ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
this blog is now archived.   i still have to set up pages but most of everything is being moved to a new blog.     a few different memes are probably going to end up as short little posts on the new blog bc i suck and it physically makes me sick to see this blog a mess anymore so. you’re welcome to turn those into threads if you wish and we can start something new while keeping our old stuff but …. if you want the url im me.   please be aware that because of this new blog,      because i want to keep a fairly tidy dash,      i may be a little more selective this time around.    don’t take it personally but its for my sanity.    thanks a billion and i love you guys
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
this blog is now archived.   i still have to set up pages but most of everything is being moved to a new blog.     a few different memes are probably going to end up as short little posts on the new blog bc i suck and it physically makes me sick to see this blog a mess anymore so. you’re welcome to turn those into threads if you wish and we can start something new while keeping our old stuff but .... if you want the url im me.   please be aware that because of this new blog,      because i want to keep a fairly tidy dash,      i may be a little more selective this time around.    don’t take it personally but its for my sanity.    thanks a billion and i love you guys
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
okay so ummmm ….. i’m p sure this blog is going on a move within the next few days. ….   i know for certain that i’m setting a blog up tonight when i have the time but …. i’ll let you guys know when this blog stops being active ……
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
sooooo ..... i might have gone a bit overboard the first night and got nearly everything i needed done aside from pages ????   so idk ... like this post if you want the new temp. url until i archive this one ??
okay so ummmm ….. i’m p sure this blog is going on a move within the next few days. ….   i know for certain that i’m setting a blog up tonight when i have the time but …. i’ll let you guys know when this blog stops being active ……
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
okay so ummmm ..... i'm p sure this blog is going on a move within the next few days. ....   i know for certain that i’m setting a blog up tonight when i have the time but .... i’ll let you guys know when this blog stops being active ......
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
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James Marsden behind the scenes of his photoshoot for Modern Weekly China, February 4, 2017 issue.
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
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James Marsden as Dawson Cole in The Best of Me (2014)
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
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girls in frame
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
okay but …. plotting call !      comment a muse you’d like to interact with and i’m gonna jump into your ims to talk with ya !!
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
okay but i’ve been really ?? cautious ab this .... but i kinda want a 3 way thread ?? dskfj bye
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
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8 months pregnant, and 3 weeks old today. ❤️
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
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14x04 - Mint Condition
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
okay but …. plotting call !      comment a muse you’d like to interact with and i’m gonna jump into your ims to talk with ya !!
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
tetheredatlas.          winchester      .
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THE  SOURCES  OF  MAGIC,  WHO  WAS  HE  TO  JUDGE,  HE  WASN’T  A  WITCH or   magical  for  all  intensive  purposes so  he  feels  like  he’s  not  the  best  person  to  make  some  remark  dripping  with  sarcasm.      «     that  sounds  comfortin’    »     and  he  does,  he  does  let  derision  slip  out,  though  honestly   he’d  meant  well  ——  perhaps  just  one  of  those  nights.       «     show  me.    »     she  speaks  almost  ill-will  of  others  similiar  in  kind  to  her,    maybe  she  was  different.
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it’s natural to hate witches,      she understands.      sage knows that there are others out there like her that practice darker magic,      something far more sinister than she allows herself to even think of.      sage and aurora both had been warned early on in their lives to be careful,      to never practice magic in front of other people unless it was for the most dire of circumstances;      warned never to trust anyone with their power,     for someone was bound to take advantage or worse.      
❝      surely it’s more reassuring from what you’ve been told before by the others,      ❞          she has her own drip of sarcasm on her tongue.      then he speaks again,      and sage can’t help but stare at him,      blinking,      blue orbs almost wide in surprise.      show me,      he said.      of course.      a sigh slips and she relents.      air shifts around her,      drawing from within only a portion of her power.      finger taps the table and the lights flicker,      eyes move to look beyond the window and thunder sounds on a clear and sunny day,    wilting flowers in a pot outside beneath the window rise with life,      blooming heavenly white again.      it’s small,      she knows,      but it is all she is willing to show.          ❝      do you feel better about it now   ?      ❞
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
cfkillers.          we   are   both   alive     .
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marlo unzips her jacket and throws it in the backseat. fingers go through his hair and gently pull just enough to make it so it doesn’t hurt. ‘ y’know if you wanna do this in the car i’m down but otherwise, i suggest we move. ‘ it psychically pains her to part from him but she didn’t understand why he wasn’t already carrying her to their room by now then it occurred to her, that maybe he just needed a push in the right direction.
‘ i mean. ‘ shoulders go up as a smile appears on her lips and her hands go on his chest. ‘ it’s up to you. ‘
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hands go through his hair,      soft and leisure like,      until there is a gentle pull on the strands and he can’t fight the groan that falls through slightly parted lips.      she knows precisely how he ticks.      he never wants this moment to end,      being this close to her has always made him melt,      always caused his heart to jump,      always made him freeze in the moment and wish he could replay it forever.     to have her back safe in his arms again and this close to his person,      it’s no wonder at all why he hasn’t jumped at the opportunity to have more.      he wants to,      god he wants nothing more in this moment now that she has gotten him riled up,      but at the same time he is overjoyed to have her again;      that along with her mesmerizing kisses had him focused on the feel of her mouth on his skin.
when she speaks,     compelling whispers in this cramped car with the impossibility of having all of her that he wants here and now,     he takes intimidate action and swings his legs out first,      arms going around her waist to keep her to his chest,      ducking to make sure they both make it out of the car without a concussion.      there is a soft laugh that escapes him,      slamming the door shut with his heel when he’s come out with both of them,      her steady in his arms.          ❝      last time we tried to have sex in that car,      we both had bruises that weren’t intentional.      ❞
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
waywardxdaghters.          working   in   the   dark      .
Juliet felt like shit was going to get scary no matter if they stayed where they were or not. “Part of me wants to stay here. Stay are things are familiar but there is another voice, another feeling that is telling me we need to go. Go before things get worse.” She replied, then glanced at the front door when she heard a car door slam. The window to talk to the neighbors was quickly closing.
“No matter what we do, we need to get supplies,” Because no matter what happened, they were a we now, she and Abel weren’t leaving Henry or Levi. “I’ve only got what I have in the house.” And she hadn’t been to the store in a few days. “The shops will be madhouses if they have anything left at all… and the gas stations. Whatever we decide it needs to be now because just standing here will eventually decide for us and we probably won’t like what it chooses.”  
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he  has  that  feeling  too,     that dread of not knowing for certain,     of knowing he should fear the worst due to how long this outage has gone on thus far but also wanting to have faith in humanity,      no matter how lax in this situation.      go before things get worse.     he knows they should,     knows they should start putting everything they know they will need into a car and go somewhere,      anywhere,     that isn’t here.     somewhere where there will be less mayhem,      which is why he nods when she speaks again,     keeping levi close when the sounds of neighbors hit his ears,      the echo of car doors slamming shut and houses being left behind.
whatever is happening,      henry wants to be two steps ahead of it,      have plans set up in case of emergencies or they get separated by some ungodly chance.      he wants to make sure that both children are completely safe from harms grasp,      not a single thing to touch them.      if they leave now,      they might just beat the mad rush on the streets in time to get a decent start toward wherever they decide.      henry swallows and nods again,      looks down to levi to see him and his big,      innocent brown eyes filling with worry.           ❝     you gather what you can from our houses,      i’ll get some things packed for levi.      we leave in thirty minutes.      sound good   ?      ❞
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
okay but .... plotting call !      comment a muse you’d like to interact with and i’m gonna jump into your ims to talk with ya !!
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