ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
Important PSA
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Heyo Ben here with an announcement. i am moving, now let me explain why. 
Keep reading
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
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Flirting~ (´ε` )♡
(Single Natsu picture available at my patreon account :3)
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
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Going to finish the last commissions this week~phew.. But before have some Nalu tribute about the latest chapter<3
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
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“ He was like Batman nothing ever shook him up I was his Robin I was there by his side.  And anytime I’d need something. He’d look  at me and say no no problem And then comes crashing, Don’t even know what happened. Praying it was just a dream, I take a look around me Hoping God would find me, save him from this misery Stood and watched him take his last breath. Never felt so helpless.”
He’d sing while looking up towards the sky. That day he saw Igneel free fall from the sky and crash into the ground. Replayed itself in his mind, a vivid memory that he couldn’t forget. A memory that would always haunt and make him tear him up.
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“ I miss ya....Igneel.” He whispered under his breath while closing his eyes.
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
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fairy tail: 12 months (seasons)  
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
Alice pouted. “Fine. I’ll make my own when I can.” She said. “I don’t want to risk getting my face pounded into a pulp for asking for some.” She added, turning back to the table in front of her. “I’m already bruised enough.”
Natsu chuckled and grinned as he grabbed another water bottle. “ Trust me, ya don’t wanna mess with Erza when it comes to that. She’ll level a mountain if someone eats her cake.” He commented before asking Mira for some food to eat.
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
Send me 3 characters you compare me to!
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
tell my muse how they make your muse feel.
whether they give them a sense of COMFORT and SAFETY, or send absolute CHILLS down their spine. perhaps they make them feel TRAPPED, or FRIGHTENED. or maybe, they even feel SPECIAL. let my muse know!! anon is optional!!
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
[ ☎ ] my muse calls yours in tears.
[ ✪ ] our muses are stuck in an elevator together.
[ ◐ ] my muse is having a sleepover with your muse.
[ ✿ ] my muse attempts to cook dinner for your muse.
[ ◈ ] my muse makes a drunk confession to your muse.
[ ღ ] my muse makes an attempt to cheer your muse up.
[ ✦ ] my muse pushes yours out of frustration/anger.
[ ❢ ] my muse discovers yours all bloodied and bruised.
[ ➤ ] my muse accidentally punches your muse in the face.
[ ⌚ ] my muse recalls their favorite memory with your muse.
[ ✜ ] my muse collapses in front of yours, all bloodied and bruised.
[ ☯ ] my muse tells yours that they never want to see them again.
[ ✈ ] my muse asks yours to accompany them on a trip/mission/etc.
[ ● ] my muse catches yours snooping through their belongings.
[ ☻ ] my muse wakes up in your muse’s closet the night after a party.
[ ✌ ] my muse reaches out to yours after months of no communication.
[ ☢ ] the car broke down in an unfamiliar part of town, and our muses are lost.
[ ✠ ] it’s three in the morning and my muse unexpectedly arrives at your muse’s home.
[ ☁ ] the entire city is without power due to a storm, and our muses run into each other during a supply run.
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
How many people wanna fuck my muse?
Send anonymously ( or not) an “Aye” if your muse wants to get with mine. See how many you get! 
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
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Official Relationship / interaction call :
Liking this will let me know & gives me permission to the following
Spam your inbox with memes and prompts
Like any of your starter calls
You are interested in forming a relationship with  Natsu. Whether it’s platonic or Romantic.
Tag you in anything related to our muses ( i.e Fanart )
IM for plotting purposes and chat ooc
Be your friend c:
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
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Ben : Can’t sleep anymore thanks to nightmares.
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
🎂 When’s your birthday?
Get to Know Ben : Accepting
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My Birthday is May 11th, I’m a mothers day gift hehe.
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
Get to know me!
Send me any of these emojis!
👋🏻 What’s your name? 🎂 When’s your birthday? ⭐️ What’s your zodiac sign? 🏡 Where were you born? 😶 What’s your ethnicity? 👄 What’s your first language? 👤 What’s your gender? 🌈 What’s your sexuality? 💋 What is your romantic orientation? 👕 What’s your favourite type of clothing? 👢 What’s your favourite type of shoes? 🕶 What’s your favourite accessory? ☂️ What’s your favourite type of weather? 🐾 What’s your favourite animal? 🐉 What’s your favourite mythical/extinct creature? 🌲 What’s your favourite plant? 🌷 What’s your favourite flower? 🍎 Favourite fruit? 🥐 Favourite foreign food? 🍟 Favourite fast food place? 🍪 Favourite sweets/candy/snack? ☕️ Tea or coffee? 🏒 Do you have a sporty hobby? ⛸ Ice skating or roller skating? 🏅 What’s your best achievement? 🎼 Do you play any musical instruments? 🎨 Would you call yourself an artist? ❤️ Are you single or taken? 💛 Who is your best friend? 💔 Who has broken your heart? 🖤 Do you hate anyone? 💚 Are you optimistic or pessimistic in problematic situations? 💙 Introvert or extrovert? 💜 What do you look like?
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
Alice nods. “I can.” She said. “But it won’t be a nap so much as it’ll be a deep sleep.” She added. “No, i didn’t.” She said. “I could definitely go for some of that cake, however.” She was looking at the giant cake Erza was eating. “Do you think she’d share, if I asked?”
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“ Yer better off getting your own slice of that cake. Erza is pretty stingy about her cake.” He replied remembering all of those times, hell broke loose when someone ate her cake. As well as the times he was automatically blamed for eating it back when he was a kid.
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
Continued here @shrimpyscriptmage     Thread
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“ I know it’s just....” He replied before pausing clenching his fist. Grabbing hold of some of the blanket. “ Before you confronted me about my injuries and how I always looked like I got into a fight in the morning.  That’s been my coping method ever since. Probably still will be until you know I find a new way to cope.” He finished his explaining placing the empty tray on the side table
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ignxsdraco-aa · 7 years
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Levy continued to do her best to run around and take orders. She finished off a few tables for Natsu, making sure to set aside the tips for him and cleaned them before starting a few new one’s. She noticed him clock in and take orders again, both of them communicating on who would take which tables. When they had a free moment to talk she smiled.
“Thank you so much Natsu. I really appreciate that. If there is anything else I can ever do let me know. Friends have each other’s backs right?” She finished collecting the drinks for one of her tables and brought them over before taking their orders. Once she had it put in she returned to Natsu. “How’s happy by the way? Is he getting enough food too. I know how hard it can be to try and budget things on your own sometimes.”
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“ Don’t mention it Levs, a small favor for another small favor.” He replied with a grin while wiping the sweat off his forehead. Right now all the tables were served and occupied by the current customers. While new ones either waited or left to another restaurant. At her question about Happy getting enough food to eat, Natsu nodded.
“Yea he’s getting enough food as well. Thankfully for me I know how to fish and cook. So he’s on a strict milk and fish diet, which he doesn’t mind at all. Since he’s been on that diet when I adopted him.” He commented while noticing a few tables being emptied standing up from his seat and taking out his notepad and pen. “ Well we better get back to work.” He commented before walking over to a few customers.
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