Sometimes the pain from the past gets so overwhelming I wonder how I will make it through the night. Then I remember that the past is over. And it will never be again. Learn from the past, but don’t live in it. 
I look around at what I have now and I smile and know how blessed I am. Blessed to be loved and to have love to give. Blessed even to be alive, to be breathing, to be this miracle of a combination of whatever it is that creates a human being-- but not just ANY human being, but ME. How blessed I am to be ME, and how blessed you are to be YOU. In this incomprehensibly large universe, how incredibly incredible is it that all of the stars aligned, socially, mentally, emotionally, physically, coincidentally, in order to make you the you that you are. 
Every second, every action, every thought is what brings us into the next minute, hour, chapter of our lives. It takes thousands of steps to climb a mountain, thousands of words to write a book, and thousands of decisions to create your life. Every single second you are given the opportunity to make something new. Don’t ever forget that. You control your reality. 
Be blessed for all you are and all you have. Be blessed even for all you’ve endured. For this is YOUR unique journey. Your story. Choose to be your very best even in your worst of times. 
And choose to look forward to each coming moment. 
The past is the road you’ve walked down all the places that you’ve been 
The present is the gift of now, whatever place that you are in
The future will soon be the present and the present be the past 
So focus solely on this moment and make each moment last
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Testing, Testing, 123
I am at work. Third person today to tell me I have the wrong phone number, ahhh telemarketing. Boss comes in at 12. I leave at 12 for lunch. Not a coincidence. Get to go see my baby love and bring him some kratom. This is just a test post to see how this whole thing works. I miss when he worked with me. Now he’s 3 minutes up the road and I feel sooo lonely. Tumblr will give me something to do. I have to get a secret santa for some random dude who literally just started 4 days ago. FML. Boss will be here soon then I’m out. Good talk.  
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