vin venture fucks with gender in a way that can appeal to like. every single gender group.
at her most basic, she is a woman who learns to fully embrace her womanhood while simultaneously learning not to let it define her.
as a young transmasculine kid, i loved that she could perform gender and enjoy it while never losing the street-hardened awesomeness at her core - simply evolving it.
i know that some transfeminine readers connected to her growing acceptance of her own femininity.
i connected to the weakness and vulnerability she feels around those who are more visibly capable, especially men, and was inspired by how she found her own strength to be greater - and so was my dad, a middle-aged cis(?) man who is similar to me in a lot of ways (physically, personality, interests etc.).
she is, in many ways, a standard hero of the (male-dominated) fantasy genre, with zero concessions based on her gender of what she can and can't do.
she's a brilliant character with so much nuance and i don't think bsandy intended any of this at the time :P
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will really went from being stuck in the upside down to being stuck in the closet smh 
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argyle saying “got me stressed out its not even my girlfriend” was the funniest line for me this season we need to talk about that
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honestly we're past the point of asking actors to look exactly like how the characters are described, it's about the vibes over the looks in my very humble opinion
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Percy speedpaint :)
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Happy International Women’s Day 2022
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Now I can't unsee how perfect this casting is (physically, I still need to see how he's going to be AS him yk)
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Trivia from Pride & Prejudice (2005) dir. Joe Wright
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still thinking about Adrien “I don’t want to be a model anymore” Agreste with Wishmaker heavily implying he’s going to discover a new hobby he truly enjoys. and post-Risk leaving him with everyone including his father believing he’s Felix. and the possibility that Adrien will try to go home for Gabriel to see him dressed as Felix and throw him out. and that Marinette is the only one Adrien confided in about not wanting to be a model anymore. and Qilin giving us extra rooms in the Dupain-Cheng household, and several other episodes focusing on their family. And baking. Are you listening to me? Do you hear what I’m saying. I want Adrien to be a baker
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the crows are so much funnier than the fandom give them credit for
here are just SOME of the funniest moments throughout the books
“….you can find your way to Ravka or Matthias’ grandmother’s house for all i care” “leave my grandmother out of this”
obviously the ghost scene
pay someone to pay someone to pay someone to
“you speak Fjerdan about as well as i speak moose” “moose is probably your native tongue”
‘Had they blown up the lab? Kaz had definitely NOT told them to blow up the lab’
The deadpan ‘He had not been shot’
Kaz trying to justify his decision if bringing Wylan along to the rest of the crows: “ i told you, ✨hidden depths✨” “see Jesper, ✨marketable skillz✨”
‘“You all look so young, where are your parents?” Wylan and Jesper burst out laughing’
“This many people having fun in one place might have shocked the Fjerdan right out of you”
Nina trying to bring Kaz back: “The Ice Court, remember? 3 million kruge?” Kaz’s eyes cleared. “4 million”
“You couldn’t look guiltier if you were performing the role of Thief #3 in a penny play on East Stave”
“Who wants to buy i coat in the dead on night?” “Tourists”
“Tiny and Ferocious, just like you”
“Unless you have a unicorn for him to ride away on, there is no scenario that guarantees Kuwei’s safety”
‘They could fake a pregnancy. They couldn’t fake an actual birth. Or maybe they could, he wouldn’t put anything past Kaz at this point”
“He has a very soothing baritone”
‘“I’d prefer a pair of sable-lined swimming trunks, but we can’t always get what we want” A furrow appeared between Kuwei’s brows. His understanding of Kerch had apparently been reached and surpassed’
The Wyvil
Matthias thinking they should just let Nina and Jesper flirt the entirety of Ketterdam into submission
That MASTERPIECE of a scene where Jesper and Kaz have a random petty fistfight, and all the other crows literally move out of the way, and then when Wylan tries to get someone to stop them they just shrug and go ‘I mean they aren’t using their weapons let them fight it out’ and THEN Colm coming him and scolding them and both of them IMMEDIATELY stopping
“Whatever you say, Llewelyn”
Nina’s singing
Wylan and Kaz falling through the ceiling onto Van Eck’s dinner party will ALWAYS be iconic
Kaz’s chapters in general are absolutely HILARIOUS, but my personal favorite is when he’s depending on Matthias Not Betraying them, and he thinks something like this:
‘Either he was right and Matthias’ feeling for Nina would prove enough, or Kaz was about to pay for all those talking tree jokes’
The talking tree jokes in question
The initiation ceremony where the tree teaches you the secret handshake
‘His first thought was that this boy had the most beautiful lips he’d ever seen, and his second was that he was probably about to die’ Wylan honey we’ve got to talk about your priorities
“Is it that bad?” “No, you just have really ugly feet”
That scene at the start of Six of Crows where Van Eck has Kaz tied to a chair and is explaining what he needs, and then is explaining why he needs Kaz specifically, talking about how his De Kappel painting was stolen which is a really impressive feat, while Kaz is vehemently denying that he had anything to do with it although it was obviously him
Wylan being passive aggressive while Jesper is trailing after him trying to apologize for the Kuwei thing
“Can’t we just enter as performers? I hear Wylan really kills it on the flute”
Inej getting Nina’s cookie jar after she gets back and Jesper being offended that he didn’t get to take some
Nina making fun of Kaz’s haircut
“Is my tie straight?”
