iceedcawfee-blog · 4 years
Wait... you’re about to give us this whole world of breathtaking mythical blackness for free ninety nine and we just gotta show up when it’s done? I’m verklempt. This is beautiful! I was hoping you’d circle back to writing in the Blade universe... and you’re already killing it. Thanks for sharing, once again. 
The “Blood Child” World...
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So, I’m embarking on this new Black Vampire series and wanted to talk about the creative process in putting it together.
Spent the day reading fics from the @chaneajoyyy​ and @shaekingshitup​ Quarantine Writing Challenge that I participated in with “Blood Child”:
While drinking and watching Jill Scott and Erykah Badu vibe off of each other on the #Verzuz IG event, I started brainstorming on how I want this new vampire series to go. Although it jumps off with Blade and Karen Jenson, their daughter Brooklyn (to be played in this fic by the good Sis Lovie Simone) is the main protagonist. We’ll follow Blade and Dr. Karen as they deal with an unruly half vampire daughter, but Brooklyn is the center of this fic universe, and her parents are the satellites that push and pull her as co-antagonists.
There will be a variety of other supernatural beings that interact with Brooklyn, not just vampires. For example there is Fauna:
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Fauna is a being belonging to a horned race that are known to make others feel fruitful and embrace pleasure. Vampires enjoy having them around because humans are attracted to them, thus, they are like having honey to catch bees.
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There’s also Medja, who is from an ancient people in Nubia who were elite protectors and guardians of past civilizations. They were used by Kings and Queens in ancient times because they had the power of discernment and were able to hypnotize people with their eyes and power of persuasion. They could also be tricksters and often manipulated the heads of state and past kingdoms they worked for. Basically messy heauxs that live for drama among different species of mankind.
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Caldonia, part of the Sylphs Clan, elemental beings that inhabit the air and take human form. They are always onyx-skinned with white hair. The spy class in the supernatural world. Vampires hate them. The bougie bitches of this world.
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Black Fae folk exist too, often child-like, they are the messenger class of supernatural beings, able to speak a plethora of ancient languages as interpreters and are often used to mediate conflicts among other supernatural beings. They can fly and also jump dimensions at will.
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Saldrine is a Grimoire, a being who keeps and collects all ancient wisdom from the beginning of time. Non-binary, moody as fuck, they ain’t one to gossip but they know all the dirt on everyone. Noisy bitches to be honest.
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Vampire Queens exist and for this cycle, lasting one century, Tifawt is that baddie. But she is feeling that heat from other vampires who want to take that spot, especially Amir, Brooklyn’s full-blood vampire boyfriend.
There will be others in this joint that Brooklyn has to contend with as she embraces her full vampire traits.
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Not just her Daddy:
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But also her father’s new assistant, Kai:
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What’s a girl to do? Especially if a certain Erik “Killmonger” Stevens shows up. A sexy Wakandan Prince selling vibranium to her Daddy to fight against vampires? Perhaps.
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Anyhoo, this is what is on the agenda.
Hit me up if you want to be tagged, and share if you know of other people who would be interested in a Black Vampire/Black Supernatural fic.
Tag List:
@fd-writes​ @soufcakmistress  @cherrystainedlipsbaby @tclaybon  @thadelightfulone
@allhailqueennel @bartierbakarimobisson @cpwtwot @shookmcgookqueen @yoyolovesbucky
@raysunshine78 @the-illllest @terrablaze514  @l-auteuse @amirra88 @jimizwidow @janelledarling
@chaneajoyyy @sweetestdream92 @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @hennessystevens-udaku
@scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @bugngiz @stariamrry  @honeytoffee @meilintheempressofdreams
@tyees @eye-raq @writerbee-ffs @chocolatedream30 @childishgambinaa @mygirlrenee @thewaysheis—awkward @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​
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iceedcawfee-blog · 5 years
I’m so here for this! 
Dusting off my Dr. Karen Jenson Fics: Put Some Respect on Her Name!
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Mahershala is now Blade and it is time to bring back Dr. Karen Jenson. I gotta dust off some old fics I never posted (b/c back inna day no one was checking for Black Women Blade offshoots). 
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But the time has come for a genius hematologist to rise from the ashes and I can introduce her and Blade’s rogue daughter (What? Secret half-vampire baby trope? Yes. And Lupita looks like she could play that part.)
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The hour is nigh, her time has finally come to reunite with the man who changed her life…even though he’ll probably be watered down in the new Marvel incarnation. I will write my own R-rated Blade that we need.
Bring out the fics people. She deserved better. Give it to her!
