//So Liz sorta fizzled and is slowly dying out, uhm if anyone still wants to RP though I have a different account, drop me a message for the link
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//So Liz sorta fizzled and is slowly dying out, uhm if anyone still wants to RP though I have a different account, drop me a message for the link
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"Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?"
Can’t believe it still. Made this blog back on 9/19/13; International Talk Like a Pirate Day, thinking how fun it would be to goof off with Jack. Who knew in just four months I’d make such wonderful friends and gain some amazing followers? What better way to show my appreciation by a giveaway?  
{ Which are more like guidelines anyway }
⊹ Likes and reblogs count; but only one of each.
⊹ RP Blogs Only.
⊹ Must be following me. I shall check. Don’t be a scalawag and unfollow shortly after. That’s not nice.
⊹ To see if you read these rules message me a ☠ if you think I should do a mun video in celebration as well; with a question for me. 
5th Place: 10 100x100 icons of your muse or FC.
4th Place: 20 100x100 icons of your muse or FC.
3rd Place: 30 100x100 icons of your muse or FC.
2nd Place: 40 100x100 icons of your muse or FC; a promo post of your blog that I’ll reblog for two weeks.
1st Place: 50 100x100 icons of your muse or FC; a promo post of your blog that I’ll reblog for three weeks; a drabble of your choosing [ our characters or your fandom ]
Now, for a little heads up. I am looking forward to making these icons for you all, but make sure you give me a bit of time for editing. If the winners have a source where I can find screenshots that’s even better. First place winner will come first; the others right behind.
Giveaway goes on until Jan. 25th at 7pm EST. 
"Now.. bring me that horizon."
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//To make GIFs or not to make GIFs, that is the question
I have so many sets in mind and yet I just sit here like, I wanna, but that requires moving. Blah.
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As he spoke she looked at him before looking forward again to consider his question. "I'm not entirely sure. Both night and day can be beautiful, but I suppose I do have a soft spot for the night. It just makes everything look so different from the day." That was an answer, even if it wasn't a definite one.
Elizabeth felt a smile grow on her lips at his words, "Thank you." There was a certain sincerity in his words, one that was absent any other time she received such compliments.
She smiled when she saw him, “Thank you, you look very handsome yourself.” Elizabeth complimented, stepping out of the door and closing it behind her. Looking back at him she was glad she’d chosen the flats, “Shall we?” The compliment given hadn’t been a lie,...
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//I may reopen my old account
I miss my old Liz...any thoughts?
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I love you! You are special in every way, and you deserve to be recognized as a wonderful person! Send this to 10 people you adore and love so that they can know that they are special too!
Thanks, I'm a little bit lazy though so whoever reads this it applies to you! All of you. Don't make me single out a few of you please, lol.
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You are one of my favorites.
Awww! Thank you!
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imjacksparrowtheoneandonly replied to your link: Guys, I actually made the blog, Elizabeth Swann is back!
lol the comment)
I tried to be cool, I really did, and I failed, lol
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I don't even know why I tried to be all mysterious about it...
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I may or may not have just made a regular verse Elizabeth blog, but I guess if you wanna know you'll have to message me for a possible link...
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She smiled when she saw him, "Thank you, you look very handsome yourself." Elizabeth complimented, stepping out of the door and closing it behind her. Looking back at him she was glad she'd chosen the flats, "Shall we?" The compliment given hadn't been a lie, he had grown older and more handsome in the years she been gone, and his smile...Elizabeth pushed that away for the moment.
Instead of being nervous as she'd felt getting ready she found that all of the worries and butterflies fluttered away. If she could be in rooms of people who watched her every move a date with Will was something she could certainly handle. 
Modern Will and Elizabeth//Dinner Date
To say she was surprised that Will asked her out was an understatement. Sure, it was fairly obvious when they were little that they were pretty close friends and had school children crushes on each other but, she thought that ten years later that would’ve changed.
Elizabeth smiled at the mirror as she contoured her cheeks with blush. Her makeup only took a few moments and once she lined her eyes she deemed that part of getting ready to be done. She left her hair down, curling it a bit more to tame it.
She bit her lip as she chose a pair of shoes to go with her outfit on a knee length black dress. Heels wouldn’t work, Will wasn’t much taller than her, boots simply wouldn’t go, with a shrug she grabbed red flats and slipped them on as the door bell rang.
Rushing back over to the mirror she put earrings on and headed down to the door. Taking a deep breath she opened the door.
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When someone is your favourite rp partner, but you’re not theirs.
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“We’re your family, we’re allowed to make fun of you”
“Come on, it’s just a joke”
“toughen up and stop being a baby”
“We’re just teasing”
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