ichorblccded · 5 years
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His duties are to serve, but that’s not to say that he doesn’t keep some things treasured in his heart. He knows what he’s supposed to say, what’s pleasing to the gods and goddesses that he grew up worshipping and being pious. To be like them, it was a blessing and one that he does not take lightly. He’s honored, and added that he has quite wonderful company as well as a lover to Zeus. 
He’d never voice it, though he wished at times that things were easier. 
“I could never forget.” He smiles against Zeus’ lips when the god kisses him. “I’m treated much better than most by all, but I treasure your favor the highest of all the gods.”
His lips move languidly against the others even as he speaks, strong hands settling on the golden skin of the younger. It was one of the many blessings the gods possessed, the lack of time. Time was endless and nothing all at the same time when you were immortal. And Zeus was sure he could spend a mortals lifetime touching the cupbearer like so and still feel as if only a moment had passed.
Still though he pulls away eventually. 
“As you should. I do not bless many with what I have blessed you. Not many reach the requirements but you, treasure, you surpass them all.”
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ichorblccded · 5 years
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Baekhyun // NYLON
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ichorblccded · 5 years
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181 notes · View notes
ichorblccded · 5 years
open to: m/f/nb!! literally anyone pls love him
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          he’s staring. stop staring. look somewhere else before they get creeped out and– “would it be weird if i kissed you?” ( !! ) shit. the room had been completely silent which only makes it more AWKWARD, but…louis had meant it. he was being impulsive for once and maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea. “because, not gonna lie, i really fucking want to.”
“I...” That isn’t what she’d expected to come out of his mouth. He’d been so lost in thought that Choonhee had assumed he had something really important to tell her or think about or anything. Not this. Though telling someone you want to kiss them probably did take a lot of thought beforehand. Maybe. “Yes. Not in a bad way but...we’ve never kissed before. So it would be a bit weird.”
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ichorblccded · 5 years
open to: m/f/nb (and non-mutuals) based on: ( x )
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       jiyeon’s friend was holding a party for her birthday so of course she had to go. they’d been friends the whole first year of college and both now back in their second year. the party was in full swing and it was sage to say that jiyeon had had a few drinks. she’d been socializing with a few people here and there, finding there was a lot of people she didn’t know or had even seen since starting at the college. excusing herself from the conversation she was holding to get a drink, she turned around and made her way to the kitchen before she was stopped in her tracks, a familiar figure in the distance. “i-no it can’t be,” she said, squinting her eyes a little to get a better look without looking closer.
Chinhae didn’t really come to college parties that much, avoiding them was a good way at avoiding his little brother and most of his friends as a whole. It was a birthday though and he had been told not all too kindly by his roommate that not showing up was only going to make him look like an asshole. So here he was drinking cheap vodka and feeling slightly blessed for his height so that he could mainly look over the throng of people and not be too stuffed between them all. Though he swore he could feel eyes boring into his skull as he turns around and catches sight of someone who looks just a bit too familiar. “Um, do I have something on my face? Or do you just glare at everyone like that?”
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ichorblccded · 5 years
Open: all mutuals & non-mutuals    Plot: Its the morning after and she didn’t mean to sleepover at their place Muse: Sora – ½ of kpop duo group Connection: significant other, friends with benefit, fling, famous or not etc. 
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 “good morning,” she whispered softly bringing her hand covering her face as she feels the warm sunlight hitting her face. a small yawn escaped her lips before her lashes fluttered open. she tossed over to one side, her hand reaching for her phone to check the time. after seeing it was way later into the afternoon she sat up. “shit,” she mumbled to herself then glancing over to the other and seeing that they were already awake. sora normally would have left early in the morning in hopes that no on would spot her leaving whether it was their roommates, neighbour, anyone. “did you not hear my alarm go off?” she mumbled pulling the sheets up to her bare body. “i should go.”
Maybe it was a little shameless to watch the other sleep knowing full well that Sora probably had places to be and more importantly didn’t want to be seen leaving Sunhee’s apartment. Sunhee was feeling selfish today though. Wanted to grab the extra time she could have just watching Sora and the beauty in front of her before it ran away all over again. “It didn’t go off. Maybe your phone canceled the alarm or something. The smile on her face is just a touch too smug but wasn’t Sunhee always a touch too smug? Overconfident to her core. “You’re going to leave me so soon, gorgeous? At least let me make you breakfast before you go.”
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ichorblccded · 5 years
open to: anyone! ⤷ muse: yoonjae, vampire museum archivist.
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He walks to the table, blinking a few times as he sits down. They wanted to talk to him and he’s very curious as to why. Not that it took him any effort to get here, but he still has to play like he’s human. “Sorry I’m late, traffic and all. What did you want to talk about?”
It’s almost comical how Korain lights up at Yoonjae’s presence. Far too excited for his own good but that might have something to do with the bottle he downed an hour ago. “Well, you know about history and old stuff and shit, right? That’s like your thing? I was wondering if you know of any, I don’t know, books or texts or whatever on reincarnation?”
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ichorblccded · 5 years
Feel like doing a lil reverse starter call so give this a like and I’ll go through your open starters!!
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ichorblccded · 5 years
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He has no shame, of course not. Why would he in the presence of Zeus? Besides the fact that he finds himself in the god’s bed, he still has the knowledge that humans possessed on respect and respecting the gods. There is a certain amount of pleasure he finds, however, knowing that Zeus is pleased with his appearance. He’ll never actually voice it publically, he knows what will happen. 