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iceedcawfee-blog · 5 years
I stan a lovestruck but still salty Erik! Those edges might have softened, but the pokey bits are still pokey lol. I get the sense that Fallon loves jewels because they are something she, diy extraordinare, can’t make for herself. She loves to create beautiful things, so being given beautiful things in return makes her feel special and cherished. So she’ll keep making him sweaters and extravagant dinners and he’ll find new ways to fill her life with the very best of everything. Super cute story, and i’m a fan. Feel free to make a million little tales in this universe, if you wish to :) 
Erik and the Anniversary Gift
This was a prompt given to me by @bakarisangel 
Essentially Erik needs to find an anniversary gift for his s/o. She left it open as far as the character so I chose Fallon. I hope ya’ll enjoy.
Keep reading
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iceedcawfee-blog · 6 years
8 if you want something a form fitting, classy yet sexy. It would look amazing on a curvy figure.  7 if you want to bring the drama. That color is beautiful on brown skin!  9 if you want to be extra as all fuck.  Honorable mention to 4, it’s the most conventional in my eyes but still beautiful.
I need your opinions.
Eventually, I’m gonna do a smut for Chad and CoCo. The basic plot is she has a vibrator inserted in public that he has the remote to. Let your imagination run wild. Anyway, it’ll be set at Rihanna’s Diamond Ball. If you have a free moment, I’d love your opinion on a few dresses. The looks at the event seem to vary in terms of how formal it is so I tried to include variety. Thanks 😊.
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iceedcawfee-blog · 6 years
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63K notes · View notes
iceedcawfee-blog · 6 years
Gotta stay on topic! 
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iceedcawfee-blog · 6 years
Nuh uh! I wanna talk to HR about this. Tech support! The bursars office! I’m calling my congress person. Do they have congress in Wakanda? Probably not, but somebody is gotta make this right again! You can’t just let me go just because I said I wanted to go, T’Challa. All of this respecting my wishes, making amends, and trying to keep me safe... stop it right this instant!  Thanks for this update! 
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Title: Late (16)
T’Challa X Black Reader
Chapter Warning: Angst
Note: I decided to treat you guys today. Enjoy!!
**If you enjoy, please like and reblog. 
3 days had gone by. With the help of the pain medication the palace physician prescribe the pain was manageable as long as you kept to a strict regimen of every 6 hours, you were in a painless bubble. That was another amazing thing about Wakanda their medications worked magic, where as in America pain killers left you with trace amounts of pain and a high level of dependency on the drug; here all of that was gone. It was severely much more potent with less chances of addiction. Because of the ordeal your sleep schedule was out of whack, you had nightmares everytime you closed your eyes so you were prescribed a natural herb from the Echene flower that would aid with rest. It helped and last night was the first night you were able to sleep longer than 2 hours. Today you felt much closer to yourself.
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You walked to the window and looked out over the view of the lush green trees and fields of the forest. When the Queen mother insisted you stay here rather than go back to your own chambers you objected but Okoye backed the decision stating it was a smart move to throw the attacker off. They wanted it to look as if I were severely injured and on death’s door. They hoped it would make the plotters sloppy. So here is where you stayed, a country home of the crown.
It was a beautiful home, not as grand as the palace but grand nonetheless. When you arrived Ramonda explained there were 13 bedrooms and 20 bathrooms and views from every window. 
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Views you’d enjoyed extensively since you arrived. From the window in the immense library you found views of the majestic countryside mountains and vast vineyards that housed wakandan grapes a vital component in the very potent wine. 
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From the window in the kitchen you found views of the soothing Sanje waterfalls off in the distance that many professed for it’s healing properties.
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From the window in the bedroom you slept you found views of the green rolling hills and slopes of the property and the blue waters of the watering hole on the property, the views were truly incredible. Everyday you fell more in love with the property, every day you felt more calm than you had in the last few months, your surroundings made it easy.
He he still hadn’t come. In all honesty you expected to see him at your bedside when you opened your eyes but he was nowhere to be found. He wasn’t there the next day either, or the 2 that followed. Today was the 4th day and you had no hopes of seeing him. If you were painfully honest with yourself it hurt that he hadn’t come to check on you, hurt that he didn’t even send a message through the 2 Dora that were stationed with you. Everyday you spoke with Shuri she didn’t mention him. You didn’t know what to think. Did he care? Was he so busy with his soon to be wife that you’d just fallen to the side? So many thoughts flitted through your mind that you nearly drove yourself crazy. You groaned in the tub and dropped your head back to the tub.
