idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
                                   ☆ @fathersburden. ☆
Manyuda Kaede’s reign of terror was over. 
No longer would her funds be bottle-necked in his iron fist. Live shows would go back to the way they were before her ‘failures’, and he’d have no bearing over her ever again.
The memory of the cocksure Manyuda who'd shrugged off her admittedly childish intimidation tactics was long dead, slain by the dragon he'd set off to behead. His careful calculations had finally failed him, and the undoing turned him catatonic right at the poker table. The talk of the favour he would pay her shattered, spilling his true intent over the auditorium and dyeing it as starkly as the white hair around his flushed cheeks on the gurney.
Ah…. Her troubles felt so far away.
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Yes, Jyabami did her a real favor taking down the tyrant. No one celebrated the win more sorely than the Saori who’d assumed her time with Yumemi had come to an end. As Sumeragi’s bleeding heart evidenced, Yumemi wasn't the only one he'd tried to work over with a handsome smile. Yumemi was just thankful she hadn't been stupid enough to believe in him for long.
Biggest fan her ass. Was that dickhead really in the habit of thinking he was such hot shit any girl would roll over for him? Sumeragi's was really a dumb broad for falling for a scumbag like that. All the sweet words fed to the girl felt familiar. They were the same lies he tried to feed Yumemi during their amicable organization of her live stage--The promise to rule together.
But, God, it was all over for him now. Wasn't it?
Unwilling to be responsible for the life she’d won, Yumeko handed back Kaede’s life contract to Kirari, who’d then auctioned it off at an insultingly low price. Now the document was in Yumemi’s hands… To do with as she pleased. Clutching the precious document close, Yumemi set off to pay her new toy a visit. If words had no effect in unnerving him, this revelation surely would. A bath of fluorescence cascaded over blush locks falling across milky cheeks. She was flushed with excitement for the cruel deeds she was soon to enact upon a helpless Manyuda. Hair stripped of pigment matted behind his head, his eyes reflected nothing, sunken back in his head from too much sleep. The skin around them was puckered and purple as she lifted the Life Contract beside her face. Towering over his bed, a finger slid beneath the text that read his name with a malevolent grin.
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“So? What do you make of this? Huh, Manyuda-kun? Only 5 million en!” Emphasis was placed upon the low, low price of his life. Kirari had sold him off like a commoner, and Yumemi wanted Kaede to know it. Smug air swirled around her smile; nothing like the usual expression she wore. From then on, her visits spelled pain.
Hosting rancorous dance practices in his hospital room, complete with him propped up to watch her with a fansign over his neck and a penlight stuffed into his loose palm. Shouting at him for hours, airing every grievance she had with him as well as her fans. Striking his cheeks with her open palm when he 'refused’ to answer to her. Sweeping his hair into ridiculous updos with six tendrils, painting his face with her makeup into the clown she felt he was. And when Kirari had the idea to place him in her office for the pleasure of the Student Council, wheeled him onstage at one of her lives to be booed and heckled. Under her employ, her fanclub dug for deep dark dirt and reported their findings to the pair at a handshake event. Manyuda would be subject to the news his father had disowned him from every member of her fanclub in a row.
But seemed no matter how angry she got, no matter how she took it out on him, Yumemi felt no better about the situation.
As sour as the events that played out were, Yumemi found herself trapped in memories of Kaede’s smile. Reveling in a victory that never came at his side, planning an event… It was some of the most fun she'd had since she began her career. Though it was an act, it felt like companionship--Teamwork. The company of men was something she had been forced to turn away as an Idol, after all, and a glimpse into a world where she could be scolded playfully by a good looking guy was a temptation she tried not to remember.
As harsh as Manyuda could be, there was a warm feeling in being treated as his equal, or even his lesser. Before him, and in the wake, no one had ever had the nerve to speak to her that way. Even Jyabami was saccharine in her approach… A level of ladylike Yumemi decided to take as an influence from then on at that. The part of her that reveled in Kaede’s inability to retort faded away in favour of disturbia.
No one would know, right?
