iccygolf · 11 years
anon, you don't know how much i appreciate you so here's a valentine. :)
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iccygolf · 11 years
Happy Valentine's Day
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iccygolf · 11 years
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iccygolf · 11 years
Hey can you please update more regularly,, or at least finish the fic. Sorry I don't mean to sound rude,, I'm just saying it's a really good fic and it needs an ending!
Aww thank you for saying it's a good fanfic. And I TOTALLY agree with updating more regularly but it's just so hard, I've lost my 1d touch. I think I need to submerge myself in the 1d tag for a while.... I'll try to write the next chapter soon. I've already started a bit on it but don't expect anything coming up too soon.
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iccygolf · 11 years
Chapter 31
I’ve been avoiding Pepper for some months now… but I felt awful. Yes I did like her, but I couldn’t tell her after I had lost the bet with Niall. I dated Taylor for a few weeks to cool off, which helped a bit, but I still missed Pepper. I missed her voice, her presence, her smell, and even her clumsiness. I guessed it felt good to have the feeling of someone relying on you, being wanted. And she was probably as confused as I was about why I suddenly decided to ignore her. I couldn’t leave things like this. I wanted to see her, I needed to. If I had to go any longer without being in her presence, I would go mad.
I left the flat I shared with Louis. Although I had two other homes it was more conventient to stay here, and it wasn’t as lonely.
I went down to the parking lot and slid into my car. Putting it into gear I drove out. I was out of it. All I could think of was what I would say to her when I got there. Do I say hi? Or do I get straight to the point? What did I want to tell her anyways? Did I want to tell her how I felt, or that we should remain friends? I had no clue.
I was frustrated. My feelings were a jumbled mess. No matter how many times you tugged on it, it would remain tangled until you stepped back and took a good look at it.
I swerved to the side and parked there. I rested my head on the steering wheel. I wanted to fix the problem, but I just didn’t know how! I squeezed my eyes shut. I don’t know how. I don’t know how. Someone help me!
Then the song that answered all my problems played on the radio. I raised my head and turned up the volume. Everything else had grown quiet. It was just me and this beautiful song. It came from the soul, and the words rung clear and true. The beat was perfect, everything about this song was perfectly harmonizing with my situation.
I turned on the engine and drove to the nearest music store to buy the single. I would give the song to Pepper, and hopefully, she would understand how I feel.
I walked up to her building slowly. My feet dragged on the floor and it seemed as if my whole being became heavier. My palm’s sweat got onto the cd case so I quickly wiped it off onto my jacket. Once I finally reached the door, I took all the courage I could muster and I rang up her loft.
“Hello?” Oh God, her voice. I was tongue tied. “Hello,” she said again.
“Pepper. It’s me, Harry.”
She sounded surprised, “Harold? What’re you doing here?”
“Can you let me in? I need to talk to you.”
“Sure,” she said hesitantly.
There was a buzz, then the door unlocked. I went into the elevator then pulled the metal bars shut with a clang. It unfolded into a diamond pattern, as it always has. I pushed a button, and waited for the dial on top to signal that I had reached Pepper’s floor.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to calm down.This wasn’t going to be easy for the both of us. I slowly walked down the hall toward her door. I didn’t plan on it being like this. I’m sure she didn’t either. In my mind I planned on dating her, and Niall would’ve been completely cool with it. And considering the signals she used to send me, I was quite certain her feelings were mutual. But then Niall had to go and bring up a bet. And that was when it all went downhill. I should’ve taken my chance before I realized Niall had feelings for her as well!
I pounded my fist against a wall. That was when I suddenly remembered I was visiting Pepper. The anxiety came flooding back over me.
I slowly took a few more steps toward her door and knocked on it. The door opened, and Pepper’s face emerged. I resisted every urge to run away.
“What brings you here?”
“I.. umm… here.” I handed over the cd.
“What’s this?”
“Just listen to it, please. I’ll be waiting in the hall.”
