ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
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as much as everything about this election sucks and I hate the tories and the state of my country right now, this at least makes me smile a bit
only in england
All hail count binface and lord buckethead
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
Well I wasn’t expecting this, but it just happened
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
please let my constituency go to labour at least, please
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
me too
im actually so pissed off i feel sick 
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
no no no no no no no no no
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
it’s crunch time boys
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
This. So much this.
I am so angry. Why can’t people see that this is unequivocally the single biggest issue we face?!
Everyone at work: It’s Election Day! I’m going to vote for who will do what I want for Brexit
Me: Brexit is just money. I’m voting for someone who will try to repair the planet so it’s still liveable when your kids grow up
Everyone: But Brexit
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
If 5 years ago someone had told me that the Prime Minster of the UK would be hiding from journalists in a freezer I would have laughed in their face but here we are
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
Why is 10pm so far away?? Give me something
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I am both dreading the exit poll, and desperate to see it...
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
it’s gonna be a looooooong night lads
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
This really happened.
I visualise it as happening like this:
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Except as much as we laugh, it’s not really funny, is it?
Our actual Prime Minister (for now at least) quite literally hid in a fridge to avoid any questions he might not like. The sentient scarecrow who represents us on the world stage hid in a fridge.
Of all the things I could hear about this election, the fact that BoJo hid in a fridge to avoid an interview was possibly the most out there.
What a bellend.
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
I first reblogged this 2 YEARS ago.
It’s still just as relevant.
Which is horrifying.
I desperately want a Labour victory tonight. Even ignoring that I think it will be significantly better for the country, I just want to send a massive ‘Fuck you’ to the general media.
I want to be able to look at those smug fucking Tory propaganda machines who tried so hard to brainwash the country with bias and lies and deceit, day after day after fucking day, as they stand dismayed in the shattered remains of their illusion of neutrality and integrity and say; It didn’t work.
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
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hellscape hellscape hellscape hellscape HELLSCAPE HELLSCAPE HELL-
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
It’s politics time!
OK, so I know I’m not active on here anymore, and this is a studyblr not a politics blog, but I need to vent my frustrations (and fear...and express myself through ridiculous amounts of relevant GIFs) somewhere, so here I am.
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ifindoubtstudy · 5 years
hi all, just a reminder to go out and make your voice heard if you’re in the uk for the general election! idc what you vote, but young people, especially young women under 30, are consistently ignored because we have a significantly lower turnout at the polls.
it only takes a few minutes to walk in, and make your voice heard - up to one million additional votes from young women up and down the country who have previously abstained could really swing the election, and whatever way it ends up going today, it would be really great for women to be a part of that decision!
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ifindoubtstudy · 6 years
denmark @ europe:
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