ielevateme · 7 years
iElevate My Experience
~Ministerial Services - Spiritual Counsel, Weddings, Transitions, Christenings, House Clearing, etc.
I am an ordained minister through Christ the Resurrected Church Los Angeles, a transitional counselour and a student in the ancient Yoruba teaching of IFA.
I bring Spirit to the table with me with every client. Whether it’s a ceremony, a counsel session or ritual, I tailor-make the experience based on what Spirit instructs.
~InnerLight Method* session
The Innerlight Method™ is a therapeutic mindfulness healing protocol shown to successfully restore balance for intuitive, empathic and highly sensitive children and adults, resulting in greater mental clarity and emotional balance for improved health and daily functioning.
ILM* energy therapy directs subtle energy systems to support the body’s ability to heal itself. Energetic balancing can help intuitive and energetically sensitive children and adults clear blocks caused by stress or trauma. Clients identify areas that may need balance or healing, to further personal growth, enhance learning and social function, or achieve optimal success and wellness in daily life. The Innerlight Method™  is an inclusive, non-dogmatic, non-denominational technique that serves individuals, families and professionals from every walk of life and belief system.
My mission is to bring the life-changing benefits of safe, effective energy therapy to energetically sensitive children and adults to help them experience energetic balancing for powerful transformation on physical, mental, spiritual and emotional levels.
~Yoga sessions - Private or group
I’ve been a yoga instructor for over 15 years, certified in Anusara yoga which strongly focuses on alignment through rigorous flow. This practice improves flexibility & strength as well as posture. I also have extensive experience with Kundalini and Iyengar yoga which all inform my instruction. I work with props to accommodate every level of yogi and am skilled in dealing with injuries and therapeutic poses to ensure a healthy yoga practice. Included in every session will be pranayama (the breathing arm of yoga) to assist in relaxation and meditation to align the mind and body.
My mission with every practice is to transcend the physical aspect of yoga so the physical practice informs and improves the day to day life of the practicing yogi. I do this through balancing flow & strength building with detailed instructions on how to keep the body safe & in alignment all while working towards relaxing and finding peace within the practice.
PAYMENT for services are based on service provided, travel, etc. Inquire within.
God Bless and Asé!
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ielevateme · 7 years
~Ministerial Services - Spiritual Counsel, Weddings, Transitions, Christenings, House Clearing, etc.
I am an ordained minister through Christ the Resurrected Church Los Angeles, a transitional counselour and a student in the ancient Yoruba teaching of IFA.
I bring Spirit to the table with me with every client. Whether it’s a ceremony, a counsel session or ritual, I tailor-make the experience based on what Spirit instructs.
~InnerLight Method* session
The Innerlight Method™ is a therapeutic mindfulness healing protocol shown to successfully restore balance for intuitive, empathic and highly sensitive children and adults, resulting in greater mental clarity and emotional balance for improved health and daily functioning.
ILM* energy therapy directs subtle energy systems to support the body’s ability to heal itself. Energetic balancing can help intuitive and energetically sensitive children and adults clear blocks caused by stress or trauma. Clients identify areas that may need balance or healing, to further personal growth, enhance learning and social function, or achieve optimal success and wellness in daily life. The Innerlight Method™  is an inclusive, non-dogmatic, non-denominational technique that serves individuals, families and professionals from every walk of life and belief system.
My mission is to bring the life-changing benefits of safe, effective energy therapy to energetically sensitive children and adults to help them experience energetic balancing for powerful transformation on physical, mental, spiritual and emotional levels.
~Yoga sessions - Private or group
I've been a yoga instructor for over 15 years, certified in Anusara yoga which strongly focuses on alignment through rigorous flow. This practice improves flexibility & strength as well as posture. I also have extensive experience with Kundalini and Iyengar yoga which all inform my instruction. I work with props to accommodate every level of yogi and am skilled in dealing with injuries and therapeutic poses to ensure a healthy yoga practice. Included in every session will be pranayama (the breathing arm of yoga) to assist in relaxation and meditation to align the mind and body.
My mission with every practice is to transcend the physical aspect of yoga so the physical practice informs and improves the day to day life of the practicing yogi. I do this through balancing flow & strength building with detailed instructions on how to keep the body safe & in alignment all while working towards relaxing and finding peace within the practice.
PAYMENT for services:
I am a donation-only service. This means you pay me what you are ‘led’ to pay me. No discussion is needed. I do not need to approve what you're paying. I would never be disappointed or insulted if you paid me a lesser amount than my average. I’ve been led by Spirit to do this work and it is my pleasure to be of service. See below for details.Payment options: Paypal/Square for cc payments or if I'm making a house-call you can pay in cash at time of session.
