ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
can you believe that nolan loves his wife so much and is so loyal that he literally hates flirting with other women on the job and refuses to check out another woman because his wife is everything and sexy and probably the reason he’s still alive.
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hisbcnnie-blog · 6 years
@cfkillers liked your post
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♚ | ooc; which muse, babe?
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personatvs-archive · 6 years
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haloese · 6 years
    He’s never been really comfortable in the Garrison.
    There is no reason to be. They are in a war over ants claiming that the Earth is theirs ---- the same species that has been either crying or fighting against them , against him. Tenacious , persistent humans claiming that he has been theirs , too. Of a nameless woman he never even know nor he means to know. Angels taught him that one of the reasons they cleanse the planet is because humans are greedy and selfish ; they claim rights to everything , and this just sparks the soldier’s temperance that he doesn’t belong to anyone.
    There are only three things that he knows :  his name , his cause , his orders ----- the rest are irrelevant , including the need for useless social links.
    Jack has always never been comfortable in the Garrison unless his father is around. Angels understand the concept of family , but not the essence of it since he has seen and watched how families interact before their demise. Humans mourn. Angels scorn. It is best to avoid these beings unless contact is a requirement and the mission is threatened ----- after all , Jack has always felt that he doesn’t belong here , that if it weren’t for his guardian , he won’t stay , and he will defect instead. He couldn’t care more about Michael or this world ; he just wants to stay with Castiel anywhere.
   The moment he grows up , he knows that angels have become wary of him , but he does know what those glares that several hold against him mean. It’s as if they’re waiting for him to fail. 
                ----- To become a TRAITOR.    
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          ‶     Why are YOU here ?     ❜        Contact limited only to specific , demanding situations ; his mind supplies a rule of his own.        ‶     Where is CASTIEL ?     ❜
                {    @cfkillers . relationship call  ! 
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A  DARK  CRIMSON  FLOOD  HIS  DENIM,  ANOTHER  PAIR  ruined  because  apparently---  he’ll  never  be  good  to  himself  ;  never  take  care.  they’re  popped  stitches  probably  &  even  though  he  doesn’t  have  the  patience  to  deal  with  it,  more  so  with  his  own  hands  than  anything.  the  fearless  leader  is  still  not  sure  if  hesediel  considers  in  part  healer  in  the  realm  of  spiritual  or  physical.  no  longer  self  inflicted  physically,  his  own  mind  does  enough  self  martyr  torture  to  sustain  more  than  one  lifetime.  «    so  about  my  leg,     »  not  a  traditional  conversation  starter,  would  that  he  wanted  to  start  one,  which  he  didn’t.  calloused  digits  felt  the  belt  buckle  undoing  it,   «    I  need  you  t’check  it.        »    straight  to  the  point,  not  worth  spooking  the  camp  over  it.   //  @cfkillers
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carriedatlas-a · 6 years
❝      it’s a bad idea to work this one alone.      ❞         this coming from someone who nearly called his own brother in after he swore he would never hunt after his accident,     this is saying something.     he has worked alone since that night a few years back,      and perhaps that was a good thing.      less people to be mindful of,      less people to get attached to.      less distractions.      but this case was bigger than he expected it to be and he hardly thinks he can handle it on his own.          ❝      you and i could help each other out.      it’ll be easier.      ❞          faster.      far less dangerous.  
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@cfkillers          /          spn   based   starter   call      (      for anyone      )
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
❛ You promise? ❜ // seraphine to dean
inbox   clean   out          /          @cfkillers      .
you   promise   ?      nearly breaks his heart looking into innocent green eyes and seeing worry,      fear.      he once thought to himself that she would never know what true fear was,      never know it like he did,     and yet here she is fearing for her life.
ABOMINATION  !      A   WEAK   LINK .      everything wanted her dead.
a sigh,    arms gather the young girl in toward his chest and he holds her close,     planting a kiss to her temple.     of course,       he thinks to say,      but he has one better.          ❝      i promise.      ❞          nobody will touch his daughter and live,       not if he has any say in it.          ❝      your mom and i aren’t gonna let anything happen to you.      not ever.      ❞
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shcbitcs-a-blog · 6 years
☠ // from zavanna
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she felt the pair of hands on her shoulders, the grip was tight but she didn’t even jerk away from the other;  a low grunt soon came from her when she was slammed up against the wall, she gritted her teeth before she inhaled deeply.   ❝ —–  now that wasn’t nice, z. ❞   the girl teased the other, the corners of his lips quirking upwards in a small and playful grin.