Your emotions were all over the place, you were angry, you hated him but you also didn’t, you felt sorry for him, worried for him, you were scared for him even. One thing was certain in your mind; you also were more attracted to him than anyone else in your life. It went further than how he looked, bast knows he was gorgeous from every hair follicular to every long toe. He was a masterpiece to look at. Even the parts of him you hadn’t seen fully you knew were beautiful. His heart was also beautiful, how he care for his mother and sister, how he loved Wakanda, and truly wanted to make a difference in the world and protect those who could not protect themselves. It was one of the reasons you fell in love with him. He was also possessed an incredible mind, one that you’d spent many nights delving into and being amazed with how much it held. 
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You looked back out the window at the sunset radiating across the sky. The beautiful reds, oranges and yellows blended together and created a color all it’s own, a color that one could never duplicate, it was your favorite thing about Wakanda, its sunset. You stared at it and relaxed as it’s glory took over you. You wondered if T’Challa was looking at the same sunset, wondered if he was thinking about you as you were of him.
Before you knew it the sunset was gone and all that remained was the dark. It was then you realized you were still in the tub filled with cold water. You snapped out of your stupor and rose out of the water. You walked across the bathroom to your towel and briefly dried your skin. When you wrapped yourself in your soft silk robe it stuck to your damp skin. You walked to the vanity within the bathroom and began your nighttime routine. When you walked back into the bedroom you decided to leave your hair loose for the dampness to air dry knowing full and well that you’d chastise yourself the next day when you were trying to comb through the curls. You didn’t care tonight. You walked out the door and down the corridor toward the kitchen with E’KeNe and D’GaBo following close behind.
“Did you both each already?” You asked.
“Not yet ma’am.” E’KeNe answered. You stopped and looked at her.
“My name is not ma’am, you know my name, please use it.” You requested. She smiled and nodded. You returned the smile and continued to walk. When you walked into the kitchen you checked the pot on the stove and saw the goat tagnine was perfectly cooked. You turned the low fire off and checked the other pots.
“It smells delicious Y/N.” D’GaBo complimented.
“It sure does. I will make you each a plate and you can relax the rest of the night.” You said to the young warriors. You began filling their plates with the meat and garlic couscous, rusk bread, and various meat dips to compliment the meal. E’KeNe was the first to take her plate thanking you.
“Go on, enjoy it and relax.” You urged. They nodded and walked out the room. You turned back around and went to the cabinet you knew held the wine. You took it down and poured your glass to the top. You turned around and leaned on the counter before drinking down the contents of the glass, leaving not even a drop. You kept your eyes closed and enjoy the slight warmth that traveled down your throat on it’s path to your stomach. 
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You opened your eyes and there he was. You didn’t move, didn’t speak and neither did he. You both stood there staring at one another. You weren’t sure if he was real or not, you knew wakandan wine was strong. You close your eyes for a few seconds and took several deep breathes. When you opened them he was still there.
“He’s still there.” You whispered to yourself.
“Do you wish me to go?” He asked. You gasped slightly. He was real. Your heart began to flutter rapidly and he butterflies in your stomach began their assault. You placed on hand across your stomach in an effort to calm them.
“I am sorry, I should not have come.” He said before turning around.
“Wait.” You whispered. He heard you and paused his actions. You looked over his back at the broadness of his shoulders and the grimness of his waist. The outfit he’d chosen today allowed you good views of his muscular figure. You finally broke the silence after long moments.
“You don’t have to go.” You responded, he didn’t turn around immediately though, he kept his back to you.
“You want me to stay?” He asked. You breathed out and swallowed, you were parched.
“Do as you wish.” You said before turning back to the wine bottle and pouring a second glass. You drank half the glass this time, it was important to remain in control here. You felt him walk into the kitchen. It was as if your body could see his every move. You moves back to the stove and began preparing your own plate.
“Have you eaten?”
“No.” T’Challa answered.
“It must be fate you’re here, I made your favorite.” You told him.
“Where are your guards?” He asked.
“I gave them dinner and told them to relax.” You confessed.
“Relax, Y/N…” he began.
“They have been by my side every minute, they deserved a break.” You explained. You heard him breathe out in exasperation but he said nothing else. You walked to the French doors and walked to the veranda placed the plate on the table that was there before walking in to prepare the second plate. You felt his eyes on you and it made your stomach do flips. You focused on your movements to ensure you didn’t make a mess and you didn’t trip over your own two feet. When you walked back into the kitchen to get the bottle of wine you turned to him.
“Are you here on official business your majesty?” You asked. He just stared at you without speaking.
“Should I prepare another drink for you that would be more…appropriate?” You asked.
