idontkeepadiary · 6 years
Second chapter is up!
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idontkeepadiary · 6 years
It’s an AU in which gems and humans’ roles are switched.
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idontkeepadiary · 7 years
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Era 1 Peridot OCs
Left to right: 1B3 4AJ, 1B3 4AB, 3R1 9CE
4AB and 4AJ are mine and @w1tchy13itch ‘s joint OCs.
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idontkeepadiary · 8 years
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feeling like a total ass so i drew some
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idontkeepadiary · 9 years
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Happy Valentines Day! (and incidentally, “dead blog reemergence day”)
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idontkeepadiary · 9 years
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The human isn’t my character.
(Praetorridus belongs to veteranofthemists.tumblr.com)
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idontkeepadiary · 9 years
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Crying is fun to draw.
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idontkeepadiary · 9 years
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Been extremely busy with homework, just putting this here to state that I didn’t forget I have a tumblr. Praetorridus isn’t mine.
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idontkeepadiary · 9 years
Some more examples, just off the top of my head:  Ceera threw herself into a group of Risen in grief over Tonn. Zott was willing to throw away his life and the mission for Elli, who later, in grief of his accidental death, made a little hologram in his memory. Kazz was willing to (and actually did, if you chose that path in the PS) be fused into a golem, risking death or a worse fate, so he could be with Doxa forever. Pol was a total sweetheart. Plunka’s self esteem was so low that she ate up all of Kudu’s charms and made herself his lackey, just because he made her feel a little better. Jixxi worrying about her reputation because she wanted to take the path of a baker rather than a scientist. Fergg’s remorse over the treatment of skritt by the Inquest was great enough for him to accept death as retribution if it were to come to him. Takka, the owner of PR&T, started her business in order to torture oozes - because her first love was eaten by them. Togg is pretty crazy about Pamfa. Snrif loves rabbits and feels guilty experimenting on them, so she secretly squirrels away and cares for them. Lots of stressed-out students in the colleges. In short I totally agree with this post. It bothers me too that people seem to love acting like all asura have no emotions. Funny you should mention vulcans, because vulcans are wired to be utter savages, but through training and discipline suppress their emotions. I sort of think maybe asura are a vaguely similar way in that they have the full range of emotion, maybe even a little more, but they have some sort of societal pressure to suppress it, push it away so it doesn’t get in the way of their intellectual pursuits. Of course, unlike the vulcans, they don’t receive mystical special training that allows them to actually suppress their emotions, so they just fall all over themselves trying and (very often) failing to live up to the ‘rational genius’ ideal. I kind of get that sort of a vibe from it all since there’s a bit of scolding among NPCs about showing too much emotion, though they seldom seem to follow their own rhetoric. Kind of leads me to believe they’re mostly just parroting their ‘societal values’ there.
A Long(ish) Post on Asura RP
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Zojja cried hard when Snaff was lost. It hurt her so badly that she spent the following years resenting and blaming the people who she had so closely collaborated with for the offensive on Kralkatorrik. Taimi threw an honest-to-goodness tantrum over the idea that Phlunt would be taking possession of her research.
It gives me a great deal of personal difficulty, as a roleplayer, to portray an Asura among other Asura players. I’m going to be real with you- I expect to come across a little mean and upset in this post, but I’m putting it out there in the hopes that someone can relate to my experience.
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idontkeepadiary · 10 years
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idontkeepadiary · 10 years
Asura Headcanons - Senses
The vision of asura is an anomaly among mammals, as they have adept night vision and trichromatic colour vision, which functions even in the low light conditions of their natural habitat. Due to the structure of their eyeballs, asura tend to be relatively nearsighted, although adept at detecting movement at a long range. Overall, their eyesight is geared towards both detecting movement at a distance, and close inspection of nearby objects.
Asura have very acute hearing, and are able to detect a wide range of sounds over long distances and across frequencies inaudible to races such as dwarves, norn and humans. Some asura vocalisations are within these frequencies, and in ancient times were incorporated into the Asuran spoken languages.
Pain tolerance is very slightly higher than that of many races, due to the sturdiness of asura skin and the frequent bumps and scratches encountered when living underground. The asura sense of touch isn’t anything remarkable, neither over or under-sensitive compared to most sapient races. However, asura are able to consciously detect vibrations in the ground through the soles of their feet - an adaptation to predict the caving-in of underground tunnels.
