post somewhere relatively close to the autistics and Asperger's, yes." Will nodded, toying with where his glasses sat on his nose. Much better. "As you surely know, spectrum disorders--" Asperger's had been removed from the Autistic Spectrum formally, not too long ago. He was well aware of that. But it made no sense to Will, and he'd be damned if anyone told him he wasn't on the spectrum. "--have a...unique fluidity to them. Symptom cocktails, and severity of those symptoms, vary drastically on a case-by-case basis." His hand gestured in a round, followthrough movement as he rambled. 
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“You’re perfectly fine. I actually wanted to see your reaction to this, so I intentionally didn’t make contact with you. Mr. Crawford said you were… different.” Studying his face, she could tell this was actually hard for him. To be introduced to new people was not his thing. Hmm…
“Not to judge, but do you have Asperger’s? I wasn’t shared your medical file just yet.”
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ibuild--forts-blog · 11 years
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