“No, that is fine.” He responded. You nodded and walked back outside. You sat down and waited for him to come. You were able to put your napkins across your lap and take a few more sips of wine before he emerged. He took the seat across from you and looked at the plate before him.
“Goat Tagine.”
“Yes, it is still your favorite right?” You asked. He smiled slowly.
“Yes. I haven’t had it in a long time.” He informed.
“Since you showed me the recipe I’ve put a spin of my own on it. I hope I haven’t ruined it for you.” You took up your fork and began eating. He followed your actions. You watched him put the fork in his mouth and tried not to laugh when his eyes lit up.
“Good?” You inquired. He looked at you.
“What is it I am tasting?”
“I’m sorry your majesty I cannot tell you. It is my secret recipe. If I tell you I’ll have to kill you.” You joked. He studied you and smiled softly before continuing to eat.
“It’s very good.” You smiled and nodded.
You shared the meal in silence. You didn’t trust your voice, you wanted him to take the lead. He did not, he remained just as silent, but you felt his eyes on you. His eyes rarely left you and his eyes made it that much harder to to concentrate.
“Are you all right?” T’Challa asked once you’d both finished eating and were sitting sipping the remainder of the wine. You took a deep breath in and released it before taking a sip of your wine.
“What exactly is your definition of all right because all right would be a stretch.” You revealed.
“I can understand that.” T’Challa responded. Again the silence resumed.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He exclaimed, you felt the remorse and sincerity coming off of him. You stared at him and everything in you wanted to get up and to to him. You drank from your glass and nodded your response. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked out to the distance.
“The thought that I couldn’t protect you, the thought that someone in my kingdom thought to do you harm, someone dared to try to take you from-“ he spoke before his words broke off. He rose from the table abruptly and walked toward the grass. He kept his back to you for several minutes. You didn’t know what to say so you said nothing.
“I’m sorry I was not there to protect you, I’m sorry that it was more than likely my fault.” He expressed.
“It’s not your fault T’Challa…” You began stopping when you realized you said his name. He realized it to and turned to you. You both stared at each other, neither of you speaking.
The air became thick with unspoken words and pent up desire. You did the only logical thing and got up and took the plates into the kitchen. Once inside you closed your eyes and took several breathes. You felt his presence the minute he walked in. He approached your back and leaned closer you placing the empty wine bottle on the counter beside you. Instead of walking away he remained. Your heart was beating so rapidly you were sure he could hear it, sure he could tell how nervous and anxious you were. You could smell him and that made things even worse, you always loved his scent, it was masculine and strong but subtle at the same time. Whenever you smelled him you instantly wanted him.
“Y/N.” T’Challa whispered. He sounded as if he was much closer than you anticipated. It sounded like all he had to do was reach out and wrap his arm around your waist. You wanted him to. It had come to the point where you were so angry with him but when he was around that anger meant nothing. You loved him. You heard him take an inhale centimeters from your ear and that was all it took for your panties to flood. You heard him groan deeply and take a deeper inhale before he moaned.
“Bast help me.” He pleaded.
“Y/N…” D’GaBo began when she walked into the kitchen. Instantly you heard her gasp.
“My king.” She sternly responded. T’Challa released a sharp hiss before he moved from you.
“It is all right D’GaBo.” He responded. You felt relief flood you but you also felt the regret.
“Is there anything I can get you my king.” D’GaBo asked.
“No, I am fine, thank you. I should be going i’ve spent far too long away from the palace already.” He informed. You didn’t move, you just gripped the skin harder. Your body screamed for him not to go, but your lips didn’t move. D’GaBo saluted him and he nodded. He looked to your back before walking out the kitchen. Once your body felt him leave it began to relax. You took that moment to escape to your bedroom. Once behind the doors you allowed yourself to fully react to the evening. You went through several emotions but finally rested on need, a need for him. 
When you awoke the next day and sat to eat breakfast D’GaBo and E’KeNe informed you that you were leaving. You thought it was back to the palace but when you got onto the hanger jet you were told you were in fact going to New York. You didn’t understand. E’KeNe held an envelope out to you as you sat watching Wakanda fade into the background. You took the envelope with shaky hands. You saw your name written across the front of the envelope in his handwriting. You took several deep breathes before opening it to take out the green leaf speckled stationary inside. You recognized it, it was his, the one you helped him pick out. You walked to the window feeling you’d need some privacy. You glanced down to the letter and slowly read it’s contents.
My father told me once, the true measure of a good king turned a great one is his ability to do the selfless thing, the thing that will cause him the most pain but will be for the greater good. He told me it is easy to be selfish but a king cannot be selfish. I’ve been a selfish man and I am sorry. I did not have the courage or the strength to cause myself pain, I still do not but I would rather be in pain then risk your life.