Her mouth opened to speak, but I quickly shut the door between us. I held onto the door knob, not ready to face her again. She rattled the knob a few times, then gave up. I heard her slippers shuffling then after a few moments the song began playing. I imagined her sitting on the sofa alone waiting for the lyrics to take hold of her. I slid down to the floor, I wasn’t brave enough to face her. I’m such a coward..
When the words came out of the song, tears already began to well up, as if I was hearing it for the first time and hit with so many emotions.
Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now Our song on the radio but it don't sound the same When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name It all just sounds like oooooh… Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize That I should have bought you flowers And held your hand Should have gave you all my hours When I had the chance Take you to every party Cause all you wanted to do was dance Now my baby's dancing But she's dancing with another man My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways Caused a good strong woman like you to walk out my life Now I never, never get to clean up the mess I made, ohh… And it haunts me every time I close my eyes It all just sounds like oooooh… Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize That I should have bought you flowers And held your hand Should have gave you all my hours When I had the chance Take you to every party Cause all you wanted to do was dance Now my baby's dancing But she's dancing with another man Although it hurts I'll be the first to say that I was wrong Oh, I know I'm probably much too late To try and apologize for my mistakes But I just want you to know I hope he buys you flowers I hope he holds your hand Give you all his hours When he has the chance Take you to every party Cause I remember how much you loved to dance Do all the things I should have done When I was your man Do all the things I should have done When I was your man
Once the song finished, I covered my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut. I was afraid of what her reaction would be. I listened, but no sound came from the other side of the door. Maybe she didn’t want anything to do with me. I sighed and began to get up, but stopped when I heard a whimper from behind the door. I placed my hand gently on it.
“Are you crying,” I asked weakly. I already knew the answer but I just wanted to confirm.
She answered my question with another question, “Are you?”
There was a long pause before I could find my voice, “Yes.”
“….So what does this make us?” I didn’t reply, because I didn’t know the answer. “Harold I…” She stopped mid sentence.
I willed her to go on in my mind. What? What?
“I.. um.. want you to know that I used to sort of like you too..”
My heart literally stopped. Pepper Williams had feelings for me at one point in time. 
“It’s okay,” was all I could say. But I held onto the word used. She used to like me. Not now, not ever again. But even so, I was satisfied with her answer.
 “Pepper, I want you to know about the bet Niall and I made.”
I imagined her covering her mouth on the other side of the door. She had probably never heard of it.
“A few months back, the boys wanted us to settle this.. love dispute. I don’t even know if you knew that Niall and I had a crush on you at the same time, but you know now… Anyways, we had a bit of a golf tournament and Niall won, but you already knew that since you were there. But the bet was wrong. It objectifies women. It objectifies you. And… I’m sorry. But I want you to know that you should be happy with Niall. Don’t feel sorry or have any regret. Because I loved the time we had together and I will eventually,” I was looking for the right word, “recover.”
She was silent, trying to absorb everything I had said.
I got up from the floor and began walking toward the elevator. Everything needed to be said has been said, I felt relieved. I wiped away a few leftover tears.
I heard the door swing open from behind me. I quickly turned around. Pepper’s eyes were blood shot and her face was streaked with tears.
“Harold,” she fiddled with the end of her shirt, “can we still be friends?”
I nodded. “I guess I’ll see you soon,” I said.
She grinned widely and ran up to me, embracing me in a hug. She buried her face into my chest, “I missed you.”
That was all I needed to hear. Tears began to constantly pour down my face. I held her tightly so she wouldn’t be able to see my expression because once the waterworks started, they couldn’t stop.
Leave questions,comments,and suggestions here. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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iccygolf · 11 years
Please hurry up with a new chapter!
I finally finished the long awaited chapter 31! Sending it out right now!
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iccygolf · 11 years
I am extremely sorry… I haven’t posted in a few months I think…
I am sorry to say that I’ve lost the motivation. I still have some in my drafts but that’s not until much later.
I will truly try to write the following chapter by October 20. Followed by the rest of the chapters in my drafts. If I don't, you have every right to yell at me.