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Soon she changed her tune entirely, her rants in the hushed voice of a girl seeking comfort. She massaged his muscles every day, mumbling to him about how he’d need them when he recovered. She practiced her English, read him magazines, books, anything she could get her hands on. In her mind, this would keep his vocabulary sharp. She traced his lips with her fingers as she laid against his chest, tucked up under the covers in his lap. Sometimes she would even doze off in his arms she'd wrapped protectively around her own shoulders.
She… wanted Manyuda to tell her to cut it out. She wanted his threats, and that cold look in his eye as he looked down at her figuratively and in the literal sense. The revelation shook her to her core one night as she stood screaming for the boy who’d fallen into himself. Her hands locked around the railings of his bed, she bore into empty eyes with a pair pleading.
“You idiot! You're so stupid letting me do all this shit to you! Shouldn't you have something to say about it? Shouldn't you come back?” Her sobs shook her shoulders up and down with such force as if vibrating. It had been a long time since she'd struck him, but the urge overtook her once more. One hit. Then two. Then five. Then she was beating his chest down with her fists like a child having a tantrum, and not long after she was buried cheeks first in his chest. Holding him. Telling him was was sorry, that she was a terrible person, that she'd be better so, please; please come back.
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She'd come to love the idea of him. Of the past, of the future… Even the present, despite his vegetative state. She knew it was wrong. She knew it was stupid. But Yumemi was both of those things, and she knew it. Wondering what the real Kaede was like, she made a wish on 1000 paper cranes for God or something to give her a sign or to heal him. Except, origami wasn't her strong suit. Instead she folded 1000 paper airplanes. The nurses were touched by the misguided gesture, hanging a school of them over his bed so he could look at them and consider her will. Others were strewn all over every surface of the room, tucked under the bed--There wasn't a square inch of the room that hadn't been touched by her efforts within the week. All the while she folded and folded, she spoke to him like a friend. She asked him simple rhetorical questions, talked about the latest school drama, about Jyabami Yumeko and the Devouring Families. Her grades, her fans, her feelings. He was her diary at this point, one she treasured.
During her bout of frantic folding, God had come to her--Or maybe it was her own idea. She brought every hobby magazine she could think of, intent on his eyes as she sat across the way reading them to him. She searched for any glimmer of recognition, any little indication he was interested. It took a few weeks, but once she'd found the right hobby, Manyuda performed a miracle. As she held up an aviation magazine, his irises focused in on her. From there, she spent all her free time after school regaling him with information about air travel and flight specs. It was subtle, but she could see it--His eyes danced with light and intelligence, scanning over photos of fighter jets and commuters alike. Yumemi had even found herself interested in the words she was reading, but perhaps that was her fondness for him reflecting in her heart.
Hundreds of books piled up at his bedside until she'd found one nearly as old as he was. It seemed to be a children's book, printed with simple words and large pictures. She felt defeated in reaching such a low level of literature so quickly, but she thought perhaps Manyuda would be able to read this one on his own. Holding it in both hands beside a beaming smile, Yumemi entered the hospital room in perky spirits.
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“Maaaanyuda-kun! I came again today too!” Skipping over to his bedside, she came to her usual spot beside him, huddling close to his chest as she presented the gift to him.
In her hands, Amazing Planes.
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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      {💻} Groveling wasn’t something Manyuda took pleasure in seeing – rather, it was something he took pleasure in knowing. This overwhelming guilt was their punishment, a conclusion clearer than anything else he could absorb through Saori’s pitiful efforts at gaining his exoneration. Lowering herself beyond any shred of self-worth she had left, while Yumemi speechlessly watched, looking ever so equally meager in comparison. Being submissive wasn’t about what the dominant will do to you… It’s about what one will do for the dominant; a simple truth which generously granted him the marionette’s strings in this situation.
      Refusing to dignify the manager’s sudden outburst with a response, Manyuda nonchalantly stepped over Saori, leaving her to snivel about within her broken dreams. Guilty by association? Certainly. Nevertheless, this traitorous act against the student council wasn’t her cross to bear – no matter how much responsibility she was willing to take. Instead, the accountant’s focus remained on the true culprit, unfazed by the bout of confusion she was facing. His eyelids lowering to further express his displeasure, lenses reflecting off the glossy whites of her eyes.
