idancewithmolerats · 1 year
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Обложка, что ли)) Вот примерно так бы она выглядела, умей я рисовать - а так пришлось звать на помощь Midjourney, а потом вручную допиливать то, что получилось. Но мистер Хейл не то чтобы непохож на самого себя, и это не может не радовать.
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idancewithmolerats · 2 years
Ли и Арлин. На случай, если сюда заглянет кто-нибудь с фикбука))
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idancewithmolerats · 2 years
Разгребания завалов пост. Чищу память телефона от плодов прокрастинации. Ну и заодно демонстрирую второстепенный каст "Алмазов" и "Стали" - что ж добру-то пропадать.
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Многострадальный Эзра Моретти.
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Пэм и Тед. На момент действия "Алмазов" оба совсем ещё щенята, так что тут, полагаю, они всё-таки образца 2306 года.
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Феликс. Образцовый представитель... Среднезападного Братства, конечно, ну какие тут могут быть сомнения? ;)
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Мэтт и Кори. Детишек вообще трудно в Артбридере лепить, но вроде не совсем уж жутко получилось. Зато сразу видно, кто из них папин сынок)
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И любимый племянник Ли, конечно же. С фирменным ласковым и приветливым взглядом.
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idancewithmolerats · 3 years
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Старший скриптор Лэниган, по совместительству шпион угадайте-какой-организации))
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idancewithmolerats · 3 years
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idancewithmolerats · 3 years
Вот и меня (хоть и с некоторым запозданием) настигло всеобщее помешательство: захотелось полюбоваться на гримасничающего мистера Хейла... Ну что, да здравствуют нейросети😁
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idancewithmolerats · 3 years
И ещё несколько картинок.
Очередное "было" - "стало": рыжая девочка из дома на холме...
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... и уже не рыжая наёмница из Луизианы.
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Выводок Хейлов (собственно, Леон, Сара и Ли). Сара явно не в восторге от братцев))
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У Леона морда широкая, в коллаж не помещается)
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Ну и новый приятель Ли, полковник Моретти. Пусть тоже будет, что ли.
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idancewithmolerats · 3 years
Продолжаю издеваться над Артбридером, скармливая ему старые скетчи.
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Эми Данфорд времён "Ограничителя"
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И она же через 22 года))
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idancewithmolerats · 4 years
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some summer flower sketches
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idancewithmolerats · 4 years
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"Even if is nothing at all, know what you follow"
A4 Paper,Black Ink
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idancewithmolerats · 4 years
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Around Appalachia | Robco Research 
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idancewithmolerats · 4 years
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Commission for @deaderthand  !
Verónica Santangelo and  Piper Wright  from Fall Out Series
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idancewithmolerats · 4 years
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Irma’s Fallout Shelter Online Hero Cards
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Magnolia’s… bunny…
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Bobbi No-Nose
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idancewithmolerats · 4 years
Fallout game idea
I want a Fallout game set right after the bombs fall. Right after. Not like 76 where it's 25 years after (which doesn't count anyway 'cause it's multiplayer and online), I mean right after. You watch the bombs fall like in Fallout 4, only this time you don't have a Vault to run to. You watch as it destroys everything and you just barely miss the blast zone, or barely close the door of your family bunker or one of the Vault-Tec preservation pod. You wait a few hours, a few days, maybe a few weeks, but like everyone else you come crawling out. I wanna see the raw emotion in every single interaction after that, the processing, the loss, the grief and mouring as everything sets into place and people realising it wasn't a dream. I wanna see, not raiders, but desperate looters threatening you for any supplues, who are genuinely good people, they're just scared and trying to get by and they're sorry they really don't wanna hurt you but they need that water please they have kids-
I wanna see fathers trying to desperately keep their kids safe, a sister desperately looking for her sibling, wondering if they survived like her, if there's a possibility, or if they died. I wanna play a character who themselves are looking for their parents, siblings, etc, anyone they knew. I wanna see people recognizing bodies and skeletons, name tags, uniforms, accessories and having a bittersweet moments of half closure/half mourning as they cry over their family, friends, lovers, even enemies who they can admit didn't deserve to die like this, because they may be dead but at least they know what happened to them. I want a quest where the character you play goes to the home where they grew up and sees their things, old pictures, maybe their parents bodies, and they just can't handle it- But they're not alone, everyone's in the same boat and everyone's going through this right now, we've got this-
I want to see people slowly becoming ghouls throughout the game, settlements made of nothing but tents with people quarantined and dying of radiation poisoning, like at the police station in Fallout 3. People who were once doctors and nurses setting up outposts and trying, like the first town you go to in 76 and there's a makeshift clinic in an old church, volunteers trying to help create support groups and networks. People getting sick from new viruses and diseases as their once hygienic lifestyles no longer exist, they don't have luxary showers and soaps everywhere anymore, so new illnesses quickly spread.