I am very sorry you guys. I feel that I’ve really let you down. Very, very sorry.
I went back to lok at my previous chapters because I had sent the link to my friend. And
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iccygolf · 11 years
Eat Travel Love: Chapter 30
A/N: Let me just remind you guys that this story does not take place in present time. It took place in fall of 2012 and it is currently early springtime right now.
I was over at Louis’s place with Niall and Liam. Liam and I hardly spoke anymore ever since he got back together with Danielle. But that was fine, he was just trying to patch up his relationship which I think all good men should do.
Looking around Louis’s flat, I’ve come to the conclusion it was most definitely the messiest. Clothes were flung everywhere and empty cartons and to-go boxes were hidden between every crack and crevice. I seriously had no idea of how he could live like this. I began picking up garbage and throwing it away.
“Oh Pepper, while you’re at it, you might want to check the bathroom."
Liam hit him on the arm, “You’re such a slob." Louis smiled deviously. I groaned.
“Does Eleanor ever clean up?"
“Why would she? I would never bring her to such a horrid place!"
“And it’s okay to bring me?"
He let out a laugh, “Yes, because I consider you very special."
“Oh I’m touched," I said sarcastically.
Niall chimed in, “Pepper, you don’t have to clean up for him. He’ll do it in his own time." I nodded and dropped the garbage I held into a nearby bin.
Since the kiss, I had grown much more self conscious when Niall was around, which was practically almost every other day. I didn’t argue, didn’t try to persuade him into doing something, I just did whatever he told me. Because I was afraid. Afraid that if I opened my mouth, all the secrets of the night we got drunk would spill.
Niall and Liam were whispering to each other. Liam turned his head toward me, “Pepper come sit down next to us." I walked over hesitantly and sat in between Liam and Niall. “You know Pepper, one time I caught a bass," He showed me the length with his hands, “this biiiggg," he then stretched one one his arms and wrapped it around my shoulders.
Niall laughed, “That’s a good one, mate. I should try that sometime."
“On who?" I asked curiously.
“N- Nobody!"
“Sure….," I said. I pulled Liam’s arm off and got up.
“Where are you going?"
“I’ve got some business to take care of." Which was an absolute lie, but they didn’t need to know. I just needed a breather.
Niall quickly sprang up, “I’ll go with you!"
I shook my head, “No you don’t need to do that. I’ll be back in an hour or so." I walked out the door and quietly shut it behind me.
I wandered around the building. I couldn’t tell anyone how I was feeling. Usually I would tell Marc but there were certain situations where he couldn’t relate. I just didn’t know how to act with Niall anymore. He had crossed the fine line between friend and something more. But did I want that? I shook my head. I didn’t know. From time to time I would suddenly miss Harold. I tilted my head to look at the ceiling. Especially times like these when I felt lonesome and had no one to talk to… I wondered how he was doing. I imagined him sitting at home, lounging on his bed while he was on his laptop and sipping a mug of tea. I sighed.
I was awaken from my thoughts. I turned around and Zayn was there.
“So it was you. What’re you doing here?"
I shrugged, "Just hanging out."
There was once a girl Who lived off pocket change. She met a boy Who showed her the world. He opened her eyes And took her to new heights. But he left one day Without a word. And the girl always wondered why, But the boy was no longer there To give her the answer.
Baker Girl
There was once a young man Who had all the riches in the world. He had an endless amount of women falling at his feet. He could’ve married a model, He could’ve married an actress.  But instead, He settled for the poor baker down the street. Because Her sweets were unmatched by anyone else in town. And she didn’t care how much he was worth.  And he didn’t care what people thought.  Because As long as they cared for each other, That was all that really mattered.