He had to thank Zeus eternally for this gift of eternity. As his lover, it’s just another very positive part of his existence. He’s already rising, pulling himself together just the slightest bit to look more presentable, preening a bit like a bird might as he takes his serving necessities and the wine. 
“I’ve been treated very well, I have no complaints.” He pours. “It is quite different, much grander than mortals talk about.”
He takes a slight bit too much pleasure in watching Ganymede serve him but it was the purpose of the other. His blessing. “Of course it is.” A smug smile taking over his lips as he leans back with his wine. The fragrant liquid trickling down his throat easily. “If we went around telling mortals just how much decadence we live in there would be riots. They love us and know we are above them but they do not need to know how much.” 
Fingers gently taking hold of the young man's chin and pulling him in for a kiss. Filled with much more kindness than he would extend to his other lovers. “And you’re more than any mortal now, never forget that.”
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ichorblccded · 5 years
It wasn’t often that Soryung felt nervous and even now he wasn’t sure if this was it. All he knew was that looking at Yin was making his stomach fill with butterflies and there seemed to be a permanent blush sat on his cheeks. It had been too long since he’d gone on a date. “Chinhae was actually the first one to bring me here. I still think it’s a bit too fancy but, well, I wanted to take you somewhere nice.”  It was weird how much he wanted to impress the other. When was the last time he wanted to impress someone? Sure, he wanted to impress Mei too but convincing Yin that he wanted to date him seemed more important. “Plus he said taking someone to a burger joint isn’t romantic, apparently.” @carpcnvctcm​
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ichorblccded · 5 years
He was a humble hero before, well known by the people and admired for his beauty. He did what any hero did, and worshipped the gods like any good god-fearing man might. He definitely did not foresee this, but neither is he complaining about the outcome. To be remembered as a cupbearer of the gods is an incredible feat, being by the side of the gods and serving them was something else entirely.
He knows Zeus’ wife is a jealous woman. Hera holds a quite good chunk of disdain for him, he can just see it in her eyes every time he pours her wine. 
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“I suppose there isn’t anything she can do.” He lifts one eyebrow, shifting to lay on his side as it’s ten times more comfortable and he can actually give Zeus his full attention and not just half of it. Even if he knows that he’s special in his heart, there’s still some manner of satisfaction in Ganymede with Zeus’ last statement. It’s words like that he treasures, knowing that it would be denied. 
“Should I pour some wine?” He asks, a tinge of amusement in his voice, as if he already knows the answer to that. 
There’s no shame or attempt at hiding as Zeus lets his eyes drift along Ganymede’s body, taking in every inch. He had made a good choice, a fine one, and now the hero was blessed to never age unlike all the others still stuck wandering the earth. No, Ganymede’s beauty would always stay exactly the same. Just where he wanted it to be. 
“Well, what else are you here for?” He teases, already reaching for his now empty cup. It had been a while since he’d sat with someone and drunk like this. Actually entertained a proper conversation where he truly listened. It wasn’t something he was often inclined to do. But for Ganymede...well he’d already bent the rules and upset the gods for the boy so why not step out of his usual practices as well.
“Apart from my handful of a wife, how have you found Olympus? I suspect everyone has treated you well?”
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ichorblccded · 5 years
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35K notes · View notes
ichorblccded · 5 years
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30K notes · View notes
ichorblccded · 5 years
for @ichorblccded, from ganymede (private muse)
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Cupbearer of the gods. It’s an honor, he supposed. Who wouldn’t want to be the cupbearer of the gods? Certainly anyone sane enough to want the blessing of Zeus, he supposed. In itself, it’s incredibly honorable to be chosen simply for your beauty. Well, not by choice either but he’s gotten used to it.
It started very casually, but even so, it’s wrong. Well, it’s what he tells himself. Messing with someone else’s marriage would be frowned upon normally. But again, he’s immortal now. And gods don’t think on the same level as humans so he supposed he shouldn’t either. Besides, Zeus has plenty of lovers, it’s not like he’s the only one, but he likes to think he’s special, especially since this very casual fling has turned into something more messy. And it’s not like they’re discreet. 
 “One of these days she’ll notice.” Again, another night with his lover and he doesn’t mind at all. Running his hand through his dark hair, stretching his muscles out a bit. This could really hurt him, especially in view of his marriage and the gods but he could care less. 
Selfish. That was what he had always been. When he saw something and wanted it he got and only he got to have it. That’s what it had been like when he’d seen Ganymede. An overwhelming need to have the other in any way possible. So here they were now. The other blessed with immortality and Zeus blessed with their presence in his bed. 
A snort leaving him as he stretches out on the sheets, gazing into the eyes of the other with the confidence only he could carry. “And what will she do about it if she notices?” Which she was going to. Ganymede was right. It had already upset Olympus enough for him to bring in a random new cupbearer but he wasn’t making it any easier with his interest in the young man. 
“My wife is a beautiful, conniving, jealous, intelligent woman. She’s powerless to who I have in my bed. Especially when it’s you.” The last sentence is softer, though Zeus would deny it in a heartbeat, there was more affection there then he would show to most if not all of his other lovers. 
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ichorblccded · 5 years
Honestly having someone play a Ganymede (but maybe without the age gap and abduction) against my Zeus would make me really happy~
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ichorblccded · 5 years
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989 notes · View notes
ichorblccded · 5 years
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Since the first time I saw you, I knew you were special… and had many secrets.
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