ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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"I just don't look at her, I gaze at her in fascination"
Happy New Year everyone
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
See Me As I Am
Hello everyone!
It's such a pleasure to see more people share and like this story! Sometimes I get scared the votes are a bit low, but I know I'm not a known author on here and I just go with it.
I see people were choosing different answers hmm? Diversity is nice, but be careful what you choose...
Past choice: Answer calmly to the neighbor
Entering next phase
The neighbor stared at him with disgust and animosity, as if all the wrongs in the world, all the poverty and diseases and unemployment and heartbreaks were his doing. Ichigo sympathized with him, in a way. He didn’t know the man, and didn’t really want to, but he could perfectly understand why he would detest androids. Taking a short breath in, he smiled.
“Hello mister. What can I do for you?”
The man seemed surprised at first, and quickly frowned.
“Where’s your owner? I only talk to humans.”
Harsh tone, distrusting eyes, unclear intentions… If Ichigo had a gut feeling, it would tell him to not let Orihime close to the guy. Instead, his mechanical mind pleaded for him to call his owner, as the man requested. He reluctantly looked back at the woman, her form appearing behind the almost closed door of the phantom room. She seemed scared, unwilling to meet the neighbor, eyes widened in a silent prayer for him to go away.
Ichigo felt his LED turn and turn, the yellow bordering on the red. He stopped thinking for a moment; he needed to calm down. Whatever he could choose could harm Orihime, who didn’t deserve that. If he spoke his mind to the man like he wanted to, he’d be considered deviant and taken away, or maybe just sent back to the shop for him to be reinitialized.
“I’m sorry, mister, but Miss Inoue is not available for now. The cold weather was not good for her, and she caught quite a cold.”
The neighbor kept his dark eyebrows furrowed, but seemed less inclined to come in.
“Oh… And can’t you do something? Isn’t that in your program to take care of her?”
Oh, how Ichigo was tempted to tell him he was doing just that before the man knocked, but once again, he maintained a warm expression on his face.
“It is indeed. That is why I should return back to her side. Or maybe you wanted to add something?”
The dark-haired man grumbled something about ‘being nice’, but shook his head and turned away to walk back to his home. Ichigo closed the door, securing it with a lock, wondering what was that even about.
Orihime was still upstairs, silent and unwilling to move, but a smile was on her lips when he looked up at her. She appeared much more at ease now, hands no longer holding onto her sides.
Dixie barked a little, rushing up the stairs to wiggle in front of her owner, which had the intended effect : she chuckled, sitting down on the floor to pet and cuddle the dog, who licked her cheeks with affection. Ichigo slowly made his way to them, eyeing with tenderness the way Orihime let the dog console her. He sat down next to her, knowing, somehow, that he didn’t have to do or say anything. That if Orihime wanted to explain why she was uneasy, she would.
His thoughts went in a whole other direction, one he shouldn’t have, and didn’t mean to : by the door, he had wanted to disobey, to turn his back to the man or insult him back. It was normal to feel that way for a human, because they had emotions. They were born to be imperfect and have feelings. Androids… Couldn’t do that. Because if, one way or another, they disobeyed their owners, they were deviants. Threats. They could injure, sometimes kill humans because of all the turmoil emotions caused them. He couldn’t choose to do something, only had to follow the orders.
He had thought. Felt. Fought the feeling and thought with something else than his brain.
“So… Your body is entirely mechanical, but since it’s made to look identical to humans, you have fake organs and everything?” “Yes. Machinery that looks like organs.”
Everything in him was fake, made up, assembled in specialized warehouses, sold. He wasn’t real.
But he felt. From a place he didn’t know, couldn’t tell, he was feeling. Anger, anguish… Affection.
Orihime petted Dixie’s fur, and the dog rolled on her back, exposing her belly, greedily wanting more.
And in one crazy, unreal, impossible moment, Ichigo told himself that if he had to, he’d be deviant to keep Orihime smiling like that.
Orihime didn’t want to go out, even if she had things to do, like grocery shopping or even go meet her friends, and Ichigo understood her. He still had no idea what was happening, but still, days later the almost intrusion, he didn’t ask her. The android looked after her, served her meals and had chit-chat sessions with her, talking about imaginary robots, childhood dreams and anecdotes of the times when Dixie was just a puppy. It was calm, exactly what she needed.
Today, he tackled a problem seen from the very first day : the damaged fence. With the cold air growing damp, the snow approaching, it was best to replace it properly now, rather than wait for the good days to come later. He crouched down, hammer and nails by his feet, and examined the wooden planks. Slightly darker than the rest, but nothing rotten. The old nails had disappeared at the bottom, but the ones at the top were still in place, at about 1m80 in height. That wasn’t normal. If the planks were damaged, rotting or broken, he’d have to replace the top too. But nothing.