I accept your resignation.
I am sorry for the pain I’ve caused you, I am deeply, sincerely and wholeheartedly sorry and I wish you every happiness in this life and the next.
The Wakandan Embassy will have your recommendations for the next employment you may find. Please accept this severance package which I hope will aid you until you find new employment. It has been a pleasure knowing you and working with you. Wakanda thanks you for your service, I thank you for your service and friendship. 
With all my love for all my days,
T’Challa King Of Wakanda
You thought you knew what heartbreak felt like, but it wasn’t until this moment you truly knew what it felt like. You looked up and saw the ship go through the vibranium barrier protecting Wakanda from the rest of the world. You watched as the barrier closed and with it your sight of Wakanda the city you loved. All that was there now was an illusion of the barren land, Wakanda was gone, he was gone. You’d gotten what you wanted.
Your tears flowed freely down your cheeks and soon your sobs could be heard throughout the jet. 
To Be Continued… 
Tags: @brianabreeze @kumkaniudaku @sarahboseman @heyauntieeee @texasbama @heybriheyyy @autumn242 @wakanda-inspired @wakandas-vibranium @muse-of-mbaku @thiccdaddy-mbaku @qweentbh @halfrican-heat @madhatterhelsing @lunaerly @tchallamakesmeh0lla @tchallaswife @theoutereffect @blue-ishx @challaxkillmonger @darkandlovely94 @purple-apricots @therevolution-willbelive @wakandamama @reignsxjackson @johnxstilinski @90sinspiredgirl @zxddy-panther @naturallyqueenie @bubbleboss17 @destinio1 @lavitabella87 @greenswishbish @dramaqueenamby @teechallas-blog @afraiddremingandloving @generouspersonaunknown @macgruberrr @maliadestiny @airis-paris14 @babygirlofwakanda @mar-ta-3 @hersheyskissesss @soulmate8 @inlovewith3 @omg-blackqueen @limbo-limbo-limbo @theunsweetenedtruth @naturally-bri @blackchickfics @flawlesslybeautiful14 @leahnicole1219 @simplyyamberr @ajspencer1892 @hutchj @dolphinpink310 @jonmonique1 @sociallyawkward18 @geeksareunique @ororowrites @skysynclair19 @profilia @naturalistamisslyn @lewatigress @theravengoddess @bezzywazhere @sisterwifeudaku @wakandawinning @reeafterdark @ashanti-notthesinger @blackpanther45 @bossyboyd03 @barwick3 @twilight-sapphire-lover @yourwonderbelle @misswakanda2018 @madamslayy @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @mixedmelanin @niggarachi15 @treeondrea @itsjazzbaby @wavyyc @imaginewhoever @omgsuperstarg @fireboltrose7559 @blackpantherimagines @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @cockyboysandsugarism @awkwardlyabstract @lyricxavierlove @prettyprincesssushio @blackpantherismyish @fitfineandstayingalive @captiansaveasmut
***Hoping I got everyone. Again if I didn’t I apologize, there are a lot of you. Let me know I’ll develop a better system. Thank you for reading.
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iceedcawfee-blog · 6 years
My resignation was accepted? I’m leaving Wakanda? NOOOO!! I didn’t mean it, zaddy! 
Title: Late (16)
T’Challa X Black Reader
Chapter Warning: Angst
Note: I decided to treat you guys today. Enjoy!!
**If you enjoy, please like and reblog. 
3 days had gone by. With the help of the pain medication the palace physician prescribe the pain was manageable as long as you kept to a strict regimen of every 6 hours, you were in a painless bubble. That was another amazing thing about Wakanda their medications worked magic, where as in America pain killers left you with trace amounts of pain and a high level of dependency on the drug; here all of that was gone. It was severely much more potent with less chances of addiction. Because of the ordeal your sleep schedule was out of whack, you had nightmares everytime you closed your eyes so you were prescribed a natural herb from the Echene flower that would aid with rest. It helped and last night was the first night you were able to sleep longer than 2 hours. Today you felt much closer to yourself.
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You walked to the window and looked out over the view of the lush green trees and fields of the forest. When the Queen mother insisted you stay here rather than go back to your own chambers you objected but Okoye backed the decision stating it was a smart move to throw the attacker off. They wanted it to look as if I were severely injured and on death’s door. They hoped it would make the plotters sloppy. So here is where you stayed, a country home of the crown.
It was a beautiful home, not as grand as the palace but grand nonetheless. When you arrived Ramonda explained there were 13 bedrooms and 20 bathrooms and views from every window. 
