ignis-sassentia · 5 years
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Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV → Amicitia siblings
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
Cosmogony Preview
[July 13th, M.E. 773
Begin transcription:
Annals of Lucis Part Seventeen as recorded by Councilman Ignis Stupeo Scientia]
Contrary to what is likely to become popular belief, Noctis Lucis Caelum CXIV was not a natural-born warrior, but rather a reluctant leader who never had an opportunity to reach his full potential. Even as of this recording, tales of King Noctis’ kindness are spreading throughout Lucis, hand-in-hand with stories of his grand defeat of the Starscourge and The Immortal Accursed.
What these tales do not address--nor perhaps should they, when the people of Lucis require stability and heroic figures now more than ever--is that His Majesty struggled for quite some time to accept the burden the gods placed on his shoulders.
A little teaser for my submission to @cosmogonyzine, which is now open for pre-orders! Every part of this zine is gorgeous and fantastic, and if you like FFXV, I highly recommend grabbing a copy! 
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
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Charm preorders are open, and will remain open until Sept. 18th. (And, yes, I did take the promo images on my cat.) 
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
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Surprise! I’m opening pre-orders for these 2″ charms tomorrow (Sept. 4). 
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
Pre-Orders Are Open!
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With the first lights of dawn, a new era begins. We’re now taking pre-orders for Cosmogony: Dawn of a New Age, a Final Fantasy XV zine!
This zine is a look into the history of Eos lovingly crafted by 14 writers, 13 artists, and our layout designer, all fans of Final Fantasy XV and its lore!
You can check out more about our contributors here: 
Cosmogony Participants
We have some teasers of what you can expect to see below! During the sale, there will be more previews revealed, so keep an eye out to catch more of what everyone has been working hard on over the last few months. 
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We have five tiers to choose from for this zine during pre-orders. Please be sure to review our information on shipping as well:
A note on shipping 
Cosmogony: Dawn of a New Age Tiers:
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Titan Tier: A PDF copy of the zine emailed to you
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Ramuh Tier:  Physical copy of the zine + 1 random postcard
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Leviathan Tier: Physical copy of the zine + 1 random postcard + 1 random bookmark
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Shiva Tier: Physical copy of the zine + PDF copy + 2 random postcards + 1 random bookmark + 1 random charm
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Bahamut Tier: Physical copy of the zine + PDF copy + all 3 postcards +  both bookmarks + both charms
Pre-orders will be open until September 23! 
Thank you again to everyone for your patience and support. We hope you are as excited as we are to share everyone’s amazing work. 
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
Project Update and Mailing List
We’re making great progress on the project! Now that all final pieces have been submitted from our participants, we’re working hard on the final steps for launch. We’ve had a few inquiries about when pre-orders will be going up; we’re running a little bit behind our original projected schedule, but we’re hoping to launch pre-orders soon. 
To ensure that you don’t miss out on the store launch, we’ve opened up a mailing list! Please fill out the form at the link below to be notified as soon as pre-orders are up!
As always, thanks to everyone for your ongoing support, and we’re excited to show you what we’ve all been cooking up!
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
So psyched to be contributing to and modding this project. Seriously: it’s going to be amazing. 
Today’s contributor spotlight is @ignis-sassentia !
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https://twitter.com/WanderingJotun https://archiveofourown.org/users/Ignis_Sassentia/works
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
Only a few more days to pre-order a physical copy of my Gladio/Ignis/Prompto OT3 fanfic zine. It will be a limited physical run, so if you want a hard copy, order before the 18th. 
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
In the Shadow of the King Preorder
Preorders for my FFXV OT3 fan fiction zine are finally open! I’m so excited to put this out there. 
It’s seven stories focused on the relationships between Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto, spanning from Brotherhood era through the end of the game. All SFW. Huge, huge thanks to @godspoison for the cover art. <3 
I’m keeping preorders open through May 18th so I can ship ‘em out in late June/early July, and I’m more than happy to hold onto copies for those coming to Kupocon NJ. 
