Just a notice to everyone: I'm quitting the group this blog is a part off, so this account will most likely be dead from now on. I have two active indie accounts, though. They're;
http://hernamemeansbeauty.tumblr.com/ (the url I used to have for this blog, I liked it so much that I thought I'd keep it for my active Belle account.)
http://afanoftruelove.tumblr.com/ (My indie Rumpel account.)
So if you want to see more of my writing / RP with me, I'll be over there.
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Hey look, actual "unique" questions
1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
3:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
4:Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
5:Do you like to use post-it notes?
6:Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
7:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
8:Do you have freckles?
9:Do you always smile for pictures?
10:What is your biggest pet peeve?
11:Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
12:Have you ever peed in the woods?
13:What about pooped in the woods?
14:Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
15:Do you chew your pens and pencils?
16:How many people have you slept with this week?
17:What size is your bed?
18:What is your Song of the week?
19:Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
20:Do you still watch cartoons?
21:Whats your least favorite movie?
22:Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
23:If you're a girl, bra size? If you're a guy, pants size?
24:What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
25:What is your favorite food?
26:What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
27:Last person you kissed/kissed you?
28:Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
29:Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
30:When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
31:Can you change the oil on a car?
32:Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33:Ever ran out of gas?
34:Favorite kind of sandwich?
35:Best thing to eat for breakfast?
36:What is your usual bedtime?
37:Are you lazy?
38:When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
39:What is your Chinese astrological sign?
40:Are you horny?
41:Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
42:Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
43:Are you stubborn?
44:Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
45:Ever watch soap operas?
46:Are you afraid of heights?
47:Do you sing in the car?
48:Do you sing in the shower?
49:Do you dance in the car?
50:Ever used a gun?
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She smiled softly, knowing many thoughts were running through his mind, and not wanting to interrupt. Her heart swelled when she noticed the tears forming in his eyes, and she gladly accepted his embrace and I love you. She wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling his shoulder as she conformed to his contours. She closed her eyes as their lips touched, the movie forgotten. 
Tale as old as Time | Rumbelle | Evening in the Pink house
He leaned closer to her, not to kiss her, not to do something like nibble her ear, though both was something he’d very much like to do. No, he just looked into her eyes, he looked into her soul to see if it even was possible to say such words and actually meaning it.
He didn’t think Belle was lying, Belle would never lie about something like that, but was she actually aware of what she was saying, what she wanted? They might have made a deal which bound her to him forever, though he had made it very clear that it was paid, that if she ever wish, she could leave. To marry him though…even though this World had something like divorces, that would be such a bound that no one, not even true love could wish for. And children? Milah might have given him the most precious item that anyone could ever get, a child as amazing as Bae, how he was able to raise him to become that smart, that kind and brave was a mystery perhaps even grander than the mystery of love. His son was everything he wasn’t, and he looked up so much to his son, even after all this time for always being the better man. He didn’t know how he had done it, he had been a terrible father, he shouldn’t even be allowed to own that title, no matter how honorable it is. He didn’t think Belle lied to him, he didn’t think she was confused, she wasn’t aware of who he truly was, and when she knew she would leave…She would regret ever wanting to wed and be the mother of their children. After all, a beautiful miracle married to a coward? That wasn’t anything someone could ever wish for.
But her eyes, her soul said otherwise, they looked at his with an adoration, with complete honesty, not a single doubt in her mind that this wasn’t what she actually wanted. How that was possible, he didn’t know, he knew he didn’t deserve it, but how he loved that look, it made him feel like he was actually worth something. His eyes started to slightly water as all of the thoughts fluttered by, how could someone like her ever love someone like him? “I love you” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her tightly, needing her loving embrace to show him this wasn’t just a dream. As they started to kiss he was lost, he heard the sound of the movie in the background, but what did it care? That might be the idyllic version of their tale, where he was still a monster, but not one who had ruined so many peoples, even his own son’s life. Where their love over came everything so simply, where Belle never got tortured, where he never was told that he had been the one to kill her, the movie was a fantasy of how easy their love could have been back centuries ago, but this was reality, and he much preferred it, even with all the hurtful memories who made this moment mean even much more than any perfect kiss in a movie could.
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"I can't think of anything I'd want more, than to be married to you and start a family..." She smiled, resting her hand on the back of his neck as she looked into his eyes with nothing but love. She was so relieved to hear this, she was incredibly afraid that he wouldn't want children, not after all that had happened to him... But now, she found herself excited and happy. 
She closed her eyes, deepening the kiss, feeling like if it ever ended it would be ending too soon. 
