Sims 4 giveaway by Pixelade
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Please pray for #atlanticcity they are going through with the losses of these young souls .
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I’m officially done
I’m 18 and I don’t think I can get pregnant .. I don’t know what to do the more we try I know it will be less likely , i am having normal cycles and I am in perfect health . I’m not ready to go to the doctor because I already know the results . So I know that giving up is my only option , I don’t wanna go through expensive procedures I wanted to do this all on my own . We both really wanted this but it’s just not gonna be possible and it’s showing .
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Am I just being nice or am I flirting with you?? Bold of you to assume I know the difference
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I think that I am going to post more on here .. but I have like zero followers :( maybe my face reveal would help ! I’m secretly a zepeto ;) I hope you guys enjoy my pictures !
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Goodmorning <3
Hey guys let’s talk about 2pac’s T.H.U.G L.I.F.E no matter what race you are I feel like this can go for everybody . “The hate you give little infants fucks everybody” , and that is a true statement the way you bring up your kids is gonna determine how they go about things while they are older . You’re children will be the next generation and will determine basically the future . Always keep this in mind .
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Day 30 or 365
Life’s been hard . I think I’m ready to go .
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Dia 7 de 365
I hate people with bad attitudes , but that’s not messing up my year . Need ways to wind down and learn how to relax more , definitely no stress this year .
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Day 6 of 365
I love my boyfriend and his family . This will be my year .
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Day five of 300 65
Billie Ellish is my fav . My top artist of 2k19 don’t see it changing either .
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Day Four Of Threesixtyfive
Things are looking good , hoping for all wishes to be granted . Always keep an open mind !! Be patient.
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Day 3 of 365
Don’t let nobody mess up what you got going on in life .
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Day 2 of 365
Enjoy today to the fullest learn more embrace today .
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Almighty Resolution ..
Hello everyone and a Happy New Years to all !! Pretty sure you all have made your resolutions for year 2k19 .. and I’m here to tell you guys mine , my resolution is to achieve everything I couldn’t or didn’t in 2k18 may 2k19 be full of blessing , success , love and happiness .
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I think I want to die . I think I’m ready ...
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Do you think you’re body prepares it’s self for pregnancy before you even ttc ?
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Two words Bird Box
Hey guys how bout we talk about bird box ? This movie has a lot of “theories” to it I guess you can say and I am intrigued to hear what you guys have to say !
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