Click here to order! Please help me spread the word, too! 
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
Preorders are now open! 
In the Shadow of the King Progress
So I kind of fell off the wagon a little bit and it took me also much longer to finish this zine than anticipated–but all the fics are finally done and edited! Just need to format and figure out printing for the limited run.
Since I don’t know if I’ve ever actually said this, In the Shadow of the King is a fanzine of all my own fanfic, focused on the Prompto/Gladio/Ignis relationship. It’s seven pieces in chronological order, following the boys through the canon plot of FFXV–four OT3 fics and three pair-focused pieces. None of these pieces will be posted online; they will only be available in this zine. And it’s so much longer than I anticipated. Whoops. 
Before I get pre-orders up, I wanted to share a tiny bit from the last fic that’s, honestly, one of my favorite bits. 
“Tell me about it?” Ignis asked quietly. He turned his scarred face up toward the light, eyes closed behind his darkened visor.
Gladio didn’t need to ask what “it” was. They’d done this so many times since the Dawn, it was second nature by now. He continued gently scratching at Prompto’s scalp as he looked back toward the growing light and considered how to describe it today. “It’s like evaporated roses in a watercolor tray. Like Prompto’s lips after a hundred kisses—”
“Hey!” Prompto opened one eye to glare half-heartedly at him.
“You have no idea how beautiful you are when we kiss you to death,” Gladio replied with a chuckle. He leaned down to kiss him gently before continuing his description of the morning light. “You remember that stained glass in the hall by Noct’s old room? It’s like that, but softer. If velvet could be light, that’s what it is.”
A quiet, contented smile landed on Ignis’ lips and he sighed. “You should have been a poet, darling.”
“I am.” Gladio laughed again. “Or did you forget I’m writing children’s books for Lily and the others?”
Ignis snorted. “That’s not what I meant. Limericks and cute rhymes aren’t the sonnets you’re capable of.”
“Maybe I want to keep my ‘sonnets’ for you two.”
“And the world is poorer for it.” Ignis turned his face back down and held out his hand.
Gladio took it and squeezed gently. “Flatterer.”
“Nah, he’s right.” Prompto grinned up at him and stretched up to bop Gladio’s nose with his fingertip. “You totally underestimate how good you are, dude.”
“Huh. Sounds like someone else I know.” Gladio smirked and returned the poke to the nose.
A faint rose color tinted Prompto’s cheeks, bringing out the faded freckles. “No clue who you’re talking about.”
“Perhaps we ought to agree neither of you use your creative talents to their fullest,” Ignis suggested, obviously amused. He lifted Gladio’s hand to his lips for a soft kiss to the knuckles. “A shame only the blind man can see how brilliant his husbands are.”
So, yeah. If you like my fanfic and are at all interested in supporting me, keep an eye on this space. Pre-orders should be up soon-ish for both digital and physical copies. I’m planning a limited print run, so if you want a hard copy, be sure to hop on pre-orders once they’re open! 
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
In the Shadow of the King Preorder
Preorders for my FFXV OT3 fan fiction zine are finally open! I’m so excited to put this out there. 
It’s seven stories focused on the relationships between Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto, spanning from Brotherhood era through the end of the game. All SFW. Huge, huge thanks to @godspoison for the cover art. <3 
I’m keeping preorders open through May 18th so I can ship ‘em out in late June/early July, and I’m more than happy to hold onto copies for those coming to Kupocon NJ. 
Click here to order! Please help me spread the word, too! 
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ignis-sassentia · 5 years
We're looking for more writers, especially! If you want to try your hand at writing ffxv flash fiction for a tarot deck, apply today!
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I see a lot of Final Fantasy XV in your near future! Join us for the FFXV Tarot. Applications for writers and artists are open until April 19th!
Application Form
Tarot Card list and suggestions
More Info
Please help us spread the word!  And please don’t hesitate to apply!
