I like to dream about the stars...
...about the Moon
...about the MARS
...about the things that we don’t know
But know them we appear to show
..appear to know about them all
..all thingsthe day makes disappear
...which may not even reapper
or be a thing for someone real
I like to dream
I like to dream about the stars...
...where there are none of racing cars
...where there are no strings to back attached
...where there are limits but MISTMATCHED
wih a cruel reality
guided by infinity
ended by stupidity
Some may say there are no limits
But in grey is all of things
There are limits but MISMATCHED
...for every human who believes
...for a world in which one sees
hope, despair, both and beyond...
to which woever shall respond
But I like to dream
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What is art? […]
Art, I have come to see, is very much like falling in love. First, came infatuation. […] Then, my love of art grew into something more. I began to develop a relationship with it […]
I was obsessed with getting to know more. I didn’t care about the good or the bad; I just knew I wanted more. I craved it. […]
People say love is blind; but this love opened my eyes to something else entirely. […]
Most recently, my relationship with art has become a part of my identity, and I find it almost impossible now to distinguish between art and myself. I can’t imagine life without it, and just like when two people are together for long enough, the I’s end up melting into We’s. […] It’s like a second heart, beating alongside my own. […]
Roy Owh
1340 Art Magazine, issue #10, Q4 - 2018
Editor’s note
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What is Art and Why Do We Create Art
Art is anything created, manipulated or untouched by humans that stimulates a human emotion and/or idea which is not limited to one absolute meaning and varies depending on the understanding and culture of the artist and viewer.
Art, as an expression of the ideology of a person, is a product of thinking or acceptance of the person’s life in society. Art is not trapped in a single vacuum. In definition, it’s the society that placed the context of art. It is not possible to deprive the definition of something because it only deals with what we see, not the opposite. Art for X is not the same thing as art for Y. It depends on where we are in society on how we look at what art is.
So why do we create art?
Similarly with different things, it depends on our position in society. The important question is, “for whom?” For ourselves, for our family, for nothing, for God, for the oppressors, or for the oppressed.
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