genshindiaries · 4 years
Dandelions (Jean x Reader)
Prologue: https://genshindiaries.tumblr.com/post/646376065635434496/windblume-festival-prologue
“Venti… Are you sure she’ll like something like this?”
You looked skeptical as you held your finished poem in hand. The things you’ve written on this paper for Jean brought a blush to your cheeks. If it wasn’t for Venti, you would have folded this piece of paper and forgot it ever existed.
The bard smiled reassuringly at you, a hand on your shoulder. “I guarantee it! I swear it upon the fine bottle of Applebloom Cider you promised me!” That got him a side glare from you. “Ehe~ but trust this bard. For when paid for my services, I guarantee the best outcome.”  
“Then if it’s not too much, can you give me advice on what flower to give Jean?” You pushed your luck and looked over at Venti. “I’m sure giving me flower advice is a part of our deal.” Closing his eyes, Venti rubbed his chin in thought.
“Jean, a hardworking, righteous, and rigorous Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. Dandelions would fit her well. Gifting her this flower promises happiness and faithfulness from the giver,” he added in the last sentence with a cheeky wink. The blush on your cheeks deepened as you swatted his hand off your shoulder.
Not going to waste anymore time, you folded up the piece of paper and tucked it into your pocket. “Thanks for the help, Venti. I’ll give you your payment the next time I see you at the Angel’s share!” With a wave, you were off and racing to Flora’s store to purchase yourself some dandelions.
Your heart thumping in your chest, you stand nervously in front of Jean’s office with Dandelions and the poem in your sweaty palms. It was now or never.
Fist clenched, you knocked on her door and heard “You may enter!” you heard her call out good-naturedly. Upon entry, your eyes immediately landed on the enormous pile of gifts that rests on the table next to her main desk. Seems like everyone had the same idea as you.
“Oh, it’s you! Is there anything you need help with?” Your attention slowly drew back to Jean, who had gotten up from her desk and walked towards you. If you glanced over her shoulder, you could see the paperwork that rests on her table. Even on an easy going festival such as Windblume, she’s still as hardworking as ever.
You cleared your throat and held the flowers out to her along with the written poem. “Happy Windblume, Jean. I hope you like my gift and were wondering… If you’d like to go to Good Hunter’s for dinner tonight?” By the end of your request, you had looked the other way, the tips of your ears a bright red as you coughed into your fist.
Jean’s eyes widened in surprise before it softened with warmth and looked at you. “It’d be my pleasure to go out with you for dinner.” She accepted! As you cheered to yourself happily, she unfolded the poem and eyed its contents with a smile. “Would you like me to read this out loud?”
“No!! It’s okay! You can read it out loud once I’m out of here!”
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genshindiaries · 4 years
Windblume Festival Prologue
Windblume festival, an annual festivity loved by all in Mondstadt. It is a tradition in this city - a festival of love and freedom. It’s a time of celebration and partying in the city. But each festivity has its share of downers, who worry and pace about as they wonder what to give to their beloveds.
You are one of those downers. A sigh escaped your lips as you plopped yourself on a bench, hunching over. “What do I do…” You said in defeat. Everywhere you’ve asked for advice was of no help as each and everyone you’ve asked had various ideas on what a Windblume is.
Wait, there was someone that could help. Flora! But you quickly shot down that thought. With how much your thoughts are jumping about here and there, you would probably end up confusing Flora on what flower you want. A much-irritated sigh left your lips this time. Was there no one to help you?
As if someone heard your silent plea, you felt a gentle breeze pass by you and the sound of someone taking a seat beside you. Turning your head to the side, you saw Venti, a bard you saw occasionally around town, and had the pleasure of hearing his tuneful ballads and poems.
“You seem to be down on such a merry day. Might I query what have you down?” Curiosity filled his aqua green eyes as he stared at you, his fingers laced together. It seems like you got his full attention. It took you a minute of contemplation before you told him what got you looking so troubled.
“This Windblume… I want to give someone special a flower that would help me get my feelings across to them.” You explained. A look of irritation then crossed your face as you looked the other way and rested your cheek on the palm of your hand. “But I don’t know whether they would accept it or they would hate the flower I give them.”
A hum of thought left Venti’s lips. He unlaced his fingers and snapped them. “How about writing a love poem for them? That way, you need not speak and let your words get your feelings across to them.” His idea was beneficial for both parties. You still had some time, so why not? He beamed happily when he knew he got your attention and patted you on the back.
“Great! Let us depart for the Plaza. Lucky for you, I have classes to teach you how to write an amazing love poem and in addition, I can happily give you advice on what to do with your special one! For an additional fee of course~.” Maybe this was a bad idea…
Though it’s a bit too late to back out now as he guided you to the Plaza for lessons.
1) Jean - https://genshindiaries.tumblr.com/post/646458475895996416/dandelions-jean-x-reader
2) Amber -
3) Fischl -
4) Barbara -
5) Venti -
6) Kaeya -
7) Lisa -
8) Noelle -
9) Razor -
10) Diluc -
11) Mona -
12) Albedo -
13) Sucrose -
14) Bennett -
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genshindiaries · 4 years
Welcome! Here are the rules~
Thank you for stumbling on to this writing blog! :D So before you guys send in your requests, I hope you read over these rules. Much appreciated!
First of all!
-I gotta set the boundaries first. I do not write:
NSFW stuff(well it kind of varies… but I’m not comfortable enough yet >~<)
-But other than that, feel free to request anything you want. Anything that fulfills your SFW fantasies! Like Childe living that fatui housewife life...
-I will also accept any scenarios you think of that can happen between any of the characters!
-Minor characters can also be requested like any of the NPCs! Excluding reckless pallad, we do not condone pushing Sucrose in this household.(i’m kidding.)
-And Finally, Please be patient! I’ll be doing my damn best to write up the best Scenarios/One-shots/Headcanons for you. >:D
That’s it~ Have fun requesting!
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