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fidelissimi-a · 6 years
sends my url with a cupcake
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;   /   accepting.
my opinion on;
character in general: you have many. i’m not sure which one(s) to focus on.how they play them: from what i’ve seen of the ones i know, you have a pretty firm grasp on your muses and compromise their integrity for the sake of a plot.the mun: you seem very nice. we haven’t spoken before, i don’t think, though.
do i;
follow them: mhmm.rp with them: not yet.want to rp with them: sure :)ship their character with mine: no clue.
what is my;
overall opinion: i’ve been following you for quite some time, both on this blog and my old ruby blog, and i’ve enjoyed your presence on my dash :)
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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You seem a lot happier being fandomless and I’m so glad !! Role playing is supposed to be fun not miserable and I’m so glad you found a way to make that happen!! ILYSM Monroe !!
I AM MUCH HAPPIER.. It’s been a long time coming tbh and I think I just needed to separate myself from the problem MOSTLY. There are plenty of people in the TWD fandom that I love and and so I’m not out completely but going fandomless was just personally the right decision for me. I was terrified at first but I am loving it so far! I LOVE YOU TOO
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beliievcrs-a-blog · 6 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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ichorimbrued-a-blog · 6 years
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hat is removed,      calloused digits falling through recently gelled hair,      fixing it to the fashion of the day:      neatly swept to the side,     combed back and presentable.     he doesn’t remember what he is here for,     something about the sudden change in decades throws his mind off a bit,     timelines he should remember are all misconstrued in his head,     wonky in comparison to before.     he knows it’s important,     and he is certain he will know it when he sees it,      but for now,      at the last strike of midnight under the city’s glowing lights,     he will give himself a few hours to collect his thoughts,      work with what he can and what he will hope to recall by then.
cool air welcomes the foreigner,      as does the soothing scent of a warm meal.      another thing time travel does to him:      makes him hungry.      he seats himself at an empty table,     watching and waiting.     for what,     he doesn’t know but,      like before,      he assumes that he will.
emeralds wander over the spotted tables.      he catches a few whistled tunes,     a few more hums of the same note but nothing more.      it isn’t until more lights come up and instruments are brought to life by brilliant players that he realizes that he accidentally walked into a small performance hall.      nothing grand,      he is keenly aware,      but enough to drag a few people out of their despair and sufferings for a few good hours and face the sounds of a new age.      to make matters slightly more surprising,      he spots a familiar face one table up.      red hair glistens in the lights,      delicate skin singing it’s own tune even this far from him.      no way,      he tells himself,      no way that it’s her.      and yet it is;      she has the same mysteriously beautiful eyes,      the same siren   -   like laugh,      and that shining smile.      it’s her.      aubrey preston sits before him.
@cfkillers          /          bc   we   wanted   it      .
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walkitcff · 6 years
@cfkillers / liked
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        HE can still see it, even if he’s awake. Every time he blinks they’re disintegrating all over again. What’s left of Wakanda is struggling, and even now he can hear people screaming in anguish over loved ones they’ve lost. He feels useless- more than useless, standing in a tower looking down at the remnants of all that carnage. “You should get some rest.” He doesn’t turn to her at first, he wants to make at least some effort to school his expression, even though he doubts that’ll be enough to hide how he’s feeling. 
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astralrisen-archive · 6 years
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          “ that’s not exactly how that works. if you want me to show you, i sure can. but it’s a little over some people’s heads. lot of science goes into it. ”
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inkosazanas-blog · 6 years
( @cfkillers ) ♥ ( X )
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          Whilst umber brows are impetuously corrugated, perceptive eyes scrutinize the befuddling sight 'fore her. ❝ I've seen many things in my life, but that must be one of the STRANGEST. ❞
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