icecoldbru · 4 years
I DO NOT get ANY benifits. I’m a S.W. ,
that’s how I survive.. as a trans/disabled/chronically ill person, I have never had the choice. I do survival S.W.
That means I will not receive disability or benifits of any KIND, I will not get anything from this “relief” fund/package. Yet I’m one of the most vulnerable/ hit the hardest .
I cannot work rn due to this virus and what I am able to do does not come even close to paying rent.
So please... please.. boost/reblog/donate/repost/ my posts or my GoFundMe.
I’m physically and mentally not doing well right now.
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I’m a human with bad luck, shitty genes, and rare diseases/multiple illnesses and disabilities.
I’m a person whose been through hell and back. I’m a fighter. And I’m trying to stay alive and SURVIVE. I have been on my deathbed twice and I do NOT want to be there ever again. So I need YOUR help‼️‼️ thank you
Donating directly to me is the best way to help me right now! GoFundMe takes a huge cut.... and I need to pay bills NOW.
Be an ally when it matters, not when we’re dead
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icecoldbru · 4 years
my anti-binge box
I’ve been seeing a few posts circulating about anti binge boxes and what people keep in them so I thought I’d share mine :)
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toothpaste & toothbrush
tape measure
bath salts
motivational flash cards
nail polishes
chewing gum
lip balm
a face mask
hand cream
a candle
If anyone else keeps an anti binge box I’d be interested to know what other people find helpful to keep in theirs
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icecoldbru · 4 years
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icecoldbru · 4 years
Today was meh because I broke my fast, but I eat below 500 calories so at least theres that.
Breakfast: skipped
Lunch : 6 chicken nuggets (250)
Dinner : vegetables (180)
Total : 430
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icecoldbru · 4 years
craving something?
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craving chocolate? have a cup of hot cocoa (nestle has a 20 calorie fat-free option, swiss miss has a 25 calorie option but it doesn’t taste as good imo)
craving ice cream? make some banana “nice” cream instead. just freeze a banana and put it in the blender for a few minutes. add whatever toppings you like, it’s just like real ice cream!
craving candy? try some dried fruit (can be high in calories) or pop a few grapes in the freezer. frozen grapes taste like jelly beans
craving fries? why not try some homemade sweet potato fries– cut a sweet potato into wedges and bake them for 45 mins. full of fiber!
craving something sweet? have some sugar free jello (10 calories per serving) or a sugar free popsicle (15 calories) instead
craving a chocolate bar? I personally love the heavenly crisp bars (110 calories) from skinny cow. they taste just like kit kats, but healthier
craving something salty? try a soft pretzel (160 calories). these are a good source of protein and are perfect for warming up on a cold winter day. I like the ones from hanover
craving a milkshake? have a smoothie made with fresh fruit and light yogurt (150 calories) or simply blend a banana with ice and milk
craving cookies? have some meringues (10-25 calories!)– I cannot tell you how much I love these things. they taste like vanilla, and you can get them at trader joes
craving starbucks? why not add some flavored creamer to your coffee instead. they come in a variety of delicious flavors that will make you feel like you’re having dessert! my favorites are the girl scout cookie selection of flavors
craving a brownie? fiber one has a fiber-filled brownie (90 calories) that doesn’t taste too bad. you might also try a chocolate biscotti (100 calories) these go great with tea
craving pie? have a homemade berry crisp instead– microwave some mixed berries until they are warm and gooey. then crush a graham cracker and crumble in on top. add cinnamon and honey if you choose. soooo tasty
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icecoldbru · 4 years
How to ACCURATELY calculate calories burned while working out!
We have all seen those cute “easy 100 calorie workout” posts. But sadly, those calories burned aren’t always accurate to what your weight it. A person who weighs 180 pounds is going to burn more calories than someone who weighs 135 pounds. So I’ve done the math behind how to get a perfect count
• Each workout has their own level of intensity which will therefore burn different amounts of calories
• To get an accurate count, each exercise must be done for a full minute without stopping.