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      “If you won’t provide me with an answer… then allow me to do it for you. The future of this council belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. I saw untapped potential within you, Yumemite. We all did. But I suppose once a mistake… twice a failure.“
        After allowing a brief moment for his toxic words to sink into the idol’s already clouded thoughts, a palm was placed over her shoulder, while delicately moving aside her bangs with his free-hand. Though the act of consolation appeared to be the intent, nothing could mask the pronounced shades of his deception. A malevolent glare shot towards the glossy white of her eyes upon having them revealed to him.
      Dance, puppet, dance.
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      “You have my word that your seat in the council will remain safe. Nothing said here will leave this room… provided that you earn back everything you owe in thirty days. Not a day more. How? That’s completely up to you. But know this… we’re no longer funding your concerts. Effectively immediately, you’re blocked from accessing council funds until this outstanding debt is wiped clean. Have I made myself clear?”
“Saori, it’s time you go now.” A low voice laden with tilled gravel; Yumemite bent to Saori’s level with a strained smile. She wiped the other’s cheeks with the backs of her hands and helped her to her feet with all the care Manyuda had rejected in his life. Shooting him a dirty glace, she made her way back to her feet. Though her eyes were on him, her words were for Saori. “Tell Jyabami I’ll be right out. We can’t keep the fans waiting forever.”
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Despite her two previous shortcomings, Yumemi stood defiant as Saori finally escape this wretched situation. As bullied as she’d already been, the Idol didn’t want her to see the extent of her bear poking. Yumemi refused to go down grovelling to the likes of this bastard, no matter what shit he thought he could pull. Sure, she could lose her funding, but with those fans giving their all and their wallets it’d only be a matter of time before the riots swayed Miss President in her favour.
The pride of the 2nd grader’s union was completely out the window now.
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“Yeah... It looks as though I’ve embezzled some funds. How about that? I’m prepared to take my lumps. You don’t scare me, you puffed up little boy.” The usual shrill and saccharine tone of her voice had evaporated in favour of her true voice. Chesty and cocksure, she eyed him with the traces of a smirk as he spoke of her failure. As though agreeing with his words, Yumemi nodded along with them. Her potential had still yet to flower, after all--This wasn’t Yumemi at her full power. She made some amateur mistakes in showing down against Yumeko--She’d given her too much time to prepare. She’d been sloppy with her choices. She’d be slothful, and she was prepared to make up for it... But not to Manyuda.
The taller boy drew closer to the Idol--The brass balls it took to place hands on her quirking her eyebrow in confusion. Directly after, strikingly delicate fingers skipped along the surface of her cheek. Her soft strawberry fringe was tucked with calculated gentleness behind a waiting ear. The action confused her, throwing off the confidence she’d once stockpiled in her chest. Never had a man been able to touch her in the way, or speak to her in such a soft and private tone... But the words. The words brought her back to the reality of the situation, turning the pinkness in her cheeks to redness.
“I hear you loud and clear, asshole.” Manyuda did not wield the power to overthrow her on his own... But he was a persuasive voice in Kirari’s ears. Kirari, perhaps, was the only other member of council able to grasp the numbers on the same level as he. If she couldn’t rally her fanclub members to pay for subpar concerts or donate for better ones... It spelled death. But Yumemi was steadfast. The money for the prize was coming--It was just a complication with her bank, after all. It would run her dry to pay it, but she’d rather deal with the ire of her fans than Kaede. Her priority would become placating him--Submitting to his word no matter how proud and confident she acted. Her stomach turned at the idea, but her features settled into her usual smile. If anything could be said of Yumemi, it was that her will was much harder to bend and break than anyone else.
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“If that’s everything, Kaede-chan--” A calculated jab; a sign of disrespect. Her fingers found their way over his chest, rubbing the red of his blazer smooth before tangling around his tie. She tugged him down to her level by the neck, twiddling the garment around her finger. “I hope you’ll be watching the Dreaming☆Creaming☆Sisters’ first and final performance. Maybe after Yumeko is done being a total cutie with me, you can challenge her and get the money back yourself♡”
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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     {💻} “ Fantastic. You’re decent. Step aside. “
      Unabashedly, Manyuda barged into the dressing room, lacking the least bit of concern for his fellow council member’s appearance. Clothed or not, the matter of money was of far more importance than Yumemi’s potential embarrassment. Sentiments that completely echoed throughout his body language, as he refused to even grace the idol with eye contact, while discourteously perching himself in front of her vanity mirror.