I wanna see any military personal banding together to be scouts for a group of settlers, they're the ones assigned to actually going out and getting resources, teaching people how to shoot and defend themselves. People who used to be engineers making the first blue prints for generators and water purifiers, contractors and builders teaching people how to build shacks, teachers taking it upon themselves to take in all their students who are now orphans. Farmers teaching people to plant and being the only people able to regularly supply food. Maybe the player's charcter's skills and special stats are based on what they're job was before the war, if they had one. A doctor? Intelligene and science stats are higher, a politician has good luck and charisma, an athlete has good strength and agility, ect.
The end of dollars and cents, the start of cap currency and going back into the days of casual trading rather than luxury supermarkets. "I'll trade you some water for some tatos", no more taking things for granted. NPCs comment how surreal it is to feel like their living in the old times where trading was a thing farmers did. The whole world went back in time and feels like they're in the goddamn 1300s.
People discovering what's safe or not to eat anymore, being fascinated as crops start to mutate together and make a single, new plant, being terrified of animals mutating.
People reminiscing about movies and shows that they never got to see the end of, books that they wrote that will never get finished, a comic series they'll never see end or know what happens cause the writer's probably dead. Singing around campfires together after finding a intact guitar and people making requests for songs they'll never heat again, songs left in time. Someone raids a radio station and finds holotapes of some preserved songs and everyone at camp is so happy for the first time since the war, and they dance and finally feel some normality again. Songs they thought were lost, returned. In times where it's calm and they've finally processed, actually having the heart to joke around, discussions about craving food they'll never have again, wishing for a nuka cola that wasn't flat and warm, wanting a clean bed, complaining about walking everywhere when they used to have cars, etc.
I wanna see people trying to keep law and order before it slips away, old police officers and lawyers trying goddamit because this country let us down enough, we won't do the same to these citizens, these people-
People who once worshipped the American flag losing hope and realising it's faults and hating it. Patriotism turned to anger and rage, and a fight and fire inside them that keeps them going, keeping them alive, telling them to survive, determined to do better than the country and world of the past.
Those holotapes, notes, and terminals throughout the games, they're history. I want to actually play living in those moments, those times, those unsure, terryfying times. I don't want to just see it as history. I wanna play that person who's holotapes and terminal entries will be found years later by some vault dweller.
Fallout has always done an amazing job with this, the stories from the pre war ghouls in the Underworld, the pregnant runaway with no name in Fallout 4, the vaults scattered in games and time frozen in those places, the camps and desperate help zones built in some sort of cry for normality in 76, people trying to immortalise themselves like Mr House. The start of factions and/or cults, the start of people worshipping atom, the start of trade caravans being a thing, maybe making your own faction or trade company. But I don't want to just see it in the easter eggs in games, lost in time, I want to live through it. Just once. Just for one game let the player be the scared survivor leaving holotapes, notes, and terminal entries that'll be discovered one day, the only proof they ever existed.
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idancewithmolerats · 4 years
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And here’s MacCready in 07 Radstorm from the fallout challenge palette
2nd request from @slothssassin
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idancewithmolerats · 4 years
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A Patreon reward of Goodneighbor’s Daisy! 
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idancewithmolerats · 4 years
When sole says some dumb shit
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