ijustcantwaittobeme · 4 years
*waves from Mobile land*
I’m on mobile currently & the app is giving me hell but I wanted to check in on everyone. Even though it’s ending up as a short post without much rambling, I hope everyone is doing okay & doesn’t feel alone. This community is amazing & I just - hope you all take to heart that the love and support that you share is appreciated. You’re appreciated. As individuals & as part of the community as a whole. I’ll see you guys soon, & when this isn’t mobile hell but... I hope that no matter the situation, that you guys are able to have shelter and are able to stay as safe as possible out there.
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Serious Runner Five vibes
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You get this meme I found on pinterest this week bc I don't have more comic pages and I feel like I need to take a break. See y'all soon when I feel like I can continue again! (Only 30 or so more to go til I finally catch up with myself and can start s5!)
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
One day soon I am going to sit down and write the ZR fandom the love letter it deserves.
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Jody, in distress: Can’t you see I’m upset? What kind of a friend are you?
Sara: Look, I’m not the friend you call when you need a shoulder to cry on, I’m the friend you call when you need a death to look like an accident.
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Maxine, to Five: What are you doing?
Five, who’s angry at Sam: I’m separating these blue M&Ms from the rest because I know they’re Sam’s favorite.
Maxine: Aw, that’s so sweet.
Five: No, no. I’m doing this so I can specifically eat these in front of him the next time I see him.
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
runnerzero replied to your post: runnerzero replied to your post: …
maybe five just has really weirdly long shins but everything else is proportional
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I’d like you to meet Runner Five.
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
@teapot-with-legs​ - You are a treasure and I hope you know that.
steve sissay is the only man I’m straight for in this year of 2019
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Maxine: How would you rate your pain?
Five: It’s a thumbs down.
Five: Would not recommend.
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Five: I wish I could block people in real life.
Janine: Restaining order.
Tom: Murder.
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Yes yes yes!!! Holy hera @littlelionmay - I don’t mean to spam you or keep putting you on the spot if I am but love seeing your Five make an appearance here!! I am slowly and surely getting to see the ZR Sims unfold and I’m digging it to the nines and beyond so thank you again!!! Appreciating the hell out of your Five by the way! Mindbuilder and bodybuilder are wonderful combinations even though I just made up one of those words - I still love the dedication and balance your Five has to both sides! Gotta have a sharp mind and as strong of a body as one can have as an Abel Runner so hats off to your Five for being a badass already! Totally am digging the bookworm trait too! It fits and thank you for clarifying what Insider was! I am behind on the Sims world so I was wondering if this was a form of stealth that I missed out on haha but what a fascinating characteristic and one so fitting for Five! :D I don’t mean to keep spamming you but I am so happy that you’ve decided to do this and while I am slowly seeing and catching up - I do want to say its awesome already and thank you again @littlelionmay for wanting to do this. It’s already a lot of fun to witness!! :D
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ZR Sims update 7/?: My Runner Five
Meet my sim Five! I gave her the Bodybuilder aspiration because it’s the only one in the Active category. Her traits are Active, Bookworm (I’m a Lit scholar, I had to) and Insider (gives a sim positive moodlets when they’re around friends or in clubs, I thought it was fitting).
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Thank you @littlelionmay for sharing and taking the time to write this and share Scott! Not just the resident from Abel but also mentioning your kitty cat with the same name!! I have asked this in a comment to you already but I am curious on when Scott was referenced in ZR (I need to heavily catch up on Radio Seasons and am still lagging like a snail on a sloth concerning finishing current season in Main) but I can definitely see Scott at Abel. Almost like a guy who keeps to himself and does little things here and there to make someone’s day a bit brighter? That would be my guess but I don’t want to run with your idea here - I’m just fascinated at the thought how in Scott’s POV and others from Abel who just - in this world continue to see a bunch of insane things and be apart of the story line line but are quietly also just - living life as regular as one can be in a post-zombie apocalyptic world. And Scott may be fleshed out more in characterizations so let me know if that is the case. I don’t mean to over-analyze. ^^’ But sounds like a cool soul in Abel and my heart aches a bit at the thought that he could go on - live and die in Abel without being remembered. Didn’t mean to go to a bit of a sad place there @littlelionmay but thank you for posting and sharing! I appreciate you taking the time and especially with you preparing for everything that you are! I love getting to hear about Scott and now know he’s at least mentioned somewhere in ZR so thank you! (Also - really love the references and why your kitty cat is named Scott! Sounds like a sweetie!)
Abel Township
I got an idea after seeing @aerismutual post (which can be found   here  ) but out of curiosity - I am curious if anyone here has either a headcanon or a few characters in the back of their mind that are residents of Abel? By this I mean characters who have either not been officially named or brought up yet they are people your Five notices or interacts with often at Abel. If so - who are they and how do they see Abel Runners, Five or anyone from the ZR world? If anyone feels up to sharing - would love to know your thoughts and who these residents might be! If not though - no pressure! But I welcome any and all answers if there are answers to be had! :D
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Janine: 'Good work your Majesty. Mister Skeet. You Majesty...Skeet.'
Me: 'Maje-skeet. Come on. It was RIGHT THERE.'
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Simon: No one even knows your name!
Five: You want to know my name?
Five: Suck it.
Five: That’s my name.
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
I am reblogging in support (and backwards apparently ^^’) - massive apologies there @littlelionmay but I am just bouncing around in geeker joy! You are doing this and also - here’s Sam! Apologies if I’m rambling and no making sense - I’m overly delighted by this! Goodness what is going to happen in this world? You did Sam justice by the way! He’s got the cute soft features, his appearance is really well done and I need a refresher course on all things Sims related but Friend of the World already tells me you have done Sam Yao proud so - you’re doing great!! Can’t wait to see how this turns out in the Abel Sims world! :D (Geek & Good traits also goes well for him!) I think my favorite image is his sweater combination inn the bottom left list but I dig all the styles you have shown him off in here - just goes to show that Sam likes comfort but he can be a sharp dresser if he’s in the mood for it! Just - apologies again for going backwards in your updates @littlelionmay but this is a really neat and fun idea and I look forward to seeing where you wish to take it! Thanks for indulging us all here and hope you are having fun in the process! :D
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ZR Sims update 8/?: Sam
Lemme tell you, this one was a STRUGGLE. There’s no way I can do Sam justice, but hey, I tried. He’s definitely a Hufflepuff, right? I gave our boy the Friend of the World aspiration and the Cheerful, Geek and Good traits.
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Simon: You consider me a friend?
Five: Yes. What else would I consider you as?
Simon: I don’t know. An embarrassment? A way to rebel against your parents? A desperate cry for help? The list is endless.
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Abel Township
I got an idea after seeing @aerismutual post (which can be found   here  ) but out of curiosity - I am curious if anyone here has either a headcanon or a few characters in the back of their mind that are residents of Abel? By this I mean characters who have either not been officially named or brought up yet they are people your Five notices or interacts with often at Abel. If so - who are they and how do they see Abel Runners, Five or anyone from the ZR world? If anyone feels up to sharing - would love to know your thoughts and who these residents might be! If not though - no pressure! But I welcome any and all answers if there are answers to be had! :D
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
why r all the ppl living in abel township just.... the cutest fucking people alive im gonna cry
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