Tale as old as Time | Rumbelle | Evening in the Pink house
A pleasant shiver went down his spine as she continued to kiss his jaw, he gently brushed his hands over her arms as she did. How he could ever make such a wonderful, unique, miracle like Belle happy, he didn’t know, but whatever he did right, he would most defiantly continue to do if this was the award, to have her in his arms, to have her lovely kisses, to have that smiling, truly happy look in her eyes.
As she leaned away and began to toy with her hair he got a tad worried though, his brave Beauty seemed so nervous, so uncertain…what brought that on? He wondered as she began to ask so many questions, questions which he hadn’t had a slightest thought about for such a long time, if even for centuries ago, what did his future look like? He wished he had his magic back, so he could perhaps catch a glimpse of it, no matter how brief, but alas there he was, nothing but an old, crippled man with his Belle on him. “Would you…?” he asked nervously, a bit embarrassed even, when Milah and him had gotten married it had been arranged, he hadn’t really have to actually think about asking her, it just happened naturally since they both knew their faiths (well at least a few years of it).
As she asked about children he couldn’t help but to smile slightly, he had always loved to be a father, even when there were more problems than solutions for raising his boy in the worst of poverty, to raise a child, a child made from true love in this land where he was the furthest from being poor. “Well…wishes are children. And I suppose children are one of my greatest wishes…but if you don’t wish for children, we wouldn’t need to, I mean you don’t have to” he wasn’t sure what he was saying, how did you ask smoothly to someone so beautiful and amazing if they wanted to have children with you, a monster?
“Please don’t…” he was able to say, rather desperatly perhaps, before she kissed him, silencing him. “Never again” his hands wandered into her hair, trying to keep the kiss lasting as long as she would let him. If he were to die now, he would die a very, very happy man.
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Ship Rumbelle they said. It will be fun they said.
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"I'm glad. You make me happy too." She smiled, closing her eyes as she brushed her lips against his jaw. She wished their whole life could be like this. Tender moments when they could both just be honest with each other, in not just words but actions. She wondered how it would be when he found his son... She hoped that he would accept her, but of course she only knew the boy through what Rum had told her. A thought came to her.
Her hand toyed with her hair as she thought of a way to casually bring it up. Eventually, she gave up and just asked it. "Rum, what do you think is in our future? Like... Do you want to get married?" Soon, please... She hoped inwardly. "And... Children?" She wanted kids very much, but she wasn't sure if he would, after Bae... She didn't know how she'd react if he didn't, but she tried not to show how nervous she was at the prospect of his answer.
She smiled, smoothing out his hair. "There's no need to thank me. I'm not about to leave you again, not after all we've been through." She kissed him lightly. "Even if you try to push me away again, I won't leave. I never should have in the first place." She tried not to dwell on what ifs. "So, you'll have to accept that I'm here to stay..." She pulled him in for a longer, drawn out kiss.
Tale as old as Time | Rumbelle | Evening in the Pink house
He let out a low groan at her voice so close to his ear, telling him things a man only could dream over ever hearing, especially from someone like Belle…though then again there was only one like her “You make me happy…” he whispered back into her ear.
“Well it was certainly the best deal of my life…” he nodded, acknowledged that he knew how much he had hurt her, how much pain he had caused her, he knew he never could take away the pain and memories from it, but he would make it his second goal in his life to make it up to her, after he found Bae that is, nothing mattered more than his son, not even himself. He smiled as she brought back some type of happiness to the conversation, he wrapped an arm loosely around her stomach to snuggle even closer to her. “Right, we were watching a movie, how ever could I forget something like that?” he looked back to the screen for a second to see the so called ”him” of the movie threaten her even more foolish dad on the screen. He quickly turned back his attention to Belle, not liking the fact that he always was betrayed as such a horrible monster no matter where you’d hear about him, well it was true of course, but a small part of him couldn’t help but wonder how disappointed Bae would be to hear all of this about his coward of a father.
“I can think of a million reasons to why you should run for your life from me…and yet here you are” his smiled was slightly more sad, the thought of having Belle out of his life again always made him sad, she was the only light, no matter brief it lasted, amidst his ocean of darkness. “Thank you…for staying”.
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You are a full on ten Isabelle´s roleplayer. Your posts are like the only things that makes me happy. I relate so much to Belle and your Isabelle & Belle makes me feel so much better about myself. i love reading all of your posts. Your a great roleplayer.
ooc: omg, thank you so much.
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"You deserve to be happy, Rumpel, and I want to help make that happen." She snuggled so her lips where near his ear, her words coming out as a whisper. She smiled and nuzzled his neck.