      The accountant paid little to no mind to the hostile environment he had brought upon with his domineering presence, nor did he seemingly care for whatever excuses Yumemi had to explain for her loss. Pulling out printed documents from his jacket pocket, detailing the other’s careless spending, his focus solely remained drawn to what personally affected the student council’s funds rather than their own member’s wealth. A coldly delivered shrug of the shoulders was his only response to the idol’s incessant rambling, yet, his features were quick to lighten upon seeing their offerings.
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      “ Three times over? That’s a vast improvement over your previous earnings. Color me impressed, Yumemite. But seeing as you’re so confident in your ability to draw, you wouldn’t be opposed to me validating your claims before I take my leave, hmm? “
     Popping open the respective cases placed before him, each stack had been accounted for, precisely counting the amount given. Initially, there was a warm smile laced over his lips as the numbers rose, albeit, a feigned elation towards his fellow member’s success. However, that smile would quickly contort into a dispirited frown, the moment he had finished counting the very last bill. The treasurer’s displeasure with the idol evident, as without the least bit of hesitation, shoved the boxes off the table in front of her feet. Though clearly livid, the tone of his voice still remained ever so eerily calm towards the situation.
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     “ Fifty million yen short. Exactly the amount you owe Yumeko. How ironic. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that you’ve exhausted the student council’s resources with that failed performance, so I take it you have another way to amass such a fortune? “
Manyuda’s sudden entrance was enough to incense Yumemi--It wouldnt have mattered to him at all if they’d had this conversation naked, and he’d made that fact abundantly clear. His commandment of the situation reminded her of some shmuck who’d just wandered on stage and decided the show was his. Manyuda looked down on her in a way no one else in her life had... And it made her angry in a way that she’d only just discovered in the casual way he lowered himself into the Star’s seating.
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To further the comparison, he sat leafing through a collection of bills with a wet thumb. She could see his eyes expertly scan the lines through his glasses, dread setting in with every figure he bypassed--And she was expected to be quiet, be obedient, and hear him out? Like hell! 
“Enough of this!”Yumemi’s foot stamped on the carpet in defiance, a hand being tossed out to her side with indigence. Saori, who had been taking her leave just seconds before, cried out in worry and leapt at the Treasurer with both hands. Before she could grasp the papers from Kaede’s loose and assured grip, as if reading her, he inched the documents just out of her reach. Saori crumpled to the ground, beginning to sob.
‘I’m so sorry, Yumemi-chan! The funds just weren’t there in time! I--’
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“HAH?” Yumemi’s thighs quaked under the checkered miniskirt bound around her hips. To go against Manyuda Kaede in matters of money was suicide... She admired Saori’s attitude in getting things done but this--This was not the way.  Saori whimpered, hugging her limbs close as she lapsed into hysterics at Kaede’s feet--The Kaede who’s smug expression oozed a miasma of doom. “You--You did something so stu-- Without even asking you...”
Saori... You really risked everything for our dream. 
The Idol’s hands flexed in the lace gloves over her digits, sweat pouring into their creases and salt scratching at the bridges between them. Saori, though her cheeks were soaked with fear and anxiety, stared up at him with defiance. Something danced within her eyes... An air of knowing. Yumemi grappled with the thought, unable to comprehend the silent battle being fought between the pair over the drama of the very loud one before her.
... Thank you. For everything up til now.
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Yumemite Yumemi feared for the end once more.
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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Both our names have the character for Dream (  夢 ) ! It’s fate, don’t you think?
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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My, weren’t these two the picture of grace? The Idol’s cheeks rouged gently with the lavish praise of the one she’d come to think of as a rival in the past few days. The curtain of her strawberry locks parted across her back as she opened her body language to the other, chin nestling into the side of her chest. White fingers came to her cheeks, cradling them like the delicate commodity she was.