Average client payments:
InnerLight Method Session  - $80
Private Yoga session            - $70 Group  Yoga Session            - $40
Ministerial Services - Too high a range to suggest. Again, pay what you are led to.
These give you an idea if you’ve never had similar services. However, if you give less than that or more than that is of no matter to me. My service is the same. Most of my energy work and counseling sessions are done virtually, over the phone or Skype, etc. Because energy isn't bound by time or space, remote/virtual sessions produce the same results as in-person sessions. However, if it’s a yoga class it would be in person obviously. Most times I will travel within 10 miles of 90048 but if you are outside of that area contact me and we’ll see if we can work something out.
God bless and Ashe!
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ielevateme · 7 years
There's a scripture in the Bible from Corinthians that says, "Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." This post is me desiring to be "fully known". I started on my spiritual path with intention when I was about 10 years old. We were Jehovah's Witnesses so yes, we went door to door, wakin ya'll up waaay too early on Saturday mornings to peddle the Watchtower and The Wake. But I was not hearing God in the Kingdom Hall. The God served there was not a God that spoke to me. That was a language I did not understand. One day I got up the courage to ask my mom if I could experience other religions, with very little hope she'd say yes. To my mother's credit she did. It wasn't without a WHOLE LOT of conversation but she said yes. I began studying Buddhism, Ifa, Wicca, and other earth based religions. I practiced meditation and chanting and yoga. I peppered my dad with questions about Judaism much to his chagrin, agnostic that he was. I was a child actor so those creative folk back in the day were more than willing to suggest books on TM and what not, om with me, help me with dream interpretation, etc. I was not without guides. I got into all of it. I loved performing Ifa and other earth based ritual, I knew all the chakras and their corresponding colors, numbers, body systems and planets and could sing devotionals in 4 languages. But I knew something wasn't quite right. It wasn't anchored in 'good soil'. It was entrenched in my ego. I love(d) Spirit/God. But It was an outward demonstration instead of an inward experience. About 5 years ago during a shadow time on my journey ;p I started questioning God, crying and railing to Her about how dedicated I'd been and why had this happened or why Didn't this other happen and why?! I went IN on Her! Well, I heard Her answer very clearly. Although I had been on the 'path' for most of my life, I always saw an out. I never truly committed. It was fun for me and I enjoyed it but it wasn't a part of me, my DNA. So She had been with me, the very same way I was with Her. HA! Not out of punishment, please understand. She can only meet you where You are. At that moment I recommitted. I started teaching yoga again, got certified in an energy balancing therapy, Innerlight Method, and called my spiritual Father, Rev. Dr. Charles O. Brown (Doc) and told him I wanted to become a minister. I began studying with him and under him, and on February 18, 2017, I was ordained as Minister Victoria Tilford, Healer and Prophetess. I have kept this part of me separate, particularly from the acting. I had a judgment about what it looks like to have all these different jobs; minister, energy therapist, yoga instructor and also claim to be an actor. These execs, studio heads are gonna think I'm just some kooky, flighty actor who probably has no talent because she's doing all these other things to make money. I believed that all those titles meant I had no direction, flipping and flopping all over the place and there's shame in that. I have been working on releasing all of those conversations. THIS IS ME RELEASING ALL THOSE CONVERSATIONS. The truth is, I am gifted in all these arenas. And I'm open to finding ability in others, as well. I might get a degree in horticulture or go back to school to become a doctor or maybe even start a pre-school. 1 Corinthians 13:12 is one of the scriptures that brought me to this place. This place of saying I am ALL these things. And what that means is that before I was just a reflection in a mirror. Now I am facing my True self. Then I only knew a piece of who I was. Now I am discovering who I Fully am and can only be satisfied with being fully known. God bless you and ASHE! 
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ielevateme · 9 years
InnerLight Energy Balancing Therapy
Innerlight Energy Balancing Therapy
The Innerlight Method™ is a healing protocol shown to successfully restore balance for intuitive, empathic and highly sensitive children and adults, resulting in greater mental clarity and emotional balance for improved health and daily functioning.
IEBT energy therapy directs subtle energy systems to support the body’s ability to heal itself. Energetic balancing can help intuitive and energetically sensitive children and adults clear blocks caused by stress or trauma. Clients identify areas that may need balance or healing, to further personal growth, enhance learning and social function, or achieve optimal success and wellness in daily life.
Intuitive experiences happen to people from every cultural and religious background. With this in mind, The Innerlight Method™  is an inclusive, non-dogmatic, non-denominational technique that serves individuals, families and professionals from every walk of life and belief system.