The asura sense of smell is very acute, to the point of being able to consciously identify particularly familiar individuals by scent. They can smell over a long range, pick up faint odours, and differentiate between scents to a high degree if they so choose. Peacemakers are their own sniffer dogs.
Mediocre, nothing special in terms of strength, but are able to pick up a very vast range of tastes.
(Back to Table of Contents. Please read the little thing above it.)
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idontkeepadiary · 10 years
Asura Headcanons
This is purely for fun, and is (mostly) not canon. I am in no way at all telling anyone else how to roleplay, and heck, a lot of it doesn’t even come up when I roleplay. I am 100% aware that what I’ll be posting won’t be all that accurate, because that’s undefined. It’s also almost certainly going to be littered with more scientific inaccuracies than you could shake a stick at. I’m only stating my own personal headcanons, and they may or may not resemble those previously stated by others. Either way, this is NOT CANON, and I’m only doing this because I like to BS a bunch of stuff about fictional races.
Table of contents (updated as posts are made)
Senses Morphological Features (TBA) Brain (TBA) Reproduction and Development (TBA)
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idontkeepadiary · 10 years
30 Days of Character Development - Day 6
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Day 6: Why do they have their resources? How long have they had them, and how have they served the character over time? (Ex. Contacts, money, political power, fame, etc.)
Brrix was born into a rich family, and for most of her early life lived in luxury without concern for financial issues. Being kicked out and cut off left her penniless and she had to use whatever skills she possessed to claw and scrape through life.  Long after leaving Rata Sum with a bachelor’s degree from the college of Dynamics, she enjoyed some minor fame (or infamy) in Divinity’s Reach’s Arts district over the course of a couple of years prior to the district crumbling into the Great Collapse. She began her life there as a lowly odd-jobber, then a stylist to bordello girls, then later to burlesque performers and stage actors. These positions and her cultivated faux-cheery, whimsical manner of carrying herself got her into the personal connections which later resulted in her easing her way onto the stage herself. It wasn’t the most respectable line of work for an asura such as herself, but she knew that her talents lay there, and from burlesque to matinees to opera, she enjoyed a mildly successful, albeit brief career. In the performing arts. Her likeness was also the subject of a few pin-ups here and there. The money and fame she’d gained during that short time quickly faded following the great collapse, and before she knew it, she was forgotten and broke. What she did have left were her skills and style, which she used to keep herself afloat as a drifter, taking advantage of anyone willing to take her in for the night. Since about eleven months ago at the time of this post, someone came into Brrix’s life and took her in, and the two fell in love. Since then, she has been living off his resources, although she hopes to contribute an income at some point.
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idontkeepadiary · 10 years
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Terrible attempt at a couple of my OCs. (link here, NSFW)
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idontkeepadiary · 10 years
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Wishing you all a happy Wintersday*!
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idontkeepadiary · 10 years
30 Days of Character Development - Day 5
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  Day 5: Resources and abilities:
Where did they learn their abilities? Brrix received early education at one of the more prestigious precolleges in Soren Draa, which had given her a well-rounded set of core skills and some bordering-on-unrealistic standards placed on her, which she did not reach. Her Mesmer magic was something she’d learned as an extracurricular activity with her mother, and in many ways she is closer to a Thief than a Mesmer.  Her musical and artistic ability had been honed early in life, again, in extracurricular activities as her mother wanted her to expand her horizons in mental acuity, and reckoned music would allow her to work on her less-than-great math skills, timing and precision. Other than that, she is largely self-taught in the performing and visual arts, and honed these skills whilst performing in Divinity’s Reach’s arts district, where she had a successful, if short, career. Brrix attended the College of Dynamics, where she (slowly) obtained a basic degree majoring in Alchemy (Chemistry). She mainly uses the skills she learned there to formulate her own beauty products, which she uses on herself. She isn’t planning on going into business. If they have an income, where does it come from? Brrix does not have a steady stream of income at present, and financially relies on her partner. Do they have a job? Do they like it? How do they feel��about their co-workers? Brrix doesn’t have a steady job, but is still signed on as a member of a small acting troupe. She hasn’t seen her guildmates in a long while, and she misses them. Performing with the guild had been a decent use of her skill set as a washed-up ex-starlet, but it also reminded her that, well, she’s a washed-up ex-starlet. Not only did she not hold down a “real” job like research or inventing and instead went into something ‘shallow’ like showbusiness, but she’s even past her prime in that.
