idlewhump · 5 years
A and B have a friendly rivalry thing, theyre both like to piss each other off but at the end of the day theyre bffls. now Imagine. post whump, A becomes hella skittish and apologetic and is TERRIFIED B will leave them bc theyre weak now and B cant even imagine what had to have been done to A in the time they were missing for this to happen
Ooo! Bonus points if B is being gentler with them and not doing the rivalry thing because they think A needs time to recover, but A in their fear interprets it as B becoming more hesitant/not wanting to be normal around them anymore and now they’re sure they’re going to leave them and – aaaaa!
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idlewhump · 5 years
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idlewhump · 5 years
Favorite whumpy thing that’s been said to one of my characters:
With her head tilted slightly and a blithe, innocent smile on her face, after she’d killed my character to raise her from the dead under her control, “You can call me Mistress. I think I’d like that.”
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idlewhump · 5 years
Sleep Deprivation Dialogue Prompts #3
[Part 1] [Part 2]
- “I keep…seeing things.”
- “I can’t sleep. I’ve tried.”
- “Can I…stay in here with you?”
- “You snore. It kept me up all night.”
- “Keep it down! They’re trying to sleep!”
- “So are you sleep-drunk or actually drunk?”
- “You don’t sleep until I grant you permission.”
- “I close my eyes and all I see is [Name’s] face.”
- “You’re scared of the dark? What, are you a child?”
- “You are not getting behind the wheel this late at night.”
- “I didn’t want to wake you but my arm was going numb.”
- “I’ve tried counting sheep, warm milk, pills. Just sedate me.”
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idlewhump · 5 years
I’m continually disappointed because o h I want to whump the hell out of Alice but there’s no room in her canon timeline for any lasting damage... my only complaint about her lovely overprotective partner in crime, he comes after her too fast for her to REALLY get hurt.
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idlewhump · 5 years
please please oh please make your whumpee beg your caregiver to knock them out (on drugs, or with a hit to the head, whatever) because they just can’t take the pain anymore
i the sproo will be eternally grateful
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idlewhump · 5 years
good shit: when a character with a reputation for being selfish and uncaring gets injured while doing something to protect others
good shit: when they pretend they’re not injured and did nothing to protect anyone, because they want to keep up that selfish reputation
good shit: when the characters they were protecting only find out about any of this when the character collapses from the injuries they’re trying to hide
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idlewhump · 5 years
angst prompt
“I-I, I wanna die.”
“I won’t let you.”
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idlewhump · 5 years
give me your whumpee, delirious with fever, with the caretaker desperately trying to bring their temperature down, maybe placing a cool cloth on their forehead when the whumpee looks up with sad eyes, weakly pushing away their help and saying ‘why are you helping me’, wholeheartedly believing that they are too far gone and broken to deserve being looked after
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idlewhump · 5 years
dump your horribly injured whumpee, unable to move, in an alley or a warehouse or i don’t know, a literal dumpster.
now leave them there all night to take little gasping agonized breaths, whimper softly and desperately, hoarsely cry out for help that isn’t coming.
when they’re finally found, the caregiver feels ill at the realization of how many hours they’ve been alone and in excruciating pain.
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idlewhump · 5 years
They needed the knife.
They gripped the 10-inch butcher knife in trembling fingers. Their bruised face reflected in the surface. Their own blood was still crusted on the edge. It was the same one that had been used on them, so many times.
Their head snapped up, their grip on the knife tightening. Their rescuer crouched beside them, holding a blanket. “Can I cover you up?”
Their eyes darted to the side. To the body laying a few feet away, waiting for it to move. It was going to move. They couldn’t be dead. They stared but it never twitched. Their eyes flashed back to their rescuer and they nodded once. The blanket draped around their shoulders, covering them and the damage.
“Can I have that?” Their rescuer was reaching for the knife. No. No. They needed it. They shook their head, a panicked whimper escaping them. They started to pull away, the blanket sliding off. “Hey, hey, it’s okay, you can keep it. Keep it, just be careful.”
They gripped the knife harder, knuckles white, and nodded their head. They could keep it. They needed it. “I’m going to pick you up now. Get you out of here…”
They clutched the knife to their chest as their rescuers arms wrapped around them, picking them up.
“Are you sure you want to hold onto that?”
“I need it.” They croaked in reply, voice sore from screaming. After all this time being defensless… They needed a knife in their hands.
(Inspired by @captivity-whump)
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idlewhump · 5 years
let’s talk about tough, brave, scarred and bitter characters whose voices soften and whose hands move patiently when they interact with someone terrified and hurting
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idlewhump · 5 years
Whump Prompt #5
A whumper pulling out feathers one by one to hear those delicious little sounds that their whumpee makes. Slowly pulling out a feather to create that precious little whine. Tapping each feather, just to feel the shivers of anticipation. Suddenly yanking out a feather to hear that sharp, broken gasp.
Wiping away their whumpee’s tears with a bundle of torn out feathers.
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idlewhump · 5 years
the look in a cocky, hot-tempered character’s eyes when something finally gets to them, when a passing snide remark hits close to home
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idlewhump · 5 years
Broke: Whumpee leaves traumatic situation with no signs of trauma
Woke: Whumpee leaves traumatic situation with a realistic level of trauma
Bespoke: Whumper uses knowledge of whumpee’s previous trauma to make things even fucking worse
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idlewhump · 5 years
“Oh yeah, pretty boy? You think you’re so tough? I seem to remember a time when you were crying and begging for mercy, collapsed in a heap on the floor. Do your friends know about that, how you shattered?”
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idlewhump · 5 years
Fill out an identification card that would be on the cage door if your whumpee was kept as a captive to be bought, like a pet.
My name is:
My age and sex is:
I am (species/class):
My story is:
Suggestions for keeping contained and trained:
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