iced-pea · 3 years
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always discovering what rock bottom feels like. https://www.instagram.com/p/CK9p4IdBT7NEYe98PftUEhiUeH8VZqyJWAzMV40/?igshid=dfxld9lt5z3s
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iced-pea · 3 years
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we all see the same moon. resisting the urge to pick up the phone and ask if you're seeing this moon where you are too. update/ I wish I had tried a little harder. listened to the coin flip, the voice in my head, the pit in my stomach, all my friends, your friends too, telling me to just let it go. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKz4wW0Bpyn/?igshid=f16k731zk5z0
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iced-pea · 3 years
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I miss this kid, and I miss this time. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzyPEThjph/?igshid=x4owi89hpebw
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iced-pea · 3 years
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...is a sickness of the brain and the heart https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzyB0pBcZN/?igshid=11m4furw2wp5k
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iced-pea · 3 years
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to when the wildflowers were still in season and still grew tall in my favourite neighborhood wildflower patch. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzwW5eBTc3/?igshid=n9213yii89lq
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iced-pea · 3 years
first full moon of 2021, wolf moon under leo. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKnxBrthJ0G/?igshid=15ubhflx2usug
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iced-pea · 3 years
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can't sleep without a nightlight but 3am solo hikes on a rainy full moon eclipse night is my idea of calm. https://www.instagram.com/p/CINrybRHD02/?igshid=awz03xv04fk8
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iced-pea · 3 years
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I say that it's heartbreak season but do I really ever get out of one? hmm. https://www.instagram.com/p/CICdwYXn9Vk/?igshid=dp64if8d08ko
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iced-pea · 3 years
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oh, take me back, to the night we met. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHuSsilHTFo/?igshid=1af2sjyq8o7wn
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iced-pea · 3 years
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we met at a bookstore for a migration stories sharing event. it was a year ago today. you sat beside me, told me your name, shook my hand. the brain distorts memories every time we recall them- so maybe we hadn't shook hands at all. I wrote your name down. I spelled it with a t. what I didn't know then was that I wouldn't need reminding. that your name would become an overused cliche in my journal in a few months' time. that I'd wear down your friend's ear by mentioning your name so often. and that if you search your name in my notes app, it'll have 69 mentions found as of today. you packed up your things and disappeared into the snow before I could even get to know what your handwriting looked like. funny how you left me feeling homesick for a place that I have only seen though pictures. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHuEGc8HzOu/?igshid=1wjncgznj3g5y
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iced-pea · 4 years
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acorns! • • • • • #dressup #MyNeighborTotoroCosplay #HalloweenBlueFullMoonInTaurus https://www.instagram.com/p/CHCdrmAHCp3/?igshid=q8gg7rl19f93
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iced-pea · 4 years
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lick the entirety of so-called canada so we can return it back to its rightful caretakers, they can't stop all of us. #landback #now https://www.instagram.com/p/CFRrk9jn8dY/?igshid=1ccvf9w9i9y56
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iced-pea · 4 years
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currently going thru an indefinite amount of sorrow and my only outlet is to make others feel loved ♥️ who knew that growing up would be so difficult. https://www.instagram.com/p/CFKuZt0nM_F/?igshid=1i8t6rstxbvju
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iced-pea · 4 years
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got the heart of a forest fire for my one and only love. • • • • • I love campfire smell and the crackle of the wood and the joy of downing my sixth can of IPA to the off-key singing of my friend and how it felt like the world could not stop our joy even if it had wanted to. I wasn't able to have one with my friends this year- so west coast america has decided to bring the campfire to everyone :) the universe really said sorry-that-you-weren't-able-to-have-a-campfire-sing-along, here's the west coast on fire for ya :) and now everyone can smell that lovely campfire smell. https://www.instagram.com/p/CFEHSQynixN/?igshid=1uctmdzlgna9c
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iced-pea · 4 years
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had the privilege and luck to grow up for the better during the lockdown. the glow-up hit a little too hard. neighbors falsely assume I moved out & that it's a new girl in 104. i'm still here. or perhaps no longer. changed so much and so quickly I have to practise grounding exercises constantly to remind myself that I'm still me and that I wasn't kidnapped and replaced by a changeling. unless??? I am holding space, and keeping in mind those who feel like the pandemic and events that happened during, has fucked them over, and gave trauma. and for people that had to be kept working through the covid risk for us to have access to our basic needs. while I may enjoy having time to slow down and stay at home, these times are not pleasant and not normal. not everyone has had the same lightening of the heart as I have experienced during the pandemic. and for that, I'm sorry. sorry that this capitalistic society values profit over people. may we move forward and not go back to whatever "normal" was. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEsDjelHkEF/?igshid=1936ta7anorlr
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iced-pea · 4 years
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as seen on one of my walks home. moon & planet. perhaps it is in the movement of the stars, the moon and planets that I've been feeling extra sensitive and tender in the head & heart. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEmCctRnBMy/?igshid=q671cjazty3
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iced-pea · 4 years
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rcmp ay ibasura! stay the fuck out of my friends' home. I want to be able to see their soapberry patches when my health is okay enough to make a visit. #defendtheyintah #rcmpibasura #defundvpd https://www.instagram.com/p/CENo95MHsKu/?igshid=2nf86qgl56n4
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