• Each exercise below has a matching decimal
• Take the decimal associated with whatever exercise you did and multiply it by your current body weight
• That number will tell you how many calories you burned in one minute of that exercise
Squats~ .096
Push-ups~ .037
Crunches~ .022
Planking~ .022
Jumping jacks~ .037
Arm Circles~ .007
Mountain climbers~ .059
Lunges~ .059
Donkey/Back kicks~ .030
Walking~ .014
Running/sprinting~ .096
Stairs/ Stair climber~ .044
Weight Lifting~ .022
Box jumps~ .096
Burpees~ .059
For a 135 pound person- one minute of burpees will burn roughly 8 calories a minute
For a 180 pound person- one minute of burpees will burn roughly 11 calories a minute
I hope this helped any confusion of how to accurately count calories with out the use of a Fitbit, calorie tracker app, or just guessing. Happy exercising!
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icecoldbru · 4 years
♡ appetite suppressants ♡
⟡ lemon ⟡ the polyphenols in lemon may aid in reducing appetite and prevents weight gain. ⟡ water ⟡ when you drink a glass of water, especially before a meal, this helps to fill your stomach, offsetting the amount of food needed to feel satisfied ⟡ peppermint ⟡ the smell of peppermint reduces appetite and increases satiety. peppermint has also been linked to greater alertness, performance, and motivation. ⟡ cayenne pepper ⟡ just a half of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper along with a meal can help suppress appetite and burn calories. subjects also had reduced appetites and a decreased craving for salty, fatty, or sweet foods. ⟡ cinnamon ⟡  this new research discovered that cells treated with cinnamaldehyde ( a compound of cinnamon ) started expressing more metabolism-boosting genes and enzymes. the cinnamon compound prompted fat cells to keep on burning instead of going into storage, ⟡ ginger ⟡ ginger is a metabolism booster. it also helps promote feelings of satiety,according to several studies. ⟡ apples ⟡ apples are packed with fiber and water, so your stomach will want less food. ⟡ apple cider vinegar ⟡ the acetic acid suppresses your appetite, increases your metabolism, makes you feel satiated, and reduces water retention.  the amino acids also act as an antidote to lactic acid build-up, which may cause fatigue. dilute 1-2 tbsps in 8oz of water to drink! ⟡ dark chocolate ⟡  the flavonoids in dark chocolate help reduce insulin resistance, which prevents spikes in blood-sugar levels, discouraging you from overeating—even smelling it can curb your appetite. 
all info from reader’s digest ! 
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icecoldbru · 4 years
If you're bad at sit ups and exercising in general
I’m terrible at working out and I have no stamina so I’ve been doing sit-ups in bed with a bunch of pillows behind me so that I’m sitting at a 45 degree angle and it’s been helping me build up my stamina.
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icecoldbru · 4 years
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more recipes HERE
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icecoldbru · 4 years
♡ Ana Starbucks Ice Cream ♡
This is such a good dessert option at only 95 calories per serving!
♡ Ingredients:
- 12 ounces of almond milk (60)
- 1 Banana (105)
- 1 pump of mocha (25)
♡ How to order:
Tall almond milk, blended with a banana, 1 pump of mocha, and a venti scoop of ice, put it in a venti cup (please).
♡ Alternatives:
-Skinny mocha instead of regular (only 5 calories)
-Soy milk and coconut milk are subs for if you can’t have almond milk
♡ Breakdown (per serving):
Servings: 2
Calories: 95
Fat: 4g
Carbs: 21 g
Protein: 2.2 g
♡ ~ Stay Safe Lovelies ~ ♡
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icecoldbru · 4 years
Reblog if:
- You support recovery.
- You support those in recovery.
- You support seeking help.
- You want  people to seek help.
- You think everyone is beautiful, regardless of their weight.
- Even if you yourself, aren’t seeking help or are in recovery, want others too.
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icecoldbru · 4 years
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icecoldbru · 4 years
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I literally don’t have self control :(( I’ve been eating way over 1000 calories almost 2000 calories a day for like months no wonder I’ve gained so much weight! I don’t even want to count my Calories for today my breakfast was almost 1000 in its self. :((maybe I’ll do better tomorrow 😔✊🏿
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icecoldbru · 4 years
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icecoldbru · 4 years
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Jessica Alizzi via Instagram.
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icecoldbru · 4 years
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icecoldbru · 4 years
summer break glow-up
This is what I’m gonna try to do this summer
Wake up at 8AM
Do morning yoga from youtube ( 10 min )
Cold shower
Breakfast: Green Tea
Study 2 hrs
Lunch: Protein drink or fruit
Rule - only one actual meal a day
Exercise 2 hrs ( zumba/strength/walk/jog )
Chill, make dinner, have a snack
Study 2 more hrs
Go to bed at 22PM, sleep by midnight
Keep reading
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