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Views you’d enjoyed extensively since you arrived. From the window in the immense library you found views of the majestic countryside mountains and vast vineyards that housed wakandan grapes a vital component in the very potent wine. 
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From the window in the kitchen you found views of the soothing Sanje waterfalls off in the distance that many professed for it’s healing properties.
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From the window in the bedroom you slept you found views of the green rolling hills and slopes of the property and the blue waters of the watering hole on the property, the views were truly incredible. Everyday you fell more in love with the property, every day you felt more calm than you had in the last few months, your surroundings made it easy.
He he still hadn’t come. In all honesty you expected to see him at your bedside when you opened your eyes but he was nowhere to be found. He wasn’t there the next day either, or the 2 that followed. Today was the 4th day and you had no hopes of seeing him. If you were painfully honest with yourself it hurt that he hadn’t come to check on you, hurt that he didn’t even send a message through the 2 Dora that were stationed with you. Everyday you spoke with Shuri she didn’t mention him. You didn’t know what to think. Did he care? Was he so busy with his soon to be wife that you’d just fallen to the side? So many thoughts flitted through your mind that you nearly drove yourself crazy. You groaned in the tub and dropped your head back to the tub.
Your emotions were all over the place, you were angry, you hated him but you also didn’t, you felt sorry for him, worried for him, you were scared for him even. One thing was certain in your mind; you also were more attracted to him than anyone else in your life. It went further than how he looked, bast knows he was gorgeous from every hair follicular to every long toe. He was a masterpiece to look at. Even the parts of him you hadn’t seen fully you knew were beautiful. His heart was also beautiful, how he care for his mother and sister, how he loved Wakanda, and truly wanted to make a difference in the world and protect those who could not protect themselves. It was one of the reasons you fell in love with him. He was also possessed an incredible mind, one that you’d spent many nights delving into and being amazed with how much it held. 
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You looked back out the window at the sunset radiating across the sky. The beautiful reds, oranges and yellows blended together and created a color all it’s own, a color that one could never duplicate, it was your favorite thing about Wakanda, its sunset. You stared at it and relaxed as it’s glory took over you. You wondered if T’Challa was looking at the same sunset, wondered if he was thinking about you as you were of him.
Before you knew it the sunset was gone and all that remained was the dark. It was then you realized you were still in the tub filled with cold water. You snapped out of your stupor and rose out of the water. You walked across the bathroom to your towel and briefly dried your skin. When you wrapped yourself in your soft silk robe it stuck to your damp skin. You walked to the vanity within the bathroom and began your nighttime routine. When you walked back into the bedroom you decided to leave your hair loose for the dampness to air dry knowing full and well that you’d chastise yourself the next day when you were trying to comb through the curls. You didn’t care tonight. You walked out the door and down the corridor toward the kitchen with E’KeNe and D’GaBo following close behind.
“Did you both each already?” You asked.
“Not yet ma’am.” E’KeNe answered. You stopped and looked at her.
“My name is not ma’am, you know my name, please use it.” You requested. She smiled and nodded. You returned the smile and continued to walk. When you walked into the kitchen you checked the pot on the stove and saw the goat tagnine was perfectly cooked. You turned the low fire off and checked the other pots.
“It smells delicious Y/N.” D’GaBo complimented.
“It sure does. I will make you each a plate and you can relax the rest of the night.” You said to the young warriors. You began filling their plates with the meat and garlic couscous, rusk bread, and various meat dips to compliment the meal. E’KeNe was the first to take her plate thanking you.
“Go on, enjoy it and relax.” You urged. They nodded and walked out the room. You turned back around and went to the cabinet you knew held the wine. You took it down and poured your glass to the top. You turned around and leaned on the counter before drinking down the contents of the glass, leaving not even a drop. You kept your eyes closed and enjoy the slight warmth that traveled down your throat on it’s path to your stomach. 
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You opened your eyes and there he was. You didn’t move, didn’t speak and neither did he. You both stood there staring at one another. You weren’t sure if he was real or not, you knew wakandan wine was strong. You close your eyes for a few seconds and took several deep breathes. When you opened them he was still there.
“He’s still there.” You whispered to yourself.
“Do you wish me to go?” He asked. You gasped slightly. He was real. Your heart began to flutter rapidly and he butterflies in your stomach began their assault. You placed on hand across your stomach in an effort to calm them.
“I am sorry, I should not have come.” He said before turning around.
“Wait.” You whispered. He heard you and paused his actions. You looked over his back at the broadness of his shoulders and the grimness of his waist. The outfit he’d chosen today allowed you good views of his muscular figure. You finally broke the silence after long moments.
