iguessthisismydiarynow1990 ยท 2 months
Life's A Drag and I Love It
It's been nearly 3 months of heavy hitting the streets trying to do this burlesque/drag thing. Of putting rhinestones on stuff, of listening to songs over and over again until I'm sick of them, of having panic attacks while I put on my makeup. But I see that that putting the effort in thing... it's the basic thing to move towards what you want. Just a little more work each and every day.
I want that in every area of my life. I'm slowly seeing it. I see it in queer collective. I see it in showing up for the farm every weekend. I see it in building these relationships with radical organizations. Each connection is leading to another necessary to make not only my dreams but the dreams of a fuck ton of people come true.
This next week I want to:
work out finances break down
follow up with Dustin about the job at the coffee shop.
apply to a couple gyms
apply to unions
figure out audition schedule for the week
meet with PDX for Palestine for the first general meeting
buy a new moisturizer
figure out way to make payment on credit card
figure out next meeting with RM
spend the day cleaning out the office so marina can help me design it (put posters and signs to the side for the wall)
being a pink little cutie at Luv is Blind PDX speed dating
Make wig stands out of cardboard
make "the machine" out of cardboard and tubes/bottle nipples from REUSE or SCRAP
Make "brown" costume for the albino
find thigh high black stripper boots
touch base with Melissa re: lion number for Burly Q;AF (Big Cat as the song???)
spending the day with justice setting up the pole in their home gym area
Check in tomorrow to see what I actually get done.
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