"Of course, dear. Making the deal was the best decision I ever made, even if it did cause a fair amount of pain." She didn't exactly like thinking about the period in her life after she left the Dark Castle, but she wasn't about to ignore it. Their relationship was made up of triumphs and failures, just as she loved him for his strengths and faults, so she couldn't just pretend that nothing bad had ever happened to them. "Now, I get to be with my True Love, watching a movie and cuddling."
She looked somewhat surprised when he brought that up. "Of course I will be. I love you, and I'm not going to leave." She smiled sadly as she ran her hand through his hair. "Why would I?"
Tale as old as Time | Rumbelle | Evening in the Pink house
He didn’t quit know what to say, he truly didn’t understand how anyone could ever see something good about him, let alone someone so amazing as her. A simple thank you seemed too unthankful for her blissful words, so he gave her a kiss, a kiss which meant more than the words that he could ever express. Words might be what he was good at when it came to deals, he could manipulate each word to suit him, but how could you ever tell someone how much you truly loved and was thankful for them? A kiss was the best he could do. “I don’t deserve to be rewarded by you…But thank you, my love” he squeezed her hand gently as he said so.
He didn’t know if he should say what he knew, perhaps it would only upset her to know that her betrothed imbecile of a brute truly would do to her, even a monster like him knew that what the man had planned for his future wife was true evil, and had nothing with love or even honor to do. “I hope you are happy that you made the deal with me, dearest….your life would have looked terribly different if you hadn’t”.
He smiled as she told him that he would find him, of course he would. “Belle, when I find him, you will still be here…right?” he had been worried about it, she knew he had a son, but she had never been around to see him being the fail of a father that he was, perhaps to truly see him with his son would frighten her, would make her want to leave? He couldn’t blame her if she did.
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ooc: Who loves her darling Rumpel?
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11! You are my absolute favorite Belle Blog!
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Go anon and tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how well I play my character. 1 is terrible 10 is are you sure I'm not actually speaking to them?
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You're both flawless, especially you. ;A; Your Belle is perfection, sweetling.
ooc: OMG. Everyone is too nice to me. D:
Thank you, dear!
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"There's plenty to compliment, my love. You just don't see it. I want you to see the good in you as I do." She took his face in her hands, tracing her thumbs along his cheekbones. Her small smile turned to a mischievous grin. "Perhaps if you can wait, I can reward you..."
She could see the anger in his eyes, so she kissed his lips lightly, hoping to calm him. "Not particularly. It was my duty to accept, the marriage would have been good for the whole village." Except for me. Belle wasn't stupid, she knew what kind of man Gaston had been, and she knew what her life would have been like if she had accepted. In fact, the more she had thought about it, her deal with him was a blessing. She was rescued from a miserable marriage, and had found her True Love as well.
"I understand, my love. But you'll find him, I know you will." She squeezed his hand in reassurance.
Tale as old as Time | Rumbelle | Evening in the Pink house
“You don’t have to do that, sweetheart, there’s not much to compliment anyway” honestly, she didn’t need to lie about him being some handsome man just to be nice to him, just to be so close to her was more than enough.
“Oh I don’t think that’s possible at all, not with you so close and being like this” he was trying all his best to restrain himself from turning off the tv and just show his love for this amazing woman right there, but he knew she wouldn’t appreciate it, so he just tried to sit as still, tried to breath though it was so hard.
He stiffened naturally though as she told him what truly had happened. “Your father…accepted for you? Your father chose you to marry Sir Gaston? Did you get any say in the matter, Belle?” he didn’t like this, no, he knew what would have happened if Belle had married Gaston. Abused, used, broken in every single way a wife could be by her betrothed’s selfishness and recklessness. Any chance of getting along with her father had diapered, you didn’t have to tell the future to see what were to happen to Belle had she gone with Gaston, and yet her father had allowed it to happen.
“Oh…Well it was just a foolish thought, why would it matter to see my son in some silly cartoon form?” of course it didn’t matter, why would it? It wouldn’t even be Bae, no one could be Bae but Baelfire himself. He sighed, taking Belle’s hand in his, just wanting some comfort. Everyone seemed to have a family, but him. He had one, someone in this World, he just needed to find him first, but he felt so alone without his son, even with Belle on his side. He wasn’t the real Rumpelstiltskin, the poor, cowardly, hated spinner who only had the happiness from his son, he needed to find Bae, he needed to find his humanity.
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You are seriously the best Belle RPer I've ever seen. I love your writing of her. I just creep on you and the other members of your group all day. Thinking about joining...but I'm scared... Anyway, you're brilliant. Never stop doing what you're doing. I hope you know how wonderful you are. Thanks to you and your friends for making my day everyday. I wish your stories were in the show.
ooc: Oh my gosh, thank you so much!
This seriously made my day! If you wanna join, you totally should! We'd love new members~
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