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ignis-sassentia · 6 years
In the Shadow of the King Progress
So I kind of fell off the wagon a little bit and it took me also much longer to finish this zine than anticipated--but all the fics are finally done and edited! Just need to format and figure out printing for the limited run.
Since I don’t know if I’ve ever actually said this, In the Shadow of the King is a fanzine of all my own fanfic, focused on the Prompto/Gladio/Ignis relationship. It’s seven pieces in chronological order, following the boys through the canon plot of FFXV--four OT3 fics and three pair-focused pieces. None of these pieces will be posted online; they will only be available in this zine. And it’s so much longer than I anticipated. Whoops. 
Before I get pre-orders up, I wanted to share a tiny bit from the last fic that’s, honestly, one of my favorite bits. 
“Tell me about it?” Ignis asked quietly. He turned his scarred face up toward the light, eyes closed behind his darkened visor.
Gladio didn’t need to ask what “it” was. They’d done this so many times since the Dawn, it was second nature by now. He continued gently scratching at Prompto’s scalp as he looked back toward the growing light and considered how to describe it today. “It’s like evaporated roses in a watercolor tray. Like Prompto’s lips after a hundred kisses—”
“Hey!” Prompto opened one eye to glare half-heartedly at him.
“You have no idea how beautiful you are when we kiss you to death,” Gladio replied with a chuckle. He leaned down to kiss him gently before continuing his description of the morning light. “You remember that stained glass in the hall by Noct’s old room? It’s like that, but softer. If velvet could be light, that’s what it is.”
A quiet, contented smile landed on Ignis’ lips and he sighed. “You should have been a poet, darling.”
“I am.” Gladio laughed again. “Or did you forget I’m writing children’s books for Lily and the others?”
Ignis snorted. “That’s not what I meant. Limericks and cute rhymes aren’t the sonnets you’re capable of.”
“Maybe I want to keep my ‘sonnets’ for you two.”
“And the world is poorer for it.” Ignis turned his face back down and held out his hand.
Gladio took it and squeezed gently. “Flatterer.”
“Nah, he’s right.” Prompto grinned up at him and stretched up to bop Gladio’s nose with his fingertip. “You totally underestimate how good you are, dude.”
“Huh. Sounds like someone else I know.” Gladio smirked and returned the poke to the nose.
A faint rose color tinted Prompto’s cheeks, bringing out the faded freckles. “No clue who you’re talking about.”
“Perhaps we ought to agree neither of you use your creative talents to their fullest,” Ignis suggested, obviously amused. He lifted Gladio’s hand to his lips for a soft kiss to the knuckles. “A shame only the blind man can see how brilliant his husbands are.”
So, yeah. If you like my fanfic and are at all interested in supporting me, keep an eye on this space. Pre-orders should be up soon-ish for both digital and physical copies. I’m planning a limited print run, so if you want a hard copy, be sure to hop on pre-orders once they’re open! 
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ignis-sassentia · 6 years
More screaming about this. It's gonna be amazing!
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We’re very happy to announce that Applications are now open for the FFXV Tarot Project!  Applications will remain open until April 19th.
Application Form
Tarot Card list and suggestions
More Info
Please help us spread the word!  This project is open to both writers and artists!  So please don’t hesitate to apply!
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ignis-sassentia · 6 years
*excited flailing* 
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We’re very happy to announce that Applications are now open for the FFXV Tarot Project!  Applications will remain open until April 19th.
Application Form
Tarot Card list and suggestions
More Info
Please help us spread the word!
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ignis-sassentia · 6 years
FFXV Tarot Project!
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We’re very excited to announce the FFXV Tarot Project!
Our goal is to create the 22 cards of the Major Arcana with 22 supporting ficlets.
Applications open March 15th Help us spread the word! ( Not active on tumblr?  Follow us on twitter @ffxvtarot for updates! )
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