ictmin · 2 months
Week 13 - Creative Act
"Summer Plans and Future Ambitions"
(On a sunny day on campus, Sarah and Taylor sit at a table with their laptops and coffee in hand.)
Taylor: Did you hear Dr. Mays talking about synaptic plasticity last week? "Always remember, the brain is like clay, continually reshaped by experience."
Sarah: Yeah, it got me thinking about my plans after graduation. Speaking of which, what are you doing this summer?
Taylor: I'm heading to a research internship at Johns Hopkins. It’s a great chance to get hands-on with real neuroscience research. What about you?
Sarah: I’m staying here to help Professor Li with her study on neurodegenerative diseases. It’s not Johns Hopkins, but it's something!
Taylor: That’s a solid plan. Staying involved in any research is good. Plus, working with Professor Li could give you a strong letter of recommendation for med school.
Sarah: Definitely. Speaking of which, are you thinking about med school yet?
Taylor: Absolutely, I’ve been looking into MD programs. Lewis Katz School of Medicine and Drexel University College of Medicine are at the top of my list. Their work on neural circuits is groundbreaking.
Sarah: Sounds cool! I'm just starting to look. Any tips on picking the right program?
Taylor: Focus on finding a program where the research aligns with your interests. Because you don't want to be stuck with something you don't like and regret. Reach out to current students and faculty to get a feel for the environment.
Sarah: Good advice. I hope I can find something as exciting as your Johns Hopkins gig.
Taylor: You will. This summer is just the beginning for us.
(They nod in agreement, packing up their laptops.)
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ictmin · 2 months
"Just got my disassociates degree"
"Just a really huge coincidence I feel like you're gonna be surprised"
"Think again"
"There's no point in attending lecture"
"What the dean say"
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ictmin · 3 months
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ictmin · 3 months
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ictmin · 3 months
Once, as I laced up my running shoes in the early morning chill, the quiet streets ahead not yet touched by the hustle of the day, I couldn't help but draw parallels between the solitary discipline of running and a recent, transformative professional experience. Running has always been more than just a hobby for me; it's a testament to the belief that dedication and pushing one's limits can lead to unexpected and rewarding outcomes. This belief was put to the test not long ago when I found myself preparing for a job interview in the healthcare sector—a field I was passionate about but had little practical experience in. The role I applied for was a stretch, given my background, yet something within me stirred. I approached the preparation with the same tenacity and focus that I applied to my running, determined to give it my best shot, to run the race as if I was aiming for a personal best, despite the odds.
The interview day felt like race day—the culmination of all the hard work, the nerves, the adrenaline. I poured everything I had into it, drawing on every reserve of knowledge and confidence I had built up, just as I would push through the final, grueling miles of a long run. The outcome was as unexpected as it was gratifying. Not only did I hold my own during the interview, but I also managed to impress the panel with my dedication and willingness to learn. They saw potential in me for a different, more challenging position than the one I had applied for—a role that I hadn't dared to imagine myself in. This experience reaffirmed my deeply held belief that giving your best, even in unfamiliar territories, leads to profound learning and growth. It taught me that the path to achievement, much like a running route, might be fraught with uncertainties and challenges, but the discipline and effort you put in can lead you to destinations you never expected, enriching your journey with every step.
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ictmin · 4 months
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ictmin · 4 months
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ictmin · 4 months
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ictmin · 4 months
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Taken all different days
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ictmin · 5 months
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ictmin · 5 months
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