E/N: Here are some poems I wrote in my spare time. I know, they suck. But I was bored! Until next time~ 
Leave questions,comments,and suggestions here. (。◕‿◕。)
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iccygolf · 11 years
Do two different endings!! One where she ends up with Harry and one where she ends up with niall! Xxxxx
YES! I was thinking the exact same thing but I don't want them to just end up together. I want those cute little moments as well. *sigh* Maybe I'll write a short series of au chapters
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iccygolf · 11 years
Lovelies, I am in a serious dilemma. So originally this whole story was meant to be a Niall fanfic. But then Harry has this certain allure so I was like, ‘Oh. Okay. I’ll just add him in to make a slight love triangle to spice things up a bit.’ BUT NOW I WANT PEPPER TO END UP WITH HIM SO BADLY BUT THAT’S NOT HOW THE STORY IS GOING TO GO AND IT’S JUST TEARING ME APART. LIKE I JUST SHIP THEM SO HARD THAT IDK WHAT TO DO ANYMORE. NIALL IS CUTE AND CUDDLY BUT HARRY IS JUST SO...  HOT DAMN. SHOULD I JUST WRITE SOME AU WHERE THEY END UP TOGETHER?
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iccygolf · 11 years
Stratch my last reply to the anon.
I'll update next week instead
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iccygolf · 11 years
Please update?
I know. I'm sorry. I've just been focusing on the ending of eat travel love. But I'll post up the next chapter within three days
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iccygolf · 11 years
Are you ever gunna reveal who it was at the ball in the holiday special?!?
I'm touched that you remembered. :')
i will eventually.
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iccygolf · 11 years
Please update!!!!!!
In time child. In time. *Nods sagely*
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iccygolf · 11 years
lol. hey C:
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iccygolf · 11 years
Eat Travel Love: Chapter 29
A/N: Jack and Finn Harries (aka Jacksgap) make a special appearance in this chapter! :D
I had just finished my morning shift at the bakery. My boss Christina who I had mentioned before was nice enough to lend me an umbrella. It was springtime, the rainy season. The sky was gray and the city was being showered with drops of ice cold rain.
I was going to take the bus to my second job at the clothing store. I walked to the stop and there were a pair of twins sitting down, chatting away. They both had brown hair and one was carrying a camera. I closed my umbrella and sat down in the only empty seat.
That was when I overheard their conversation. I didn’t mean to, I swear, but they were just talking so loudly! They used the word cheeky a lot and all these other British slangs. We all got onto the same bus and they climbed into the back. I sat a few seats away from them, only because their conversation was amusing, nothing else.
I took out a pen from my pocket and began writing all the words I didn’t understand on my hand. Cheeky, ace, cobblers, diddle, etc. And when one of them used chin wag, they started laughing. They also mentioned something about editing their video later tonight before uploading it. They began saying even more outrageous things like bugaboo and gorgonzola, which I knew the meaning of but I wrote it on my hand anyway thinking it had a different meaning here in the UK.
They then got up from their seats and walked past me. The one holding the camera was staring directly at my hand and smirking. I watched them get off the bus and they bursted out into laughter. I think they caught on to what I was doing. I would have to confirm which words were actual slangs later with somebody.
After my shift at the store, I had a few hours to spare before my night class. I decided to go over to Niall’s flat to get a bit of extra practice with baking. Speaking of Niall, I decided to pretend like nothing ever happened which was a bit difficult. First of all, he would catch me off guard many times when he wanted to spontaneously hug me or grab my hand. Secondly, it’s very hard to pretend you never had your first kiss especially when it was with someone you care about deeply and you practically see them everyday. And thirdly,  wheneverI thought of Niall, it would make me think these things that I would never think before. It’s like whenever I see him I just want to run up and kiss him again to see if I could feel those sparks like last time…
I’m still very confused about it. But when I came to visit his flat, I had the urge to just kiss him hard and on the mouth. I fought the idea and tried to distract myself. I showed him my hand and he examined it with such tenderness. His hands were warm, and they weren’t sweaty like others. He told me that he picked up on alot of these words over the years. But he said bugaboo and gorgonzola weren’t a slang. Gorgonzola was a actually just another word for blue cheese. I scoffed, I already knew that.