Ichigo took the two planks that had fallen away from the others, catching a peek at the unfamous neighbor’s garden.
Something clicked in his mind.
Those planks… They had not fallen out of place. They had been detached from the fence, using some scissors or a clamp. Maybe even a hammer. Orihime wouldn’t do it : with how much love and care she had for her dog and how scared she was of the neighbor, she wouldn’t open her fence for her dog to go through.
No… It was the man who did it.
He was stalking her.
It was impossible to tell for how long or when did he stop, but the reason he came… He came knocking at the door because Ichigo was there. Orihime was no longer alone, and so he couldn’t stare at her anymore without being caught.
Ichigo greeted his teeth together, grasping the hammer and pulling the fence back together. He stood up, reaching for the grid he had taken, in case he couldn’t repair the fence, and knocked it with the small gap that remained. If the creep wanted to ask why, Ichigo would have to say it was to prevent Dixie from running.
The android entered the house again, putting the wet shoes away and placing the coat Orihime had forced him to wear on the nearby coat rack.
“Oh, Ichigo, do you mind coming here for a second?” She called out from upstairs, the bathroom if he was correct.
He tried to plaster a smile on his face on time, managing a small smirk before he entered the foggy room. Orihime was in the bath, bubbles surrounding her, one hand out to touch her back.
“Could you help me, please? I think there’s something stuck on my back, I can’t get it.”
She was pouting, obviously annoyed she couldn’t reach the spot, but was feeling no shame whatsoever in front of Ichigo.
A part of him wondered if she saw him as a man at all, or if he was nothing but a robot.
“Sure.” He answered shortly, picking a stool next to the cabinet to sit by her side. From there, he only had to move his head to see her body, the bubbles less dense. He didn’t, and instead looked at her naked back, his hand hovering over hers, catching the little thorn she had, somehow, got stuck in her back.
“How did it get here… You should be more careful Orihime.” He scolded her gently, his second hand landing on her shoulder.
“Sorry.” She chuckled, at ease with his hands on her. “Maybe it’s the floor. It’s a bit too old, little bits are everywhere. Dixie had one in her paw once. It was terrible.”
“Well, Dixie has reasons to be on the ground. You, however, are still recovering from your cold, so don’t lay on the floor. You’ll catch it again.”
Orihime laughed, bubbles shaking at the same time as her breasts. She turned her face to look at him, a little blush on her face.
“Alright, I’ll stop, Mister.”
He stared at her, in her grey eyes, the ones he studied even when they were closed. The ones who, maybe, saw him as he wanted to be. And once again, something stirred, something felt, inside of him.
Choices :
1- Lean in and kiss her, become deviant
2- Move away
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
On the day of the bleach exhibition Kubo said this about Ichihime
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It’s “impressive” because of the build up & for it to have taken “Ichigo a very long time to say those words” speaks volumes just shows how much he’s grown from his previous fights especially the Ulquiorra one. The way she’s yearned for so long to protect him since he’s always done that for her and now she gets to do it - gets rid of her feeling like a hindrance and he has faith that she WILL protect him as she always has faith in him.
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
Do you have some ichihime fanfic?
Hii actually I do!
It’s not too significant but here u go~
1. Post canon, Gen - decisions, decisions
2. smut fics - god these are so old and so bad from like 2015 or smn 🤣 they were still tagged to my old pseudonym
I won a challenge and got some commissioned fanart for this that is super hot, check it out 🥵❤️(nsfw)
regrets - cw: cheating, pls don’t read if that makes u uncomfy
sneaking around
guilty pleasures
3. excerpts from my desert princess wip!! That I am very excited to write in 2022!! really excited for this one
part 1 plastic crowns
part 2 you have me but I don’t have you (smut-ish)
these are my terrible ones but I’d also like to rec my most fav ichihime author ever, her name is ChildOfTheAshes on Fanfiction.net, I am a HUGE FAN of her fics!!
enjoy! ❤️
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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IH week day 1 - Flowers!! Excited to start off this wonderful week! 
Orihime is holding a strawberry flower, while Ichigo is holding a hibiscus! (And the rikka are holding their respective namesakes)
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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ichihime doodles 
concept???? blushy ears Ichigo,,,,,
thank u for ur attention
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
Ichigo offering to walk Orihime home gives me life.
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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As if he heard me,
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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love aint a science
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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Based off of that one tiktok.
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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Day 1: Confession
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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wip/doodle! ichigo and orihime are both such cute dorks uwu ^^
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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merry Christmas
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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What is Love?
Unable to hold in her feelings anymore, Orihime confesses to Ichigo. But the response that follows after, leaves a dent on their friendship.
Audios used for Inspiration: Link 1, Link 2.
Tags: Angst, Smut, Ichihime, Bleach
Keep reading
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ichigo-and-orihime · 3 years
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