ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
my favorite celebrity non-controversy was when lorde wanted to express her love of baths so she posted a picture of her bathtub captioned “and iiiiiiiiiii will always love youuuuu” not realizing that whitney houston died in a bathtub
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
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thrown to the wolves
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
Settle a bet.
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
@puppygirl-hornyposting has fallen
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
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Amen Snoop #voteblue
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
Did you hear about the CD AU for adventure time? Bc with how Fiona and cake is going, it’s becoming canon
the what
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
Part of getting older is realizing how absolutely insane it is that basically every form of media is constantly trying to convince us that the most interesting moments of the lived human experience are happening in HIGH SCHOOL…… girl who gives a flying fuck what 16 year olds are doing.
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
Honestly as much as I love Tumblr now, I’ll never forgive this site for the “ace discourse” era that nobody has ever fucking apologized for. Irreparable damage was done to aro/ace people and our communities and now that shit is being recycled on TikTok. And then aphobes have the gall to say “well it’s not like you guys have ever faced any hardship in your lives” as if they still don’t bully and discriminate against aro/ace people to this day.
Go rot.
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
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Tomska going hard on Twitter again.
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
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she'd do that
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
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quick fox lady to practice her
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ice-tornado-millie · 1 year
How do you cope with being a transfem named Blaire when the most popular trans woman with that particular moniker is well… you know… her
I cope by wasting zero energy thinking about Blaire White. Bigots that stem from our community itself are deeply damaged people, and any thought spent towards them would be one spent more wisely elsewhere, like on what I'm going to have for lunch today or if I should play Minecraft later. Those are much more important things to be concerned about.
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