I went to the kitchen and took out a roll of cookie dough from the freezer that I had already prepared before. I baked a quick batch of thumbprint jam cookies and went to go join Niall on the sofa. He was watching one of the soccer games but I guess here you call it football? Anyways, I just sat there silently next to him and nibbled on the edge of a cookie. I watched him shove a whole cookie into his mouth as his eyes shifted back and forth. He was so intense watching sports. Reminded me of my dad. He was very passionate about baseball but the only thing I got really passionate about was well… I don’t know, baking I guess. Although it hasn’t been my life long dream.
I caught myself staring at his lips. I turned away. If he didn’t remember then that was fine right? But a part inside of me wanted him to remember… or admit he remembered. A part of me wanted to go down this untravelled place. To venture out and see what it would be like if me and Niall got together… or if he even wanted to be with me in the first place. For all I know he could’ve thought I was a Victoria Secrets model since he was so drunk.
I sighed and rose from my seat. “Niall, I’m going to go to class now."
He nodded then looked up at me, “Do you want me to drive you?"
I shook my head, “No it’s fine. The rain stopped."
He nodded again and walked me down to the lobby. Then I did something I could never forgive myself for doing. I told him, “Niall you’re a really good friend."
He looked upset for a while then nodded and smiled, “I know."
"And I want you to know that I’m trying not to think about you that way. And you may or may not understand what I’m talking about but that’s okay because I’m confused about a lot of things too but," I let out a light laugh, “I have this crazy idea but just bear with me okay?"
He raised an eyebrow. Without anything else to say, I twisted my hands into the collar of his shirt and pulled him down until our faces were aligned. Niall had the nicest eyes. They were an icy blue, but he was so warm so I always thought of it as being a bit contradictory. He looked at me with surprise,  “Wha- What are you doing Pepper?!"
What was I doing Pepper? About to kiss him? No! That’s mental! I pushed him away. “I’m sorry," I said just above a whisper before fleeing.
Leave questions,comments,and suggestions here. (。◕‿◕。)
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iccygolf · 11 years
Eat Travel Love: Chapter 28
I was awaken by the sound of nonstop buzzing. I pried an eye open; it was my phone. I answered the call, too sleepy to read the caller id. An Irish accent rang true and clear in my ear. I practically dropped my phone. It can’t be Niall, not after what happened!
“Hello? Pepper? Hellooo.."
“Hi," I said hesitantly.
“Hi Pepper! Watcha doin right now?"
“I just woke up," I said as I tried to stifle a yawn.
“Oh that’s cool.. Listen, listen! You’re off for the day right? No work, no class. Do you have anything planned?"
I tried to come up with a reasonable excuse to avoid his possible wanting to hang out with me for the day. “I umm… have to go to the bookstore." It was a clever excuse. I knew he never read books and hardly liked them.
There was a bit of disappointment in his voice, “Oh alright. ‘Cause I wanted to-"
“I gotta leave before the book I want is sold out. I called the store the other day and they said they only had one copy left."
“Oh! Then it’ll be faster if I drive you! I just got my license." Boy, he was a persistent one.
I needed another excuse but this time it was more of the truth. “I actually don’t like getting into cars with new drivers. It just doesn’t seem very safe-"
“Oh don’t worry. I’ve practiced loads before. I’ll be over in ten minutes so get ready!"
“But-" I began to protest until I heard a click on the other end. I groaned. Now I had to rush and get ready.
I climbed down the ladder and grabbed whatever few clothes I could find: jeans, a hoodie, and a pair of mismatched socks. One purple and the other neon green. I ran into the bathroom and quickly washed up.
The intercom buzzed as I was tugging a brush through my hair. I walked over to it and pressed a button.
“I’m here Pepper. Come down."
I grabbed my wallet and phone and shoved them into my pockets before meeting Niall at the front, downstairs.
“Hi," I greeted.
He led me across the street to his car. I slid in.
“It smells new."
“Haha, well it is. So where’s this bookstore?"
I gave him the address and he began to drive. This reminded me so much of the times I spent with Harold. He would pick me up and drive me to all these different places I never knew of. I think the one thing I missed most about him was his company.