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“If I had to lose to anyone--As sore as I am--I’m glad it was Yumeko-chan! Especially after how you dealt with that... Problem of mine.” The smile painted over her cheekbones was strained with the words... But the favour Jyabami had paid her in enacting her wrath upon that pesky Manyuda-kun was golden. Yumemi had almost wanted to apologize for her devious plans for the Dreaming☆Creaming☆Sisters... But perhaps it would be better to leave them unvoiced after everything that had happened.
                   @idolworshiped raises the stakes !
             “  ah ,  i  never  really  got  a chance to thank you for such a wonderful match.  ♡  ”  she hums plainly from behind the idol, smile intact. it wasn’t often that she was induced into a careless variety of games, much less karaoke  — — it was entertaining.
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“  i wish you the best of luck in your career, yumemi.  ”  everything had happened all too fast for her to speak with the other truly alone. her sweet - swelled smile stays stagnant, words soft and tender compared to the hideous games they had played before.  “  your fans are counting on you to achieve your dream, too.  ”
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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[☠️] PSA: ‘Eyyy current/potential Kakegurui castmates! Just lettin’ it out there that if anyone is too busy, too lazy, or everything in between to crop out icons in preparation for your blogs, feel free to hit me up. I’ve got your back whether it’s sending you clean icons I’ve already finished or making brand new ones. 
No catch! No charge! Nothing in return!
Yumeko Jabami - 191 Icons (Anime Only; WIP)
Midari Ikishima - 370 Icons (Anime/Manga; Finished)
Kirari Monobami - 71 Icons (Anime Only; WIP)
Yumemi Yumemite - 208 Icons (Anime Only; Finished)
Kaede Manyuda - 145 Icons (Anime/Manga; WIP)
Runa Yomozuki - 95 Icons (Anime/Manga; WIP)
Future Batches:
Mary Saotome – Anime Only
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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          the last episode might not have been good but it made for some           great icons!! s/o to ramona for making them all! <3
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
I can’t believe Kakegurui managed to slay the entire idol genre in one song.
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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               ヲタクだったって  I T ’ S A L R I G H T !!
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
"Hey you think you could beat this rhythm game level on expert?~ It shouldn't be hard for someone as talented as you, right?", there was a smirk on her face as she held out the portable game console. If the idol even came close to beating her high score she'd be impressed.
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“Leave it to Yumemi-chan! I’ve been playing this game to keep my timing fresh for a couple years now!” Laying Runa’s Vita before her, Yumemi limbered up her fingers with a confident grin. It wasn’t likely her score would match up to the other’s, but a full combo was within her grasp. She’d played this beat map a hundred times, and as the music started up, Yumemi deftly put her fingers to the test. 
Singing along to the cheerful music in near perfect pitch, all of her focus was given to the task. As quickly as it began, the music ended and the score sheet revealed her progress. It was no new high score, but it was a few thousand points off from the other girl’s. Pride seeped into Yumemi’s features as she sat back. Her hands balled at the sides of her face in triumph.
“I’m still finding the Master maps a little too much, but I’m getting the hang of the swing notes slowly!”
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
What's so bad about being an idol, Yumemite-chan?
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“My my--Where has this come from all of the sudden? Yumemi-chan can assure you, being an Idol is the only thing I’d ever want to be!! Being able to bring smiles to everyone is the number one most important thing, and I get to share the songs I write with people who are super duper receptive to them!”
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“You can always rest assured that your Yumemi-chan is happy from the bottom of her heart! I appreciate your concern, but there’s no need!”
---------Tch. Like hell that was the truth.
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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          everyone!! are you feeling good!? great! let’s use that energy to           cheer on your favourite indie circuit idol, yumemi-chan!           like / reblog if you’re interested in playing against one yume.mite           yum.emi from the series kak.egurui. please continue to support your           yumemi-chan from here on out!
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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“S-Saori...?” Yumemi’s brow knit at the farce Manyuda wrought, instantly identifying his mark on the whimpering girl crawling at her with tears rolling down her cheeks. Pulling the t-shirt over her breasts to complete her lounge-wear, the Idol bent to her faithful manager with a look more akin to pity than concern. She allowed the student to take her by the hand and rise to her feet, motioning for her to hide behind the other for the time being. Clearing tear-soaked strands from the other’s cheeks, Yumemi emerged from behind her dressing curtain with a testy hand upon her hip.