“You don’t have to go.” You responded, he didn’t turn around immediately though, he kept his back to you.
“You want me to stay?” He asked. You breathed out and swallowed, you were parched.
“Do as you wish.” You said before turning back to the wine bottle and pouring a second glass. You drank half the glass this time, it was important to remain in control here. You felt him walk into the kitchen. It was as if your body could see his every move. You moves back to the stove and began preparing your own plate.
“Have you eaten?”
“No.” T’Challa answered.
“It must be fate you’re here, I made your favorite.” You told him.
“Where are your guards?” He asked.
“I gave them dinner and told them to relax.” You confessed.
“Relax, Y/N…” he began.
“They have been by my side every minute, they deserved a break.” You explained. You heard him breathe out in exasperation but he said nothing else. You walked to the French doors and walked to the veranda placed the plate on the table that was there before walking in to prepare the second plate. You felt his eyes on you and it made your stomach do flips. You focused on your movements to ensure you didn’t make a mess and you didn’t trip over your own two feet. When you walked back into the kitchen to get the bottle of wine you turned to him.
“Are you here on official business your majesty?” You asked. He just stared at you without speaking.
“Should I prepare another drink for you that would be more…appropriate?” You asked.
“No, that is fine.” He responded. You nodded and walked back outside. You sat down and waited for him to come. You were able to put your napkins across your lap and take a few more sips of wine before he emerged. He took the seat across from you and looked at the plate before him.
“Goat Tagine.”
“Yes, it is still your favorite right?” You asked. He smiled slowly.
“Yes. I haven’t had it in a long time.” He informed.
“Since you showed me the recipe I’ve put a spin of my own on it. I hope I haven’t ruined it for you.” You took up your fork and began eating. He followed your actions. You watched him put the fork in his mouth and tried not to laugh when his eyes lit up.
“Good?” You inquired. He looked at you.
“What is it I am tasting?”
“I’m sorry your majesty I cannot tell you. It is my secret recipe. If I tell you I’ll have to kill you.” You joked. He studied you and smiled softly before continuing to eat.
“It’s very good.” You smiled and nodded.
You shared the meal in silence. You didn’t trust your voice, you wanted him to take the lead. He did not, he remained just as silent, but you felt his eyes on you. His eyes rarely left you and his eyes made it that much harder to to concentrate.
“Are you all right?” T’Challa asked once you’d both finished eating and were sitting sipping the remainder of the wine. You took a deep breath in and released it before taking a sip of your wine.
“What exactly is your definition of all right because all right would be a stretch.” You revealed.
“I can understand that.” T’Challa responded. Again the silence resumed.
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He exclaimed, you felt the remorse and sincerity coming off of him. You stared at him and everything in you wanted to get up and to to him. You drank from your glass and nodded your response. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked out to the distance.
“The thought that I couldn’t protect you, the thought that someone in my kingdom thought to do you harm, someone dared to try to take you from-“ he spoke before his words broke off. He rose from the table abruptly and walked toward the grass. He kept his back to you for several minutes. You didn’t know what to say so you said nothing.
“I’m sorry I was not there to protect you, I’m sorry that it was more than likely my fault.” He expressed.
“It’s not your fault T’Challa…” You began stopping when you realized you said his name. He realized it to and turned to you. You both stared at each other, neither of you speaking.
The air became thick with unspoken words and pent up desire. You did the only logical thing and got up and took the plates into the kitchen. Once inside you closed your eyes and took several breathes. You felt his presence the minute he walked in. He approached your back and leaned closer you placing the empty wine bottle on the counter beside you. Instead of walking away he remained. Your heart was beating so rapidly you were sure he could hear it, sure he could tell how nervous and anxious you were. You could smell him and that made things even worse, you always loved his scent, it was masculine and strong but subtle at the same time. Whenever you smelled him you instantly wanted him.
“Y/N.” T’Challa whispered. He sounded as if he was much closer than you anticipated. It sounded like all he had to do was reach out and wrap his arm around your waist. You wanted him to. It had come to the point where you were so angry with him but when he was around that anger meant nothing. You loved him. You heard him take an inhale centimeters from your ear and that was all it took for your panties to flood. You heard him groan deeply and take a deeper inhale before he moaned.
“Bast help me.” He pleaded.
“Y/N…” D’GaBo began when she walked into the kitchen. Instantly you heard her gasp.
“My king.” She sternly responded. T’Challa released a sharp hiss before he moved from you.
“It is all right D’GaBo.” He responded. You felt relief flood you but you also felt the regret.
“Is there anything I can get you my king.” D’GaBo asked.