That’s all I can think of for now, i’m sure there’s more so if you think of something feel free to add on
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be gay do crime and no mourners no funerals mean the same thing
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New Sketch-a-Wish voted on my wonderful Patreons for January! Featuring Kaz and Inej from Six of Crows!
Who’s ready to see scene this in live action? 😩✨🧡👀
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inej ghafa headcanon
Inej got a tattoo once. It wasn't the Dregs' tattoo, she would not be marked by another of the Barrel's businesses. But her tattoo was similar.
Designed by Wylan Van Eck, it portrayed a crow wearing a ship captain's hat, with Inej's knives hidden among the feathers. One of the wings was entirely made up from traditional Suli patterns.
Inej adored the tattoo, because it included things most important to her. Her life goal, her people, the crows, her friends, the boy she loved.
The tattoo quickly became widely known. A form of it started to appear not only in Kerch but around the whole world. The outline of the crow and its captain's hat and the patterned wing proclaimed the Wraith's protection. It appeared on buildings, ships... if you saw it, it meant you couldn't mess with the one who bore it without getting a taste or the Wraith's wrath.
The symbol appeared on everything owned by Kaz Brekker and various small businesses around the world that had showed Inej kindness. It appeared on some Ravkan ships, for when the Wraith was a close friend of the Ravkan King, you bet he'd receive her protection. It also appeared on a certain mansion in Ketterdam belonging to a young merch and his husband, and a small farm in Novyi Zem belonging to an older gentleman going by the name of Colm Fahey.
A lot of teenagers, especially young Dregs started wearing the simplified version in the form of a tattoo as a sign of Inej's protection. Anika was the first to do so.
One evening when Inej was in Ketterdam, just hanging out with Kaz, Wylan and Jesper in a corner of The Crow Club, Anika gathered the courage to approach her. She walked over to them and stood there awkwardly until Kaz, who had known she was there the whole time, finally turned his gaze on her and asked:
Anika stumbled through her words awkwardly, for she never really spoke with Inej before and by then the Suli girl's reputation had grown quite known.
"So in conclusion, I was wondering if I could possibly use your symbol as a tattoo myself?" Anika finally finished her rambling. She felt uneasy, with Kaz's judgmental, dark eyes studying her and Jesper and Wylan quietly waiting for Inej's answer. But Inej simply smiled softly and said:
"Well, of course! It would be an honour."
Since then, many young people, mostly the Dregs and children Inej had saved, wore the sign of her protection.
Once, a Dime Lion attacked one of the younger Dregs for two reasons. 1. The Dime Lions and the Dregs despised each other. 2. He wanted to prove the Wraith's protection could not be ensured by a simple symbol.
The Dregs' boy stumbled to the Slat, hurt. Wylan and Jesper helped with his wounds while Kaz informed Inej of the situation. It appears you have been challenged, Wraith, was how he started his letter. The next week the Dime Lion woke up to Inej's symbol carved above his bed, a warning that next time she would not be as kind. All of the Dime Lion's money had gotten stolen as well, Kaz's own, helpful addition to the whole thing. From then on, no one dared to challenge Inej Ghafa's protection.
Inej, the Suli girl who got kidnapped and forced to work in the Menagerie. Inej, who used to be referred to as 'Brekker's Wraith', only now Kaz got called 'the Wraith' s boy'. Inej, who gained the respect of whole nations.
Inej Ghafa, who would protect you as long as you were kind to the helpless.
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Things that could happen in Shadow and Bone that would cause this app to crash (the crows)
- No not just girls
- Literally just the first appearance of Wylan
- The first Wesper interaction
- Literally any Kanej scene
- Matthias was dreaming again, dreaming of her
- Seeing Kaz and Wylan interact
- My ghost won’t associate with your ghost
- And finally, seeing all the Crows on screen together for the first time
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@chbnet event 20 → free for all
In a way, it’s nice to know that there are Greek gods out there, because you have somebody to blame when things go wrong.
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best love triangle in six of crows
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