iesha-is-asleep · 1 year
I'm going to be doing a lot of short horror stories.
The eyes, it was the eyes the way they stare at me everyone's called me paranoid for being afraid of a picture but his eyes they stare right into me it's like he knows.
He knows everything I did, everything that happened it's looking right into my soul and seeing all the evil I tried to hide, even from myself I tried to convince myself I wasn't that person but he knows when I look at that picture I know that it's seen the darkest parts of my soul.
My friends and family are coming over for dinner tonight, I want them to see what I am what's it's done to me .
now that I'm one with the picture, now that I'm inside it , now that I've replaced him.
will they think I painted myself into the picture or will they know,
will they know when I look at them, into there souls will they know it's me, really me.
As I'm now him and he is now me.
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iesha-is-asleep · 1 year
The five friends thought that it would be all fun and games to hang out at the old ruins of what used to be a family, Home. They were hanging out, laughing and playing games it was all in good fun …. until it got to the infamous game of truth or dare. The five all had to answer their fair share of embarrassing questions as well as weird but funny dares. But maybe if Danny hadn't dared the others to stay the whole night at the abandoned wreckage would they have all made it out.
Through the night they carried on their games until they all fell asleep but not for long however as the sound of Ellies loud screams woke the other four teenagers. In a state of shock, the others looked around the damp and dark residence in hopes to find their friend. Though no such goal was achieved as one by one they all got lost from one another each person mentally yelling at themselves for forgetting some form of light. They had each thought of using the flash from their phones but neither one would turn on.
Quickly they all began to Panick, the fears they all had built in to one never-ending nightmare of darkness loneliness' and the dread especially the dread. They all felt as if they were being watched by someone or worse something. Something cold, hungry and truly evil. Naomi had always loved horror and the idea of ghosts, but never did she once believe they existed.
The search through the abandoned shackle of a once happy home proved useless as any sign of Ellie was no wear to be found or had already been long buried through the hours of scraping their hand across walls to find their ways around and as to not bump into something or the thing they dreaded running into.
Once morning had settled the four kids began to wake up from their bed believing the night before was all just a horrible nightmare, but that same morning Ellie was no wear to be found.
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