nihilxm · 6 years
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i can’t believe some of you are still around tbh
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nihilxm · 8 years
✦ that's all B')
Tease my muse! (Nswish edition)Send:✦ - To bite them  ((If only that was all B) ))
Even if gods wouldn’t believe it, for once, Ichigo was doing nice with his homework. He was centered, not nervous at all, and calmly answering all the exercises with no other things in mind. The boy remembered those first times when he had tried to concentrate with the presence of that being behind him… It was impossible. He could feel his gaze digging a hole from behind, right into his nape, the  smirking and naughty expression of the zanpakuto, as always making fun of him.
Thanks it had changed in time, even if the substitute shinigami didn’t really know how yet. He was grateful. Murciélago was still there, but the silence was not the tense one it had been before. It was quite a comfortable one. The being was calm and that was appreciated in those occasions he needed to relax and get some shit done. 
He didn’t suspect anything when he heard the being raising from his bed and walking to him. Sometimes he did peek to watch what he was writing. Ichigo felt the being’s breath near his neck and he was tempted to turn to the side, just for checking what he was doing. Nervous for his proximity? No, not at all. Well, maybe a bit, even if he had been far closer than that. However, he tried to concentrate again in the problem. However, the wetness on his skin and the light pain that followed soon after made it hard. Instead, he gasped in surprise, dropping the pen in the process.
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“O-Oi!” The boy stammered, blushing a bit at that unexpected attack. Of course, it had been quite a kind bite (if he would have wanted to hurt him, god, he would have done it in other ways), even if it made the spot to redden slightly at the nip. Well, what could he say? … It hadn’t been unpleasant at all and the thought didn’t help his flaring cheeks. Perhaps someone wanted attention. Or was he hungry?
“W-What was that for? You know, if you wanted to eat, you could have said it. I guess you would enjoy fruits more than me.”
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nihilxm · 8 years
You are… oh, damn. I just can’t.
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“Better now.” So he’s gonna sigh and give a peck back, before absentmindedly running a hand through the long dark tresses of the being. Then, a smile slipped through playful lips. Not his fault he was in a teasing mood and Murciélago was there. He would just try to not push it enough as for being kicked in the ass.“Well… For your age, you look quite well.”
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   “Oh?” An amused noise alike a huff made its way past the spirit’s lips, a claw of his own raising to trail a digit along the teenager’s jaw. “I shall take it as a compliment, albeit you are being quite bold, aren’t you? What might you look like at my age, hm?”
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nihilxm · 8 years
You can’t be always right… B(
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—I’m sulking. BUT… well, a kiss never hurts.
   But I am.
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“-----...” Why, then he shall oblige and lean in to place a chaste kiss upon the Shinigami’s kiss. 
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nihilxm · 8 years
“…” Fuck.
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“Tch.”Frigging asshole. So right.
   Always right.
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   -----Perhaps Ichigo wants a kiss as compensation? Or is he sulking now?
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nihilxm · 8 years
Even if not appreciated, it’s still the truth. Face the facts.
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Why, I’ll face those facts and you will face the fact that you simply cannot resist me no matter my own age, hm?
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nihilxm · 8 years
blackcuttingmoon replied to your post: Old man B)
B((( RUDE. I was just being sincere.
sincerity isn’t always appreciated y’know.
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nihilxm · 8 years
Old man B)
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nihilxm · 8 years
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@nihilxm pls return my fav pile of dust <3
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nihilxm · 8 years
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AND I AM VERY HAPPY FOR THAT  —   AND THAT WOULD BE FRIGGIN AWESOME IF U DO cuz ‘m thirsty, and I admit it would be funny if u answer both in one post cuz that gonna turn into a fucked up thread, cuz two different timelines. 
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lmao I’ll try but gimme some leeway -- might have to cut the length a little mY MIND IS ALL OVER THE PLACE so all muses are v fickle rn BI
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nihilxm · 8 years
i know B) 
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“Shut up. It’s not like that. I was just taking what I thought the best decision. Don’t you mess with me because of that… I was on a tight spot there.   … What do you understand as better?”
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   “You talk as though I just made a foolish claim... Must I remind you of the proximity we already shared?” Cue him leaning closer to the boy, faces merely a few inches apart. “Well, for example... I’m not actively trying to kill you. So there’s that.”
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nihilxm · 8 years
always messing with you 
Kind of just realized it, to be honest. “… I guess. And yeah, you are. But a different kind of asshole.” 
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Still a better choice.
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   “-----You truly are getting soft on me, aren’t you. Different but better. I’ll take it.”
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nihilxm · 8 years
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Oi! No way!! Don’t blame me! I couldn’t have choose any other for that “f” thing! Of course I would kiss and cuddle too, but I couldn’t leave that option to the… remaining people assholes.
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   Oh? So you deem me to be a better choice than them? So I’m not an asshole? 
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nihilxm · 8 years
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It wasn’t my fault!! Yours for placing that idea in my mind! It was just mere curiosity!!
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   I didn’t place that idea in your head though. You could have also chosen ‘kiss’ or ‘cuddle’, you know.
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nihilxm · 8 years
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   Naughty boy.
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… How do you even f*** Murciélago? Is he able to do the do?? I mean… does he have that anatomy… Well shit.
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nihilxm · 8 years
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nihilxm · 8 years
Buuuuh B(
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   no clue whatchu talking about. at all. get outta my hair ffs
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