Niall found parking a block away. He filled the meter with coins then offered his arm to me. I hesitantly linked with him. He always did these little gestures when we were out in public. But when we were alone he would really turn on the charm.
I noticed he was wearing a beanie today. He realized I was staring at it and pointed to his head. “Oh this? I thought me wearing snapbacks and sunglasses was pretty much played out. And it’sa lot easier to spot. So a beanie’s a clever change dontcha think?"
I nodded in agreement but it was just another reminder of Harold.
We walked into the brightly lit bookstore with the green awning. People sat by the windows with their laptops, taking advantage of the free wifi. I started at the back of the store.
Niall leaned against one of the shelves and looked at them with disgust. “So what exactly are you looking for?" I was on a tight budget, so it was a real treat for me to go out and buy luxury items such as books for my own entertainment.
I shrugged.
“You don’t know? Then what was the point of coming here in the first place?" I shrugged again and stared at my feet. I was gonna get caught. He was going to figure out that I was lying and he’ll never trust me again.
He let out one of his raspy, hushed laughs. “You’re very funny Pepper. C’mon, let’s go pick out a book then. My treat." He walked further into the aisles and scanned the shelves.
The Niall today was different compared to before. This one took more of a leading role.
I pulled a random book out of the shelves. It was a Harry Potter book. I pulled out another one. An informational book about plungers.
“Didn’t know you were interested in those kinds of books," Niall teased. He was eyeballing the plunger book.
I shoved the books back into a random gap. “I’m not."
“Then what are you into?"
I shrugged, “I don’t know. Novels I guess." He nodded thoughtfully,  “Okay. I’ll find that for you." He walked off toward the front.
I was searching the titles endlessly. Maybe I’ll get something on baking. Or maybe something with more of a romantic air.  I’ve thought about the Hunger Games or one of John Green’s books but I figured those were too mainstream. I was starting at an interesting title when suddenly,  the books parted in front of me and an Irish voice shouted, “BOO!"
I fell against the bookshelves behind me. “Niall don’t do that!" I whispered harshly. He was laughing hysterically. Wanting to shush his overly loud laugh I tugged at his cheek hard and fast. He made a face at me before disappearing from the bookshelf. I could’ve sworn he just gave me a death glare. He was planning on getting revenge.
I quickly set down whatever books I had in hand and tried to make a run for it. But I ran into him as he appeared at the end of the shelves last minute. I fell to the floor with him tumbling next to me; he was still laughing. I tried to get up but my body wouldn’t listen. Oh this was so cliche and embarrassing. This was definitely straight out of a cheesy romance story.
He sat up and looked down at me. He was grinning ear to ear. “You’re blushing. " “No I’m not," I protested. I put the back of my hands to my cheeks. They were definitely hot.
He helped me sit up with his hand placed firmly on my back.
I glared at him, “Never do that again."
He put his hands up in surrender. “I won’t," he said with a playful smirk.
I groaned and got up on my feet. “The book isn’t here. Let’s go." I stormed out of the store.
Niall followed me. “Pepper!" I ignored him. “Aww Pepper are you mad? " I made a sharp turn and picked up my pace. “Pepper wait!" I was sprinting now.
This was not the soft, easy to talk to Niall I knew. This one was too playful, too cool, too flirtatious. I didn’t understand romance and Niall had suddenly become a big mystery.
When Niall had finally caught up with me he was out of breath. “Pe- Pepper… what’s gotten into you?"
I stopped for a second to realize the actions I made. The way I was acting was definitely out of the norm. Maybe it was just because I was being more self aware since he was around due to the kiss. Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe if he thought about it he would remember! I covered my mouth. That would be the most awkward situation and it would ruin our relationship! I needed yet another excuse for the way I was acting. “I’m starved Niall.." I pretended to clutch my stomach and pout.
He laughed, “If you were hungry you could’ve told me instead of running all the way here."
I shrugged.
We began walking down the avenue.
"Well then, what are you in the mood for?"
He smiled, “That’s my girl."
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