iipsykheii · 3 years
If The Types Came with an Instruction Manual: INFP Edition
Congratulations! You are now the proud owner/friend of an INFP! Here are a few things to take note of with your new best friend! Oh, you didn’t know INFP was now your best friend? Well now you do, because if you have one, it’s going to stay by your side for pretty much ever.
1. Your INFP comes with the innate ability to scope out good and bad! This particular model is very good at determining whether or not a person is being truthful and genuine or totally fake! You just acquired a lie detector as well. Your INFP will be able to break a person down in about 5 minutes flat !On top of that, they will warn you as well like the little Golden retrievers they are! 2. Your INFP is an INTROVERT! This means that more often than not, your INFP is going to be just as happy staying in and watching a movie by his or her self, than going out. So remember to keep the super social things down to a small amount or this will drain your INFPs battery.* They tend to like one on one things or a small group often a maximum of 3-5. Be sure to ask INFP how they feel. Be prepared for a 30 minute conversation.
*CAUTION: If INFP loves you, INFP will try to force itself to go to gatherings so as to make you happy. Then you will not see INFP for a week or more. Be careful with INFPs willingness to participate as likely they do it for you.
3. INFP cares Deeply!! Your INFP comes standard with the ability of caring too much and too deeply. Usually this trait makes them resent themselves more than anything, but when they find that person who appreciates them for it, they become very happy and stick to you like glue. Please be sure to listen to INFP when they speak and try your best to understand them, because 99.9999% guaranteed, your INFP listens to you and remembers most everything you like and dislike. 4. Your INFP usually likes one of the following: Writing, drawing, music, etc. This is a way your INFP expresses themselves, and is a very important thing to them. There is a 40% chance that INFP will show you there art/writing/music choices one day. When/If they do, know that INFP finds you very special, as this is very uncommon and you have become the chosen one.
5. Your INFP is obsessed with something. No really, your INFP has something that it loves and expresses said love for it. Whether it is something as small as a fascination with rocks to a unhealthy love of rainbows. Please indulge this. INFP will show this feature the more you spend time with them. Pro Tip: If you get a gift for INFP that involves said obsession, you will become their favorite person ever and will likely keep with gift in a place and remember you every time they look at it. Plus they will likely never expect you to do this for them.
6. Your INFP is not good at confrontation. Your INFP DOES NOT like confrontation and will do anything to avoid it. They are diplomats and they keep true to the title. They try to make peace in bad situations and can often stop fights by being the nuetral go between. They are able to see both sides of the coin and will try their best to make everyone happy. Please avoid confrontation to spare INFPs becoming mentally exhausted/Upset/using every emotion they have and know of…
7. INFPs are VERY GOOD AT CONFRONTATION. (Yes we are aware of what was stated above in 6) While INFP does not like confrontation, when a friend of INFP has been wronged, it is as if something snapped in INFP and suddenly INFP will become bullet proof and will destroy its target. In plain terms, your Golden Retriever has now switched to full on Rottweiler guard dog mode. If you want this action not to be completed on your behalf, you must tell INFP before it annihilates the person that has wronged you. They have a very hurtful almost eerie way of completing this action and It is not pretty. Distract INFP with something shiny or its favorite thing to spare the person.
8. Your INFP in the embodiment of the word contradiction. (See 6 &7) Your INFP can be decisive and indecisive on the same day at basically the same time. One moment your INFP will be meek and mild like a lamb about one thing, and as vicious as a bear protecting it’s young about another. This is normal and in time will become less and less surprising.
Pro Tip: Don’t try to change this quality. It actually adds to INFPs quirkiness and overall personality. Plus their feelings WILL get hurt
9. Your INFP is very strong and can be very stubborn, but will cave if they love a person. Treat your INFP with care as their love for you will make them give in to doing most of what you want to make you happy. Consult with your INFP to be sure what you re doing/planning makes them happy too. More often than not it will, but they will appreciate the consideration and only love you more. (Be prepared for a 15-30 minutes conversation and possible tangents)
10. Your INFP needs to talk to you! Your INFP has a habit of keeping everything in. In their mind, the less they trouble you with their problems, somehow to them makes it better for everyone else. If left unchecked, INFP will slowly erode and self destruct and feel unlved and misunderstood. You must ask them how they are doing and spend one on one time with them often. It would be simple if asking how your INFP was was a simple as asking “how are you?” But it is NOT. You must sometimes be a little forceful. Show that you care.
Pro Tip: Invite INFP over for bonding time. Give them a warm cup of coffee/tea and a cozy place to sit. Be ready to listen. CAUTION! This will likely take from 2-8+ hours. Make a day for it!
These are the top 10 instructions for your new INFP friend! We would post more, but sadly the model INFP comes with 75 additional volumes each with 700+ pages per volume! But this is a good way to get started and get to knowing your new INFP!
Have fun with your new friend and Congratulations!
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iipsykheii · 3 years
“I hope your next love is a forever love.”
— (via emptystic)
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iipsykheii · 3 years
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iipsykheii · 3 years
You know what the second I stopped saying “I wish I had a friend who-“ and started being “the friend who-“ my life has gotten 100% more fulfilling
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iipsykheii · 3 years
You will get through this, even though you don’t feel that way right now.