“No, I am fine, thank you. I should be going i’ve spent far too long away from the palace already.” He informed. You didn’t move, you just gripped the skin harder. Your body screamed for him not to go, but your lips didn’t move. D’GaBo saluted him and he nodded. He looked to your back before walking out the kitchen. Once your body felt him leave it began to relax. You took that moment to escape to your bedroom. Once behind the doors you allowed yourself to fully react to the evening. You went through several emotions but finally rested on need, a need for him. 
When you awoke the next day and sat to eat breakfast D’GaBo and E’KeNe informed you that you were leaving. You thought it was back to the palace but when you got onto the hanger jet you were told you were in fact going to New York. You didn’t understand. E’KeNe held an envelope out to you as you sat watching Wakanda fade into the background. You took the envelope with shaky hands. You saw your name written across the front of the envelope in his handwriting. You took several deep breathes before opening it to take out the green leaf speckled stationary inside. You recognized it, it was his, the one you helped him pick out. You walked to the window feeling you’d need some privacy. You glanced down to the letter and slowly read it’s contents.
My father told me once, the true measure of a good king turned a great one is his ability to do the selfless thing, the thing that will cause him the most pain but will be for the greater good. He told me it is easy to be selfish but a king cannot be selfish. I’ve been a selfish man and I am sorry. I did not have the courage or the strength to cause myself pain, I still do not but I would rather be in pain then risk your life.
I accept your resignation.
I am sorry for the pain I’ve caused you, I am deeply, sincerely and wholeheartedly sorry and I wish you every happiness in this life and the next.
The Wakandan Embassy will have your recommendations for the next employment you may find. Please accept this severance package which I hope will aid you until you find new employment. It has been a pleasure knowing you and working with you. Wakanda thanks you for your service, I thank you for your service and friendship. 
With all my love for all my days,
T’Challa King Of Wakanda
You thought you knew what heartbreak felt like, but it wasn’t until this moment you truly knew what it felt like. You looked up and saw the ship go through the vibranium barrier protecting Wakanda from the rest of the world. You watched as the barrier closed and with it your sight of Wakanda the city you loved. All that was there now was an illusion of the barren land, Wakanda was gone, he was gone. You’d gotten what you wanted.
Your tears flowed freely down your cheeks and soon your sobs could be heard throughout the jet. 
To Be Continued… 
Tags: @brianabreeze @kumkaniudaku @sarahboseman @heyauntieeee @texasbama @heybriheyyy @autumn242 @wakanda-inspired @wakandas-vibranium @muse-of-mbaku @thiccdaddy-mbaku @qweentbh @halfrican-heat @madhatterhelsing @lunaerly @tchallamakesmeh0lla @tchallaswife @theoutereffect @blue-ishx @challaxkillmonger @darkandlovely94 @purple-apricots @therevolution-willbelive @wakandamama @reignsxjackson @johnxstilinski @90sinspiredgirl @zxddy-panther @naturallyqueenie @bubbleboss17 @destinio1 @lavitabella87 @greenswishbish @dramaqueenamby @teechallas-blog @afraiddremingandloving @generouspersonaunknown @macgruberrr @maliadestiny @airis-paris14 @babygirlofwakanda @mar-ta-3 @hersheyskissesss @soulmate8 @inlovewith3 @omg-blackqueen @limbo-limbo-limbo @theunsweetenedtruth @naturally-bri @blackchickfics @flawlesslybeautiful14 @leahnicole1219 @simplyyamberr @ajspencer1892 @hutchj @dolphinpink310 @jonmonique1 @sociallyawkward18 @geeksareunique @ororowrites @skysynclair19 @profilia @naturalistamisslyn @lewatigress @theravengoddess @bezzywazhere @sisterwifeudaku @wakandawinning @reeafterdark @ashanti-notthesinger @blackpanther45 @bossyboyd03 @barwick3 @twilight-sapphire-lover @yourwonderbelle @misswakanda2018 @madamslayy @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @mixedmelanin @niggarachi15 @treeondrea @itsjazzbaby @wavyyc @imaginewhoever @omgsuperstarg @fireboltrose7559 @blackpantherimagines @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @cockyboysandsugarism @awkwardlyabstract @lyricxavierlove @prettyprincesssushio @blackpantherismyish @fitfineandstayingalive @captiansaveasmut
***Hoping I got everyone. Again if I didn’t I apologize, there are a lot of you. Let me know I’ll develop a better system. Thank you for reading.
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iceedcawfee-blog · 6 years
Whuddup doe
Don’t mean any harm, i’m just here for fics and giggles!
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