icleague · 9 years
Do you take OCs?
OCs are 100% welcome!
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icleague · 9 years
IC Morgana blog!
TUMBLR URL: @sinandsweetness
CHARACTER:  Sinful Succulence Morgana. VERSE: Modern AU. WARNINGS: Lots of food porn and chocolate. Also corsets and winged things.
RULES: Please don’t break the fourth wall or start interacting with Morg as if you know her without running it by me first. I’m happy to make pre-existing IC relationships, just talk to me first! SEEKING: Kayle! But I could also see Morgana getting on well with Diana, Riven, Vayne, Soraka and Vi. READ ME: The ‘about me’ is completely IC. Her backstory is that she’s in culinary school, she wants to be a baker, her family disapproves of her and her ambition both. She’s a little bitter when it comes to talking about her family.
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icleague · 9 years
Tumblr media
Ever wanted to blog as a character? Post as them, reblog as them, pretend that they have a tumblr and run it for them? Here’s your chance to do so and interact with other IC blogs!                                          [FAQ] - [JOIN FORM] - [BLOG ROLL]
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icleague · 9 years
If your IC blog is a main blog, submit an ask with the email you used to sign up. If it’s a side blog, submit an ask with the email you used to create the main tumblr.
I’ll give you posting permission and then shoot you an ask letting you know you can now post here.
Fill out this form and post it to this tumblr so I can add your blog to the list and anyone else watching this comm will know to start following you.
Tada, that’s it, you’re done! 
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