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iipsykheii · 3 years
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iipsykheii · 3 years
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iipsykheii · 3 years
Bro we are stuck here for ever why don’t we just take care of each other like we’re supposed to
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iipsykheii · 3 years
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iipsykheii · 3 years
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iipsykheii · 3 years
✧・゚playlists to help pass the time *:・✧
hi everyone! it’s been a while since i made a huge playlist masterpost, but i thought that right now when we’re all stuck inside wondering what to do with our time i would make a list of all my playlists. listening to music is so calming and definitely helps me pass the time…so enjoy! - cam
songs that remind me of a fashion show 
a mix of songs that remind me of driving down the coast 
a playlist dedicated to paris 
songs that inspire me 
a dreamy mix
songs to listen to when you feel carefree
a super fun workout/running playlist to keep you pumped up 
songs to listen to during golden hour 
a mix of songs to listen to on a sunny day 
a playlist full of songs that make me feel alive 
songs that remind me of my teenage years 
a study/coffee shop playlist to keep you calm 
songs to listen to on the weekend 
songs that make me feel like living in the moment 
a friday kinda mix !
songs that remind me of a warm spring evening 
a mix dedicated to nature 
my all-time favorite songs all in one playlist 
songs that remind me of flowers and sunshine 
a 12-hour long playlist of songs that make me feel nostalgic 
songs that remind me of going back to school 
my ultimate summertime playlist 
songs that make me feel like i’m in a movie 
upbeat songs to get ready to in the morning 
songs i’m currently loving & listening to right now
a playlist dedicated to italy and all its wonders 
songs that are soft and delicate 
a mix to listen to while watching the sunrise / sunset 
a playlist for a rainy and stormy day 
songs to listen to when you wake up ! 
another nature playlist because why not?! 
a monday playlist to make your monday more enjoyable 
my springtime playlist 
songs that are bittersweet 
my girl power anthems playlist 
for the daydreamers 
songs that remind me of the spirit of traveling & exploring 
a mix to listen to before bed 
songs to listen and dance to in your kitchen 
a super fun 70s playlist 
relaxing songs for a sunday 
songs that remind me of wintertime 
for people who love the east coast 
for people who love the west coast 
a mix of lo fi beats 
songs to listen to in your car at night 
fresh finds (new songs every monday!)
the ultimate sing along playlist 
an indie playlist 
the perfect road trip / daily commute mix 
a super studious playlist to keep you extra focused 
songs that remind me of the beach 
a mix of songs to listen to when you’re j chillin
songs that remind me of a trip to outer space !
listen to this when you’re in love 
songs for stargazing…
the perfect autumn playlist 
songs that make my heart flutter 
a mix of carefree & happy tunes 
the grooviest 80s playlist around 
a mix of golden oldies 
listen to this if you like rap / r&b 
another workout playlist !
a mix of fun, upbeat songs to dance to 
a playlist inspired by call me by your name
a coming of age playlist 
a mix of songs that deserve more hype 
songs for all the main characters out there 
a mix inspired by the king harry styles
songs that make me feel angelic 
a dark academia playlist 
a spooky halloween mix !
a playlist inspired by dystopian novels
a special cottagecore playlist 
a light academia playlist
songs to listen to while looking at the moon
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iipsykheii · 3 years
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While cleaning out my room I found a paper that my therapist gave me some time ago to deal with obsessive and intrusive thoughts. Sorry the paper is a little crinkled and stained, but I figured I’d post it in hopes that it will help someone like it helped me.
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iipsykheii · 3 years
Little activities that might help if you are having a rough day.
🐳 Take a nap with your stuffies. It’ll help you if your energy is running low.
🐬 Do some drawing to let out your feelings. It doesn’t need to look perfect but sometimes it helps to put it on paper and express yourself.
🐟 If you’re feeling like you wanna destroy something, get some Play Dough. Throw it on the table with all the anger you have. Slice it with a ruler, stab it, tear it apart, squeeze it until it comes out between your fingers. Hurt the Play Dough, not yourself.
🐠 Let yourself cry. Baby’s are allowed to cry and scream and so are you, let it out.
🐡 Distract yourself. Watch your favorite little movie even if you aren’t feeling very little. They are often colorful, uplifting and have a good message. That can influence your mood and distract you from bad thoughts you might be having.
🐙 Built a pillow fort and hide in it. If the world is overwhelming you then hide in your pillow castle/fort like the little royalty that you are. Take some time to just snuggle up and relax. Maybe look at a cute book or something if you need distraction.
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iipsykheii · 3 years
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iipsykheii · 3 years
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Gotta make room for new mistakes in 2021!
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iipsykheii · 3 years
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Quote by Jess Rachel Sharp
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iipsykheii · 3 years
your worth, and whether or not you ‘deserve’ to be alive, isn’t measured by how much you produce. an artist who made 70 paintings in a year isn’t more worthy of life than a college dropout who doesn’t know what they want. your worth is steadfast and it has been since the day you were born, and however much you manage to get done and learn and are (or aren’t) to other people won’t change that in any way.
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