“What’s the meaning of this, Manyuda-kun?” There was an edge to her voice as she stomped toward him, nails biting into the palms of her hands. Her Idol persona was left on stage following her loss. Her eyes dimmed in her indignation, the usual starry sheen absent as they looked through the Treasurer. All he had on his mind was money--She knew this without even hearing the argument between he and Saori clearly. A certain quality to the breathy way he stood before her, barely contained in his rage, told the entire story. She’d spent ‘his’ money only to ‘lose’, and he’d come to collect his dues. Well, he could have them. “How dare you doubt my ability to draw a crowd? Sure--Maybe I lost. You think I’m not torn up about that? But I made back the money I borrowed 3 times over! Saori!”
The cowering Manager popped her head around the curtain, fingers trembling around the cash boxes she cradled. With the utmost respect and fear, the girl dropped to her knees and offered Kaede their earnings with both hands upturned.
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“The money given to Yumeko-chan was from my personal accounts... So let Saori-chan be. Your beef is with me, bastard.” A bitter poison coated her tongue as she bit back her emotions. Her hands shook as the balls they’d formed tightened. Mouthing off to Manyuda like that was bound to have consequences, and the idol bowed her chin ready to receive them. “I’ll be fine--You should go, Saori.”
      {💻} Squandered funds…. there was nothing that vexed him more than someone who lacked the responsibility to properly manage their money – especially when those funds weren’t specifically their own to spend in the first place. Taking great pride in his role as student council treasurer, Manyuda knew firsthand that every representative’s status had been dictated by their wealth, and in order to maintain that balance, one mustn’t succumb to weakness. Everyone in the council was granted access to their treasury, however, never were they supposed to allocate necessary funds for unnecessary things. Unfortunately, such a life lesson was seemingly beneath one of their members.
      Taking stock of the situation at hand, as per what was expected of his position, tension seeped across his form upon discovering a substantial dip in their treasury’s funds. Most of which had been spent on items which were borderline trivial. Strobe lighting, pyrokinetics, and high-quality cameras were among the list of expenses purchased on the student council’s behalf; none of which hid who procured these meaningless expenses.
      Though it caused him a great deal of inconvenience, Manyuda, begrudgingly sought to confront the “problem” head-on. His efforts leading him to the star-adorned dressing room, perfectly outfitted for its occupant inside. Its gaudy decoration adding fuel to his ire, raising the question whether or not more had been spent for it be personalized. Withholding his disgust, for the time being, Manyuda pounded at the door, to which he momentarily received a response from one of her first-year cohorts.
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      “ Miss Yumemi is changing at the moment! Please take your incessant racket elsewh– ! “
      It seemed his presence allowed instinct to kick in for the first-year, as she chose wisely not to complete that last sentence. The overwhelming shroud of regretting surrounding her, while exchanging quick glances between him and back to who else was occupying the room. Although the tears that were beginning to formulate, and the light quivering of her soft lips were pleading with him for forgiveness, all he could muster was his usual stern, unsympathetic expression. The frame of his spectacles pushed back to further display his chagrin.
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      “ Saori… was it? Judging by that pitiful demeanor, you fully understand the ramifications of speaking down to one of your superiors. Consider yourself lucky that I don’t have to remind you who you’re talking to then. My patience is waning thin, so be a good lapdog, and go fetch your master for me. “
      Bowing her head to grant the treasurer the respect he so “rightfully” deserved, the girl nodded in cadence to his orders. Actions which only added to her grief, to which Manyuda responded by harshly planting a palm on her scalp, before forcibly bringing her down even lower to his level. Small whimpers emitting from her lips, as she gingerly proceeded to crawl back into the dressing room.
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      “ On your hands and knees, lapdog… “
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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idolworshiped-blog · 7 years
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“Uwah~! So many different versions of Yumeko-chan! We could have a... A...
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“Dreaming ☆ Creaming ☆ Orgy!”
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