My mission is to bring the life-changing benefits of safe, effective energy therapy to energetically sensitive children and adults to help them experience energetic balancing for powerful transformation on physical, mental, spiritual and emotional levels.
1 Session - $100
5 session pack - $425
Sessions run from 45 - 75 minutes.
Remote sessions are available and encouraged.
Call or email for an appointment
323. 480. 4828
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ielevateme · 9 years
The “Single Mom” Syndrome
I’ve put off writing about this for fear that many people I know will be offended or take it in a way that wasn’t intended. But fear is the worst reason not to do something… unless of course we’re talking about fear of putting one’s hand in a sharks mouth. Then fear is a good thing.
But here goes…
I often hear single mom’s say they’ve been a mother and a father to their children. Now before you get your panties in a bunch, there are some women who don’t mean that literally. If that’s you, I’m not referring to you… but keep reading just in case. But there are many women who believe that.
That thinking is a problem on so many levels, I’m confused where to begin. I’ll just jump in.
First, it absolutely devalues what men bring to the table as fathers. As if we, women, by deciding so, can take on the role of a father. As if it’s like putting on a coat. Is it really that so easy? Before we answer, let’s turn the tables. If single fathers were to say the same thing about themselves, I think we women would be up in arms! And we’d be right to be! Men can’t be mothers to children because they have no idea what it means to be a woman. It’s not a fault. It’s a fact. Women teaching sons how to treat a woman or a daughter to be a woman are specific to a woman's’ perspective. Can a man ‘mother’ his children? Absolutely! The mothering instinct is in everyone. However, we’re speaking specifically of the ‘role’ of motherhood. Can he be a mother to them? Absolutely not. Why? Men don’t have the ‘equipment’ to be mothers. And I’m certainly not just referring to the physical. My woman-ness/mother-ness is not at all contingent upon my ability to conceive, carry or nurse a child. My collective experiences flowing through this world as a woman have qualified me to do so. 
Now let’s address the ridiculous amount of pressure it puts mothers under to have to be mother AND father to these children! Why! Being a single parent is hard enough as it is! Having a two parent home is sometimes damned difficult so I can not imagine what being a single parent means. So why take on extra work? Whether your children are boys or girls, having good, accountable father figures in their lives demonstrates what real men are and how they behave. Men have a very specific perspective and will be able to share that in a way that a woman just can’t. They bring more to the table than we are willing to admit.
So instead of being ‘a strong independent woman’, (read: martyr), take the pressure off yourself and provide the babe/s with some good men to learn from. Let them be a father to those children. They can be friends, cousins, grandfathers. But leave that job to those that are actually qualified for it. And You? Go take a nap, take yourself out to dinner, get a massage.
Now, didn’t you just exhale a bit when you read that? 
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ielevateme · 10 years
Innerlight Energy Balancing Therapy 
The Innerlight Method™ is a healing protocol shown to successfully restore balance for children and adults, resulting in optimal wellness and success in daily life.
1 Session - $100
5 session pack - $425
(Sessions can run from 45 - 75 minutes. Remote sessions are available and encouraged)
Private class (1 hour & 15 minutes) - $75
Group classes  - rates contingent upon number of students and location
Corporate - rates contingent upon number of students and location
Call or email for an appointment
323. 273. 5473
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ielevateme · 10 years
Tumblr Shmumblr...
The whole blog thing is a mystery to me. And ain't that a good reason to try it!
I thought the same about having babies. As did my husband of 14 years. Sooooo....
We had one! Very recently. August 24th, at 20:41 in the year of our lord 2014. Labour was only 40 hours. What?! But I'm a Warrior Goddess Woman Mother Sister, etc. and I handled it like a beast! However, the cervix was not cooperating. It didn't dilate like a blooming lotus flower... That's what I was told to envision in my $150 per hour hypno-birthing sessions. My cervix was unaware of my Warrior Goddess blah blah status. After giving up my WGWMS (warrior goddess woman etc, etc) dream of having a completely natural childbirth, I settled on a drug-induced vaginal birth and that was enuff. Marley was 8lbs, 3oz, 20" and the color of a smurf. A very cute smurf.
Mamahood changes things..... Understatement, I know. but no one can really explain to you the chaaaaanges that one undergoes.
But now when the kidless ask me what's it's been like, I say, "It's a lot like hazing. You get broken down to get built back up."
So I'm blogging. Because during the pumping, nursing and watching the lil one (heretofore referred to as the "LO" like all those in the know call them), there's nothing else to do to feel fruitful... Oh except look at that cherubic face and realize, I had something to do with that.
BTW: DOn't be jealous of my supply;)
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