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idontkeepadiary · 10 years
30 Days of Character Development - Day 4
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Day 4: Favorites and habits: What are some of your character’s hobbies? What do they do with their time? Some of her hobbies are:
Coming up with catchy compositions
Writing subpar poetry and tasteless fiction (usually speculative fiction and sci-fi)
Reminiscing on days of old
Unnecessary grooming
Socializing with the lesser races
Pulling mean-spirited pranks
She usually spends her time doing just about anything to distract herself from how much of a failure she thinks she is. Favorite color?  Pale rose pink, beige being a close second. Favorite music artists? Plays? Books or authors? Actors? Brrix’s favourite musicians are Deza Duane*, Felix Van Krüppel* and Leja Hansdottir*, who performed in Divinity’s Reach’s Arts district prior to its collapse. (* - NPCs I made up on the spot, admittedly) She finds it hard to pick a favourite book, although 'The Appeal of Advanced Aesthetology' by Diita* comes close. Her favourite actors are those with whom she used to work in the Reach, and her old guildmates. Political stance? Are they active in politics or do they not care? Brrix doesn’t think she’s entirely sure where she stands politically, and doesn’t really get involved with politics all that much. She did however slip a few sneaky votes for Ellen Kiel during the Lion’s Arch Council elections, despite her having participated in a propaganda play to garner support for Evon Gnashblade. When it comes to the more personal political matters, Brrix doesn’t think she really leans any particular way, but when matters are brought to her attention, she very clearly feels strongly about certain things, such as the sickening drop of her stomach when a stage actor undergoes transformation via illusions, tonics or costume to play a character of another race, rather than simply casting a member of said race.
What are some of their pet peeves?
People assuming she knows everything because she’s an asura
The way her thighs rub together when she walks
Words with a lot of ‘s’, ‘sh’ and ‘z’ sounds
The fact that there is milk in everything at the bakery
How easy it is to get dirty
Being nose-level with the lower halves of most people she hangs around
What sort of gifts do they like? Brrix loves food, clothing and jewelry. She finds it quite hard to find affordable clothes that fit her figure, since she’s a heavy-set asura with a wide pelvis and a big behind. What is their favorite time of day? Favorite weather? Season? Brrix is most active during the evenings and night, and likes clear, comfortable Autumn weather. Where do they like to spend their time? Out on the town mingling, curled up with a book and a pillow, or cuddled up to her sweetie. She revels in affection. Favorite food? Favorite drink? Hot drinks, soft drinks, or alcohol? Brrix is very fond of anything fatty, rich and packed with sugar. This goes for food and drink. She loves ice cream, but is lactose intolerant and so her guts pay the price for that. She goes for alcohol occasionally, and prefers the very fruity, too-sweet mixed drinks. Favorite animal? Jungle spider Do they have any pets? Do they want any?
Her human, Praetorridus No, but she’d like something along the lines of a large spider or a drake. Something cute and cuddly would do too, she's not picky. What relaxes them?
Playing music
Hot baths
Spending time with her beloved
Fatty, sugary foods
Doing things she thinks she is good at
Do they have any bad habits? Yes. Including, but not limited to:
Not thinking things through, tends to act on impulse
Being vague
Not listening to others
Wandering off when not the centre of attention
Being secretive about her true feelings and intentions
Occasionally stealing things
Preoccupation with her appearance over things that may be more important
Self-sabotage when it comes to intellectual endeavors that are not directly related to shallow, aesthetic pursuits
Can be somewhat irresponsible with money, although now that she is supplied with that by her significant other, she has turned more frequently to theft to avoid burning a hole in his pocket
Likes to go behind people's backs and snoop on them, then lies about it when questioned. (She wouldn't reveal someone's secrets, though, as she knows they are really none of her business.)
Wallows in self-pity when alone, because she failed to meet her own high standards of intellectual performance in her youth
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